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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Janaway W illiam G eorge, 292 Woodstock road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Loosley G eorge, Moreton, Tham e
Palm er Thos. 10 B ath terrace, Bath
road, B anbury
Pocock Joseph, Sh illin gford,W allin gfd
Savage T. T h riff cot. G oring,B eadin g
Shailes G eorge, 32 St. M ark's road,
Henley-on-Tham es
JYard H erbert Edward, D udley cotÂ
tage, M arston, Oxford
Webb W. & Sons, 292 B anbury road,
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
See Carpenters & Joiners.
Shuffrey & C o.61 Wood green,W itn ey
Monk W illiam John, Burford
Oakey John & Sons L im ited , W ellin gÂ
ton m ills, W estm inster B ridge rd.
London S E
Robinson & C leaver L im ited (of BelÂ
fast), The L inen H all, 156 to 168
Regent street W ( T N 1070 GerTard ; T A â Linloom , Reg,
don â ) & 101 & 102 Cheapside,
London E C & 22 C h u rch street,
L iverp o o l; factories, B anbridge, co.
Down & B elfast, Ireland
la u
Gibson Alan K e ith (to the E arl of Browning Mrs. C lara, Rock h ill, C h ip Â
M acclesfield J .P .), S h irb u rn castle,
p in g Norton
S h irb u m , W allingford
C arter M iss L . C h urch st. Bam pton
H art Stephen Harold (to Jam es Hart- C handler Mrs. E lizh. A sco tt, Oxford
noll esq.), W ell p i.Ipsden,W allingfd C ity L a u n d ry (The) (B ennetts L td .
Holden Robin (to S ir R. T . Herm onp rop rietors),
A bbey
S t.
Hodge b art. J .P ., M .A ., S .C .L .),
E bb eâs, Oxford
N eal's farm , Checkendon, Reading C orderv M rs. A . L ittlem ore, O xford
K ilbee Thom as S la tter (to W. H. Cox Mrs. E m ily , 36 H ythe B ridge st.
F ox esq.), E sta te office, Broadwell
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
grove, Broadwell, Burford
Floyd M rs. A m elia, B ladon,W oodstock
L ittle W illiam Davis (to the E arl of French L a u n d ry S unnym eade (The)
Jersey), M iddleton Stoney, Bicester
L im ited , 44 & 46 Islip rd. S um m erÂ
Page Jam es W illiam (to V iscou nt
town, O xfo rd ; reg. office, 14 & 15
V illiers
D .L .,
J .P .),
M iddleton
M agdalen street, Oxford
Stoney, B icester
French M rs. E llen , 13 N orth street,
Palm er John W illiam (to the Duke of
G rim sbury, Banbury
M arlborough K .G ., P .O .), Home G ilkes John, B arford St. John, Oxfd
lodge, B lenheim , W oodstock
Goodall M rs. S. W arboroâ, W allingfrd
Persey W illiam (to Lord Cam oys), H athaw ay M iss E m ily, W endlebury,
Stonor cot. Stonor, Henley-on-Thm s
P otter M arlin (to V iscou n t Valentia H eeley G eorge, 68 L im e w alk, H ig h Â
C .B ., M .V .O ., M .P .), Bletchington,
field, Oxford
L a u n d ry
L im ited
Stupples G eorge H enry (to A. Brassey
(steam ), F arm road, R eadin g road,
esq.), Broadstone, C h ip p in g Norton
H enley-on-Tham es
Vernon E dw in Joseph (to T urville Pk. Horn Miss E lizh. B loxham , B an b ury
& E w elm e P ark estates), Park C or Howard M iss Rose, 6 Harpes road,
ner farm , Swyncom be, Henley-onS um m ertow n , Oxford
Tham es
Howes M rs. M aria, 57 S t. C lem en tâs
W akefield
Thom as
street, O xford
Dillon), D itchley, Enstone
Hughesâ Mrs. W illiam , 5 London place,
W aters W illiam L. (to M rs. SlaterSr. Clem entâs, Oxford
H arrison & M ajor A rth u r W illiam Irvin g A. Sonning Com m on, Reading
Dewar-H arrison J .P .), Newton M or Jelleym an Mrs. E. Bloxham , B anbury
rell farm , Newton P u rcell, B icester K in g M rs. H arriett, Tem p le road,
T em p le C owley, Oxford
K in g M iss M arv E. 19 Richm ond rd.
St. T hom asâ, Oxford
Wood W illiam E dw ard (firm , Davids
Palmer's T ra vellin g C radle & Scaffold
& M axw ell), 21 M arlborough road, Loom e J. H igh st.C h in n or, W alln gfd
Co. (m akers of ladders, barrows,
M cC luskv M rs. E m ily , 6 P ark End
B anbury
trestles & c.), V icto ria works, B elÂ
street, S t. Thom asâ,* Oxford
vedere road,
London S E.
M aidenhead D istrict L au n d ry Co. ;
41 W ireway, London â
receivin g office, 19 D uke street,
H enley-on-Tham es
G ee H enry H. B lack H all nurseries,
M anger John, 10 B ullingdon road,
B anbury road, Oxford
ow ley S t. John, O xford
See also Outfittersâ Ladiesâ.
H iggs Brothers, 84 H ayfield road. St.
M arshall Mrs. M. W itn ey st. Burford
G ilesâ, Oxford
Robinson & C leaver L im ited (of B elÂ
M orris Mrs. E. H orsepath, W h eatley
fast), The Linen H all, 156 to 168 M ills John, 28 Thorncliffe road
Oxford M odel L a u n d ry L im ited , BinSum m ertow n, Oxford
Regent street W (T N 1070 Gersey lan e, B otley road, Oxford
rard ; T A â Linloom , R eg, Lo n  P otter Richard, C harterville, Minster
xford S an ita ry S team L a u n d ry Co.
Lovell, W itney
don â ) & 101 & 102 C heapside,
L im ited (M iss Band, m an ageress),
London E C & 22 C h urch street, S turm an John W illiam , 35 G eorge st.
Littlem ore, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
L iverp o o l;
factories, B anbridge,
Penny F ran k , 26 & 27 E arl street,
â co. Down & B elfast, Ireland
T ate s G eorge F rederick, 13 Farndon
N ew Botley, Oxford
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Phipps W illiam , 31 Howard street,
Cow lev S t. John, O xford
See Agentsâ Land, House & E state.
r-P itt
E llen
M ary,
C hester street, Iffley road, Oxford
Randall Misses E lizabeth & E th el,
See Teach ers of Lan guages.
North L eigh Land Co. L td . (Reginald
The C ottag e, M erton fields, O xford
Gardner, sec.), Park road, N orth
S h ip ley M iss E th el, 1 Newton road,
Leigh, W itney
Grandpont, O xford
Oxford Industrial & Provident Land &
S la u g h ter M rs. E lizabeth , 89 Islip
Building Society Lim ited (Charles A lexander Mrs. Annie, K idlin gton .
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Green, sec.), 48 New Inn H all st.
Talb ot Mrs. A lice, 16 N orth street,
O xford
G rim sb u ry, B an bury
A llen John Henry, F ritw ell, B anbury
Am brose Mrs. Sophia, G allow stree Taylor Henry, W olvercote, Oxford
M rs. Susan, W oodstock road,
com m on, K idm ore End, Reading
W itn ey
Allen Richard (to the E arl of E ffing Avery Mrs. M ary, 8 Percy st. Cowley
ham ), Tusm ore, B icester
S t. John, Oxford
W arren M iss E m ily , 82 W est street,
Blair Jam es M cLay (to the E arl of Banbury San itary L aundry,B roughton
G rim sb u ry , B an bury
Ducie), Sarsden, C hipping Norton
road, B an b u ryâ
W ebb M rs. Ida, 15 E ssex street,
Brown John C lerke (to John H. S. B atem an Mrs. H arriet, Cross street,
M agdalen road, Oxford
Eane esq.), Low er farm , K ingston
H ighfield, Oxford
W ilm ott M rs. E llen, 47 Pem broke st.
Blount, W allingford
St. C lem en tâs, O xford
Belcher Miss E . 119 B otley rd. Oxfrd
Collett W alter (to W. H. A shhurst B ennetts' L im ited, T h e C ity laundry, W irdnam M iss K . W olvercote. O xfrd
esq.), W aterstock, W heatley
A bb ey place, St. E bb eâs, O x fo r d ; W ise W illiam , Sh irb urn street, W a tÂ
Bruickshank Andrew (to C ol. Alfred
lin gton , W allingford
44 H igh street, B an b u ry; 4 M arket
Douglas M iller D .S .O ., D .L .. J.P .),
place, C h ip p in g Norton & 5 High W itn ey Steam Laun dry & D ry C lean Â
Shotover. W heatley
in g W orks L td . Corn st. W itn ey
street, Abingdon.
a d v e rÂ
Damant A llan (to L ieu t.-C o l. Sir
t is e m e n t p a g e 3 5
W itn ey M rs. E. Chinnor, W allin gfrd
Algernon F .Peyton bart. J.P .),S to k e B etteridge H enry, 91 I slip roa(j ) W oodbridge
H orsepath,
Lyne, Bicester
W h eatley
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Bellowes Charles A ., B .A ., J.P . (to Betts Mrs. A. Fulbrook, B urford
Woods Mrs. Jane, London road,
Vernon Jam es W atney esq. J .P .), B lissett
H eadington. Oxford
Rangers lo. C ornb ury p k.C harlb n ry
M urren, W allingford
Y ou n g Mrs. E lizabeth , 2 B ath street,
Gale H arry (to R t. Hon. Lew is Har- Boddington Thom as, 121 Charles st
St. C lem en tâs, O xford
court M .P .), N uneham C ourtenav,
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
\ o u n g M rs. Sarah, 44 M agdalen road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford