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ir o
W eller John, 203 D ivin ity road. Cow  Brym bo Steel Com pany Lim ited (W m.
ley road, Oxford
H. T. L ittleb oy, m anager), Hook
W hite A lb ert, n Bath ter. Bicester
Norton, Banbury
W h ite F rederick, 1 G oulds villas. Cochrane & Co. (W oodside) L im ited,
N eithrop, Banbury
A dderbury, Banbury
W hitlock H. Mount Pleasant,W oodstk
W ilson W . F. A cre End st. Eynsham
W infield Jam es, Newland, W itney
W oodley E dw ard C. (assist, sup t.), W alden Edw in, 3 W arw ick rd.Banbury
Buckingham road. B icester
In su ra n ce
A g e n ts â
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
W alker G eorge & Son, 10 Littlegate
street, S t. Ebbeâs & 49 St. A ldateâs
street, Oxford.
S e e a d v e rtis e Â
m ent
Ward F. 27 & 63 Bell st. Henley-on-T
W yatt G. k Son, 67 S t. G ilesâ st. k
7 North Parade av. St. G ilesâ , Oxfrd
Cooper F. 83 & 84 H igh st. Oxford
Dutton G eorge W illiam , Bam pton
F orrest Chas. & Son, 5 T u rl st. Oxford
Mawle John & Sons, 65 H igh street, Greenwood E. F. 72 S t. G ilesâ street,
Clews Joseph, 35a, G reat Clarendon
O xford.
a d v e rtis e m e n t
C u rtis John & Sons, B otley rd.O xford. A dnnore Charles, Sheep st. B icester
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 2
Attw ood Ernest 'W illiam , 14a & 15
Dean John k Sons, 13 k 14 Tem ple
Holywell street, Oxford
street, C ow ley St. John, Oxford
Barlow & Alden L im ited , 47 C orn Â
F le tch er
H enry
Luffm an,
m arket street. Oxford.
See a d Â
Park Corner, Swyncom be, Henleyv e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 4
on-Tham es & N ettlebed
Barnes A rth u r & Son, Brize Norton,
Jarm ain T. M. L td . H aselev iron
Bam pton
works. G reat H aseley. W allingford Bayston H erbert C lifton , 21, 23 & 25
S tevens B rothers, S hirburn k B ritM arket square, W itn ey
well, W allingford
Brind, G illingham k Co. L im ited , 5
W ilder
Crowm arsh
W oodstock rd. S t. G ilesâ, Oxford
G ifford, W allingford
Broughton & W ilks, 37 k 39 M arket
place, Banbury
[ SST F u l l l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
U n it e d
K in g d o m ,
E n  B utler Bros. 169 C ow ley rd. Oxford
g i n e e r s D i r e c t o r y . P r i c e 3 0 s . ] C larke Jn.& Sons, 35 H ig h st.W itney
C larke W. Poore, M arket st.W oodstck
Clayton Chris. 160 Cowley rd. Oxford
Cobb M rs. M. H. Dorchester, W a lÂ
M ousir & Son (scrap ), F actory st. Compton W. 100 St. A ldateâs st.O xfrd
Cooper G eorge R. 41, 42 & 43 St.
Scarro tt
(scrap ),
E bbeâs street & 237 B an bury road,
M arston, Oxford
Sum m ertow n , Oxford.
See a d Â
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 51
IRON BUILDING MANFRS. Dean John & Sons, 23 & 23a, C owley
road, Oxford
K eay E. C. k J. L im ited , P rin ceâs Eagleston k Son. 7 & 8 St. C lem en tâs
cham bers, Corporation street, B irÂ
street & r & 2 The Plain, Oxford
m ingham k Jam es B ridge works, East C has. k Son, H igh st. Burford
Darlaston, Staffs
Eeles Jam es, Bam pton
Palm er T . W . & Co. 5 V icto ria street, Eldridge G eo.W m . H igh st.W oodstck
Wâ estm inster, London S W ; works, E vans Charles A lex. H igh st. Burford
M erton A bbey iron works, Merton, F arr H arold, 37 H art street, HenleyS u rrey
on-Tham es
G ill k Co. 3 H ig h street & W heatsheaf yard. B ig h street, Oxford.
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 9
Goundrey .John, 5 K in g Edward st.
H iggs G. E . & C o.W arw ick rd.Banbry
& 215 B anbury rd. Sum m i'rtown.
H. 68 St. C lem en tâs rd.O xford
B o u l t o n & P a u l L i m i t e d , N orÂ
H artwell Alfred R. 19 H igh street,
w ich ; price lists free
in g Norton
Johnson B rothers & Co. L im ited , 11
C arlton cham bers, 12 Regent st. Holiday John A rth ur, H igh street.
Deddington, Oxford
London S W
P alm er T. W . & C o.5 V icto ria street, Hood Stephen & Edwin H enry, 35
Bridge street, Banbury
W estm inster, London S W ; works,
M erton A bbey iron works, M erton, Horton W illiam , 52 North st. Thame
Isons, Kidm an & W a tts,57 Ccrnm arket
S u rrey
street, Oxford
K in g k Son, 1 London road, Bicester
L e ig h & Sons L im ited , 38 & 40
B o u l t o n & P a u l L i m i t e d , N orÂ
M arket square, W itn ey
w ich ; price lists free
Lewis F ran k R. 113 H ig h st. Tham e
L in g H enrv & Sons L im ited , 69 H igh
street. W itney
IRON ROOF MANUFACTRS Mawle John & Sons, 65 H igh street.
B anbury
Cross & Cross L im ited , Union iron
works, W alsall, Staffs
M esser & Co. 105 k 106 H igh st.Thm e
Milton Law rence, C h arlbury
Morris Jn. E . 152 Cowley rd. Oxford
N athan's D om estic Stores, 9 & 10
M arket place, B anbury
K e av E. C. & J. L im ited , P rin ceâs Neale & Perkins,86 & 87 H igh st.Bnbry
cham bers. Corporation street, B ir Pearson & Co. 19, 21 & 23 George
m ingham k Jam es B rid g e works.
street, Oxford
Darlaston, Staffs
Potter R t. k E rn est,3 H igh st.Tham e
Richards Leopold Percy. Conchinsr
street. W atlins'ton, W allingford
Robins Bros. 16 M arket place,Banbury
Rowell & Sons, 7 H igh street, C hip Â
K eay E. C. & J. L im ited , Princeâs
p in g Norton
cham bers, Corporation street, B ir S m ith Edwin & Co. 179 K ingston rd.
m ingham & Jam es B ridge works.
& 54 S t. Johnâs rd. St. G ilesâ,Oxfrd
D arlaston, Staffs
Turnock H arry, Hook Norton,Banbry
See M arm alade k Jam M anufactrs.
B allard A lfred, 45 Queen st. Oxford
Dealey E dw in, 9 M arket sq. Bicester
K irn er Bros. 7 Queen street, Oxford
Oxford G oldsm iths' Co. 17 CornÂ
m arket street, Oxford
Payne & Son, 131 H igh st. Oxford
P h illips Joseph, 15 M arket pi. Banbry
Rowell R. S. 115 H igh st. Oxford.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 6
W alford & Spokes, 86 & 87 High
street & 14 M agdalen st. Oxford.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 7
W alter Fras. S. 33 M arket sq. W itney
G o ld s m it h s â
S ilv e r s m it h s â
C o m p a n y L im ite d
(the GoldÂ
sm ithsâ Alliance Lim ited, late of
Cornhill, is tran sferred to this
C om pany), 112 Regent street & 47
W arw ick street, London WT
Bailey J. S hillin gford, W allingford
B elcher A lb ert Henry, 47 Paradise
square, St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Bonner H arry, M arket sq. B icester
Brewer M rs. J. N orham m ews,O xford
Brick Robt-. Kingham , Chipping NortD
Dyer Henrv, Standlake, Wâ itney
E w ins k Son (m otor), M arlborough
place & 31 Hitrh street, Banbury
Fifield E rn est H. N ew land, W itney
G odfrey H arry, Hiiihfield. Oxford
Hearn Jam es W illiam , 18 M arlborough
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Keene W . Queen st. H enley-on-Thm s
Midwinter M .W .W . 19 Corn st.W itney
N icholls W illiam John & Son, 147 &
149 C ow ley road, Oxford
Organ W illiam Jam es H enry, 106
Southm oor rd. St. G iles', Oxford
Page Thos. A . 64 H igh st. B anbury
Sim m onds Jam es, C rescen t m ews,
Park town, Oxford
S m ith Bertram G. 52 H igh st. Tham e
Sm ith Mrs. M atilda, M ilton-underW ychwood, Oxford
Stroud John R. 13 k 15 St. M ichaelâs
street, Oxford
Tappin F ran cis A brah am , Brook st.
W atlin gton , W allingford
W arren k Co. B ridge street, Banbury
Allen W illiam , Forest H ill, O xford
Barson Geo 107 B otley rd. Oxford
Bigsrs Jam es, Chinnor. Wâ allingford
Borton W illiam , H anw ell, Banbury
Brunsdon F rederick, Clanfield
C laridge G eo.38 Southam rd.B anbury
Collins Daniel, 14 M ilton st. Banbury
Cook G eorge, 260 B an bury road,
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Duncan W illiam , Woodcote, Reading
Figtr Henry. W atcom be road, W a tÂ
lington, W allingford
Francis F rederick. Sheep st. Burford
H erbert O liver, 5 M ilton st. Banbury
Horn Jam es Jeffreson, 29 G eorge st.
Sum m ertow n, Oxford