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C H IN N O R .
H ill A lfred, p o u ltry farm er
H ill E. A. (M rs.), statn r. Post office
H ill W . W hite, electrical engineer,
O akley road
Hopkins G eorge, chair turn er
Hopkins H enry, carpenter
Hopkins W illiam Benjam in, grocer
H ow lett W illiam , hau lier
Johnston Leonard, grocer
K in g G eorge, beer retailer
L a cey A bsalom , c arrier & farm er
Lee & Sum m erhayes, physicians &
su rg e o n s; attends tues. & fri
Leverm ore
(M rs.).
establishm ent A ap artm en ts, w ith
view of the C h iltern H ills, C h il­
tern view
L in g A lfred David, linen draper
Loom e Joseph, high-class hand laun­
dry ; flanels a speciality, H igh st
N eighbo ur H erbert, dairym an
N ixey Thos. John, frm r. Manor farm
Prockter Jam es, Royal Oak P.H
R eading Room & W orkin g M en’ s Club
(Capt. E ustace G. Mansel, pres. ;
John W hite & Caleb C roxford,join t
hon. secs)
Rogers Benjam in, chair turner
R olfe F rederick A dam s, trav ellin g
draper, The Y ew s

O X F O R D S H IR E .
Rum below G eorge, insurance agent
Saw Thom as Ernest, butcher
Seym our John, w heelwright
Siarey W m. Howard, general builder
& contractor, tim ber m erchant
undertaker, san itary engineer &
^ insurance agent, G roveland works
S outham Thom as, chair turn er
Turn er E dw ard, blacksm ith
Turn er H arry, chair turn er
T u rn er H erbert, grocer
Turn er Thom as, blacksm ith
V arn ey G eorge, boot m aker
W alker John, shoe m aker
W atson & Cooper, physicians & su r­
geons ; attends tues.' & fri. 12 to 1
W ebb Jam es W m . K in g ’s Head P.H
W hite W alter Henry, farm er & lan d­
owner, Low er farm
W ilkinson Charles W illiam , m iller
(wind & steam )
W iltsh ire W illiam , Red Lion P.H
W itn ey A lb ert John, bobbin m aker &
assistant overseer
W itney Benjam in, m arket gardener
W itn ey E lizabeth (M rs.), laundrv
W itn ey Fredk. Plough & Harrow P.B
W itn ey John, ch air turner
W itn ey M aud (M rs.), baker

2? 1 , ?
N O R T O N is a m unicipal borough, parish
and m arket and anion town and head of a county court
district, w ith a station on the B anbury and Cheltenham
n lr t 0If « f
.r6ab W estern railway, in the north-west
p art of the county, on the borders of W orcestershire, 77I
m iles from London by road through Oxford, from which
Z S t h 1S
north-west, 13 south-w est from B anbury
south-east from M oreton-in-M arsh; it is in the Northern
ofn c ° L ^ e C? m t y ' h'indred and Pa« y sessional diviChadlington rural deanery of its own name and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The town, which
7 0Q ai? eminence, consists principally of one long
l i
y north and south' K in g Job?
The h
a ?hari er for a yea rly fair about A .D . 1200
rf la o s T n d returne.d tw ° m em bers to the parliam ents
’ 3° 4-5 in the reign of E dw ard I. but the
inhabitants wero subsequently relieved of the liab ility
L ,b “
°,WI\ p e titio n : the town was incorporated in
ta fa r™
r t w v 0'
S JS T *
? the
m odelW I
m odelled, and the

JameS L and this eBarter rem ained
passing of the “ M unicipal Corpora7 W
t i e m uh ieipal body was recorporation now consists of a m ayor

i s the n n mena an-! tWelTe com m on councillors, w h o 'a ct
h ie rt, e
Sanita ry A u th ority. T h e com m on, adjoina
the town 193 acres in extent, was given by Lord
i ii h S d
i benefit of the householders. The town is
^ ‘ h e J e e t n c it y and gas by two com panies, and
well supplied w ith w ater on the constant supply system
h°emm fm nffS a t G I J’m e f a r m ; the two reservoirs s u p p l y ^
? * m s bf dW g *° *he tan k s' eompleted
m X
1878 Land! l8. ?6
respectively at a total cost of about
¿ 7 .0 ° ° , and the property of the Corporation, are on the
0f ,the t07 n’ and
hoId 800,000 gallons,
and an additional supply of w ater has been obtained
i “ SPrii f
1, C b a' tord’ at a c»*t of upwards of
£,4’t h i'c d
tChnrCu 0f S t- M ar^ the V irSin ‘ situated
on the edge of a vaUey, on the north side of the town
ih ie flv P e rn e u d T buiIdin8 of stone in m ixed styles,
church i ?
and ° ccnPies the site of a previous
io r th
1® ' ? -2| 3 i it consists of chancel with
north aisle, cleresto n ed nave of three bavs. aisles an
outer north aisle, south porch and a lo fty em battled
western tow er w ith pinnacles, containing 8 'b ells, dated
1825, and a sanctus bell of the 16th c e n t u r y the
clerestory is ligh ted by large and fine square-headed
in d o T J
P erp endicular character, and at the east
end of the nave oyer the chancel arch, is a l a y e
window w ith elaborate tracers-: the chancel aisfe
h a i i ^ by
h7 aE llow parclose
Pel', ' S ofin stone
Part; itdi'has
,ideda hagioscope
trom the
som ew hat u n u su a lly placed, underneath w hich is a
piscina, and ad joinin g it, near the chancel arch, are
« ih
f l Step! 7 hich Ied *° the ™<>d lo ft ; on
each side of the east fron t of this arch is a sculptured
the iu iT li -d
h 3nd ?an ° p y ; a" d beneath th at on
the north side are three sim ilar niches, w ith exquisitely
t i i T tbCa" 0PieS' TV t0red ab0ut l8^ : ihe chanoel reI n Z thTaa oanopied sedilia ; the south porch is hexa­
gonal. and has a fine vaulted roof w ith grotesque heads
1" t?rsf Ctl0n ot the ? ro in s i above it is a parvise
approached b y a door from w ithin the n a v e : the

[ S E L L Y ’a
W itney Robert, chair turner
W itney R up ert, h ig g ler
W itney Thomas, fr u it dealer
F olly John, jun. farm er, Manor fa«
G ran ge Ebenezer, farm er
Lu dgate Joseph, farm er
Ludlow Sam uel, beer retailer
N orth H ubert, farm er,Newclose
Thom pson Ebenezer David, farmer
Thom pson E rn est Jam es, farmer
W hite John, farm er
G ibbs W illiam , chair turner
Healey Isaac, h iggler
Holland G eorge, mason
H owlett E dw ard, shopkeeper
H owlett H arry, chair turner
H owlett Jam es, chair turner
Ives G eorge, ch air turner
Parslow Jesse, farmer
Saw Sam uel, farm er
Sulston Thom as, farm er, Middle fm
Wilson Daniel, W heatsheaf P.H
S P R IG G S A L L E Y .
Belgrave D alrym ple Jas. The
Andrews Joseph, beer retailer
Honer A rth u r, chair turner

stained east window was erected at Easter isl­
and there are other stained windows, including one
placed m 1902 by M r. Henry H artley: a t the west
end of the inner north aisle is an altar tomb with
recum bent effigies, to Thom as Rickards, gent, and
Elizabeth, his w ife, 1579, and- a plainer tom b to the Rev
and 8
Edward Redrobe, a form er vicar, 1720: in the chancel
aisle is another altar tom b w ith effigies of alabaster to
Richard C roft esq. lord of the m anor, 1502, and A^nes
his wife, 1509: the rem aining m onum ents include” one
to H enry Cornish, son of the founder of the almshouses
in C h u rch s t r e e t : the brasses, long stowed awav in 3
room over the porch, have now been mounted on oak
slabs and affixed to the wall of the north aisle, under
the directions of the O xford Brass R ubbing Society;
they include one w ith effigies and inscriptions to John
btokes, c. 1450, and his w ife ; John Y ounge, 1451, and
Y e ; an . effigy of Thom as G reen, 1465; others of
Agnes, w ife of W illiam Tanner, 1503; and Elizabeth,
wife of Richard Tante_; one to John P u rg ett, 1484. and
w ife ; another, w ith inscription, to M argaret, wife of
jG5 nuAshefield’ 1$07 ’ and an inscriPtion to Anne Bennet
and her three husbands, 1531 : on the north side of the
churchy is the m ausoleum of the Dawkins family, of
Over Norton, over w hich is a large memorial tablet :
the church was restored and p artly rebuilt and the
tow er re-erected in 1823-7, and other alterations took
place in 1841: a fu rth er restoration has been effected
in and since 1873,
a cost of ¿ 4.0 3 6: in 1913 the
organ was reb uilt at a cost of about ¿800. There are
743 sittin gs, nearly all being free. The registers date
from the year 1560. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yearly value about ¿280, w ith residence, in the gib
of the Dean and C h ap ter of G loucester, and is at
present (1915) vacant.
Th e C atholic church at Rock
h ill, erected in 1836 at a cost of ¿5,000, chiefly through
the m unificence of M ary Bowdon, and dedicated to
the H oly T rin ity, consists of chancel, nave and antec h a p e l: in the la tter are preserved the altar and
reredos of the church of St. M ary, erected in Heythrop
park in 1826 by Charles, 15th E arl of Shrewsbury, and
rem oved in 1879 ; and in 1882 the bodies of its founder,
who died 6th A p ril, 1827, and of the Rev. Patrick
H effernan, its first and only p riest, were transferred
from H eythrop and placed in a vau lt under the
sanctuary of this church : a new chapel on the south
side, dedicated to the Sacred HeaTt, was opened in
1888, for the celebration of the ju b ilee of the church,
w hich took place on Novem ber 27th of that year I
the church was also refloored, reseated and the western
g alle ry p artly reconstructed and lowered, and at the
same tim e a second sacristy and a new organ gallery
were added at a cost of ¿ 1 ,1 5 0 : during 1897-8
church was renovated,
of UtJUUl
r t i i u i a u - u , and
U11U a
H scheme
S C U e m e 01
e l l '" "
carried out. The B aptist chapel in N e w s t r e e t , foundec
ill rseat
. . . 1694, w
t a v j500;
u u , the
iu c
y r esleyan
c s i e y a i i tchapel
u a p c i in Wesi
Ur__.1 _
founded in 1796, .affords
400 sittings;1 the
P rim itive M ethodist chapel in K in g Edward street,
purchased from th e W eslevans in 1865, seats 200;
and there is a M eeting House for the Society ol
Friends, in N ew street. T he Cem etery, consisting