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O X F O R D S H IR E .

F arr H arold, china & glass dlr.35,& ironm ngr.37,H art st
Farrow F rederick C layton , confectioner, 38 Reading rd
F id ler W allace W illiam , artist, 61 S t. M ark's road
Ford Leonard J. W hite H art hotel, 21 & 23 H art street
F oster Bros. C loth in g Co. L td . clothiers, 19 & 21 Bell st
F oster H erbert, relievin g & vaccination officer. Henley
d istric t, registrar of b irths & deaths for Henley sub­
d istrict & collector for th e guardians, 1 St. M ark’s rd
Fow ler A lfred , baker, 61 B ell street
F ox C harles E dw ard, rate collector to the C orporation,
33 St. M ark's road
Fox Ernest Henry, town sergeant & keeper of town hall,
M arket place
Francis Edward W illiam , tailor, 102 Bell street
Free R eading Room (John F rederick Cooper, sec.), 8 &
10 Duke street
Freem an, H ardy & W illis L im ited, boot m akers, 6 Bell st
F ro st John W illiam , baker, 18 G reys road
Froud J a m e s & S o n s , tim b er m erchants, brush
board cover & veneer cu tters, shive m anufacturers &
im p orters, builders, w heelw rights & steam plough
proprietors. Steam saw m ills. T elegram s, “ Frouds,
H enley ”
F urnival Joseph M assie, A nchor P .H . 58 Friday street
G eorge W m . E dw d. Duke of C um berland P.H . 22 Bell st
G ibbs G eorge F. m anager of London County & W est­
m in ster Bank L im ited , 18 M arket place
G iles & Jem m ett, fu rn itu re rem overs, 66a, Bell street
G iles C harles, decorator, 56 G reys road
G iles C harles, oilm an, 5 G ravel h ill
G iles E dw ard, furniture dealer, 6 H art street
G iles M ary (M rs.), grocer, 35 G reys Toad
G ird ler G eorge, carrier, 115 Reading road
G lobe Parcels E xp ress (Charles B. Bradford, agent),
9 & 11 Bell street
G oddard A rth u r, antique fu rn itu re dealer, 18 H art st
G oddard Henry', A rg y ll P.H . 15 M arket place
G ohegan A . R. (M rs.), p rivate hotel, R iverm ead
G oldsm ith A. L . (M iss), café, 19 Station road
Good W illiam , confectioner, 5 Duke street
G oodall F rederick, hair dresser, 27 H art street
G oodchild John, dining room s, 26 M arket place
G osby Jam es Ph ilip , shopkeeper, 65 G reys road
Gosden Jam es, nurserym an, see Burningham & Co. 157
R eading roaii
G ray E dw ard, boot m aker, 14a, F riday street
G reen G eorge, beer retailer, 56 New street
Green G eorge, fishmonger, 37 Duke street
G reen G eorge Turto n M .P.S. ch em ist, M arket place
H ales Stephen, baker, 20 M arket place
H allett G eorge, dining room s, 4 F rid ay street
H am ilton H enry, watch m aker, 20 Duke street
H am ilton Thom as, builder, 22 Queen street
H amilton W illiam , builder, 27 G reys road
H arding Joseph, Row B arge P.H . 37 W est street
H arper A lb ert J. grocer, see N eighbour & Co
H arris John, chim ney sweeper, 70 NoTthfield end
H arvey Jam es, boat proprietor, 11 Tham es side
HaTvey Louie (M rs.), apartm ents, 4 Queen street
H atton John & Co. drapers, 17, 23 & 27 M arket place
H aw ker John Robert, confectioner, 14 H art street
H awkins John, china & glass dealer, 9 & 11 Duke street
Hayes David, sexton & verger H oly T rin ity church, 104
G rey’s hill
H ayns W illiam J. Three Horse Shoes P.H . 12 R eading r d
H eckman W illiam & Sons, engineers, 41 M arket place
H enley C hronicle (Oxford Chronicle Co. L im ited , p ub ­
lish ers), 45 R eading road
H enley Model L au n d ry L im ited , steam laun dry, F arm
road, R eading road
H enley P ictu re Palace (W m . H am ilton, p rop r.), Bell st
Henley' R egatta (John Frederick Cooper, sec. to the
stewards), W est street
H enley R ow ing C lu b (W alter W illiam F ield, sec.),
W est cot, W estern road
H enley R oyal G ram m ar School (John H enry J u liu s
V a lp y M .A. head m aster), Northfield end
Henley Savings Bank (C harles S. Plum be, a c tu a ry ; open
every tuesday evening from 6 to 8 & the first thursdav
in every m onth from 2 to 3.30 p .m . & every friday
from 2 to 2.3.0 p .m .), 25 H art street
H enley & South O xfordshire Standard (H iggs & C o. pub­
lishers ; published fridays), 1 Station road
Henley Union C ottage Homes (Mrs. N. F. Cave, sup t.),
Belm ont house & Radnor house. New street
H enley W orking Men's C lub (E .H . Fox,sec.),40a,H art st
H enley-on-Tham es F ire brigade (Thom as Seym our,
captain & hon. sec.), M arket place
H enley-on-Tham es G as Co. (W illiam G eorge W eym an,
s e c .) ; office, 17 H art stre e t; works, 62 & 64 G reys rd

[ k e l l y ’s

H enley-on-Tham es & H am bleden R ural Districts Isoi
tion H ospital (W . Longw orth W ain w righ t M.B. R ^
Lond., M .B .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . m edical officer ■
A rth u r R. L loyds, sec. ; H .Skin n er,caretkr.),F air mii’
H enley-on-Tham es W ater Co. L im ited (Chas. S. Plumb*
sec.) ; office, H art s t r e e t ; w orks, 66 G reys road
H ew lett E lizh.A nn (M rs.),K in g ’s A rm s P.H.32 Market cl
H iggs & Co. p rinters & publishers of the “ Henley &
South O xfordshire Standard,” 1 Station road
H ill A lfred Sam uel, grocer, 3 M arket place
H itchm an John A lbert, basket m anufactr. 30 Market pi
H itch m an John A lb ert, h air dresser, 12 Station road
Hobbs & Sons L im ited , boat builders, Thames side
Hobbs Benjam in, builder, 30 H art street
Hobbs C harles, V icto ria P.H . V ictoria place
H ockley B rothers, builders, 18 Bell street
H odges A rth u r W . insurance asst. supt. n o Reading rd
Hodsdon John, Y e Lion P .H . 12 F rid a y street
Holton M. & S. shopkeepers, 14 F rid ay street
Home & Colonial Stores L im ited , grocers, 26 Bell street
H oneysett Charles H. postm aster, 1 Reading road
H o n e y s e t t C . H. ( M r s .) , boarding & day school
G overnm ent certific a te; good hom e assured, Ivy
lodge, V ica rag e road
Hopkin John W atkin M .R .C .V .S . veterinary surgeon fc
veterin ary inspector under th e “ Diseases of Animals
A c ts ,” 82 Bell street
Hoskins C harles, apartm ents, 20 St. M ark’s road
H ow ard’s Inez T h ea trical Co. (H enry E . Chattel!, pro­
p rieto r), Kenton hall, New street
H ughes B rothers, dairym en, 16 H art street
H ughes F rederick, boot m aker, 49 Duke street
Hull G eorge Jam es, Saracen’s Head P.H . 121 Greys road
H unt H. & Sons, writers & grainers, B erkshire road
H unt L u cy (M rs.), fancy bazaar, 14 M arket place
International Tea C o.’ s Stores L im ited, 24 Bell street
Ive Brothers, wine & spirit m erchants 19 & 21, &
brewers 37 & 39, M arket place
Ive Henry, insurance agent, 39 M arket place
Janes Joseph, tailor, 50 M arket place
Jem m ett H enry Geo. antique fu rn itu re dealer, 83 Bell st
Jem m ett M ary (M rs.), shopkeeper, 12 Thames side
Jenner W inifred (M iss), ladies’ school, The Cedars,
R eadin g road
Johnson B rothers, photographers, 27 Duke street
Jones M ary Jane (M iss), dress m aker, 92 Bell street
Keene C issilie (M iss), m illiner, 84 Bell street
Keene R u th (M rs.), apartm ents, 17 Northfield end
Keene W illiam , jobm aster, Queen street
K ib le r John, m usic w arehouse, 30 Bell street
K in g G eorge, boot repairer, 29 W est street
K nowles Philip , head gardener to S ir Frank Crisp bart.
J.P . F ria r Park lodge
Lam bourn C harles, supt. of county police, & inspector
under th e “ Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act,”
“ Foods & D rugs A c t ” & “ E xplosives A ct,” Police
station, K in g ’s road
L angford A lice S. (M iss), costum ier, 42 St. Mark’s rd
Lawrence W illiam , cycle m aker, 75 Bell street
L eaver W ilfrid E velyn, cycle agen t, 8 Greys road
Lee Brothers, butchers, see O'Hara & Lee Brothers
Lee A lb ert Robert, grocer, P ost office, 1 1 7 Reading Toad
Lee Frederick G eorge, reg istrar of marriages, Henley
d istrict & deputy registrar of births & deaths, Henley
sub-district, Henley union, 55 Reading road
Lee L yd ia C ordelia (M rs.), shopkeeper, 49 Reading rd
Lester H arriet (M iss), apartm ents. 2 Station road
L ester W alter, com m ercial traveller, 12a, Hamilton aven
Liberal Club (Robert- H. 'C. H arrison esq. D.L., J-Pp resid en t; A . J. H olton, hon. s e c .; Montague Strudw ick , stew ard), 7 R eading road
L in ev Sidney, beer retailer, 72 G rey's hill
Littlew ood F. (M iss), fan cy repository, 40a, Bell street
Lloyds A rth u r Richard, clerk to the guardians & assess­
m ent com m ittee of Henley union, superintendent regis­
trar of H enley d istrict, clerk to Henley & Hambleden
R u ral D istrict Councils, the burial board & to the
“ Sm ith ” H ospital Joint C om m ittee, Henley & wallingford Joint Sm allpox H ospital Board, Hambleden
R ural Pensions Sub-Com m ittee, Caversham E d u c a tio n
D istrict C om m ittee & Nettlebed & District C o m m o n s
C onservators, Bank cham bers, 12 H art street
Lock Joseph, station m aster, G . W. R. station, Station rd
London Central M eat Co. Lim ited (The), 7 Duke street
London County & W estm in ster Bank Lim ited (branc )
(G eorge F. G ibbs, m anager) ; banking hours, 10 a.®to 4 p.m . & sat. 9.30 a.m . to 12.30 p.m . 18 Marke
p la c e ; head office, 41 L o th bu ry, London E C
Lovegrove A lfred, boot m aker, 31 F riday street
Lovell John, dairym an, 51 Bell street
L ovell John H enry S. apartm ents, 22 Vicarage road
L ovell John Thom as, dining rooms, 44 Bell street