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P ickard-C am bridge
W illiam
A dair
Pafcey Charles. 5 Merton street
M .A. (assistan t tu to r), Jesus co l­
Paton H erbert Jam es M .A. (fellow &
lege. T u rl street
lectu rer in philosophy). Queen's
Pick erin g Miss, 54 Botley road
Pidduck F rederick
M .A.
Paton Robert, 161 Iffley road
(fellow ), Q ueen’s college
P auling A saph, i 3 W arnborough rd.
Pierce John F rederick. 63 Bainton
S t. G ile s’
road, St. G ile s’
Paxman M rs. 13 Polstead rd .S t.G iles'
Payne G eorge S eptim us, 32 S t. M ar­ P ig o tt Ernest E dw ard, 127 Iffley road
Pike Henry F erris, 357 C ow ley road
garet’s road, S t. G iles’
Pike W alter A braham , 61 B an burv rd.
Payne Joseph. 46 B otley road
T N 158
Payne M rs. 284 Iffley road
Payne Thom as, 8 Southfield road. P ilch er M rs. 64 H ill Top road, St.
C lem en t's
C ow ley S t. John
Payne W a lt. W orthington A u g u stin e, Pinhorn Rev. C h arles A ., B .A. 67
D ivin ity road, Cowley road
36 Thorncliffe road, Sum m ertow n
Payne W illiam Hy. 80 Abingdon rd Pinner Rev. Jonathan Sam uel, 12
W arnborough road, S t. G ile s’
Peake Rev. E dw ard M .A (chaplain
of C h rist Church & Pem broke col­ Pinnick Airs. 2 Th e Terrace, Park twn
lege & head m aster of Cathedral Piper A lb ert Edwd. 38 H igh street
school), C hoir house, Brew ers st. Piper Frederick, 29 Walt-on W ell rd.
S t. G iles'
S t. A ld a te’s
Pearce Geo. A u g u stu s, 315 Cowley rd P iper H enry A rth u r, 26 London pi.
St. C lem en t’s
Pearse Rev. John H arvey M .A. St.
John’s M ission house, M arston st. P itm an Miss, 185 B anb ury rd. Sum ­
m ertow n
C owley St. John
P itta r Charles W illiam E rskine,Tudor
Pearse Mrs. 345 C owley road
ho. 300 W oodstock rd. Sum m ertow n
Pearson A. Hearne B .A .59 Banbury rd
Pearson A rth u r M .A. 59 Banbury rd Pledge Mrs. 12 Beech C roft road,
Sum m ertow n
Pedder A rth u r Lionel M .A. (fellow &
P lum m er Rev. C harles M .A. (ch ap ­
tu to r), M agdalen college
lain ), C orpus C h risti college
P°el C harles V. A. 12 W oodstock rd.
Pogson -Sm ith M ts. 14 M useum ro ad
St. G iles’
Pollard Fredk.6o St.Joh n ’s rd .S t.G iles'
Peel Mrs. 22 L a th b u ry road
P egler H erbert Jam es L .D .S . 193 B an­ Pollard M iss, 131 W oodstock road,
St. G iles’
b ury road, Sum m ertow n
P ollicott M rs.2 Bevington rd .S t.G iles'
Pelham Mrs. 20 Bradmore road
P em b er Fras. W illiam M .A . (warden). Pollicott W illiam Robert, 5 Keble rd.
S t. G iles’
All Souls college
Pem brey John Cripps, 164 W alton st Poole A u stin Lane B .A . (lecturer in
h istory), St. John’s college
Pendered Miss, 3 F renchay road, St.
Poole Reginald Lane M .A ., L L .D .,
G iles'
L itt.D ., F .B .A . (keeper of the Uni­
P en gelly Rev
Charles (W esleyan),
v ersity archives, fellow of M agdalen
233 C owley road
college & lecturer in dip lom atic),
Penn Jam es, 71 Kingston rd .S t.G ile s ’
M useum house, South Park road
Pennell Charles H enry, 185 D ivinity
M .A.
road, C owley road
(licensed m aster), Pope’s hall, 11
Penrose M iss (principal of Som erville
St. G iles' street
college), W oodstock road, S t. G iles’
Penson Thos. H enry M .A. (lecturer at Pope Rev. Richard W illiam Massy
D.D. (censor
Pem broke college), 4 W ellington
place, S t. G iles’ street
Students), 4 K eble rd. S t. G iles’
Perkin Professor W illiam Hy. F .R .S . Pope G eorge H ., M .A .. B .C .L ., D .L.,
(fellow of M agdalen college), 5
J .P . 60 B anbury road
C h arlbn ry road
Pope Miss (tu to r), S om erville college,
Pether Mrs. 237 C ow ley road
W oodstock road, St. G iles’
Peto M iss, 11 St. Cross road
P ortb ury Frederick Sam uel, 25 Bain­
P ettey Jam es Bertie L .D .S .R .C .S .
ton road, St. G ile s’
30 Beaum ont street
P orter M iss, 15 Bardwell road
Phelps Rev. Lancelot R idley M .A. Porter M iss, 11 C rick road
fprovost of O riel), Oriel college, Potter H enry A . 233 W oodstock road,
Oriel street
Sum m ertow n
Phelps Mrs
53 Oakthorpe road, Potter Mrs. F. M . 36 Beech Croft rd.
S um m ertown
Sum m ertow n
Phelps W illiam M .A .(assistan t tutor), Potter W illiam G odfrey, 29 W arn­
borough road, St. G iles’
C orp us C h risti college
P h illips M ajor G eorge Ingleton J.P. Poulter F ran k, 4 F olly bridge, St.
15 Rawlinson road
A ldate’s
Phillips Frank Henry M .A. 4 B evin g­ Poulton Edward Bagnall D .S c., M .A .,
F .R .S . (Hope professor of Zoology).
ton road. St. G iles'
Ph illips H arry E dw d. W illiam M .A .,
56 B anbury road
B .S c., F .C .S .
(vice-principal of Powell John H annay, 400 Cowley rd
U niversity D ay T ra in in g college), Powell John U ndershell M .A. (fellow,
C hurch ho. C hurch st.Sum m ertow n
tuto r & lectu rer of St. John’s col­
lege), 1 W ellington pi. S t. G iles’ st
Phillips John Rouse, 202 Woodstock
road, Sum m ertown
Powell Lawrence F itzroy, 196 D ivin ity
Phillips M iss, 230 W oodstock road,
road, C owley road
Sum m ertow n
Powell P ercival, 7 1 C owley road
Powell W alter R. H. 72 D ivin ity rd.
P h illip s M rs. 17 Bradmore road
C ow ley road
Phillips R ichard, 109 D ivin ity road.
Poynter Miss, 15 Th e T er. P ark town
C ow ley road
Phillips W illiam R 63 Southm oor Poynton A rth u r Blackburne
(fellow, tutor, bursar, dean of d e­
road, St. G iles’
Phipps Percy George, 55 Bainton rd.
grees & pn elector in G reek, Uni­
v ersity college). 3 Fyfield road
St. G iles’
Phipps Richard, 133 Iffley road
Prankerd A rch ibald A rth u r D .C .L .,
Pickard M rs.sC a n terb u rv rd .S t.G ile s'
L L B.Lond. 66 Banbury road
P ickard-C am b ridge A rth u r W allace P ratt M rs. 25 W ellington sq .S t.G iles’
M.A (classical tu to r, Jow ett le c­ P rescott Mrs. 30 P ortland Toad,
turer, junior bursar & dean of | Sum m ertovn
exam inations Balliol college), St.
C atherine’s, H eadington hill

[ k e l l y ’s
Prestige Rev. G eorge Leonard B.A
(fellow ,lecturer & dean of divinity),
New college
Pretty Thom as V . 96 D ivinity road
C ow ley road
P rice Benj. H. (draw ing master at
C ity of Oxford Technical Schools),
12 The Terrace, Park town
Price G eorge V incen t, 30 Chalfont
road. St. G iles’
P rice G odfrey W illiam Jones, 79 Lons­
dale road, Sum m ertown
H abberley,
H eadington hill
Price Joseph E rn est, 20 Manor place,
H olyw ell
Price Langford Lovell Fredk. Ri<*
M .A. (treasurer), Oriel college
Price M iss, 16 S t. G iles’ street
Price Mrs. 6 Bevington rd. St. Giles’
Price M rs. 8 Park cres. Park town
Price Richd. 43 D ivin ity rd.Cow ley rd
Prichard H arold A rth u r M .A. (fellow
& lectu rer, T rin ity college), 6
Linton road
Priestley E d g ar Charles B .A . (tutor &
lecturer at S t. E dm un d hall),
Q ueen’s lane
Prior M rs. 111 D ivin ity rd.Cowley rd
Pritchard Bernard, G loucester street
Prosser M rs. 11 W alton crescent, St.
T hom as’
Proudfoot F rank G ., M .A ., M.D.,C.M.
43 St. G iles’ street
Prout Edw ard M alcolm , 251 Banburv
road, Sum m ertow n
Prow se W illiam B ., M .B ., M.A. 133
B an bury road, Sum m ertow n
Pulían Rev. Edw ard W ilfred M.A.
(vicar of St. M argaret’s), The Vicar­
age, S t. M arg aret’s rd. St. Giles’
Pulían Rev. Leigh ton M .A . (vicepresident, senior dean of arts, tutor
& lecturer), St. John’ s college. St.
G iles’ street
Pulían P ercy Dighton M .A . 9 St.Cross
road, H olywell
Pullen Misses, 293 C ow ley road
Pullen Mrs. 33 Southm oor road St.
G iles’
Purcell G eorge Ohas. 201 Cowley rd
P ursell A nthony, 105 Southfield road,
C owley S t. John
Pusey H enry, 18 Parks road, St.Giles’
Pyton M isses, 83 Abingdon road
Q uarterm ain Charles, 38 Portland rd.
Sum m ertown
Q uelch E dw ard A rn ett, 2 Manor pi.
Q uelch G eorge, 13 Regent st. Cowley
St. John
Q uelch Jam es, 78 W arw ick street
Quinion Sam uel Cook, 168 Divinity
road, Cowley road
Quinton H erbert, 25 Staverton road,
S t. G iles’
Raby John Platford, 117 Woodstock
road, St. G iles’
Radbone K e ith , 67 Bainton road. St.
G iles’
Badbone Mrs. T he A venue, 302 Woodstock road, Sum m ertow n
Radbone W illiam Parsons, Emsworth.
H ill Top T oad, S t. C lem en t’s
R adcliffe His Honor Ju d ge Francis
Reynolds Y on ge K .C . The Rise*
H eadington hill
Radford Robert, 253. Iffley road
R aleig h S ir Thom as K .C .S .I ., K.G-.
D .C .L . (fellow of A ll Souls), 3*
H olywell street
RaleighM iss,i4London pi.St.Clem en s
R am baut A rth u r A ., M .A-,
M .R .I.A .. F .R .S ., F.R .A .S- (Ob­
W oodstock road, S t. G iles’
Ramsden W a lter D. M. (fellow), Pem­
broke college, S t. A ldate’s
Randall M iss, 207 C owley road
Ranking L ieu t.-C o l. George S.
M .D .Can tab., M .A.O xon. (University
lectu rer in Persian ), 2 Park t-own