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Vaughan-D avies M rs.Sandhurst lodge Hanson H arry Richard, grocer
(postal address, W ellington C ol­ H arper G eorge Henry, cycle agent,
lege Station)
Y ork Town road
W ilkin G eorge F rederick, The H ollies H arper Jn. stationer & sub-postm str
C O M M E R C IA L .
Hedges Geo. shopkpr. Lit. Sandhurst
Aid worth Thom as, job b in g gardener, Hicks Henry, sh op kpr.Y ork Town rd
Branksom e H ill Toad, College Town H odge W a lter (M rs.), laundry, Y ork
A llsw orth H erbt. grocr.Y ork Town rd
Town road
Angell Thom as & Son, tailors
Hudson A rth u rJ a s.g rcr.C olleg e Town
Ankerson Richard, shopkeeper,Brank­ Hudson John, carrier, Albion road
some Hill road, College Town
H unt V in cen t,jo bm astr. Y ork Town rd
A vres Henry, m ark et gardener
Jam es E dw d .L o u is,d rpr.Y ork T ow n rd
Barefoot W m . Hy. W hite Sw an P.H
Jam es W illiam , gro ce r,Y o rk Town rd
Batem an John, Rose & Crown P.H
Jolly ~Claude~ outfitted
Bedford Jam es Sydney, hair dresser, K en t PYedk. Thos. b aker,C ollege Twn
College Tow n
L a rk F rederick W illiam , laundry,
Blake Robt Henry, Duke’s Head P.H
College road, C ollege Town
Brake Charles John, land agent, Y ork ' Lo ckh art Robert B ruce M .A. schoollo w n road, C ollege Town
| m aster (boys’ p reparatory), E agle
Brown M ary (M rs.), draper, College
School house
Mellon F rederick W. insurance agent,
C lu tterw orth W illiam , laun dry, Y ork
L ittle S an dhurst
Town road
M etcalfe G eorge
Edw ard
Cochrane H arryH .frm r.A m barrow fm
L .R .C .P . & L .R .C .S .E d in ., L .F .P .
C ooper Robert (M rs.), grocer, L ittle
& S .G las. & L.M . physician & su r­
geon, Pinewood
Cornish Edwin, shoe m aker
M ilam Theresa (M rs.), shopkeeper,
Cox Jesse, dairym an, Y o rk Town rd
M elbourne villa, Longdown road
C ox Joseph, insur. agent, New Town M itchell Edwd. Chas. insur. agent, 4
Cox Josiah, farm er. Breach farm
B rom ley cottages, Y ork Town road
D ailey A lfd. Edwd. b ld r.C olleg e Twn Moss A rth u r W. blacksm ith, Y ork
Doe Francis, farm er, N igh tin gale
Tow n road
farm , Y ork Town road
N apper V in cen t W m . grocer & subE rskine W illiam , cycle repairer, 5
postm aster, L ittle Sandhurst
Brom ley cottages, Y ork Town road Nash G eorge, shopkpr. Y o rk Town rd
Foster Geo. Edward, New inn, Y ork N eal B ertie G eorge, grocer & subTown road
postm aster, San dh u rst street
G ib lett Robert, farm er, Sandhurst Newson Wm. upholstr. C ollege Town
farm , College Town
Osborne Henry, farm er, Y o rk Town
Greenaw ay G eorge, beer ret.A lb ion rd
road, C ollege Town
G riffithsW m .E dw d .B ird -in-H an d P.H O ttaw ay ret.L it. Sandhurst
H am mond M innie (M rs.), shopkeeper O ver B rothers, m illers (suction gas)
& sub-postm istress, College road, Payne A rth . carpenter, L it. Sandhrst
College Town


P itch ell H .y. —
College Twn
j propr.
II ltm an Charles, news agent, Y ork
Town road, C ollege Town
Pocock Richard, farm bailiff to J.
O ver esq. W atts farm
P urvey W illiam , W ellington A rm s
P.H . Y o rk Town road
R aw lings G eorge, chim ney sweeper,
Y o rk Town road
R ussell Jam es M .D., C .M .A berd.,
M .R .C .S .E n g . surgeon, & m edical
officer & p ublic vaccinator, Sand­
h u rst
E astham pstead
union, Th e C edars
S andh u rst W orking Men’ s C lub(Jesse
W eaver, m anager)
Saunders H arriett (M rs.),shopkeeper,
Branksom e H ill road, C ollege Town
S eeby A lfred, m arket gardener, Rose
dene, C ollege Town
Sim pson Thom as & Son, blacksm iths
Sm allbone G eorge E dw ard, chim ney
sweeper, 8 C ollege rd.C ollege Town
S m ith Geo. b utcher, Y o rk Tow n rd
S tem b rid g e Henry, painter, Oak villa,
C ollege Town
Storror H enry Thom as, J olly F arm er
P.H . C ollege Town
Sw eet A rth u r, butcher, C ollege Town
Thom pson W illiam , picture fram e
m aker, 7 B rind Park terrace
W atts H erbert, assistant overseer for
S an dhurst & C rowthorne & clerk
to Parish Councils, assessor & col­
lector of taxes & reg istrar of b irths
& deaths for S an dhurst sub-district,
R ose cottage
W ells & Co. grocers, C ollege road,
C ollege Town
W hite John, B ull &; B utch er P.H .
Y ork Tow n road, C ollege Town
W illiam s H enry, h au lage contractor,
C ollege Town

S A N D L E F O R D , form erly extra-parochial, is now a being still extant. In 1730 the lease was purch ased by
parish on a sm all stream called the Enborne, which
E dw ard M ontagu esq. grandson of the first E arl of
here divides the counties of B erks and H ants, 1 $ miles
Sandwich and M .P. for H untingdon, and Sandleford
south from N ew bury, in the Southern division of the
was for m any years the residence of his widow, the
county, F aircross hundred, N ew bury p e tty sessional
celebrated Mrs. E lizabeth M ontagu, w ho m ade con­
division, union and cou n ty court d istrict. The in ­
siderable additions and alterations to th e house, b u ilt
habitants attend the churches of New town and Greenthe present draw ing room and converted the chapel
ham . Sandleford form erly belonged to the priory,
into a din in g room, but it is now used for this
founded here before 1202 by G eoffrey, E arl of Perch, p u rp o s e ; som ewhere about 1760 she entertained here
and Maud his wife, for canons of the A ugustin ian a coterie or society of literary persons, known as
order, b u t in 1478 , ow ing to a dispute between the
“ The B lu e S to c k in g s ’’ ; at her death in 1800 the lease
Prior and the Bishop of Salisbury, the canons deserted passed to her nephew, M atthew M ontagu, 4 th Baron
the p riory and it was even tually annexed to the K in g ’s R c k e b y ; the P rio ry is now the jo in t prop erty of the
Free Chapel of S t. G eorge, W indsor. By a decree trustees of the late A lpin M acgregor esq. J.P . who are
h L J C Q w
’ , nas r .
, a .aecree
, . - J ? ir F - n ^ s Moor kt. of Faw ley, m the the principal landowners, and is th e residence of M rs
C ourt of E xchequer, in the reign of Jam es I. Sandle- M yers. Th e soil Is gravelly c la y ; subsoil clay
ford was declared to be no p art of the parish of New- ch ief crops are wheat, barley and oats
T h e area i
an 7 ’ r
80 1°
,r.ep!l t ®d’ and instead of the tith es 5 15 acres of land and 5 of w a te r; rateab le value Y 746
and other ecclesiastical dues, w hich had been there- the population in i o n was , 7
tofore paid to the parson of N ew bury, a m odus or
This place is reputed to be extra-p aroch ial for eccle
,ro’ e 0 £
was substituted, w hich is s till paid siastical purposes,
to the rector of N ew bury, and a seat in the church of L e tters th rou gh N ewburv. Th e n earest m oney orde
St. N icholas, N ew bury, is apportioned to Sandleford.
office & telegraph office'is Newtow n (Hants') about !
The present m ansion, called Sandleford Priory, includes
m ile distan t
1 , 1
portions of the m onastic buildings, th e ancient chapel T he children attend the school at G reenham
M yers Mrs. Sandleford priory
|Butler A lh ertH r.San dleford fm I E llis Thom as W illiam , garden er ti
Thynne John C. Sandleford cottage
M rs. M yers
S E A C O T J R T is 7 m iles north from A bingdon and ii
from Oxford. By Local G overnm ent Board O rder No.
40 , 6 6 1 , dated A pril 1 st, 1900 , p art of Seacourt civil
parish was added to W y th a m ; the rem aining p a rt is
in Oxford C ounty Borough, and becam e a separate civil
parish, under the provisions of the “ Local G overn ­
m ent A ct, 1894 ,” b ut has not y e t been named
or otherwise dealt w ith. I t is united for ecclesiastical
purposes w ith the parish of W yth am . Th ere is no
c h u r c h ; the inhabitants atten d th at of N orth Hinltsey.
Skelcher G eorge, farm er, L ych farm

The E arl of Abingdon is lord of the m anor and prin­
cipal landowner. Th e soil is stone b rash , sand and
loam ; subsoil, various, b ut prin cip ally lim estone. The
crops are a succession of grain .
L etters from Oxford b y foot post arrive between 8 & 9
a.m . Th e nearest m oney order & telegrap h office is
at O xford, i j m iles distan t
W all L e tte r B ox, near Botley, cleared at 6 .25 p.m . ;
sundays, 1 0 .15 a m

T urn er A lb ert V in cen t, farm er

S H A L B O T J R N is a parish, a p art of which, known
as Oxcnwood and Bagshot, was form erly in B erks, but
by the “ Local G overnm ent Board’s Provisional Orders

C onfirm ation (No. 12 ) A c t,” which cam e in to opera­
tion Sep tem ber 30 , 1895 , these places w ere transferred
to W ilts and the parish is now w h olly in th a t county.

S H A W - c u m - D O O I N G T O N is a parish and v il­
lage, on the northern bank of the riv er Lam bourn,
which separates it from the borough of N ew bury, in the
Southern division of the county, hundred of Faircross.

p etty sessional division, union and cou n ty court districi
of N ew bury, rural deanery of N ew bu ry, archdeaconry 0
B erks and diocese of Oxford. T h e ch u rch o f S t. M ary
reb u ilt in 1840 , is an edifice of stone in the Norm al