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-upon-th a m



Stevenson Mrs. Parkh urst, S t. An- W ainw right
W illiam
Upton lodge, B eading road
drew ’s road
Susm ann W alter Jam es M .A ., M.B. W alker Jam es W illiam , Normanstead,
E rchfont, B eading road
G rey’ s hill
T aylor M iss, 5 F air m ile
W alker W illiam W aine, G reyholm e,
Tem ple Mrs. Braeside, S t.A n drew ’s rd
G rey’s hill
Terry Chas. Thom as, 48 St. M ark’s rd W hite M iss, 4 W estern road
Tom linson B ichard H. B erkeley, Rose- W ilkinson Jn. Sidney, 86 & 38 Bell st
W illiam s Rev. John Gower B.A.
dene, S t. Andrew’s road
(curate of Holy T rin ity & chaplaiD
Townley M isses, 4 H amilton avenue
of Henley poor law institution), 60
Tranter Mrs. 8 St. M ark’s road
S t. M ark’s road
Trenow Bev. Thos. Thom pson A .K .C .
W illiams W ltr. Chas. 4 Hop gardens
29 V icarage road
T ucker Bev. Sydney Thom as (C ongre­ W illiam s-Freem an Miss, 3 F air m ile
gational), The M anse, B eading rd W illis Mrs. 26 St. Andrew’s road
Tugw ood John Parsons, E astleigh , W illis Mrs. 68 ,St. M ark’s road
W illis Bev. Rawdon Marwood M .A.
B ellevue road
Th e V icarage, G rey’s hill
Turn er A rth u r SI. 30 S t . A ndrew ’s rd
Turner G eorge W alton, The Tower, W indsor Jam es Frederick M .D. 14 St.
Andrew ’s road
St. Andrew ’s road
Woodford E rn est John, 41 Northfield
T urnour M iss, 56 St. M ark’s road
V a lp h John Henry Ju liu s M .A. Boyal
W oodgate W alter B. 26 Reading road
G ram m ar school, Northfield end
C em etery (A rth ur Richard Lloyds, clerk to the burial
board, Bank cham bers, 12 H art stre e t; W illiam G ray,
Early closing day, W ednesday 1 p.m .
c urator), F air m ile
a m b e r s J. & Co. auctioneers, house & estate
\dams H. & Co. hardw are dealers, 18 Duke street
agents & general valuers, 17 H art street. Telephone
Ancient Order of Foresters (C ourt No. 2880) (W illiam
Ashby, sec.), Post Office buildings, 1 B eading road No. 71
Cham bers M ark, stone & m arble m ason, 91 Bell street
Annereau James, wardrobe dealer, 39 B eading road
Child John F. solicitor & com m issioner for oaths, 47
Ashley Charles, grocer, see N eighbour & Co
Northfield end
Vtkins Thomas, dairym an, 4 M arket place
C la rk Harold G eorge, solicitor, Post Office buildings,
Austin Alfred & Co. grocers, 6 0 Bell street
1 B eading road
Auton Joseph Charles, custom s & excise officer, Post
C leg g E arl, insurance agent, 59 S t. M ark’s road
Office buildings, r B ead in g road
ents Charles, arch itect & surveyor, 34 M arket place
Awbery A lbert Bicb ard, chem ist, xi M arket place
B a ile y "William George, teacher of m usic, 45 Bell street Clem ents M yra M atilda (M iss), costum ier, 3 Reading rd
enry John, news agent, 45 B eading road
Baker Henry K irkham , sanitary inspector to Henley
Colebrook" & Co. L im ited , fishm ongers, 8 H art street
Rural District Council, 31 St. M ark’s road
illiam & Son, rope & tw ine m akers, 22 H art sfc
Banbury John W illiam , plum ber, 94 Bell street
Barclay & Company L im ited , bankers (John C ecil Cooper, Son & Caldecott, solicitors, W est street
(M rs.), apartm ents, 13 S t. M ark’s road
Walker, m an a ger)‘ (open 10 a.m . to 4 p .m .; sat. 9.30
to 12.30), 10 & 12 H art street ; draw on head office, Cooper John F rederick (firm, Cooper, Son & Caldecott),
solicitor, com m issioner for oaths, clerk to borough
54 Lombard street, London E C
m agistrates, clerk to county m agistrates for Henley
Barham Ebenezer, p rinter, 36 Bell street
division & clerk to th e com m issioners of taxes &
Barlow Thomas Pratt, photographer, 33 D uke street
to Henley m unicipal ch arities, registrar & high bailiff
Barnard Thomas, watch m aker, 4 H art street
of county court, secretary to the Henley R egatta
Barnett Chas. & Sons,corn m ers. ; stores,10 Tham es side
stew ard of the m anor of Bensington,
Barton Ernest, Catherine W heel hotel, 7 & 9 H art street
coroner for South Oxon & clerk to the Old Age
& Little W hite H art P.H . 20 Tham es side
m ittee, Henley d istrict, W est street
Barton Susie (M rs.), apartm ents, 40 Queen street
Corbin Jam es, shopkeeper, 28 M arket place
Batty James W illiam , plumber, 46 New street
Waterman P.H . Heading road
Beck John Charles M .R .H .S. nurserym an, G rey's road
Bennell Elizabeth (M iss), dress m aker, xi H am ilton av C ounty C ourt (His Honor Jam es S cu lly, ju d g e ; John
reg istrar & h igh b ailiff), Town
Bennett A. & S. J. butchers, 23 Northfield end & 86
h a ll; office, W est street
Reading road
Coxford H enry, Sun P.H. 44 Northfield end
Betts William & Son, carriage builders, 67 & 69 Bell st
Blackham George, artificial teeth m an u fr. 4 Duke street CranfieM J. & Son, harness m akers. 25 R eading road
Blaker Harry Rowsell (firm , M ercer & B laker), solicitor, C raw ley George Henry, tailor, 89 Bell street
C raw ley W illiam Stratton , tailor, 20 H art street
52 New street
Board of Trade (Unem ploym ent Insurance) (local office C ressw ell E llen (M rs.), confectioner, 6a, Duke street
of the unemployment fund) (Charles H. Rawlins, local Cressw ell John, chim ney sweeper, 6 D uke street
C ritch ley Oswald A lfred, fishmonger, 21 Duke street
agent), 33 G rey's road
Booth Jas. motor engineer, 34 & 36 H art st. & 66 Bell st C ro c k e r’ H enry, boot & shoe m aker, 55 Bell street
Bosley Thomas, saddler & harness m aker, 40 H art street C rocker Henry John, boot repairer, 6 F rid a y street
Crocker Samson Ezekiel, leather seller, 21 Northfield end
Bowyer John, plum ber, 8 Station Toad
Bradford Charles B reach, confectioner 9, & tobacconist C rocker W illiam Hy. boot & shoe m aker, 11 Reading rd
Cross G. R. & Son, seed m erchants, 10 M arket place
11, Bell street
Brakspear W illiam H enry & Sons L im ited , brewers, C ustom s & E xcise Office (Joseph Charles A uton, officer),
Post Office b uildin gs, 1 Reading road
maltsters, wine & spirit m erchants & m ineral w ater
manufacturers, Henley brewery, N ew s t r e e t; stores, •Cycle Sup p ly Co. (The), 45 & 47 Duke street
Dakin Thom as Burns M .R C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .L o n d . sur­
38 Hart s tre e t; Telephone No. 32
geon, m edical officer & p ub lic vaccinator, Henley
Brant Robert, Pack Horse P.H . 19 Northfield end
d istrict, Henley union & m edical officer to the w ork­
Brind May (M rs.), apartm ents, 6 Queen street
house, 66 Northfield end
Broad Albert, shopkeeper, 13 F rid a y street
Brownlow Harry L u rgan ’ F .B .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C P.Lond. Daniells A lb ert E dw ard, dairy, 16 F riday street
surgeon (firm, Sm ith, Susm ann & Brownlow), & Davies H erbert, insurance asst. supt. 108 Reading road
medical officer & public vaccinator G reys district, Davis A rth ur, butcher, 5 F rid ay street
Dee Frederick W . Royal hotel, Station road
Henley union, 48 H art street
Burgis Danl. grocer, 29, 31 & 33 M arket pl.& 14 Duke st D elarue & Plant, drapers, 13, 15 & 17 Bell street
Denner Elfred A rthur, w atch m aker, 5 & 7 Bell street
Burningham & Co. nurserym en, 157 B eading road
Dinham H enry G eorge Leon, Crown P.H . 9 M arket place
Burton Frederick, apartm ents, 11 V icarage road
Am brose, baker, 7 Friday street
Butler Brothers, builders, 38 Bell street
D rew ett Thom as M arlow, carriage builder, 27 & 29 N o rth ­
Butler Archibald, coal mer. 11 S tation rd. & Queen st
field end
Caldecott Alfred, solicitor & town clerk (firm , Cooper,
Duce W illiam , fried fish dealer, 7 G reys road
Son & Caldecott), 2 W est streeta™Pjon John Todd, solicitor & com m issioner for oaths, Dunlop G eorge & Son, coal m erchants, 55 B eading road
Bark view, 20 & 22 Reading road ; & 7 A rth u r street, E astm ans Lim ited, butchers, 14 Bell street
London E C
Edw ards W illiam , Three T un s P.H . 5 M arket place
E m m ett Jem im a (M rs.), fru iterer, 84 B eading road
C a rn ie.T . W e st, a n tiq u e d e a le r, 7 N o rth fie ld end
Evans E dgar, painter, 20 Duke street
artw right A rth u r, ch e m is t & d r u g g is t , 25 Bell stre e t
Facy Brothers, drapers, 25 M arket place

Reeves Benjamin, 4 7 Bell street
Geo. W m. 5 S t. M ark s road
Mrs 40 St. M ark’ s road
f f i s Ernest John, 78 S t M ark’s rd
Robins Herbert, 6 St. M ark s road
W alter, 50 St. M ark’s road
Rose Miss, K ennington.St.A ndrew ’s rd
Sc tt Mrs. 7° S*. M ark’ s road
S c o t t Mrs. 6 Thames side
Scott William Edward, 25 F air m ile
gearle Miss, 3 Hop gardens
Shaw Joseph, 3 Norman avenue
Shuttleworth A lfred, 7 F air m de
S im p k in s Misses, Seelisberg, S t. Andrev's road
Smale Morton, 68 Northfield end
Smale Mrs. 19 St. M ark’s road
Smith A. Hammond, 29 H art street
Smith Geo. M .B., O.M. 39 H art street
Smith Mrs. 4 Thames side
Snow Mrs. 5« stn A? iT™ S ™ 1
Peter D iednch, Deanfield,
i road