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A ubertin W illiam A. 4 W inch ester rd.
S t. G iles'
Austin M iss,*93 Southfield rd. Cowley
St. John
A xtell Richard John, 10 Polstead rd.
S t. G ile sâ
A yres John H utt. 13 Iffley road
Bacon Mrs. 17 Iffley road
Bacon Percival C ecil, 4 D ivin ity road,
C ow ley road
Bacon R ichard, 18 N orham road
Badcock Rev. Percival H oliday M .A.
(chaplain of th e W arneford A syÂ
lu m ), 40 H ill Top rd. S t.C le m en tâs
Bailey C y ril M .A. (fellow & tu to r at
B alliol college), 7 Banbury road
B ailey Mrs. 21 L o th b u ry Toad
B ailey Mrs. 4 Manor place, H olywell
Baines Henry. 19 Banbury road
Baines H arryT .7 C halfont rd .S t.G ile s â
Baines Stephen H um phrey, 45 Bainton road, St. G ile sâ
Baird M iss, 9 Rawlinson rd. S t. G ilesâ
Baker H arry, Som erville, H ill Top
road, S t. C lem en tâ s
Baker J. T . 20 Aston street, Cowley
S t. John
B aker Jam es Bernard, 16 C ric k road
B aker Jam es P alm er, 32 S t. John st
B aker M iss, 4 N orthm oor road
Baker M iss. W ester cottage. H ill Top
road, S t. C lem entâs
B aker M rs. 235 Iffley road
Baker P hilip . 4 Alfred st. S t. G ilesâ
B aldwin W illiam , 35 W hite â House
road, Grandpont
Balfour H enry M .A. L an gley lodge,
Headington hill
B all Sidney M .A . (senior-tutor &
lecturer in classics & philosophy,
S t. Johnâs college), St.John âs house,
St. G ilesâ street
Ballachey M iss, 10 N orham road
B allard A lfred, 233 Iffley road
Ballard C has.4 Moreton rd.Sum m rtw n
Ballard F rederick H. 238 Woodstock
road, S um m ertow n
C u th b ert
F ran cis
M .A.
¡'tutor & su b-rector).E xeter college
Balm an C y r il Thom as, 69 Southfield
road, Cowley S t. John
Bam ber Rev. Joseph S .J. S t.A loysius
presbytery, Woodstock rd. S t.G ile s â
Bancalari Charles, 70 W arw ick street
Barber E ric A rth u r M .A. (tuto r &
lectu rer), E xe ter college
B arclay John M .A ., M us.Bac. (tutor
of C h rist C hurch & L eeâs reader in
anatom y), 37 St. G ilesâ street
B arker Ernest M .A . (fellow & tutor
of New college), 7 Linton road
Barker Mrs. E. 245 W oodstock road,
Sum m ertow n
Barker P ercy L ouis, 30 H am ilton rd.
Sum m ertown
B arker Thom as Vipond M .A .. B .Sc.
¡'fellow), Brasenose college
B arker W alter, 261 W oodstock road.
Sum m ertow n
Barlow M iss,i35W oodstock rd .S t.G ilesâ
Barlow M rs. 3.3 Beech C roft T o a d
Sum m ertow n
B arm by Mrs. 84 Banbury road
Barnes Mrs. 22 C halfont rd. S t.G ilesâ
Barnes Mrs. R. T. 220 Iffley road
Barnes Thom as, 309 C owley road
B arnett M iss,
Clarendon cottage,
Clarendon villas, Park town
Barnett W illiam John, 9 Thorncliffe
road, Sum m ertow n
B arrett A lfred T . 197 D ivinity road,
C ow ley road
B arrett Misses, t C rip ley road
B arrett W illiam , 70 K ingston road.
S t. G ile sâ
B arry Rev. F rank R usell B .A . (fellow
& le ctu rer), O riel college, O riel st
B arter Mr3. 224 Iffley road
Barter Stephen Peterson, 29 D ivin ity
road, C owley road
b e l l y 's
B artlet Rev. Jam es Vernon M .A , Benecke Paul V ictor Mendelssohn
M .A. (tuto r & home bursar), MagÂ
D D (tu to r M ansfield college), 3s
dalen college
M useum road
B artlett F rederick G eorge, 71 A rgyle B ennett G eorge A rch ibald, 16 Regent
s treet, C ow ley St. John
street, C hester street
B artlett Mi>s, 29 W ellington square, Bennett H erbert John, 36 Holywell st
B ennett Jam es, 232 Iffley road
St. G iles'
B artlett Richard H. sen. 10 Beech Bennett Joseph, 171 Iffley road
Bennett Miss, 91 W alton street
C roft road, Sum m ertown
artlett Richard Henry John. 229 j Bennett M rs. 2 Bradm ore road
Bennett Thom as Jam es, 160 Walton st
B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
Barton M iss,22W inchester rd .S t.G ile s â | Benson James Richard B .A. 27 ChalÂ
Barton Mrs. 205 W oodstock road, | font road, S t. G ile sâ
B entley M iss, 113 B an bury road
Sum m ertown
Barton W illiam R ichard, W estfield,, B erry Fredk. Thos. 254 Abingdon rd
Berry M rs. 323 Cowley road
H am ilton road, Sum m ertown
B arw ick Charles, 3 6 D ivin ity road, | B erry W illiam G eorge, 36 Botley Td
B erthe M rs. n o W oodstock road,
C ow ley road
Sum m ertow n
B askerville Geoffrey M .A. (lecturer &.
Berthon H enriEdouardM .A.(Taylorian
librarian ), Keble college
lectu rer in F rench), 21 Linton rd
Basson Tom , 50 Abingdon road
Bates E rn est, 30 D ivin ity road. Cow-1 Bessant M iss, 33 W arnborough road,
St. G ile sâ
le y road
Bates M rs. 79 Southm oor rd .S t.G ile s â B est H. M., B .A. Th e F irs, George
street, Sum m ertow n
Bateson W illiam A lfred, 78 B ullin gBest H. Robertson hon. M .A. The
don road, C owley St. John
Firs, G eorge street, Summertown
Batts Chas. 39 F airacres rd. Iffley rd
B etteris John G eorge, 35 S t. John st
B atty Miss, 77 Banbury road
B etts W illiam , 48 Beech C roft road,
B atty Mrs. 14 C rick road
Sum m ertown
Baycock Richard W illiam , 243 A bin gÂ
Bevercom be John, 259 Cowley road
don road. New H inksey
Baylis Mrs. 9 Farndon rd. St. G ilesâ Bevers Edm und A ug. L.R .C .P . 46
Bavliss W illiam M ark, 90 Sou th field ! Broad street & Wood house, Iffley
Bevers E dm und Cecil M .A., M B ,
road, C ow ley St. John
B .C h ., F .R .C .S .E d in . & Eng. 28
Baynes R obert E dw ard M .A. (Lee's
reader in Physics & tutor of Christ 1 Beaum ont street
M isses, 31 Leckford road, St.
C h u rch ), 2 N orham gardens
G ilesâ
Bayzand Charles John, 45 Oakthorpe
Rev. H enry Jardine B.I).
road, Sum m ertown
Bayzand Miss, 2 Longworth rd. S t.G ls â | (principal b ursar of St. Johnâs
Bazett H enry C u th b ert B .M ., M .A. j college), St. Johnâs college, St
G ilesâ street
(fellow ), M agdalen college
B idm ead M isses, 5 Q ueenâs terrace,
Beale M iss, 355 C ow ley road
ore street, C ow ley St. John
Beane H erbert W illiam , 17 Beech j
B igge M isses, 3 Park town
C roft road, Sum m ertown
C harles Richard Davey
Beaum ont E dw ard, 129 B an bury rd. j
D.D. (vicar of SS. Philip & Janies
Sum m ertow n
& surrogate), 68 W oodstock road,
B eazlev John Davidson M .A. (tutor,
St. Gfilesâ
C h rist C h u rch ). St. A ldateâs street
B ecket Rev. A rthur Edwin M .A. B iggs M rs. 2 C h arlburv road
Rev. Albert John (Baptist),
(chaplain to H.M. Prison), C h ap Â
15 Newton road, G randpont
lain 's house, Osney lane, Osney
Southm oor rd.St.Giles'
Beeklev A lbert. 2 t6 B an bury road,
Binham A lfred John, 13 Western rd.
Sum m ertown
Beckley Mrs. 121 Iffley road
B eckw ith John Sydney W ilson. 40 Binney E dw ard H ,M .A. 21 Staverton
road, St. G ilesâ
Beech C roft road, Sum m ertow n
Bedding Harrv. 34 Southm oor road, Bird Henry, 6 M useum T oa d
Bird Miss, 45 W estern rd. Grandpont
St. G ilesâ
Beechey A lb ert P ercy, 6 Oakthorpe B irt Thom as Jam es, 21 Regent st.
C owley St. John
road, Sum m ertown
Beechey H enry Jn.23,3 Iffley rd.O xfrd Bish A rth u r E dw ard, 17 Oakthorpe
Beechey Miss, 17 S t. M argaretâ s rd. | road, Sum m ertow n
Bishop H enry, 197 Cowley road
S t. G ilesâ
Beechey S am i.R egin ald , 5 o Botley rd I| Bishop Richard A lbert, : Victoria td.
Sum m ertown
Beesley G eorge Richard, 25 Fairacres
Blackler Horace W illiam , 15 Frenchay
road, Iffley road
Beeson W alter, 1 & 2 St. John's r d . ; road, St. G ilesâ
Blackler M rs. 191 Banbury road,
St. G ilesâ
Sum m ertow n
Behan John Clifford Valentine M .A.,
B .C .L . (fellow, dean & lecturer in Blackler W alter Frank, 67 Chalfont
law ,U n iversity college), isL in to n rd I road. St. Giles'
B lackm an A ylw ard M .,M .A. 348 BanÂ
Belcham John, Rose lane
b ury road, Sum m ertow n
Belcher George P ercival, 31 Aston
B lackwell
B asil
Henry ^ M.A. 1
street, C ow ley S t. John
F renchay road, S t. G ilesâ
Bell C h arles F ran cis M .A ., F .S .A .
Hy. 1 Linton Td
(keeper of the A rt G alleries, Ashm olean m useum ), Beaum ont street B lagrove Daniel, 26 Parker street
Bell C h ich ester A. Torbrex, H eadingÂ
Blagrove Sam uel, Reservoir cottage.
ton hill
H eadington h ill, St. Clementâs
Bell John B .A . (fellow & lecturer in
Blake Geo. 20 Staverton rd. St. Gilw
classics), Queenâs college
Blake John C harles, 14 Park crescent.
Bell M iss, 18 Bradm ore road
Park town
Bell Miss, 251 Iffley road
Bell Mrs. 1 Moreton rd. Sum niertown Blake M rs. John Hopwood, 206 Woodstock
B ellairs M iss, 13 L a th b u ry road
B ellam y Miss, 6 Parks rd. St. G ilesâ Blakiston Rev. H erbt. Edwd. Doug aM .A ., D .D .(president),Trinity colig
Bellow James, 9 Tackley pi. St. G ilesâ
Benbow W illiam , T55 D ivin ity road, Blarney C harles, 54 Oakthorpe roaa,
Sum m ertown
C ow ley road
Blencowe G eorge, 2T2 Banbury r°
Bendall Frank, 229 C owley road
Sum m ertow n