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in 1378-9, at a cost of .£2,000, under the direction of
the late S ir G . G ilb ert S cott R .A . by H enry, 2nd Earl
of Effingham , who died 5 Feb. 1889, and was here
b u rie d : the chancel windows have good flowing tracery,
w ith some rem ains of fine painted glass ; the w est w in­
dow was opened and th at and the east window filled
w ith stained glass, and the north door opened at the
restoration, when the south aisle was a d d e d : on the
north side is a Norm an d oo rw ay: there are 70 sittings.
T h e register of baptism s and m arriages dates from the
y e a r 1753 ; b urials, 1760. The liv in g is a rectory w ith
th at of Tusm ore annexed, join t net yearly value ,£118,
in the g ift of the E arl of Effingham , and held since
1911 by the Rev. Sherard M ontagu S tath am M .A . of
Q u een s’ College, C am b ridge, who is also rector of and

[ k elly ’s

resides at Cottisford. The E arl of Effingham i8 l„
th e m anor and sole proprietor of th e land. The /
stone b rash ; subsoil, stone. The chief crops a re wh
beans and barley. The area is 389 a c re s ; rateable v l '
£ 1 8 7 ; the population in 1911 was 62 in the civil
141 in th e ecclesiastical parish.
Parish C lerk, Charles James.

Letters through B icester arrive at 9 a.m.
ter Box cleared at 12.20 & 4.55 p.m. Wall I *
is the nearest m oney order office & Hethe the
telegrap h office, about 1 m ile distant
E lem entary School, b u ilt in 1873 by the Earl of Effi
ham, will hold 35 children, but is now closed i f
children attend the schools at H ethe & C o ttisfo rd
Hiorns T om John, farm er,M anor farm
H A E P S D E N 1 is a village and parish, bounded on the W oolsey M .A. of th at college. Opposite the schools
east by the Tham es, on the high road from Henley to th ree b uildings of corrugated iron erected by
Reading, about a m ile south from Henley station and the Hodges, of St. M ark’s road, Henley, for the free use 4
same distance north from Shiplake station on the Henley the villagers as class, readin g and work rooms. The
branch of the G reat W estern railway, and 7 m iles north­ are also two sw im m ing baths. Henley-on-Thames Golf
east from Reading, in th e Southern division of the county, C lub house and links are in this parish. A charity1
Binfield hundred, Henley union, p etty sessional division le ft by a farm er named L u cy, provides 7s. 6d. a yea
and county cou rt d istrict and in the ru ra l deanery of Hen­ for bread. Harpsden C ourt, th e property and residence
ley and archdeaconry and diocese of O xford. T h e church of Leonard Noble esq. D .L ., J.P. is an ancient Tudor
of S t. M argaret is an ancient edifice of stone and flint, mansion adjacent to the church and surrounded by
origin ally N orm an, b u t now chiefly of the Decorated h illy beech woods. Jam es A rm stro n g Rawlins esq. anil
period, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, north the trustees of the late Francis E m il Theodor esq. are
porch and a low tower containing 2 b e lls : on th e south the p rin cipal landowners. The soil is mixed, princi­
side is an E a rly Norm an doorway, now blocked, and pally g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crop«
the font is of the same d a t e : the east window is are wheat, barley, oats and peas. The area is 2,00'
Decorated, the w est windows Perpendicular and the acres of land and 20 of w a te r ; rateable value, £4,¿or
chancel arch modern : th e north porch has open tim ber the population in 1911 was 313.
work of th e D ecorated period, w ith barge boards, and
Sexton, W illiam Webb.
arcaded s id e s ; in the church is a sm all brass to a
widow, c. 1460, w ith a m utilated in scrip tio n ; brass
Office.— A lfred N orris, sub-postmaster.
effigies of a man in arm our, and his wife, c. 1480;
through Henley-on-Tham es arrive at 6.30 a.m. & K.r
and others to W alter E lm es, rector, 1511 ; and to Sara,
wife of John W ebb M .A. rector here from 1614, and
2.30 & 7.15 p .m .; Sundays, arrive 6.30 a.m. ¿dis­
to a daughter of R oger and Anne Allanson, of London, d.
1620: in a recess on the rig h t of the chancel is a re ­
is th e nearest m oney order & telegraph office
cum bent figure of a k n ig h t in a long loose tunic, w ith
legs crossed and feet restin g on a dog, while the rig h t W all L e tte r Boxes, H arpsden Green, cleared at 7.40
a.m . k 2.30 & 7 p .m .; Sundays, 9.45 a.m.; Belle
hand rests upon the sword h i l t ; the effigy is probably
H atch, cleared at 8 a.m . k 2.15 k 6.15 p.m.; Sun­
of the 13th c e n t u r y ; there are some good floor tiles of
days, 8.30 a .m .; H arpsden court, cleared 8.15 a.m. i
unusual design : the church was com pletely restored in
12.30, 2.45 k 7.15 p.m . ; Sundays, 10 a.m
1854, and a new Teredos was erected and the chancel
decorated in 1879 b y the Rev. Frederick B agot D .C .L . P illa r L e tte r Box, Harpsden Wood, cleared 8 a.m, i
rect-or 1859-92, at a cost of £ 5 1 1 : there are 163 s it­
12.15 & 6.45 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.45 a.m
tin gs. The register of baptism s dates from the year
1560; m arriages, 1563; b urials, 1558. The livin g is a E lem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1858, for 60 child­
e n ; A rth u r Ranson, m aster; Mrs. Ada Ranson, mis!
rectory, net yearly value £485, w ith about 28 acres of
glebe and residence, in the g ift of A ll Souls’ College, C arriers to H enley k R eadin g.— George Slade, daily,
O xford , and held since 1914 by the Rev. W illiam G eorge
except wed

K ilburn Dunbar, C ray
W oolsey Rev. W illiam George Ml
K n ig h t Jasper W ebb, Purbeck
(rector), Rectory
B raksp ear C ap t. A rch ibald Rowsell, M aberley-Sm ith M .Harpsden Wood ho
C O M M E R C IA L .
Red H atch
M orris Mrs. D orm er’s
B urge Jam es F. Sun n ym ead (letters Noble Leonard D .L .,J .P . H arpsden ct H enley-on-Tham es Golf Club (Harry
throu gh Shiplake)
Norton Capt. C ecil W illiam M .P.
R. B laker, hon. sec)
C lifford-B o rrer Mrs. V ale cottage
Belle H a tc h ; & 2 Onslow gardens Hiscock John, farm er, Lucy's farm
(letters throu gh Shiplake)
Shorland G eorge, farmer & farm
S W & Reform club S W , London
C orsellis Mrs. Wood hill
O liver C ecil Pugh , Raym ead
valu er, Sheephouse,Upper & Lowf
D avison M rs. L . W h ite house
Bolney & Upper house & Hunt s
R abbit M rs. RiveTbank
Denison Hon. H arold A lb ert J.P. R yder George, Southwood
farm . Telephone No. 54 Henley
Harpsden close
S chm idlin
M iss
through T albott Fran bailiff to Leonard
F ryer E dw in J. Penbryn
Noble esq. D .L ., J.P. Harpsden 1«
Webb W illiam , carpenter, Crowsley
G ile s M iss, Beechwood
Stephens A rth u r, The Beeches
G ra y Jno. B. Bolney place
Verner M aj.-G en. Thom as Edward
P ark lodge
C .B . H arpsden H eights
Jeb oult D ouglas, W adbury
G R E A T H A S E L E Y (or H azeley), w ith the ham let three sedilia and a piscina, of E arly Decorated character;
o f L ittle H aseley, lib erty of Rycote and ham lets of adjoining these is a large arch, with trefoiled open
Lachford and Lobb, is a parish in th e Southern division feathering, and under it a stone altar tomb, suppose
of the county, hundred of E w elm e, p etty sessional divi­ to be the tomb of Richard G arford (abbot of Abing­
sion of W atlington, union and county cou rt d istrict of don), the founder of th e c h a n c e l: on the top 8Tham e, rural deanery of Cuddesdon and archdeaconry traces of a large c ro s s : on the north side of and diocese of Oxford. G reat H aseley is -z\ m iles south chancel form erly stood a panelled altar tomb, erece
from Tiddington station on the Oxford and Princes Ris- to Sir W illiam Barrendyne, thrice high sheriff of Ber
borough section of th e G reat W estern railway and 5^ and Oxon, in th e reign of H enry V I I I .; the tomb m iles south-w est from Thame. Th e church of S t. Peter removed about 1894 to th e east end of the north
is an ancient and spacious edifice of stone in th e E arly and a helm et, gauntlets and an a r m o r i a l shield 0
E n glish and Decorated styles, consisting of a spacious Barrendyne fam ily have been h ung immediately av T.j ‘
chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, south by Alfred
P. Billson esq. ; under the tower is _
porch and a lo fty em battled western tower, chiefly of full-length effigy of a knight encased in chaw ^
th e Perpendicular date, containing a clock and 6 bells, over which
the 1^5 3
d a tin g from 1641 to 1710 : the upper part of the tower crossed and rest on a lion and the right hand
is Perpendicular, b ut the lower portion and doorway drawn sw o rd ; the figure belongs to the early p&r
E a rly E nglish : the chancel is E arly Decorated and the 13th cen tury, and has been assigned,
with s0in®.0(
east window of five lig h ts, a fine exam ple of G eom etrical b ability, to W illiam de Magnaville or Mandeville.
tracery, was restored in 1843: on th e south side are E ssex and
Albem arle, who held the manor of .