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[K E L L Y âa
Bang James Russell, G-rove house, Harrogate
*Ponsonby The Hon. Edwin Charles William, Woodleys
King John Pittman, North stoke, Wallingford
Larnach James Walker
Pope George Henry M.A. 60 Banbury road, Oxford
La Perrière Col. Fenwick Buhner de Sales, Filkins, Powell Vice-Admiral Sir Francis K.C.M.G., c.B
Knockeevan, Caversham, Reading
Layton George, Market square, Bicester
Radcliffe His Honor Judge Francis Reynolds Yonge K.C
Leslie-Melville-Cartwright Thomas Robert Brook, NewThe Rise, Headington hill, Oxford; & 1 Mitre Court
bottle manor, near Banbury
buildings, Temple, London E C
Longford Brig-Gen. the Earl of K.P., M.V.O. North Randolph George Boscawen, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Aston hall, Deddington, Oxford; & 44. Bryanston sq. Reade Joseph M.A. Fairford house, Fairford, Glos
London W
Reason William, Holmby house, Sibford, Banbury
Macclesfield Earl of, Shirburn castle, Wallingford
Renshaw Arthur Henry, Watlington park, Oxon
Mackenzie William Dalziel M.A. Fawlev court, Henley- Rothe Col. George Walter Charles R.A. Neithrop house
Mackenzie William Roderick Dalziel
Routh Richard Laycock, Sibford Ferris, Banbury
McLean John Alex. The Hermitage, Bloxham, Banbury Rowell William Norman, Ivydene, Chipping Norton
Maddox John Fowler esq. Bath
Ruck Keene Capt. Charles Edmund, Cookley house,
Magrath Rev. John Richard D.D. Queenâs college,Oxford Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames
Makins Sir Paul Augustine bart. Rotherfield court, â¦Samuda Cecil DâAguilar,Bruern abbey,Chipping Norton
Samuelson Ernest M.I.C.E. Bodicote grange, Banbury
Mansel Capt. Eustace Gambier, Chinnor hill.Wallingford Sanderson Sir Percy K.C.M.G. Grove Hill, Caversham,
Marlborough Duke of K.G., P.O. Blenheim palace,WoodReading
Sawyer Edmund Charles, Little Milton, Wallingford
Mason James Francis M.P. Eynsham hall, Witney; & 1 Save & Sele Lord, Broughton castle, Banbury
Chesterfield gardens, London W
Shaw William Ingham, 8 Lillington avenue, Leamington
Massie John, Charlton Lea. Old Headington, Oxford
Shilson Samuel Gibson, The Priory, Charlburv, Oxon
Matthews Frederick William Powell, Manor house, Simon Rt. Hon. Sir John Allsebrook K.C.V.O., K.C.,
Fifield, Oxford
M.P. Fritwell manor, Banbury; & 57 Kensington
Maul Major Henry Compton, Horlev house, Banbury
court, London W
â¢Miller Col. Alfred Douglas D.S.O. Shotover house, Simpson Arthur Telford M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Meeh.E.,
Wheatley, Oxford
F.R.G.S. The Temple, Goring, Reading
Mockler Col. Percy Rice, Peppard house, Peppard, Oxon Sims Nelson, Spalding
Money John Marston, Hope house, Woodstock
Smith Harry, 45 Wood green, Witney
Moreton Lord, Sarsden house, Chipping Norton ; & 37 Smith William, Windrush house, Witney
Park lane, London W
Spencer Aubrey John M.A. The White house, BeaconsMorrell James Herbert, Crowsley frm.Henley-on-Thames
field, Bucks
Morrell Philip Edward M.A. 44 Bedford sq. London W C â¢Starkey John Frederick, Bodicote house, Banbury
Motion Andrew Richard, Upton house, Banbury
Stone Lewis Wycherley, Cherwell croft, Banbury road,
Murray Col. Fredk. John George, Deddington ho.Oxford Oxford
Noble Leonard, Harpsden court, Henley-on-Thames
Sturge Joseph Marshall, Charlbury, Oxon
Norreys Lord, 35 York terrace, London N W
Tarrant Ernest, Wychwood, Church green, Witney
Norris Henry Everard Du Cane, The White house, Taylor Capt. John Vickris, North Aston manor, Oxford
Lower Basildon, Reading
Thomson John, Woodperry, Stanton St. John, Oxford
North Lord, Wroxton abbey, Banbury
Upton John Herbert, Ingmire hall, Sedbergh, Yorks
North Capt. The Hon. William Frederick John, Wrox Valentia Viscount C.B., M.V.O., M.P. Bletchington
ton, Banbury
park, Oxford
Ogle Bertram Savile M.A. Hill ho.Steeple Aston, Oxford â¢Villiers Viscount (Vice-Lieut.), Middleton pk. Bicester
OâMalley Sir Edward Loughlin, Denton house, Cuddes- Waller Capt. John Hampden M.V.O.Lee Place,OhaTlbury
Watney Vernon James, Cornbury park, Charlbury
don, Oxford (chairman of quarter sessions)
Weyland Capt. Mark Ulick, Old Palace yard, Bicester
Ovey Richard Lockhart, Hemes, Henley-on-Thames
Oxford The Vice-Chancellor of the University of (ex (vice-chairman of quarter sessions)
White John, Temple Cowley, Oxford
Palmer Chas. Herbert, Bozedown ho. Whitchurch, Oxon Wiles Thomas M.P. Satwell Spinneys,Henley-on-Thames
Pawson Albert Henry, Howe Combe, Watlington, Oxon Williams William Bullivant, St. Peterâs hill, Caversham,
Pearce Sydney Henry. Highfield, Thame
Pepper Wm. Fredk. Redlynch park, Bruton, Somerset Willoughby Sir John Christopher bart. 2 Down street,
Perks Sir Robert. William bart. Wykham park, Banbury
Piccadilly. London W
Peyton Lieut.-Col. Sir Algernon Francis bart. Swifts Wingfield Mervvn Edward George Rhys, Barrington
house, Bicester
park, Burford
Phillimore Rt. Hon. Sir Walter George Frank bart. Wormald John, Springs, 1'Tn-th stnl-p. Wallingford
D.C.L. The Coppice, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames; & *Wykeham Philip Jam«« D'irby. Tvfhrop house, Thame
Cam house, Campden hill, Kensington, London W
â¦Wykeham-Musgrave Wennian Aubrey, Barnsley park«
Phillips Major George Ingleton B A. Rawlinson road, Cirencester, Gloâstersh
Young Fredk. Wm. Rectory form, Broughton, Banbury
Plowden Sir William Chichele K.C.S.I. Aston Rowant
honse, Wallingford
Clerk of the Peace & to the Lieutenancy, James Rose M.A. County hall, Oxford.
D E P U T Y L I E U T E N A N T S ( n o t M a g is tr a te s ) .
Leigh John Blundell esq. Manor house, Stratton Audley, Ponsonby The Hon. Frederick John William, 14 Chapel
st. Belgrave sq. London S W ; A Langford, L e eh la d e