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d ir e c t o r y . ]
is 2,487 acres ; rateable value, ¿ 2 ,776 ; th e population
in 1911 was 479 *n
ciyil and 48g in the ecclesiastical
p a r is h .
Under the provisions of the â Divided Parish Act.
1882,â a detached p art of Ewelme was transferred to
B e n s o n for civil purposes.
Parish Clerk, James Winfield.
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office â W illiam Robert Howell, subpostmaster. L etters through W allingford arrive at
4.5o a.m. & 12.13 p.m . ; dispatched at 10.49 a.m . &
R E S ID E N T S .
Atkinson Herbert
Burkitt Edward H erbert
Champion John W aite, Cottesm ore
Dodd Rev. Joseph A rth u r
(rector), Rectory
Eagle-Bott John W ilson, Hill house
Franklin Miss
Hampden M t s . T h e Old Mansion
Lawson Frank, E w elm e D o w n ; &
104a, Park street, G rosvenor sq
London W
Maxwell Misses, Saffron Close
Osier Sir W illiam bart. M.D. The
Palmer Lester
Quin Misses, Ewelm e m anor
Schunck Charles A . Old M ill house
E ÃX S H A M .
8 p .m .; arrive on sunday at the same tim e ; disÂ
patched at 7.15 p.m . only.
W all L etter B oxes.â
K ingspond, cleared at 10.40 a.m . & 7-55 p.m . ; S u n Â
day, 7.20 p .m . ; Fifield, cleared at 10.30 a.m . A 6.30
p.m . ; sunday, 7.25 p.m
E lem en tary School (m ixed), for 175 children ; W illiam
H erm an, m aster
C arriers.â E dw ard & Robert Cherrill, to W allingford,
d a ily ; to Oxford, wed. & sat. ; Sidney W infield, to
W allingford, daily
Badcock Annette (M iss), nurse, The
Cloisters cottage
Balcombe J. gardener to F rank L aw Â
son esq. E w elm e Down
B ennett Thom as, grocer
B rakspear W illiam Henry & Sons Ltd.
brewery stores (R. Franklin, m gr)
B urke A lfred, farm m anager to Frank
Lawson esq. E w elm e Down
C h errill Edward & Robert, carriers
C lack Henry, builder
C ripps Richard, Lam b P.H
Edwards John, farm er, Days farm
E w elm e & D istrict M iniature Rifle
Range (C. A . Schunck, hon. sec)
E welm e G olf C lub (Col. F. G ossett,
Ew elm e
(G eorge
H artnup, hon. sec)
Field Edward, beer retailer
Godden Edward, blacksm ith
H eather Sidn ey, boot dealer & draper
H erm an W illiam Jam es, school m asÂ
ter & rate collector, T he Cloisters
H owell W illiam Robert, grocer &
draper, Post office
Justin s H enry, E w elm e nurseries
Keen G eorge, baker
K in gh am Thom as, G reyhound P.H
Orpwood H erbert W illiam , farm er,
Cottesm ore & E yre farm s
Poupart Lo uis H erbert, grocer
Sm ith G eorge Edward & W illiam
G eorge, w atercress growers
S m ith George, watercress grower
Winfield Moses, w h eelw righ t & crpntr
Winfield Sidney, carrier
E Y E , see Dunsden and Eye.
E Y N S H A M (A. S. Egonesham ) is a parish and large
village on the road from Oxford to W itney and C heltenÂ
ham. bounded on the east by the river Evenlode and
separated from Berkshire b y the Isis, over w hich there
are two bridges ; there is a station here on th e Oxford,
Witney and Fairford branch of the G reat W estern r a ilÂ
way ; the village is 64 m iles from London by road and 70
by rail, 5 east from W itn ey and 6 north-w est from
Oxford, and is in the M id division of th e county,
Wootton hundred. Bam pton E ast p etty sessional d iviÂ
sion, union and county cou rt district of W itney, rural
deanery of Woodstock and archdeaconry and diocese of
Oxford. The village is lighted w ith gas from works
established in 1870 and reb uilt in 1899"; main drainage
was laid down in 1899 at a cost of about £3,500, and water
works formed in 1903 at a cost of £4,000. The church of
St. Leonard is a b uilding of stone in the Decorated, and
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of five
bays with clerestory, south aisle, narrow north aisle
and porch with parvise, and a western tower of four
stages at the end of the north aisle, w ith em battled
parapet and an angle tu rre t, square for two stages,
and octagonal for the r e s t : the tower contains a clock
and 6 bells: the chancel is Transition al from E arly
English to Decorated: the north aisle is Perpendicular
and divided from the nave by an arcade of four arches
of the same date, on fluted piers of unusual form , the
nfth or westernmost bay being occupied by the tow er:
ne south aisle is in the Transitional Decorated and
erpendicular styles, with a sim ilar arcade of five
arches, but is considerably w ider than the north aisle:
je east end of the south aisle once formed a chantry,
n retains a piscina and two a u m b rie s: the nave is
aariy Perpendicular, w ith a clerestory lighted b y five
⢠d o w S on either s id e : the tower is of the
w !.
?nd *?as a stair tu rret at the north-east
, is also of
period: there are a
umber of mural monuments, three of which are to the
«'1 â *n
cilancei 1S abrass ta Edward
7- 1632, and a slab inscribed to Jam es Stanley,
mpmnrtf rn!v f ast window was erected in 1903 in
chnrpR °
^ râ S m a llh o rn : the interior of the
iqoi t J aSv eSt° i ed in i895> and again in 1898, and in
, WaS T est0red
a * a COSt
and W®
t n°rth S]deof the church
stand the shaft
S now 1 f fin/
a ^ t e d capital,
organ chamhpr a ilin g s : in 1914 a new organ and
are a W
erected at a cost of £583 : there
dates from 1 r°
The register of baptism s
i 6m
i t
fPe ^ear 1664: m arriages, 1665; burials.
£195, i j i
1SJ a ⢠aras e\ net y ear]y val«e
held since .rSM
f1 a nli.
d reiT
s id e n c e , in
111 th e g if t of
01 ana
M.A â r V I 93 a the R eyâ W ilia m Nash Bricknell
IâWouah K r ° "
Oxford. The Duke of Marlehanpl
*â * Iay im propriator. The Baptist
r e in t8 i5 â
Tlie C atholic Apostolic
erected in 99
sbone- The W esleyan chapel,
3T1<i wi]] ,- .1 1 at a cost of over £700, is of stone,
1 about 250 persons. A m arket f. r cattle,
sheep and p igs is held on the second Tuesday in
I the m onth. St. Thom asâ ch arity consists of about
I £85 yearly, and was, in 1902, am algam ated with
the W aste Lands charity.
In th e year 1800, when
the waste lands of this parish w ere inclosed under an
Award, certain land called â F oxley farm n was allotted
to the poor in lieu of the rig h t they previously had
of cu ttin g fuel from the common at certain seasons;
this land produces about £ 5 4 yearly. In 1 9 1 1 under a
scheme of the C h arity C om m issioners, the ch aritv was
re-arranged, and is now used to assist persons under
the age of 21 years to enter upon a trade or occup ation ;
to defray the cost of proper care and attention in special
cases of sickness, and to adm inister tem porary relief
in cases of sickness and urgent distress, and to pay a
weekly allowance to persons' who have attained the age
of 60 years, who are not able to m aintain them selves
and who are not in receip t of poor law relief other than
m edical relief. John Bartholom ew in the year 1700 left
£35°» âwhich has been increased from tim e to tim e by
sundry benefactions, for the purchase of land, the re n t of
w hich, now (1915) am oun tin g to £35 per annum , was
form erly applied in apprenticing boys, b ut in 1909. by
an Order of Council, it was transferred to the Board of
Education Tor educational purposes only. The Benedictine
A bbey form erly existing in this parish, and situated near
the riv er Tham es, was founded before A.D . 1005, by A th elm ar, E arl of Devon, a man g rea tly esteem ed bv K in g
Ethelred, and dedicated to SS. M ary and Benedict and
A ll Saints ; portions of the b uildings, w hich in cluded a
church w ith two western towers, were rem ain in g until
1^43, and the site m ay still be traced in a meadow to
the west of the c h u r c h : at its dissolution in 1539 there
were 16 monks, and its revenues w ere estim ated at
£441 ; Anthony K itchen, the last A bbot, was Bishop of
Llandaff 1545-66. E ynsham H all, about 3 m iles n orth Â
west, and near the boundary, is a large mansion,
situated in a park of over 800 acres, em bellished w ith
some fine tim ber, a choice collection of ornam ental
shrubs and a lake of about 16 acres ; the house, seated
on high ground, com m ands a capital view of woodland
sce n ery; it was com pletely reb u ilt durin g the period
the property and residence of Jam es
T9 ° 4 -7» and
Francis Mason esq. M .P. Th e principal landowners are
J. F. Mason esq. M.P. who is lord of the m anor, the
Duke of M arlborough K .G . and Corpus C h risti and
Merton Colleges. Oxford. The soil is various, gravel,
loam and stiff clay ; subsoil, gravel and clay. The crops
are the usual cereals and roots. The area is 5,410 acres
of land and 36 of w a t e r ; rateable value, £ 9 ,9 52; the
population in 1911 was 1,683 in the civil and 1.502 in
the ecclesiastical parish.
B ARNARD G A T E is a ham let 2 m iles w est-north-w est
on the h igh road to W itney.
H ere is a W esleyan
m ission chapel.
P arish C lerk . Frank Pim m .
Sexton, Sam uel Ford.