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c h a r t r i d CtE.


[ b e l l y ’s

Newman W illiam , beer retailer
Sills G eorge T. carpenter
F ranklin A rth u r E llis J.P . C h art-.
I Skells John, farm er
rid ge lo d ge; & 35 Porch ester ter- Blunt Thom as, Blue Ball P H
T a n n e r Jacob, poultry dealer
! Darvell Charles & Sons, farm ers
race, London W
IW alton John, farm er, M ount Nugent
C h artrid ge ; D errick C harles, farm er
F reem an
N at
H arris,
Gromm John, farm er, Beech farm
Fuller M iss, H yde house, Hyde Heath Hayes John, farm er
(M arked thus t receive letters
Miles Jam es, pheasant breeder
Jukes "William A rth ur
th rou gh G t. M issenden.)
Page H erbert, farm er & pheasant brdr
tG r a n t E d g ar H enry
IPage W alter, farm er, Wood farm
Knollys F rederick R. A . N. W alling­
Barnes Jam es, Portobello P.H
ford house
Bedford G eorge, C h erry tree farm
B E L L IN G D O N .
Laurence Claude, L ittle Pednor
(Tiark G eorge A rth ur, farm er
F rederick, frm r. H alfw ay ho
Craw ley A lbert, farm er
De Fraine Thom as Turn er, farm er,
LeonardW m .Bellm gdon end tD w ig h t F rederick, farm er
W . frm r. L it. Hundridge
C hartrid ge farm & M aple T ree frm H ighfield Misses
fM cIn tyre Jas. farm er, Hawthornes
D ell Jesse (M rs.), farm er & h ay dir
c o m m e r c ia l .
N ash Thom as, farm er, W eedon Hill
Pearce Joseph, egg m erchant, poultry Baker Joseph, brick m aker
farm (postal address, Am ersham )
farm er, fru it dealer & chaff & soot \Cook A lfred, farm er
N orth Thom as, beer retailer, Hyde
m erchant, C h artrid ge G reen farm E lliott Joseph F. farm er
heath (postal address, Am ersham )
R eading Room & C lu b (W . H an cock,1Evans John, B lack Horse P.H . ChesSaunders Thos. farm er,B rick K iln fm
ju n . sec)
I ham vale
h erm an Sam uel, farm er
R oberts G eorge, beer retailer
Rod well Jam es, farm er, Lim etree f r m !How J n .p o u ltry breeder, Orpington h o ''Tozer Sam uel, farm er, Manor farm
C H E A R S L E Y is a sm all v illa g e and p arish on an sity. Here is a B ap tist chapel, b u ilt in 1854 and seataffluent of th e riv er T ham e, 4^ m iles n orth-east from in g 100 persons. A P arish room was erected in 1909 bv
Tham e station, on the Princes Risborough and Oxford L t.-C o l. F. T . H. B ernard J .P . C hearsley H ill, the
section of the G reat W estern railw ay, 4 n orth-east from seat of L ieu t.-C o l. F ran cis T yrin g h am H iggin s Bernard
H addenham station on the G reat C en tral and G reat J.P. is p leasantly situated on an em inence and com­
W estern Join t railw ay, and 8 south-w est from A yles­ m ands extensive views of the surrounding country. The
trustees of th e late Mr. Richard Roadnight, M rs. Napier
b u ry, in the N orthern division of the county, p etty ses
sional division and hundred of Ashendon, union of A yles- H iggins, L t.-C o l. F . T . H. B ernard J.P . and Mrs
bury, county cou rt d istrict of Tham e, ru ra l deanery of Jessop are the principal landowners. T h e soil is clay
Waddesdon, archdeaconry of B uckingham and diocese of and lig h t loam ; sub-soil, clay and lim estone.
Oxford. The church of S t. N icholas, anciently a chapel chief crops are w heat, barley and turn ips. The area is
to Crendon, is a sm all b uilding of stone, originally E arly 943 a c re s; rateable value, £ 1 ,7 2 0 ; th e population in
E n glish , b u t now chiefly in the P erpendicular style, con­ 1911 was 276.
Parish Clerk, Stephen Read.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a fine em battled
western tower, w ith angle tu rre t, containing 4 bells ; Post & T . Office.— M iss M artha G regory, sub-post­
th e ancient font is N orm an, w ith fluted basin and
m istress. L e tters th rou gh A ylesb ury are delivered at
adorned above w ith coble ornam ent and other caTved
7.55 a.m . & 12.50 p.m . week d a y s; Su n d ays at 9.20
work and in the chancel floor are several brasses of the
a .m .; dispatched a t i x -5 5 a.m . & 5.10 p .m .; S u n d a y s ,
15th century, in cludin g one to John Frankleyn, 1462, and
t o . 50 a.m .
Cuddington is the nearest m oney order
M argaret his w if e : the church affords 130 sittings.
T h e re g is te r dates from the yea r 1576. Th e liv in g is a
E lem en tary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1879 & since en­
vicarage, n et yea rly value ¿ 9 5 , in cludin g 44 acres of
larged, for 70 c h ild re n ; Miss Sarah B allard, mistress
glebe and residence, in the g ift of L t.-C o l. F. T . H.
B ernard J.P . and held since 1908 b y th e Rev. H arold C arrier to A ylesb ury— Thom as W illiam Lee, wed.fc s a t.:
& Tham e, tues
Francis W ilson B .A ., D .C .L ., L .T h . of D urham UniverWilson Rev. H arold Francis B .A ., Hanson Jam es, Bell inn P.H
D .C .L ., L .T h . (vicar), Th e V ica rag e IHillsdon CarolineE liza(M rs.),blcksm th
Bernard F ran cis Tyrin gh am H iggins
1Jessop Stephen, farm er
J.P . (lieut.-col. 3rd O xfordshire &
¡Lee Adelaide (M rs.), shopkeeper
B uckingham shire L ig h t In fan try),
Lee Thom as W illiam , carrier
C h earsley
H ill;
W h ite's
& C larke Thom as, h iggler
R oadnight Richard (exors. of), frmrs.
Boodle's clubs, London S W
Chearslev IDancer M atthew, beer ret. & carpentr ( Manor farm
V ictor,
Roadnight Richd. farm er. G rove farm
G regory M artha (M iss),farm er,P ost off W ilson Thom as, W h ite H orse P.H
G regory G eorge, Sunnydene
C H E D D I N G T O N is a village and parish 2J m iles
north -w est from Ivinghoe, 5 i south from Leigh ton B u z­
zard, 4$ north from T rin g and 36 from London, in the Mid
■division of the county, hundred of Cottesloe, p etty ses­
sional division of Linslade, union and county court district
of Leighton B uzzard, rural deanery of Ivinghoe, arch­
deaconry of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. The
London’ and North W estern railw ay passes through and
has a station at Cheddington Junction, where the Ayles­
b u ry line branches off. Th e G rand Junction canal also
intersects the parish.
The village is supplied with
w ater from a reservoir, erected in 1908 at a cost of
about £2,000, and fed from artesian w e lls : it was
presented to the inhabitants b y th e E arl of Rosebery in
m em ory of th e late Countess of Rosebery. T he church
of St. G iles, situated a short distance from the village,
on elevated ground, surrounded by trees, is a plain
edifice of stone in the Perpedicular style, consisting of
chancel, nave, aisle, south porch a n d . an em battled
western tower containing 6 b e lls ; the octagonal font is
of D ecorated ch aracter, and the p u lp it of ancient carved
o a k : a stained east window was presented in 1866 by
th e Rev. A rth u r Perceval P u re y-C u st M .A. Tector here
1853-62 and now dean of Y o rk , and h is w ife, L a d y
E m m a P u r e y -C u s t; the reredos, of glass m osaic,
was presented* b y th e Rev. Lionel D igby W illiam DawsonDam er M .A. Tector here 1862-69; and in i 8 9 4 a stained
window and a carved oak screen weTe erected, in m em ory
of the R ev. F rederick B urn H arvey S .C .L ., J.P. rector
here 1869-93: th e church was restored in 1858 under
the direction of the la te G. E. S treet esq. R .A . p rin ­
cip ally at the expense of th e late E arl Brownlow and
the rector, the rem ainder being paid by a m ortgage

on the ch urch rates for 30 y e a r s : there are 300 sittings.
The register dates from the year 1538. Th e livin g is a
rectory, net yea rly value £307, in cludin g 52 acres of
glebe,* w ith residence, in the g ift of the E arl of Rosebery, and held since 1904 b y the Rev. John Ashley
Broad, of S t. Bees, and surrogate. H ere is a Wesleyan
chapel. To the south-w est of the village, on the hill
side facing east, are three wide terraces or linches,
created by the ancient m ethod of ploughing under the
open field system and furn ishin g an excellent example
of the mode of cultivation then practised. Th e E arl of
Rosebery K .G ., K .T ., P .C . is lord of the m anor and
principal landowner. Th e soil is Oxford c la y ; subsoil,
chalk. Th e chief crops are w heat, barley, oats, beans
and roots. T h e area is 1,426 a c re s; rateable value,
£10,095 ; th e population in 1911 was 547 in the c iv il and
550 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Seabrook, a h am let partly in th is parish, will be found
under Ivinghoe.
Parish Clerk, G eorge W aters.
Post, M. O. & T . Office.— M rs. Phcebe A lcock, subpostm istress. L etters arrive throu gh T rin g at 7.30 &
a .m .; Sundays, 9 a .m .; dispatched at 11.55 a.m.
& 6.15 & 7.50 p .m .; dispatched sundavs, 10.45 a.m
W all L e tter Box, Railw ay station, cleared at 12.5 a.m.
& 8.10 p .m . w eek days only
E lem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt for 135 ch ild ren ;
W illiam A . Rowe, m aster
E lem entary School, b u ilt b y the late Baroness Roths­
child, for 88 ch ild ren ; M iss A u gu sta Groombridge,
m istress
C oun ty Police, H enry Baughan, constable
Railway Station, A rth u r Goodwin, station m aster