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Webster Mrs. 20 F renchay road, St. W h ittu c k R ev.C h arles A u gu stu s M .A. W inch ester Tom , 4 C rip ley road
(vicar of St. M ary the V irg in & W inkfield A lfred M .A ., F .R .C .S .E n g .
Weippert Miss, 59 C halfont road, St.
ru ra l dean of O xford), 39 St. M ar­
26 Beaum ont street
garet’s road, S t. G iles’
W inslow M iss V . L. (house b u rsar),
Welch Alfred E rnest, 45 St. John st W h itw ell Robert Jow itt B .L itt. 70
St. H ilda's h all, C owley place
Weld Miss, 1x9 Iffley road
B anbury road
W in stedt Isaac Olaf, 181 Iffley road
Weldon Mrs. 3 South P ark road
W iblin G ilb ert, 36 H am ilton road W instone E rn est J. 68 Southm oor rd.
Welford Edwin Jam es, 6 Lonsdale
Sum m ertown
St. G iles’
road, Sum m ertown
Wiblin John, 23 South parade, Sum W ish art John A. 255 B an bury road,
Weller Mrs. 7 Bevington rd. S t. G iles’
Sum m ertow n
Wells E. G resham M .A. 129 Wood- W iblin M rs.83 D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd W odehouse Rev. Roger B .A . (curate
stock road, St. G iles’
W iblin Mrs. 50 Lonsdale road, S u m ­
of S t. Thom as the M artyr), Th e
Wells Jas.93 D ivinity rd. C owley road,
m ertown
V icarage, B ecket st. St. Thom as’
Wells Joseph M .A. (warden), W ad­ W ickham W alter F .R .A .S .62 St.Joh n’s W olff G ottlieb, 26 W alton W ell rd.
ham college
road, S t. G iles’
S t. G iles’
Wells Mrs. 17 N orthm oor road
W ickrem asingh e M artino de Z ilva Wood A rth u r W illiam Henry, 96.
Wells Mrs. Jam es, 241 W oodstock Td
M .A. (lectu rer a t Jesus college), 13
S outhm oor road, S t. G iles’
S t. M arg aret’s road
Wood F rank A rnold, 71 Lonsdale
Wenborn Reuben, 39 Thorncliffe rd. W icks Mrs. 115 B anbury road
S um m ertow n
W iggin s C lare A velin g, 9 P ark town Wood G eorge M .A . (librarian & seniorWenns Henry Joseph, 240 Iffley road W ildm an M iss, 298 B anbury road,
b ursar),
Pem broke
West Miss,69 Lonsdale rd.Sum m ertw n
Sum m ertow n
A ld a te’s street
West Miss, 3 Norham gardens
W ilkins H enry, 3 M anor pi. H olywell Wood John M .A ., M.D. 64 S t.G ile s ’ st,
West Mrs. 11 N orthm oor road
Wilkins John1 Richard, 4 Chalfont road Wood John A lfred M .A ., M .B ., B.Ch.
West Owen, 74 W arw ick street
W ilkin s M rs. 4 Linton road
64 St. G iles' street
Westell George, 77 Iffley road
W ilkinson H. Spenser M .A. (Chichele Wood W m . 3 Lon gw orth rd. S t.G ile s ’
Westell W alter, 50 Aston street
professor of m ilitary h istory), A ll W oodcock M rs. 24 H ill Top road,.
Cowley St. John
Souls’ college
St. C lem en t’s
Westmacott Mrs. 182 W oodstock rd. W ilkinson Mrs. 26 Polstead road, Woods G abriel M .A. (secretary to th e
S t. G iles’
adviser of Indian studen ts), 33
Weston W alter, H ighlandene, Hill W ilks Frederick W . 134 C owley road
H igh street
Top road, St. C lem en t’s
W illert M rs.The C roft, H eadington hi Woodward B ertie F ran k, 24 P arker st
Whatley Norman M .A. (dean & le c­ W illiam s Col. Owen, 18 L a th b u ry rd Woodward F ran k, 6 G rove street
turer), Hertford college
W illiam s Rev. A lw yn T erre ll Petre W oodward F rederick, 53 B ullingdon
WheeleT Alfred Henry, 24 Stanley rd.
M .A. (fellow of A ll Souls & le c­
road, C ow ley St. John
Cowley St. John
tu rer Jesus c o ll.),11 S t.M ich ael's st W oodward H arry Sam uel, n W estern
Wheeler Arunah Charles Addington. W illiam s Rev. Chas. E ccles Edm ond
road, G randpont
41 Walton crescent, St. Thom as'
D.D. Banbury rd. Sum m ertown
Woodward Henry W. 59 S t. M ary’s
Wheeler John, 36 B anbury road
W illiam s Rev. C y ril A rch ibald E ccles
road, C ow ley S t. John
Wheeler Miss, 354 B anbury road,
M .A. (assistan t m aster Sum m er- W ooldridge John, 8 T a c k ier place,
field p reparatory school), 256 B an ­
S t. G iles’
Wheeler Mrs.2Abingdon rd. Grandpont
b ury road, Sum m ertow n
W ootton M iss, 7 B ard w ell road
Wheeler Thomas Dowling, 43 W alton W illiam s Rev. H enrv H erbert M .A. W ordsw orth M iss, 12 R awlinson rd.
crescent, St. Thom as’
(p rin cipal of St. E dm und h all),
St. G ile s’
Wheeler W illiam K in g , 53 W alton
Queen’s lane
W rig h t G eorge, 27 L a th b u ry road
crescent, St. Thom as’
W illiam s Rev. N orm an Powell M .A. W right John, 44 W arw ick street
Whillans Thomas, 143 Iffley road
(chaplain, lectu rer & librarian ), W rig h t Joseph P h .D ., D .C .L ., L L .D .,.
Whistler Charles E lliott] Ellwood.
E xe ter college
L itt.D . (professor of com parative
Hill Top road, St. Clem ent's
W illiam s C harles L .R .C .P . & S.,
p h ilology), 119 B anbury road
Whitaker Reginald, 67 K in gston rd.
L .S .A . 173 D ivin ity rd. C owley rd W rig h t Mrs. 79 K in gston rd. St. G ile s’
St. Giles’
W illiam s Horace A r th u r ,10 Oakthorpe W ron g Edw ard M urray B .A . M ag­
Whitcombe Rev.Leonard M .A .(cu rate
road, Sum m ertow n
dalen college
of St. Thomas the M artyr), 1 Crip- W illiam s M isses, 107 D ivin ity road, W roughton M iss, 13 N orthm oor road
ley Toad
C owley road
W uschack Miss, 162 B anbury roadr
White Benjam in, 182 D ivin ity road, William s Mrs. G rove cottage, St.
S um m ertow n
Cowley road
Cross road
W yatt Frederic, 197 Iffley road
White Charles. 13 H am ilton road, W illiam s Mrs. Lew is, 9 W inchester W ya tt W illiam , 27 W h ite H ouse rd.
road, S t. G iles’
White Ernest R. 36 Chalfont road, W illiam s Thom as, 26 O akthorpe rd. W ya tt W illiam C laud, 39 Chalfont
St. Giles’
S um m ertow n
road, S t. G iles’
White Miss, 9 G rove street
W illiam son Rev. W ilfred A lexander W yatt W illiam W est, 98 W oodstock
^ e M r s . 29 & 30 Leckford road,
B .A .(v ic a r of S t.M a tth ew ),7 Isis st
road, S t. G iles’
ot. Giles’
W illiam son
M arshall,
14 W vldc Jas. 45 W oodstock rd .S t,G ile s ’
White Mr-.
N orthm oor road
W ylie D avid Thom as M .D .. L .R .C .P .
W ilsdon H enry Benj. 73 W alton st
& S .Irel. 217 Ifflev road, Cowlev
Ast011 s t Cowley St.John Wilsd-on H enry W illiam , 43 Beech
St. John
White William Henrv M .I.C .E . 8 St
C roft road, Sum m ertow n
W ylie Francis Jam es M .A . (O xford
Margaret’s roed, S t. G iles’
Wilson Rev. H enry A ustin
M .A.
sec. to th e Rhodes trustees), 9
1 -e William John, 57 Southm oor
(librarian & founde-’s chaplain),
South P ark road
road, St. Giles’
M agdalen college
Whitehead Mrs. 5 Lonsdale road, W ilson Frank, 7 South parade, S u m ­ Y a tes Thom as, 2 Beech C roft road,
Sum m ertow n
S u in m e rto w n
m ertown
Y eates G eorge H arvey, 30a. B u llin g ­
Whitelocke R H. A nglin M.D St. W ilson Jam es, 181 D ivin ity road,
don road, C ow ley St. John
Whi! r g t e , Banbmry road
C owley road
Y o u n g A rth u r, 32 P arker street
W ilson John Cook M .A ., L L .D .(W yk e- Y o u n g G eo.W alt.M .A . 30 H olywell st
J3 Linton road
ham professor of logic & fellow of Y o u n g H erbert E. 147 B an bury rd.
Wbitm=n b
C bas- 202 Cowlev rd
New college), 12 Fyfield road
Sum m ertow n
lies "
61 Bainton Toad- s t W ilson Miss, 65 Lonsdale road, S u m ­ Y ou n g M iss, 49 Beech C roft road,
m ertown
m ertow n
137 6 139 W ° ° d st°<*
W ilson Mrs. 56 H amilton road, S u m ­ Y oun g W alter, 47 Oakthorpe road,
m ertown
Sum m ertown













Ear]y closing day, Thursday.
St^John1^ ’ fried

dealer, 127 Howard st. Cowley

6r’ ^s^mong e r. 27 St. C lem en t’s street
c r e e m a n , boot & shoe m as. 15a, St. A ld ate’s st














Abbs A braham , french polisher (first-class London W est
End e x p erien c e); all kinds of builders’ work polished
in any style ; antique & any furn itu re repaired & repolished ; also furn itu re rem oved, 128 W alton street.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e


A ’Bear John Daniel, boot w arehouse, 132 Cowlev road