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F! r
Harding Charles F. Lower Shiplake, Jenkins George & Son, 9 Little Clar Hie-att Ransom, 14 Bartlemas road,
endon street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cowley road, Oxford
Heniprich Mrs. E. Carterton.Clanfield Johnson Mrs.Sarah,Mid.Cowley,Oxfrd Kearsey Mrs. A. M 4 & 5 Albert st.
Humphries Jas. A.Carterton.Clanfield Kempson William John, 35 & 36 St Jericho, Oxford
Mole Frederick, Carterton, Clanfield
Clementâs street, Oxford
Ledger W. 25 Albert st.Jericho,Oxfrd
Sharp John Hy. Carterton, Clanfield King Thomas Hy. 50 High st. Witney Lester & Sons, 1 Upper High street &
Walker Chas. Carterton, Clanfield Knibbs William, 47 North st. Bicester 1 North street, Thame
Wendland R. Carterton, Clanfield
Lewis Ralph, 282 Cowley rd. Oxford Newitt Henry & Sons, 11, 12, 13, 14 &
Mann William, Charlbury
17 High street, Thame
Messer Harry, North Parade avenue, Papel Mrs. Rosina, 94 St. Clementâs
treet, Oxford
British Banana Co. Limited, 6 & 7
Morris Charles, 25 Oakthorpe road. Venables William & Son, 58 St.
Cornmarket street, Oxford
Summertown, Oxfoid
Clementâs street, Oxford
Mortimer Frederick John, 8, 10, 11&
12 The Market, Oxford
Brewer William & Son, 54, 55 & 56 Moss Henry & Sons, 5 Reading road
The Market, Oxford
& 54Bell street, Henley-on-Thames Cross Edward, 1, 2 & 3 Pembroke
street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Smart Bert, 90 The Market, Oxford Oram Richard, Goring, Reading
Tyrrell H.88 & 127 The Market,Oxfrd Pargeter Henry James, 45 Broughton
road, Banbury
T UR E R E M O 3 13 &
rsons Henry, Rotherfield Peppard. FURNIDEPOSITORIES.
Acaster Albert Henry, 13 Church st. Pateman F. & T. 108 Magdalen road, Abbs Abraham, 128 Walton street,
Oxford. See a d v e r t is e m e n t
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Banting Mrs. Mary, 72 St. Aldateâs!Payne W.92 & 93 The Market, Oxford p a g e 5 7
street. Oxford
Payne Mrs. William Frank, 33a, St Archer, Cowley & Co. 36 & 37 PemÂ
broke street, St. Aldateâs & 36
Barrett Joseph, 67 St. Clementâs st. Gilesâ street, Oxford
Pearsall Albert John, 84 St. Aldateâs Park End street & (warehouse)
Park End st. St. Thomasâ, Oxford.
Batchelor G. 37 Parsons st. Banbury street, Oxford
Bates Joseph & Co. 156 The Market, Phillips Jas. 7 Upper High st. Thame See a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 6 0
Poole J. 30 & 31 The Market, Oxford Chapman Brothers, 2 High street &
Bayliss Miss H. Horley, Banbury
Quelch A. 124 & 180 Cowley rd.Oxfrd Broad street, Banbury
Beazlev Walter, 78 Walton st. Oxford Roper H.R.41 Bell st.Henley-on-Thms Giles & Jemmett, 66a, Bell street,
Blencowe Mrs. Eliza, 42 Magdalen rd. Sconce Mrs. A. 13 Broad st, Banbury Henley-on-Thames
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Scoones & Co. 26 Little Clarendon Jones Jim, Brook street, Watlington,
Bliss Geo. 37 Church lane, Banbury
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Boxold Harry, 68 & 69 High street & Shrubshall Norton, 17 Duke street. Mansell WilLiam, 28 Caroline street,
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Vineyard nurseries.Green la.Banbry Henley-on-Thames
Brown & Co. 25 St. Ebbeâs st. Oxford Simmonds Joseph Henry, 35 South Saunders & Co. ; depository, 32 Park
Butler Albt. J. 49 Bridge st. Banbury parade & 204 Banbury road, Sum End street, St. Thomasâ, Oxford.
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 2
Butler Peter, Kingwood common, mertown, Oxford
Rotherfie)dPeppard,Henley-on-Thms Simmons Mrs. Mary, 34 Bullingdon Taphouse C. H. & Sons, 69 Howard
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Castle Mrs. A.83 St.Aldateâs st.Oxford road. Cowley St. John, Oxford
Chambers Tobias Alban, 89 The S m a r t H enry, 32, 33, 34, 94 & 95
op & S o n s â D ep o sito rie s,
Market, Oxford
The Market; 13 Woodstock road;
Clarke Miss S. C. 13 & 14 The Mar 70 & 270 Cowley road & 209 Ban Hugh street & Ebury street, PimÂ
ket, Oxford
lico, London S W. Warehousing &
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Clinkard William H. 290 Woodstock Smith Walter, 14 Hurst st. Cowley household removals by motor vans,
rail or sea; prospectus post free.
road, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Constable G.7 New st.Chipping Nortn Stanford Thos. 17 Sheep st. Bicester Telephone, 532 Victoria
Cooper John & Son, 20 The Market, Stannard Arthur, 63 Sunningwell rd. D e p o sito ry â T h e â for removing
New Hinksev, Oxford
& warehousing furniture, plate,
Course Walter, Market place, Ded- Steele Albert John, 12 Duke street. musical instruments, wines, carÂ
dington, Oxford
riages, luggage &c. &c.; allcharges
CrutchfieldWilliam,Kingwood common, Waldron George, Woodcote, Reading
For terms apply to
Rotherfield Peppard,Henley-on-Thms Walker Mrs. Maud Mary, 117 Walton moderate.
Arthur G. Dixon, 22 to 34 & 38 to
Danbury Miss R.15 Cowley rd.Oxford street, Oxford
3 Harrow rd. London
Dance Charles, 7 Cowley rd. Oxford Weston Henry, Middle Cowley, Oxford
Dixon Miss D. Market sq. Bicester Wheeler Wiliiam, u Commercial rd. W. T N 89 Paddington
M ou sed B ros. Ltd. 15 Elizabeth st.
Dobinson Alfred, 87 High st. Thame St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Druce Mrs. Minnie J. 152 The Mar Whichelo Charles, Sonning Common, Eaton square, London S W ; oldest
& largest removal contractors &
ket, Oxford
Durham William, nr Magdalen road. White & Sons, 20 & 21 Park End st. stores; country depositories, BirÂ
mingham, Manchester, Liverpool,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Eeles Alfred, 6 Centre street, Grims- Williams Thos. 33 High st. Banbury Leeds, Leamington, Gloucester,
burv, Banbury
Witney Thomas, Chinnor,Wallingford Cheltenham & Exeter; apply to
Emmett Mrs. Jemima, 84 Reading Wodhull William, 62 Broad street & nearest Depository for estimates
S o u th
P a n te c h n ic o n
road, Henley-on-Thames
2 Horsefair, Panbury
Gascoigne S. 8 Butchers row, Banbury Yeates John, 49 The Market, Oxford
Co. L im ited , 37 to 45 Station rd.
Gee Charles & Sons, 57, 84, 85 & 86
Camberwell, London S E. T A
The Market, Oxford
â Dismantling, LondonT N 2024
Geeâs. Victoria nurseries, 61 Banbury F U N E R A L FURNISHERS.
road, Oxford
Morton H. & E. 43 & 44 Cornmarket T a y lo r C h a rle s & Son,
Giles David, 15 Middleton rd. Grims- st. & 153 Walton street, Oxford
Taylorâs Depository, Southwark,
bury, Banbury
Godwin Arthur Victor, 34 Speedwell FURNITURE BROKERS &
Removals & warehousing;
street, St. Aldate's, Oxford
Telephone No. 272 Hop;
Goodey S. & Sons, no, m & 113 to
Telegraphic address:â
116 The Market, Oxford
[4ST Full lists o f th is t r a d e in
Goodey W. & Sons, 139 The Market, U nited K in g d o m , s e e C a b in e t âTaylor's Depository, Southwarkâ
& F u rn itu re T r a d e s D irectory.]
Greenwood Edwin F. 72 St. Giles'
street, Oxford
Arthurs Cecil F. High st. Burford Adamson & Co. 102 & 103 High street,
Gregory Chas. 86 Warwick rd.Banbry Busby I. E. Market pi. Bampton
Harris Walter, 3 High street, Witney Durham W. 66 St. Aldateâs st.Oxford Chamberlaine Madame Constance, 6
Harvey William, 3 New road, Oxford Gibbs Albt. Jas. 67 Walton st.Oxford George street, Oxford
Hitchcock A. & Sons, High street, Gibbs Joseph William, New st. Ded- Goldcrown Harry (manufacturing],
dington, Oxford
42 George street, Oxford
Howkins W. jun.126 Walton st.Oxfrd Giles Edward, 6 Hart street, Henley- Harris Miss Ellen, Charlbury
Jacques Joseph, 48 Parsons st.Banbry on-Thames
Judge J. Harold, 62 & 63 High si
Jeanes Edwin, 15 North Parade aven. Hall Richard, 4 Hayfield rd. St.Gilesâ, Banbury. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
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