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view s of woodland scenery. The Rev. H. C. W ilder | Post Office.— A lfred W illiam D u ckett, sub-postm aster.
M .A. is lord of the m anor and p rin cipal landowner.
L e tters from R eadin g arrive a t 7.50 a.m . & 7.10 p.m . ;
T he soil is sand and lo a m ; subsoil, clay and gravel.
dispatched at 7.50 a.m . & 7 p.m . Pangbourne, 2 m iles
distan t, is the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
The chief crops are w heat, barley and roots. The area
is 711 ac re s; rateab le value, £ 1 ,0 1 6 ; the population in E lem entary School, established by th e late Rev. John
1911 w as 116.
W ilder in 1837 & reb u ilt in 1892 a t his expense, for
58 ch ild ren ; M iss E m ily H arm s, m istress
Parish C lerk, A lfred W illiam D uckett.
WTilder Rev. Hy. C has. M .A. R ectory 1P alm er M artha H arriet (M rs.), far- Rose Thom as P eter, farm er & overW ilder Mrs. John, Sulham house
m er & overseer, N unhide farm I seer, Sulh am farm
Jones Annie (M rs.), dress m aker
I (postal address, Th eale)
IV augh an S tan ley, architct.H om e frm
S U L H A M S T E A D - A B B O T S is a parish and village
2 m iles south from Theale station on th e G reat W estern
railw ay, joining Sulham stead-B an n isler, and 6jjt south ­
west from Reading, in the Southern division of the
county, hundred of Reading, Bradfield union, Reading
p etty sessional division and county cou rt d istrict, and
in the ru ral deanery of Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks
and diocese of Oxford. The church of S t. M ary is an
edifice of flint w ith stone dressings, in the E arly
E nglish style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch
and a w estern tower of wood containing 3 b e lls ; there
is a fine Norman font and m em orial windows to the
Rev. W illiam W hitelock, to the Rev. Robert S. FalconStew ard M .A. rector 1868-87, to M r. John T . S tran ge
and to A lfred Lew is E . Shepherd, son of the present
rector, and a brass to Ralph E yer, rector 152 1: the
church was restored in 1878-9 a t a cost of ,£1,100, and
affords 135 sittin gs. The re g is te r dates from th e year
The liv in g is a rectory, consolidated w ith
Sulham stead-B annister, jo in t net yea rly v alu e £400,
w ith 12 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of the
Provost and F ellow s of Q ueen’s College, O xford, and
held since 1887 by the Rev. A lfred John Parkm an
G rim sh aw Mrs. The Abbots
Jones Francis C urrer, Firlands
M urton Zachary, Foley farm
S m ith Mrs. T . L
Swaine Thom as E velyn , M ill house
W atson S ir W illiam G eorge bart.
Sulham stead house

Shepherd M .A . and form erly fellow of th at college, who
resides at Sulham stead-B annister. Here is a C ongre­
gational chapel, b u ilt in 1881. S ulh am stead House,
standing in a park of 72 acres, near th e river Kennet, is
the residence of S ir W illiam G eorge W atson bart. who is
lord of the m anor, and togeth er w ith J. H. Benyon esq.
lord-lieutenant, the p rin cipal landowner. The soil is
loam and c la y ; subsoil, gravel. Th e chief crops are
wheat, barley and oats. T h e area is 1,411 acres of land
and 16 of w a ter; rateab le value, £ 2 ,74 5; the population
in 1911 w as 264.
Office.— Charles
F reem an tle,
sub-postm aster.
L e tters arrive from R eadin g at 6.55 a.m . 12 noon &
5.55 p .m . ; dispatched a t 8.25 a.m . & 1.45 & 6.45
p .m . ; sunday, arrive a t 6.55 a .m .; dispatched 6.55
p.m . T heale is the n earest m oney order & telegraph
W all L etter Box at A bbots, near ch urch, cleared at
5.55 p.m . ; Sundays at 8.30
The children of th is place atten d th e school at S u l­
ham stead-B annister
C arrier to Reading.— W illiam A ld rid g e, tues. & sat

c o m m e r c ia l .
Leake G eorge A . schoolm aster &
Biddle A gn es (M iss), beer reta iler
assistant overseer, School house
E astm an Jesse, beer reta ile r
Pedersen V. farm b ailiff to Sir W m.
Freem antle Chas. shopkpr. & post off
G eorge W atson b art. Hom e farm
H uzzey W alteT, T hree K in g ’ s Jacks’ Ruse Colin, gardener to Z ach ary
Booth P .H
M urton esq
W ells Thom as G eorge, blacksm ith

S T J L H A M S T E A D - B A l i N I S T E R is a parish and
v illage, the Upper E nd of which is 2 m iles south-w est
from Theale station on the G reat W estern railw ay and
6£ south-w est from R eading, and th e Low er E nd 3
m iles north-east from M ortim er station on th e B asin g­
stoke branch of th e sam e line, and 6 from R e a d in g :
it is in the Southern division of th e county, Theale
hundred, Bradfield union, R eadin g p etty sessional
division and county court district, rural deanery of
Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford.
This parish consists of two portions, called respectively
the Upper and Lower Ends, detached from each other
and separated by Burghfield Com m on and a p art of
Wokefield. The Kennet river passes th rou gh the
parish, on th e north-w est.
The new church of St.
M ichael, erected in 1913-14 at a cost of £3,130, is an
edifice of flint w ith stone dressings, in a transitional
style between E a rly E n glish and Decorated, consisting
of nave of four bays w ith south porch, chancel of two
bays and tu rre t for 2 b e lls : there are five stained
m em orial w indow s:
there are 156 sittin gs.
parishioners have the righ t of m arriage in Sulham stead-Abbots church, and burial in its churchyard.
The register dates from the year 1654, but there are
earlier transcripts in the Diocesan R egistry at Salis-

bury. Th e liv in g is a rectory, consolidated w ith
Sulham stead-A bbots, join t net yearly value £440, with
22 acres of glebe and residence, in th e g ift of the
Provost and Fellows of Queen’s C ollege, Oxford, and
held since 1887 by the Rev. A lfred John Parkm an
Shepherd M .A. and form erly fellow of th a t college.
Oakfield, Sulham stead-B ann ister Low er E nd, is the
residence of G eorge W a lter T yser esq. J.P . S ir W illiam
G eorge W atson b art. who is lord of the m anor, and
J. H. Benyon esq. (lord -lieu t.) are the princip al lan d ­
owners. Th e soil is loam and c la y ; subsoil, gravel.
Th e ch ief crops are w heat, barley and oats. Th e area
of Sulham stead-B annister Low er E nd c iv il p arish is 576
a c r e s ; rateab le value, £988 ; the area of Sulham steadB annister Upper End is 555 a c re s; rateable value,
£ 1 ,2 4 7 ; the population in 1911 was 263, of which
num ber 125 were in th e Lower E nd c iv il parish and 138
in th e U pper E n d division of th e parish.
L e tte rs th rou gh R eading arrive a t 6.55 a.m . & 12 noon.
T h e nearest m oney order & telegrap h office is at
Theale, 2 m iles distant. See S ulh am stead-A bbots for
m ost of the U pper End & M ortim er for the Lo w er End
Elem entary School (m ixed), reb u ilt in 1873, for n o
c h ild ren ; G eorge A . Leake, m aster
C arrier to R eading— W illiam A ldridge, tues. & sat

(M arked th u s f receive their letters
c o m m e r c ia l .
, fT a v lo r F rederick, black sm ith
throu gh M ortim er, R eading.)
Adam s Edwin, w h eelw righ t
'T aylo r H arry, b ailiff to J. H. Benyon
B racey W m . farm er, Benham ’s farm j
esq. M ile House farm
H ughes Miss. H olly Bush
B u tt H .G .frm .b a iliff to G .W .T y ser esq |fY ern on H arry M bailiff to
Price Mrs. Holmwood
tG ibbon s Robt. Three F ir Trees P.H ; A lfred P alm er esq.Bloom field H atch
Shepherd Rev. A lfred John Parkm an Hayes Jas.N orm an,farm er,M eales frm j
M .A. (recto r). Rectory
P age Horace George, bailiff to J. H. ifW ise H enry G eorge,farm er & assistf-Tyser G-eorge W a lter J.P . Oakfield
Benyon esq. M ayridge farm
‘ an t overseer
S T J N 'liT iN 'G rD A L E was form ed into a civil parish in
M arch, 1894. from the parish of Old W indsor; the v il­
lage is situated on the B asingstoke and R eading roads,
with a station on the R eading and Staines branch of the
South W estern railw ay, 26 m iles from London, 7 m iles
south from W indsor, 5 south-w est from Old W indsor, in
the Eastern division of the county, W indsor p etty ses­
sional division and union, county court d istrict of
C hertsey. ru ra l deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of
Berks and diocese of Oxford. Th e ecclesiastical parish
was formed in 1841 from portions of Old Windsor,
W indlesham , Sunninghill, E gham and Chobham . The
church of the H oly T rin ity, p artially reb u ilt in 1887-8.
at a cost of about £7,347, is an edifice of brick and
Bath stone in the E arly E nglish style, and consists of

chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, transepts, north porch
and central toweT containing a clock and one b e ll: it
affords 600 sittin gs. T h e reg ister dates from the vear
1841. The liv in g is a vicarage, n et yearlv value £248.
w ith 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of
the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1903 b y the Rev.
James G eorge Cornish M .A. of H ertford College, Oxford.
There is a C ongregational chapel, erected in 1875, w ith
280 sittin gs, a B aptist chapel, b uilt in 1828, seating 130
persons, and a P rim itive M ethodist chapel, and a W ork­
ing M en’s In stitu te and Reading Rooms. Coworth Park is
th e seat of the E a rl of D erby K .G ., P .C ., G .C .V .O ., C .B . ;
the house is an ancient b uildin g, standing in a densely
wooded park. Sunningdale Park contains a m odern m an ­
sion, w ith some w ell laid-out pleasure grounds, and is