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d ir e c t o r y
Welford William, 54 Middleton road, Wilks Harold Percy, 6 Dashwood rd Wood Miss, 1 Fairview road
Wilks William Alfd. 8 Calthorpe road Wood Mrs. 32 South Bar street
Wheeler William, 77 Bath road
Wilson Frank, 46 Bath road
Wood William, 39 West bar
White Henry Owen, 5 Dashwood road Wilson Fred, 19 Bath road
Wood William E. Elgin house, West
Whitehorn Wm. Joseph, 36 High st Wilson Miss, 87 Bath road
Bar street
Whitehorn Wm. Lampet, 36 High st Wilson Mrs. 53 Bath road
Wrench Arthur, 1 The Leys
Whitmill Arth. Wm. 22 Marlboroârd Wimbush Mrs. 50 Middleton road
Wrigley George E. 1 Berrymoor
Wilkinson Joseph Wm. 7 Crouch st Windsor Charles, 17 Horsefair
Young Rev. Gilbert C. E., L._
Wilks Frederick J. 7 Dashwood road Wood Henry J. 5 Calthorpe road
(curate St. Maryâs),42 North Bar st
Batchelor Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bear Garden road
Early closing day, Tuesday.
Batchelor George, fruiterer, 37 Parsons street
Abbotts Ernest, auctioneer, see Miller & Abbotta
Battley James, confectioner, 28 Parsons street
Ackerman Reuben, toy dir. 32 Middleton rd. Grimsbury Batts Fredk. boot ma. 12^ South Bar st. & 5 Broad st
Adkin Charles, beer retailer, 28 Horsefair
Beattie Henry M.R.O.SEng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon &
A g r i c u l t u r a l Association (F. N. Shrimpton, sec.;Arthur
resident medical officer to Banbury Friendly Societiesâ
°Stockton, hon treasurer)
Medical Association, Newland house, Broad street
Alcock George, baker & beer retailer, 94 Warwick road Bendy Harry Thomas, oil & color man, 22 Cornhill
Allen William & Son (Banbury) Ltd. cabinet makers, Bennett Charles Fred, plumber, 20 North Bar street
Foundry street, Neithrop
Bennett Henry Freeman, solicitor & commissioner for
Allitt Alfred & Son, joiners, 7 South Bar street
oaths, 46 High street
Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited, G.W.R. station
Bennett John S. wine merchant, see Heritage & Bennett
Anker Frederick, insurance agent, 52 Parsons street
BennettsâLimited, dyers & cleaners, 44 High street
ApHn, Hunt & Co. solicitors, 51 High street
Benson Charles D. deputy supt. registrar, Horsefair
Arkell Brothers, tailors & outfitters, 57 High street
Betts A. (Mrs.), cake maker, baker & confectioner &
Armitt Thomas, fried fish shop, 6 Cherwell street
pastrycook, 85 High street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
page 28
Askew Albert, shopkeeper, 28 South Bar street
Association for the Prosecution of Felons (Fortescue & Betts Samuel (Fred C. Betts, proprietor), cake maker,
Sons, treasurers & secs)
baker & confectioner & pastrycook, 70 High street.
Atkins Edward & Co. dealers in oil cake & other feeding
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 2 9
stuffs, artificial manure & sack contractors, Old wharf Bidie Francis Wr.chemist, 12 Market place
Austen & Payne, grocers, 9 High street & Fish street
Bidmead Chas.Hugh. motor engr. see Thornitt&Bidmead
Austin Frederick James, milliner & fancy draper, 50 Billingham Mary Rebecca (Mrs.), dress maker, 28
Bridge street
Middleton road, Grimsbury
Avery W. & T. Limited, scale makers, 3 Horsefair
Bird Daniel, farmer, 4 Boxhedge road, Neithrop
Baker Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Fish street
Blenoowe James, baker, 42 Market place
Baker Thomas Edward, tailor, 60 Parsons street & out Blencowe John, wood turner,113 Middleton rd.Grimsbury
fitter, 60 Bridge street
Blinkhornsâ, photographers, 5 South Bar street
Balfour J. K. & Son, house furnishers, 20 Bridge street Bliss & Co. Limited, weavers, in Warwick road
& cycle dealers, 7 Market place
Bliss George, greengrocer, 37 Church lane
Banbury Adult School Social Club (A. E. Fox, hon. Bloomfield Edwin George, china dealer, 52 High street
sec.), 56 North Bar street
Bloomfield Jn.W.Red Lion family hotel,7 High st. TN4
Banbury Advertiser (F. G. Walford, proprietor; pub Bloxham William J. builder, contractor & mer. Steam
lished thursday); office, 72 High street
Saw mills & Joinery works, 1 Warwick road. T N 5
Banbury Bank (Gillett & Co.) (E. Hyman Day, man Boissier Arthur Henry M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
ager); head office, Cornhill; draw on Glyn, Mills, surgeon, 26a, West Bar street
Currie & Co. London E C
Bolton J. H. wool stapler, 47 North Bar street
Banbury Bill Posting Co. Limited, 33 Southam road
Bonham Ellis, shopkeeper, 28 Boxhedge sq. Neithrop
Banbury Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. (Henry Bonner James Henry, relieving & vaccination officer &
James Cooke, manager), Broad street; branches, 25 collector to the guardians, Banbury district, & regisÂ
Queen street & 19 Middleton road, Grimsbury
trar of births & deaths, Banbury sub-district; office,
Banbury & District Electric Supply Co. Limited (G. D. Corn Exchange passage
Vickers, managing director), Lower Cherwell street Boote Thomas Henry, pork butcher, 8 Church lane
Banbury & District Golf Club (J. W. & C. Prescott, Booth J. F. & Son, builders, contractors, decorators,
joint secs)
sanitary engineers, paperhanging warehouse & general
Banbury Friendly Societiesâ Medical Association (Henry buildersâ merchants, 5 Butchers row. S e e a d v e r Â
tis e m e n t p a g e 2 8
R. Webb, sec; Henry Beattie M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. 79 & 80 High st
Lond. resident medical officer), Broad street
Banbury Gas Light & Coke Co. (James R. Duff, man Boxold Harry, seedsman, florist & fruiterer, 68 & 69
ager); works, Grimsbury (T. N 60) & office, 34 High street & Vineyard nurseries, Green lane
Boxold Walter, tailor, 48 Warwick road
Market place. T N 61
B a n b u ry G u a rd ia n
(William Potts, proprietor & Bradshaw & Son, farmers, Wykham mill
publisher; published thursdav); office, 51 Parsons st. Braggins G. F. & Co. timber mers. Gatteridge st. T N 7
See a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 2 7
Bridgman John R. photographer, 5 Horsefair
Banbury Liberal Club (William H. Abbotts, hon. sec.), Brightwell Annie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 73 Causeway,
22 Horsefair
Banbury Municipal School, secondary division (R. Lus- Briscoe Green (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Queen street
combe B.A. head master; visiting masters: Building British & Argentine Meat Co. Limited, 20 High street
construction, T. E. Orchard ; plumbersâwork & sani British Petroleum Co. Limited, G.WT.R. station
tation, W. J. Harding; science & art division, Brodie Wm.Thos.insur. supt.69 Middelton rd.Grimsbury
Seymour H. Beale, head master; W. L. Whitehorn Brooke Charles Frederick, builder, Hightown road
esq. bon. sec. & principal; Joseph Parrish, assistant Brooks Hy. Reginald Fryer L.D.S.R.C.S.Edin., F.P.S.G.,
sec.), Marlborough road. See Schools for listof other R.C.S.Irel. dental surgeon, 37 High street. T N 8
masters, pp. 32 & 33
Broughton & Wilks, ironmongers, & agents for agriÂ
Banbury Railway Guide (monthly) (Messrs Cheney &
cultural implements & machinery, & corn, seed &
Sons, publishers), Calthorpe street
cake merchants, 37 & 39 Market place. T N 62
anbury Sanitary Laundry, Broughton road
Broughton William, builder, 51 Warwick road
annard Ernest Frederick, Old George inn 33, & hair Brown Archibald Ernest, hair dresser, 12 Broad street
dresser 32a, Bridge street
Brown E. W. Banbury cake maker, 12 Parsons street
annard James, plumber &c. 6 & 7 Bridge street
Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, 63 Broad street
Robt. & Sons, toy dealers, 57 & 58 Parsons st
(Misses), boarding & day school.
Ihe Mount, Oxford road
Bryan Henry William, hair dresser, 28a, Parsons street
Barfield Harold, solicitor (firm, Fairfax & Barfield) & Bull William Alban, veterinary surgeon,42 North Bar sfc
Buller Annie Florence (Mrs.), farmer, Neithrop grounds
commissioner for oaths, 29 Bridge street
ar-er Charles, cutler, 21 & 21^ Bridge street
Burdett MaryAnn(Mrs.),ThreePigeons P H.3 Southam rd
Burdette William, motor garage, Southam road
B^r,er Frederick, boot maker, 45 North Bar street
Bar °W omas N. corn merchant, see Palmer & Barlow Busby W. & S. A. dairymen, 10 South Bar street
rows & Co. Limited, engineers, Cherwell works, Busby Albert Edward, hair dresser, 43 Parsons street
Lower Cherwell street
Busby Charles Louis, wine & spirit merchant,55 High sb
William & Son, naturalists & taxider- Busby John Arthur, chimney sweeper, 24 Cherwell ter
ammal» bird & fish preservers, 23 High street. Busby Leo, hair dresser, Duke street, Grimsbury
Bush Joseph & Son, coal factors, Cornhill. T N 44
B a h *a d v o r t i * ® " 'e n t P a g e 3 °
r c t Bernard, tailor, 14 West street, Grimsbury
Bustinâs Electrical Works, electrical engnrs. 3 Horsefair