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Butler Albert James, fruiterer, 49 Bridge street
Butler Ernest, grocer & wine & spirit merchant, 4 High
street. T N 18
Butler George A. V. beer retailer, 31 East st.Grimsbury
Butters John Limited, pawnbrokers, 55 Broad street
Buzzard Alfred, shopkeeper, 7 Boxhedge sq. Neithrop
Bygrave Mary Ann (Mrs.), Wagon & Horses F.H.
Butchers row
Bygrave Oliver, hair dresser, 59 Broad street
ByleB Herbert, Crown P.H. Bridge street
Bvwater Robert & Sons, blacksmiths, 1 Cherwell street
& 5 Bridge street
Cakebread Thomas, news agent, & post office, 29 Middle­
ton rd. Grimsburv & monumental mason, Southam rd
Carpenter Charles, florist. Britannia Road nursery
Carter Annie (Mrs.), shopkpr. 16 Foundry st. Neithrop
Carter George, mineral water manfr. 35 North Bar st
Castle Arthur, chimney sweeper,55 Causeway,Grimsbury
Cave William, agent to the G.W.R. Goods Receiving
office, 8 Bridge street
Cee Bee, stationers, 10 Broad street
Cemetery (Arthur Stockton, clerk to the burial
authority; George H. Oakes, registrar), Southam rd
Chapman Brothers, house furnishers, cabinet makers,
furniture removers & undertakers, 2 High street &
Broad street. T N 43
Chard & Co. tobacconists, 62 Parsons street
Cheney & Sons, printers, Calthorpe street
Cherry Frederick William, tailor, Marlborough Toad
Chidzey Ambrose, musical instrument dir. 21 Parsons st
City & District Butchers’ Hide, Skin, Fat & Wool Co.
Limited, Bridge street
Claridge Amy (Mrs.), tailoress, 32 East st. GrimsbuTy
Qaridge George, jobbing gardener, 38 Southam road
Clarke Stephen, s h o e maker, 19 Newland place
Clarke William, surveyor of customs & excise, 19 Marlb o T o u g h road
Clarke (Banbury) Limited, millers, near Railway station
Cleaver Asa, baker, 58 Calthorpe street
Clow Ellen Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 88 High street
Clow James, seedsman, 88 High street
Oluff Ernest Edward, boot manufacturer, 53 Bridge st
Clutterbuck Charles William, tailor, 1 Newland place
Coates A. C. (Miss), confectioner, 9 South Bar street
Coates George Stanley, hardware dealer, 10 Church lane
Oobbett Frederick G. inspector of nuisances & canal
boats & school attendance officer, Corporation yard
Colebrook & Co. Limited, fishmongers, 15 Parsons street
Colegrove Gertrude (Miss), school for girls,5iSth. Bar st
Coleman T. W. Limited (J. Turney, receiver & man­
ager), grocers,wine, spirit, hop & provision merchants,
56 Parsons st.; 2 Calthorpe st. & 44 Bridge st. T N 30
Coleman Tom & Ernest, Castle Wine Vaults P.H. Cornhill
Coleman Henry, hair dresser, 46 North Bar street
Collins Daniel, jobbing gardener, 14 Milton street
Collisson Henry, builder, 32 Britannia road
Commin John Henry, carver & gilder, 61 High street
Conservative Club (G. F. Pannell, hon. sec.; Frederick
Cripps, custodian), 25 High .street
Cook Alfred Nathan, tobacconist, 1 South Bar street
Cook William F. beer retailer, 23 Broughton road
Cooke Frederick J. architect & surveyor, ix Horsefair
Corporation Sewage Works, Lower Cherwell street
Coulthard William Fuller, assistant overseer & collector
of poor rates for Warkworth, Grimsbury & South
Newington & collector of allotment rents for the
borough, 10 West street, Grimsburv
County Court (His Honor Francis Reynolds Tonge Radcliffe K.C., M.A. judge; Charles Fortescue, registrar;
Edward Muscotfc, clerk;George Gardner, high bailiff;
Frederick Giles, sub-bailiff), Town hall
Court Albert, draper, 50 Parsons street
Cowley Mary (Miss), dress ma. 5 South st. Grimsbury
Cowley Richard, beer retailer, Windsor street
Cox S. & I. linen drapers, 23 Parsons street
Cox Alfred, Buck & Bell P.H. 39 Parsons street
Cox Henry, beer retailer, 10 Boxhedge square, Neithrop
Croft H. W. surveyor of taxes, 19 Marlborough road
Croxton Edmund, baker, 34 Castle street east
Curtis Clara (Miss), dress maker, 38 Broad street
Curtis Lizzie (Mrs.), upholstress, 35 Queen street
Curtis Thomas Henry, Albion P.H. 74 Bridge street
Curtis William, news agent, 5 Church lane
Cutcliffe Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 54 Broad street
Dalby & Co. timber merchants, 1 Bridge street. T N 91
Dancy Joseph William, Cricketers P.H. 16 Middleton
road, Grimsbury
Davids & Maxwell, land agents & surveyors, 21 Marl­
borough road
Davis Alfd. Thos. surgeon-dentist, Castle lodge, Cornhill
Davis George E. Swan inn, 3 South Bar street

[ k e l l y ’s

Davis Herbert, tailor, 16 West street, Grimsbury
Davis William, builder, 18 West street, Grimsbury
Dawes William Thomas, herbalist, 36 Parsons street
Dawson Nathaniel Holmes, surveyor, 22^ Bridge street
Day E. Ryman, manager Gillett & Co. Bank, Cornhill
Day Emily (Miss), fancy draper, 6 Butchers row
Deacon Ann Louisa ( M t s .) , shopkpr.17 East st.Grimsbxuy
Dean Sarah (Mrs.), Fleur de lis P.H. Broad street
Deavail Frank, confectioner, 96 Warwick road
Denchfield Wm. Edwd. farmer,Easington farm,Oxfordrd
Domestic Bazaar Co. Ltd. hardware dealers, 84 High st
Dossett W. G. grocer & wine & spirit merchant, 33 &
Parsons street & 53 North Bar street
Draper Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Newland place
Draper Hy. Davis (Mrs.), pork butcher, 16 South Bar st
Dumbleton Tom, Temperance hotel, 55, 56, 57 & -3
Bridge street
Dunkin Frederick Walter, printer, 22 Bridge street
Dunn F. & Son, boot makers, Cornhill
Dunn William Henry, saddler, 19 Bridge street
Dunnell & Sons, brewers & spirit merchants, Old
Brewery, 19 North Bar street. T N 107
Durran Eustace, watch maker, 90 & 91 High street
Durran Francis L. watch maker, 36 Market place
Dwyer Hubert de Burgh M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Lond. physician & surgeon, & medical officer & public
vaccinator Banbury district,68Middleton rd.Grimsbury
Eastmans Limited, butchers, 14 High street
Eaves G. & Son, rope & tent makers & paper mers.;
contractors to H.M. Government, 6 Market pi. T N 31
Eaves Charles, Bear hotel, Market place
Eaves Walter, fried fish dealer, 6 Mill lane
Edmunds & Kench Limited, millers (steam & water),
Banbury mills, Mill lane. T N 10
Edmunds Richd. accountant & auditor, 14 Broughton rd
Edwards Irving G., George & Dragon P.H. Horsefair
Eeles Alfred, greengrocer, 6 Centre street, Grimsbury
Eeles Frank, shppkeeper, 108 Causeway, Grimsbury
Ellard Charles, beer retailer, 9 Cherwell street
Ellard William, harness maker, 14 Broad street
Elliott J. E. & Co. electrical engineers, 48 North Bar st
Elliott Fredk. W. insurance supt. 29 West st.Grimsburv
Empire Meat Co. butchers, 35 Market place
Eskell L. E. & C. dentists (attend thurs.), 19 High st
Essex Charles, baker, 66 Calthorpe street
Evins Robert Henry, chimney sweeper, 24 Crouch street
Evins Thomas, chimney sweeper, 24 Foundry square
Ewins & Son, taxi-cab proprietors, coach builders k
undertakers, Marlborough place & 31 High st. T N 11
Eyre Herbert, yeast merchant, 15 Church lane
Fairfax & Barfield, solicitors, 29 Bridge street
Fairfax Arthur, solicitor (firm, Fairfax & Barfield) k
commissioner for oaths, & clerk to the Farnborough
(Warwickshire) Rural District Council, 29 Bridge st
Farley George H., Q.S.A. architect & surveyor, 69 Broad
street. T N 48
Farmer Arthur, tailor, 40 Parsons street
Faulkner Ernest, watch maker, 16 Parsons street
Faulkner Hugh M.D.Edin. physician & surgeon, & medi­
cal officer Horton Infirmary & medical inspector of
schools, St. John’s road
Fenner Sophia (Mrs.), confectioner, ’58 Broad street
Field Albert Edwd. draper, 4 Middleton rd. Grimsborr
Fire Brigade (Volunteer) (established 1870) (C. Fortes­
cue, chief officer; J. Hawtin, hon. sub-captain; J.HThomas, lieutenant), Fire engine & escape station,
Fisher Edward Lamley, solicitor, commissioner for
oaths & clerk to the guardians & assessment com­
mittee of Banbury union, to the Banbury Rural
District Council, supt. registrar of Banbury districti;
hon. sec. to Horton infirmary, Horsefair
Fletcher John Geden, carpenter, 53 West st. GrimsburT
Flick Percy W. auctioneer, 46 Parsons street
Flowers Harry, butcher, 45 Bridge street
Ford Charles, hair dresser, 15 Bridge street
Ford Cornelius, tripe dealer, 4 North Bar street
Forrester Thomas, customs & excise officer, 19 ^arl'
borough road
Fortescue & Sons, solicitors, 45 High street
Fortescue Charles (firm, Fortescue & Sons), solicitor,
commissioner for taking the acknowledgments of
married women, commissioner for oaths, registrarof
county court & clerk to the borough & county magis­
trates, to the commissioners of taxes & to the Ban­
bury, North Newington & Tadmarton CharityTrusty
& to the Banbury Rural Sub-Committee of Osfor shire Local Pension Committee, steward of the manors
of Bloxham Beauchamp & Bloxham Fiennes, B°roU^
coroner & deputy coroner for the Northern d>8trl
of the county, 45 High street