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County Secondary B oys’ School (G U niversity C ollege, Reading (W . M. ¡G reen & Stokes M isses, C raufurd
house, C raufurd rise, Maidenhead
W ade M .A. m aster), S t. L e o ­ C hilds M .A. p rin c ip a l; F ran cis H.
W rig h t M .A. sec. & re g is tra r ; for Hall Robert H. Kem p B .Sc. 81 Lon­
nard’s road, W indsor
staff see p. 162), London road
don road, Reading
Oraufurd C ollege (Jam es L. Polack.
R eading.
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t ||t§Hamilton M iss K ath erin e, 8 B len ­
prin.), i G ryn ger hill, Maidenhead
p a g e 15
Douai A bbey & College (C ath o lic-)
heim road, Caversham , Reading
(The R t. Rev. W illiam David W allingford G ram m ar School (joint) ||J§Hemdean House (Miss K n igh ton ,
(E. S tan ley H ayw ard M .A.C am b.
p rin cip al), Hem dean road, C aver­
H urley O .S.B . ab b ot; T h e Very
sham , Reading. S e e a d v e r t is e ­
B .A .Lon d. head m a s te r; C. T
Rev. W a lter E dm und K elly O .S.B .
m e n t p a g e 12
Colquhoun M .Sc.D u rh . second m as­
prior), W oolham pton
t e r ; Miss E . H. Moseley B .A fH o llow ay W m . 71 South st. Reading
Hem dean House (Miss K nighton ,
chief assistant m istress), H igh st. t+ §In glis Andrew M illar, M aidenhead
principal), Hem dean road, Cavercollege, College aven. M aidenhead
sham , R eading
S e e a d v e r t is e ­
W allin gford
m e n t p a g e 12
W ellington College (W . W . Vaughan ¡Johnson M iss Helen E lizabeth, C hich­
ester house, M ortim er, Reading
M .A . head m a s te r; for tuto rs &
Im perial Sen d ee C ollege (E. G . A.
assistant m asters see p. 72), W el­ +J§Jones Arnold M .A.37B ath rd.Rdng
Beckw ith M .A .head m aster),W ind sr
Jones M iss K a te H. Portw ay college,
lington C olleg e Station
Kendrick Schools (boys’ ) (Rev. Edgar
15 & 17 C astle crescent, Reading
Priestley B .A . head m aster),Q ueen’ s W ilton House (M iss M arion W h ite,
p rincipal), Parkside road, Reading. |||§Knighton M iss M atilda, Hemdean
ro a d ; (girls’) (Miss D aisy Prebble,
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 17
house, Hem dean road, C aversham ,
head m istress), W atlingto n street,
R eading.
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t
Windsor Governm ent School of A rt
p a ge 12
(C harles T. H ollis, m aster), A lbert
K in g A lfred ’s G ram m ar School (W m.
¡K n ip e M iss, M inton house,Padworth,
institute, Sheet street, Windsor
A rth u r Barron M .A. head m aster),
R eading
Portw ay, W antage
||t§Lacy M isses, M alvern House schl.
Leighton Park School (Charles Irwin
S C H O O L — C O M M E R C IA L .
Addington road, Redlands, Reading.
Evans M .A. head m aster), Leighton
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
Shinfield road,
Reading. R eading Shorthand, Bookkeeping &
T yp ew ritin g School (H. S. Taylor, Lane Joseph, Th e Ferns, T h atch am ,
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 15
p rin cip al), 20a, Cross st. Reading.
N ew bury
Maidenhead T echnical In stitu te (R.
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
L a y M rs. H. 72 E lm h u rst rd.R eadin g
W . M urray, sec.), M arlow road,
tJ L eig h ton Park School (Chas. Irwin
Evans M .A. head m aster),L eig h ton
Malvern H ouse School (M iss L a cy &
p ark, Shinfield road. Reading. See
H elen
L acy,
principals), Bradford M iss M ay, F ir cottage,
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 15
A ddington rd. R edlands, Reading.
ChuTch road, B rackn ell
^Les Dam es A nglaises C ath olic C on­
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
ven t & School (M adam e C ecilia
Middle Class School(Rev. E d gar PriestS C H O O L -IN D U S T R IA L .
M arshall, superioress), SunningleyB .A .hd.m aster),Q u een’s rd.Rdng
h ill, Ascot
Radley C ollege (Rev. E dw ard Gordon Royal Free Industrial (Richard Geo.
L o c k h a r t Robt. B ruce M .A. E agle
Selwyn M .A. w a rd en ; for list of
m istress), Bachelor’s acre, Windsor
School house, S an dh u rst.C am berley
m asters see p. xSo-),Radley,Abingdn
||i§M alvem House School (Miss L acy
Reading Blue C oat School (S. Illin g ­
& M iss Helen L a cy, prin cip als),
worth B u tler, head m aster), 42
Addington rd. R edlands, Reading.
Bath road, Reading
R eading G reen G irls’ T ra in in g School
e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
Reading School (G . H. K eeton M .A.
for Dom estic Servan ts (Miss C . E. M ortim er M rs. E dgar, O akley road,
head m a s te r ; for assistant m asters
H icks, m istress .& m atron ), 38
aversham , Reading
see p. 162), E rle igh road, Reading
Russell street, R eading
N orrie M iss M . m C astle hi. Reading
Reading Shorthand, Bookkeeping &
M iss A da M iriam , 41 H igh
T yp ew ritin g School (H. S. Taylor,
Tow n road, Maidenhead
principal), 20a, Cross st. Reading.
y & St. A nne C atholic School
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
M arked thus || are for G irls.
(S isters of the V isita tio n ), South
Reading U n iversity C ollege (W . M.
C aversham , R eading
M arked thus X are Boarding.
C hilds M .A. p rin cip al; Francis H.
Marked thus § are Preparatory.
§Padgham M rs. E lizabeth, SunningW rig h t M .A. sec. & registrar),
h ill, Ascot
HJBaker Miss L.35‘B road st.W okinghm
London road, Reading
St. A ndrew ’s C ollege (Rev. R. D. HfJBayly M iss Caroline, W allingford, HJPollard M isses Beatrice & E llen,
College house, W est M ills, N ew bry
Beloe M .A. head m a s te r; Edward
W antage
A rm strong, w a rd en ; Andrew Low Berks T ra in in g College of M usic t+ §Pow ell & C arr,Crow thorn e Tow ers,
C row thorne,
W ellin gton
(Miss B eatrice Jones, prin cip al),
M.A. second m aster; Rev. T. E.
114 & 115 Broad street, Reading
W ilson M .A . house m aster of junior
t§P rep aratory School for Y oun g G en ­
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 10
sch o o l; for assistant m asters see
tlem en (conducted by the Sisters of
fB lissa rd M iss G race E m ily , 9 V ic ­
p. 49), Bradfield, Reading
M ercy), S t. Joseph’s, Oxford road,
toria square, Reading
St. B artholom ew ’s G ram m ar School
A bingdon
Sharwood-Sm ith M .A. head HjBoarding School for Y o u n g Ladies
(conducted by the Sisters of M ercy), HJQueen Anne's School (Miss A.
m aster), Enborne road, N ewbury
H olm es, m is t r e s s ; Rev. C y ril W.
The Convent, Oxford rd. Abingdon
St. G eorge’s C hoir School (G eorge S.
0 . Jenkvn M .A. chaplain ; Charles
Fowder M .A. head m a s te r;
S. §Boars H ill (Miss B eatrice Sainsbury
Spencer S m ith , clerk & receiver),
& Miss Frida Z im m ern , principals),
Robinson B .A . & F. M. B rid ge B .A.
enley road, C aversham , Reading
m asters),
G eorge’s school,
Foxcom be h ill, Oxford
t§B row n e Rev. Francis Deshon M .A. R eading Shorthand, B ookkeeping &
W indsor Castle, W indsor
ew ritin g School (H. S. Taylor,
St. K a th arin e’s School (secondary,
Lam brook, W inkfield row ,B racknell
p rin cip al), 20a, Cross st. Reading.
boarding & day) (conducted by the ||§Burgis M iss L izzie, 51 Alexandra
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 14
Sisters of the com m unity of S t.M ary
road, Reading
the V irgin ; Sister M ary Christobel, Bye Mrs. G . & M iss L . G loucester tJ§R eeve W m .G eorge M .A . B igshotte
R ayles, W okingham
N ew road,
head m istress), W allingford street,
street, Faringdon
W okingham
W antage
||+Clark M isses, W h ite lodge, K in tt|| R oberts M rs. Anness, Southview ,
St. M ary’s School (for the daughters
b u ry, H ungerford
T ileh u rst, R eading
of gentlemen) (under the charge of ||Cordrey M rs. E m ily, 86 T ileh urst rd.
§f||Rossiter Mrs. Sarah, C allev a ho.
the Sisters of S t. M ary th e V irgin ),
H igh street, W allingford
N ew bury street. W antage
||Cox Miss M ary V . 50 Ock st.Abingdn
St. Michael's Training
School for f^ Crabtree & Sm ith, Sunningdale, St. H elen’s H igh School (sister in
arge), Shippon road, Abingdon
In dustrial G irls & Train in g College
for Secondary Teachers & M is­ tJ § D a u g lish (M aurice John M .A .) & T ||St. Joseph’s Convent Hiffh School,
62 U pper Redlands Toad, Reading
sionaries) (under the charge of
Tom kinson (Raym ond M .A .), CotS t.Jo sep h ’s H igh School (R ev.M other
Sisters of S t. M ary’s), P riory road,
h ill house, C othill, Abingdon
Superior, in ch arge), E astern av.
W antage
§Dav S am uel H ulm e M .A.C am b.
St. Stephen College for Ladies (con­
Heatherdown, A scot
ducted hv the com m unity of St. t||§Evans Thom as B .A .L o n d. 12 St. ¡Salm on M iss A lice, 91 C rescent rd.
John the B ap tist), Oxford rd.W indsr
L u k e’s T o a d , Maidenhead
St. Stephen’s H igh School for G irls fE y le s A rchibald, St. John's road, fgS an dw ith Miss G race, E arlywood,
outh Ascot, Ascot
(S ister-in-C harge), C lew er T o a d ,
M ortim er, Reading
tFm nm e M rs. M ary. College ho. High ¡§S k in n er Misses, 143 O xford road,
street, H ungerford