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O X FO R D .
T a y lo r A lb ert John, grocer, 258 Abingdon road
T a y lo r Dorothy (M iss), pianoforte teach er, 49 H enley st.
Cow ley S t. John
T ay lo r E g b ert Jas. draper, 9 S outh par. Sum m ertown
T a y lo r E th el (M iss), u n iv ersity lodgin g house, see
M ontague <fc la v lo r
T ay lo r Fras. P rvor,ap artm en ts,76 Southm oor rd .S t.G ile s â
T aylor G eorge W m . aparts. 44 W alton cres. St. Thom asâ
T ay lor H arry, tchr. of m usic, 38 D ivin ity rd. C owley rd
T a y lo r John, butcher, 52 S t. A ldateâs street
T ay lor John, Crown inn, 59a, C ornm arket street
T a y lo r L lew ellyn W atson, confectioner, 45 G eorge street
T ay lo r M ary Ann (M rs.), un iversity lodgin g house, 27
W ellington square, St. G ilesâ
T a y lo r N orm an, photographer, 74 Cowley road
T ay lo r Robert G eorge, assistant supt. to the Salvation
A rm y Assurance Society Ltd.27M arlboro' rd.G randpont
T a y lo r W illiam ,house & estate ag en t,34 New Inn H all st
T a y lo r W illiam , shopkeeper, 53 S t. A ldate's street
T a y lo r W m . H y. sh irt m anufr. 1 O rchard st. St. Ebbeâs
Taylorian In stitution (H einrich K rebs M .A ., Ph.D.
librarian), S t. G ilesâ street
T ellin g (F letch er) & Co. coal m ers. C anal w harf, New rd
T e s te r E lizabeth (M rs.), apartm ents, 41 St. John street
Thain E va M artha (M rs.), apartm en ts, 33 Beaum ont st
Th alen H. (M adam e), m asseuse, 93 W oodstock road,
S t. G iles'
T heosophical Society (M rs. Tiddeinan, hon. sec.), 49
C orn m arket street
T h ick e Jane (M iss), u n iversity lodgin g ho. 12 M erton st
Thom as & Son, painters &c. 52 H olyw ell street
Thom as A lfred , bookbinder, 13 F ria r's en try
T hom as A lfred E. cycle m aker, 25 St. C lem en tâs street
Thom as David Robt.chem ist,see Cousins, Thom as & Sons
T hom as E lizabeth (M iss), ap artm en ts, 38 W alton street
Thom as F rank A lfd. univ. lodgin g ho. 19 S t.M ich aelâs st
T h om as G eorge, ap a rtm en ts,10 W alton W ell r d .S t.G ile s â
Thom as G eorge H enry, grocer, 42 B otley Toad
Thom as Isabella S. (M rs.), tem perance hotel, 1, 2 &
3 B ecket street, St. Thom asâ
T hom as Thom as D avid ,ap arts.23 Pem broke st.S t.A ld a te âs
Thom as W illiam , hair dresser, 2 C hurch st. S t. E bbeâs
T hom as W illie, shopkeeper, 69 B ridge street, Osney
Thom pson F. 0 . & Co. L im ited , china, glass & earthenÂ
ware dealers, 3a, Q ueen street
Thom pson H arold M .R .C .S ., L .S .A . surgeon, 31 B eauÂ
m ont street
Thom pson Tom F ieldin g,p ain ter,C rom w ell st.S t.A ld a te âs
Thom son G u y , banker, local dir. of B arclay & Co. L td
Thom son John J.P. banker.local d ir.of B arclay & C o.L td
Thorne W alter, beer reta iler, 13 K in gston rd. S t. G ile sâ
Thornton Joseph & Son, new & secondhand booksellers
& publishers, 11 Broad street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
T h orn to n , M u rray & Thornton, chartered accountants,
38 Queen street
Th orn to n Agnes (M rs.), dress m aker, 15 L ittle C laren Â
don street, S t. G ilesâ
Thornton A lb ert, Q ueenâs A rm s P.H . 1 Park E n d street,
S t. Thom asâ
Thornton F . O liver, chartered accountant, see Thornton,
M urray & Thornton
Thornton H erbert L .D .S .E n g .d en ta l surgeon ,11 Queen st
Thornton Joseph, bookseller, 8 F riarâs entry
Thornton O live M. (M iss), teacher of pianoforte, 324
B an b u ry road, Sum m ertow n
T hornton R eginald W alker, chartered accountant, see
Thornton, M urray & Thornton
T h orp e John E gerton ,arch itect,see M ills(W .E .) & Thorpe
T ib b ie H annah (M rs.), shopkeeper, 71 G eorge street
T ib bs Francis C hristop h er M .R .C . 3 ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .
physician & surgeon, 192 Iffley road
Tidd em an R. Hill M .A ., F .G .8 . consulting geologist &
w ater expert, Osberton house, 298 W oodstock road,
Sum m ertow n
T ilb y W illiam Francis, rent collector, Lloyds Bank
cham bers, H igh street
T ille r H arry, p rivate gardener to Mrs. D avenport, Headington hill
Tim b s & Son, butchers, 42 & 43 St. C lem en tâs street
T im m s H arry, b utcher, 96 Bullingdon rd.C ow ley St.John
T im m s John, boot m aker, 8 M ayfield rd. Sum m ertow n
T im m s John, tailor, 24 A rg yle street, ChesteT street
T im m s John Thom as, fan cy goods dealer, 3 C astle st
T im m s Thom as H enry, m otor engineer, W alton W ell
road, S t. G ile sâ
T im s & Co. (O xford) L td . leath er m ers. 5a, G eorge st
T im s Thom as, boat builder, Chadlington road ; works,
Isis street, S t. A ld a teâs & Jubilee terrace, G randpont
T im s Thom as H enry, cycle agent, 82 W alton street
T in sley Joseph, basket m aker, 105 Bullingdon road,
C owley S t. John
[ k e l l y âs
Tinson F red, beer retailer, 54 W alton street
T itco m b W alter John, tailor, 127 C ow ley road & W arneford road, St. Clem ent's
Toll W ilfred W illiam G eorge, m asseur, 51 Woodstock
road, S t. G ile sâ
T ollit, Lee & G ardner, arch itects, 7 S t. A ld a teâs street
Tom bs W illiam Thom as & Son, saw m ills, Stockmore
street, C owley
Tom bs G eorge W illiam , carpenter, P lough yard, St.
A ldate's street
Tom bs Louisa (M rs.), u n iversity lo dgin g house, 132
W alton street
Tom kins M ary A . (M rs.),provision d lr.iA lb e rt st.Jericho
Towle & Co. paper m an u facturers, Paper m ills, Cold
A rbour, St. A ld a teâs
Town C lerk âs Office (R ichard Bacon, tow n clerk), St.
A ldate's street
Town & County W ine Co. Lim ited (The), wine & spirit
m erchants, 125 H igh stre e t; stores, New Schools
cellars, M erton s t r e e t; m in eral w ater factory, 1 Rose
place, S t. A ld ateâs
Town H all (B ertram G oslin g, caretaker), St. A ldateâs st
Towner Florence (M rs.),shopkeeper, 16 & 26 S t.E b beâs st
Townsend E lizabeth (M iss), apartm ents, 101 SouthÂ
m oor road, S t. G ile sâ
Townsend R uth & M ary Ann (M isses), dress makers,
101 S outhm oor road, S t. G ile sâ
Toy W illiam , solicitor & com m issioner for oaths (firm,
W ilkins & T oy), 6 & 7 C ornm arket street
Trafford Fredk. boot repr. 3a, L ittle g a te at. S t. Ebbeâs
Trafford Fredk. h air dresser, 45 M agdalen rd. Cowley
Trafford F redk. A rth . boot m a.2 Newton rd. Grandpont
Trafford M aria (M rs.), u n iversity lo d g in g house, 10
Parks road, St. G ilesâ
Trafford W illiam Frederick, firewood dealer, 23 Cherwell street, S t. C lem en tâs
T redw ell H arriet (M rs.), coal dealer, 180 Marlborough
road, G randpont
Treim er Anton, aparts. 50 W alton cres. St. Thomas'
Trevor Charles F rederic, teacher of m usic, 6 Abingdon
road, G randpont
Trin der Thom as, contractor, 20a, B ridport st.St.E bbeâs
Trin der W illiam Thom as, coach b u ild er,20 Marlborough
road, G randpont
T rin ity College (Rev. H erbert Edw ard D ouglas Blakiston
M .A ., D.D. p residen t), Broad street
Tubb Francis Henry, apartm ents, 18 Manor pi. Holywell
T uck A rth u r G eorge, aparts. 78 Southm oor rd. St.Gilesâ
T u ck er M abel & Florence N. (M isses), g irlsâ school, 112
W oodstock road, Sum m ertow n
Tucker R. & Sons, florists, 16 G eorge street
T u ck er Jn. H y. builder, 54 Southfield rd. C ow ley St.John
T u ck er Thom as, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 94 SouthÂ
m oor road, S t. G ile sâ
T u ck ett Lousisa (M rs.), apartm ents, 46 M arston street,
Cow ley St. John
T uckw ell H enry & Sons, carm en, 129 Bullingdon road,
Cowley S t. John & Canal w harf, N ew road
T u ffrey Ernest, carpet cleaner, 47 Hayfield rd. St.Gilesâ
T u rn er A da Janet & A lice L ilian (M isses), apartments,
17 W alton W ell road, S t. G ile sâ
Turn er A lb ert & E dw ard, house agents, 42 Hythe
Bridge street, St. Thom asâ
Turn er B rothers, ath letic outfitters & shipping agents,
4 T u rl street
T u rn er E m ily K ate & M ary Innes (M isses), university
lo d g in g house, 22 Beaum ont street
T u rn er A da (M rs.), un iversity lodgin g house, 34 High st
Turn er A n n ieL ou isa(M iss),ap arts.^ K in g ston rd.St.G ilesâ
Turn er A rth u r E. w atch m aker, see H arris & Turner
T u rn er E dw ard Ernest, photographer, n o St. A ldateâs st
Turn er Edwin F letch er, un iversity lo dgin g house, 20
B an bury road
T u rn er Geo. shopkeeper, 153 Howard st.C ow ley St. John
T u rre ll W alter John M .A ., M .D. physician & surgeon, 1
S t. Clem entâs street
T u rrill Jam es & W alter, poulterers, 28, 29 & 40 & 4 1
The M arket & fishm onger,245 B anbury rd.S'ummertwn
T u rrill John & Son, butchers, 42 & 43 Th e M arket
T u rv ey H enry, carpenter, 7 C ric k e t rd. Cowley St. John
T u rv ey Ju lia (M rs.), univ. lo d g in g ho.34 St.M ichaelâs st
Tustin Jam es W alter, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 5 Regtn^
street, Cowley S t. John
Tweedale A rm stead M otors L im ited, m otor engineers,
4a, M agdalen street
Tweedale Roberts M otor Co. L im ited , m otor engineers,
13a, C astle street
T w in in g Brothers, grocers, 23 & 24 St. E bbeâs street;
53 C ornm arket stre e t; 56 St. A ldateâs street; 16
N orth Parade avenue, St. G ilesâ ; 46 H igh street &
294 B anbury road, Sum m ertown
I T w in in g Owen & Co. grocers, 164 Cowley road