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K in g D avid W illiam , ironfounder,
engineer & agricu ltu ra l im plem ent
m aker
L a iley Geo. bowl turner, Byles green
L a yley A rth . farm er. Copyhold farm
L a y ley
G eorge
W arm an, farm er,
S h ingleton’s farm
M archam John, gardener to F. Bate
esq. J.P
Morton C harles, farm er. Holly farm
Osgood G eorge, earn er, Sadgrove
Patey Jas. farm er, G reen's Old farm
P aulin g Frederick,farm er, Low er com

Pocock Frederick, T hree Crowns P.H
Prior Geo/ beer retailer, H awkridge
Reed Joseph, head gam ekeeper to Sir
W. Cam eron G u ll bart. J .P
Ruddle Frederick, The Old Boot inn
Rum ble G eo. coal dir. Tom lin’s farm
S c u tter Jam es, farm er, Jew el’s farm
Shipw ay F rederick, head gam ekeeper
to C. E . Freezing esq. B ucklebu ry
Com m on
Snell G eorge, poultry d ir.T h e Avenue
Troup JohnG ordon,farm er,M anor frm
W ilshere W illiam , farm er, W inchcombe farm

B T J R C H E T T S G R E E N is a h am let situated on an
elevation com m anding an extensive view of the sur­
rounding country and adjoining the beautifu l demesne
of H all Place, 3^ m iles w est from Maidenhead. A
sm all portion of this ham let is in the parish of B isham
and the rem ainder in the p arish of H urley, in the
E astern division of the county, M aidenhead p etty
sessional division and cou n ty cou rt d istrict of Henleyon-Tham es.
A school chapel was opened here and
licensed by the late Bishop W ilberforce, February 28th,
1869; b ut the services have been discontinued for some
y e a r s ; the vicar and churchw ardens of H urley are
trustees and m anagers. H all Place, the seat of Sir
G ilb e rt A u gu stu s C layton E ast bart. J .P . is a G eorgian
m ansion of red brick, b u ilt in 1728, standing in a p ic­
turesque, well-wooded p ark of about 160 acres, con­

R E S ID E N T S .


[ b e l l y ’s
Palm er M rs. Geo. W illiam , M arlston
house. T elegram s, “ H erm itage "
C O M M E R C IA L .

B astin
farm er, Home &
C ole farm s
M arlston C lu b (Francis M aundrell,
W allis Frank, farm er. M arlston farm
W estron F ran k, head gardener t®
Mrs. G. W . Palm er

taining about 100 head of d e e r ; the park is noted
for its m agnificent avenues of lim e trees, which w ere in
existence at the tim e of the previous house, one of
which leads to the mansion, the others extending righ t
and left. T he land is the property of Sir G. A. Clayton
E ast bart. The population is included in the respective
Post Office.— W illiam Lowe, sub-postm aster. Letters
from Maidenhead at 7.15 & 11.30 a.m. & 7.15 p .m .:
Sunday, 7.15 a.m . ; box cleared at 8.45 a.m . & 12.40 k
7.35 p.m . ; Sundays, 11.15 a.m .
Th e nearest m oney
order & telegraph office is at L ittlew ick Green, r
m ile distant
Parochial School (m ixed), for 84 children ; M iss E m ily
Langdon, m istress

C O M M E R C IA L .

C arew -G ibson M rs. G orseland
1C roxford Thom as, beer retailer
E ast S ir G ilbert A u gu stu s C la y to n 1Dawes W illiam , shopkeeper
bart J.P . H all Place
H erridge Amon, Crown P.H
W ade G eorge, Stub bings m anor
Jones W illiam , cowkeeper

Lee A u gu stu s D. & Son, builders
Lowe W illiam , baker. Post office
Randall Richard, farm er
Windsor Thom as W illiam , cattle dir

B T J R G H F I E L D is a parish, 2£ m iles south-east from ; built and endowed by th e late Miss M ary Lvne. The
Theale station on the G re a t W estern railw ay and 5 kn ightly fam ily of W illiam s resided here in the 16th
south-w est from R eading, in the Southern division of century and subsequently the Pottenger fam ily. C u l­
the county, hundred of Theale, Bradfield union, Read­ verlands, the seat of Col. Sir C harles W yndham M urray
ing p etty sessional division and county court d istrict, , C .B . is situated in exten sive and p icturesque grounds,
rural deanery of Bradfield, archdeaconry of B erks and i com m anding a m agnificent view of about 16 m iles of
diocese of Oxford. T h e river Kenn et flows on the un du latin g co u n try; in 1881 it was entirely renovated
north. The church of the V irg in M ary, reb uilt at a and a new w ing and stables added. Highwoods, a very
cost of .£2,500, and re-con structed in June, 1843, is j handsom e b uildin g, is the residence of Francis E.
an edifice of brick and stone in the Rom anesque style, Foster esq. H illfields is the residence of H enry G eorge
consisting of chancel, reb u ilt in 1892, at a cost of W illin k esq. M .A ., J.P. G illia t E dw ard H atfeild esq.
£2,000, entirely defrayed by the late Richard Benyon , is lord of th e m anor. T h e p rincipal landowners are
esq. of Englefield (d. 1897), M iss Sophia C. T h u rsb y, 1 Jam es H erbert Benyon esq. (lord lie u t.). S ir W illiam
of B righto n, and A rth u r H arvey T h u rsb y esq. D .L .. J.P . G eorge Watson bart. A lfred P alm er esq. Rev. H arvey
late of C nlverlands, nave, transepts and an octagonal W . G. T h ursb y M .A. and H enry G eorge W illink esq.
western tower w ith a sm all dom e and containing 6
M .A ., J .P . Ernest Chance esq. is also th e owner of
b e lls : the tower was restored in 1901 at the sole cost of considerable p rop erty in the village. Th e soil is lo a m ;
E rnest Chance esq. : at the
w est end
is a
w in­ and clay. T he ch ief crops are wheat,
dow, presented b y the Rev. H enry C u rtis C h erry M .A.
barley, oats and beans. Th e area is 4,262 acres of land
rector from 1827; the Rev. F. B. Boyd, a form er and 47 acres of w a te r; rateable value, £8,669;
rector, presented the church w ith five stained w in d o w s; population in 1901 was 1,343.
a stained window was also erected by th e Rev. B enjam in \
P a rish C lerk, C harles Cham berlain.
B radney B ockett M .A . vicar of E psom (1839-83), in j
m em ory of his brother and two s is t e r s ; and another
Pinge Wood and Sheffield B ottom are h am lets of
has been placed in the south tran sep t by A rth u r th is parish.
H arvey T h u rsb y esq. D .L ., J .P . la te of C ulverlands, in
m em ory of his fath er and m o th e r; th e east window, Post, T . & Telephone C all Office.—rGeorge Cooper, subpostm aster. L etters arrive from R eading at 7 a.m . k
placed in 1892 by M iss Sophia C h arlo tte T h u rsb y, of
p .m . ; dispatched a t 9.30 a.m . & 7 p .m . ; Sun­
B righton, is a m em orial to th e Rev. W illiam Ford
days, arrive 7 a.m . ; dispatched 9.45 a.m .
T h u rsb y B .C .L . rector of B ergh-A pton, Norfolk (d.
nearest m oney order office is at B urghfield Common
1893), and E leanor M ary, his w ife ; in the tower there
are two stone effigies and one of oak, all of early d a t e ;
P illa r L e tte r Box. Trash G reen , cleared at 8 a.m . &
a floor stone inscribed to the Rev. Garnans Daunser
& 6.50 p.m . ; Sundays, at 8 a.m
M.A. 1676, has been found under the old ch an cel:
Post & M. 0 . Office, Burghfield Com m on.— Henry David
there are 608 sittin g s, 402 being free. A new burial
H iggs, sub-postm aster. L etters arrive from Reading
ground, adjoining the old churchyard, was consecrated
a t 7-55 a m - & 2.10 p .m . ; dispatched a t 8.15 & 10.40
in 1886. TTie reg ister dates from the year 1563. The
a.m . & 7.15 p .m .; sundays, arrive at 8.30 a .m .; dis­
liv in g is a rectory, net yearly v a lu e £600, w ith resi­
patched a t 11.30 a.m . Th e nearest telegraph office
dence and 13 acres of glebe, in the g ift of th e Earl
is a t B urghfield, 1 m ile distant
of Shrew sbury and T alb ot, and held since 1911 bv the
Rev. W illiam H enrv G eorge M .A. of Selw yn College,
Pub lic E lem en tary Schools.
C am bridge. T h e M ission room. Burghfield Common,
the prop erty of the trustees of the late H oratio Bland Burghfield (m ixed), b u ilt in 1873, for 158 ch ild ren ;
E rn est Sheppard, m a s te r ; M iss M argaret Hullirt.
esq. was form erly M r. B lan d’s m useum : th e collections
m istress
are now in th e m useum at R ea d in g : in 1886 it was
reseated bv the tru stees, and i t will now seat 200 Pinge Wood (m ixed), b u ilt in 1868 & enlarged in 1889,
will now hold 114 c h ild ren ; Miss A da Goodall. m istrss
persons. There are also W esleyan and Prim itive M etho­
dist chapels. An in stitu te, nam ed H oliday H ouse, was M rs. B land’s (m ixed), at Burghfield Com m on, b u ilt in
1870, for 100 children & enlarged in 1905, for 112
bu ilt at Burghfield Com m on in 1913 by M rs. Kirkw ood,
children ; M iss Norm an Lake, m istress. A w in g was
of A udrey, Burghfield. Th e B righ tw ell ch arity, for the
added in 1913 for technical & evening classes
apprenticeship of poor boys of the parish , now yields an
annual income of £23 19s.
T h ere are th ree other C arriers.— A ldridge, to Reading, wed. fri. & sat. ; S m ith ,
to Reading, mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Foley, to R eading,
charities w ith an aggreg ate incom e of £ 2 7 yea rly, which
mon. wed. & sat. ; Thom as, to Reading, mon, wed.
is given to aged poor persons. There are three alm s­
fri. & sat
houses for widows, situated in th e parish of T ileh u rst,