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O X F O K D S H IK E .]
HoneyMissPhcebe,Dray ton St. Leonard, Mole F rederick J. 101 C ardigan st. S im s M iss E llen , 135 M arlborough
road, G ran dp on t, Oxford
Jericho, O xford
W allingford
Hooton W illiam ,3gNortlxBar st.B anbry Mole M rs. Jane, K in g s end; Bicester Sim s T . 120 Charles street, Cowley
S t. John, Oxford
Hopcrait Mrs. Jane, Philcot street, Moore M rs. L . H igh street, Burford
Moores Thos. Newington, Wallingford Skidm ore A lbert, M ilton-under-W ychÂ
Deddington, Oxford
Hopkins M rs.S .L o n g Handboroâ.W dstk ¡M organ Joseph, H ethe, B icester
wood, Oxford
Horn Mrs. Ann, 12 G eorge st. Sum - Morris Mrs. M artha, 71 B ridge street, S lade A lb ert, C h arterv ille, M in ster
m ertown, Oxford
L o vell, W itn ey
Osney, Oxford
M ortim er M iss Florence, 7 Hythe S m ith Mrs. C h arlo tte, 23 G eorge st.
Horne Robert, Freeland, W oodstock
S t. C lem entâ s, Oxford
Bridge street, S t. Thom as', Oxford
Howes Thom as, Islip road, Sum m erÂ
town, Oxford
M ortim ore H .G .C u ddesdon , W heatle) S m ith E . 9 & 11 C h u rch st. B icester
H owkins John, 16 C hilsw ell road, I M usgrove T.H .224Abingdon rd.O xford S m ith M rs. E lizh. B eckley, Oxford
Sm ith G eorge, B an bury road ,B icester
G randpont, Oxford
Nash C harles, Cassington, Oxford
H owlett Edwd. O akley, W allingford
N ew port J. Old W oodstock,W oodstock S m ith S idn ey, Tem p le road, Tem p le
Howse Mrs. E liza , 26 B lackfriars rd. Newton W illiam Obed, 113 W arw ick
C ow ley, Oxford
St. E bb eâs, Oxford
Som ers M rs. E. T em ple C ow ley,O xfrd
road, B anbury
Hudson E. 76 B rid ge st. O sney,O xfrd N ickols A lfred , 98 Sheep st. B icester Som erton C. C h u rch E nston e.E n ston e
Hughes M iss Bessie, 17 G loucester N orridge
F rederick ,
C h arterville, Som erton Thom as Em brey, 2 S outh
street, G rim sb ury, Banbury
street, Oxford
M inster L o vell, W itney
Hulin Mrs. M aud M ary, Post office, N orth F rederick , C harlton, Oxford
Spiers H enry, 10 Tham es street, St.
Milcombe, B anbury
O liver M rs. C. Finstock, C h arlbury
A ld a te âs, Oxford
Humphries Mrs. Elizabeth, 44 Cher- Osborne Miss A . Stadham pton , W al S p u rrett J. H. A ston , Bam pton
well street, Banbury
Stain es John, M iddle Cow ley, O xford
H um phris A . 24 Up. H igh st. Tham e Pacey A lw yn F. 9 C rip ley rd. Oxford S tockford Mrs. S. M id. Barton, Oxfrd
Humphrxs Jas. 3 Wood grn. W itney P a lle tt Joseph, Stonesfield,W oodstock Stockford T om , M iddle B arton,O xford
H unt M rs. E lizh . W ychwood, W itney Pancott Jas. G t. H aseley, W allingford Stone A rth u r, W olvercote, Oxford
H unt J am es,K m gham ,C hip ping Norton P a rgeter M iss M ary, 67 W est street, Stow e A lfred, Sibford Gower, B anbury
H utchings Miss F. E. Post office,
G rim sbury, Banbury
S tran g e W illiam , 39 W est street,
Cassington, Oxford
H euley-on-Tham es
Parsons Jam es,M iddle Barton, Oxford
Hyde Mrs. A. Brook street, W atling- Parsons W alter, M iddle B arton,O xfrd S troud C harles, 2 Com m ercial rd. S t.
ton, W allingford
Passey M rs. M .A.422Cowley rd.O xfrd
E bb eâs, O xford
Jackson Benj. 26 S t. John st.B icester P avier A rth u r, 14 C astle st. Oxford
S trou d C. J. 20 S t.A ld a te âs st.O xfo rd
Jackson G. 28 St. A ld ateâs st. Oxford Payne G . W. 103 B otley rd. Oxford S trou d ley W illiam Jam es, 4 C h u rch
Jam es Mrs. M ary,42 W est end,W itney Payne G eorge, 28 London place, St.
street, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Jeffreys Mrs. John, W indm ill road,
S tu rg es Mrs. E liza, 18 Prin ces street,
Clem entâs, Oxford
H ighfield, Oxford
S t. C lem en tâs, Oxford
Payne R. M arket sq.D edd in gtn .O xfrd
Jem m ett Mrs. M ary, 12 Tham es side, Pearce M rs. E lizabeth, 2 & 3 B la ck  Sum n er E dw ard, 106 F riars street,
Henley-on-Tham es
friars road, St. E b b eâs, Oxford
S t. E bb eâs, O xford
Jennings G . N orth N ew ington,B anbry Pearm an G .64W est st.C h ip p in g N ortn T a y le r M iss K . Lan gford, Lechlade
Johnson Joseph,T em ple Cowley,O xfrd Pearson Miss M abel, C raw ley, WTitney
(G loâstersh)
Johnson Mrs. L ydia, 47 H u rst street, Phillips J. A. U pper A rn cot, B icester T aylor A lb e rt John, 36 W estern road,
Cowley S t. John, Oxford
Ph illips Jam es, 95 F ria rs street, St.
G randpont, Oxford
E bb eâs, Oxford
Jones Mrs. E .i8 U p p er H igh st.Tham e
Taylor Alfred, Bletchington, Oxford
Jones Miss K ate,
Shipton-under- P itch er
E dw ard,
Heath, T ay lo r E . H orsefair,D ed din gton ,O xfrd
Wychwood, Oxford
Taylor Mrs. Elizh. Leafield, W itney
H enley-on-Tham es
Jones Mrs. M. A. H ighfield, Oxford Plum b F rederick, 84 Charles street, T ay lo r Hy. 62 W ellin g ton st. Tham e
Jones W m . 71 M ill st. Osney, Oxford
Taylor Sidney A . Bletchington, Oxford
Cow ley S t. John, Oxford
J u d d J. E ast E n d,N orth L e igh ,W itn y Pollard M rs. E. A . Hethe, B icester T aylor W illiam , 29 O ld G rim sb u ry
K ilby C has.H igh st.D eddington,O xfrd Poole Jam es, Clanfield
road, B an bury
K ing M rs.B .A . Tem p le C ow ley,O xfrd Porter R. W eston-on-the-Grn. BicesteT T aylor W m . 53 S t. A ld ateâs st.O x fo rd
Bang Thom as, Bam pton
Pratley Miss Sarah, 27 C hurch street, T eagu e E dw ard H enry M ay, 159
K ite M rs. Annie, B ucknell, B icester
G reys road, H enley-on-Tham es
N ew H inksey, Oxford
K n igh t E dw d. 57 Calthorpe st.B anbry P ra tt Jn. Hy. G t. B ourton, Banbury T h a tch e r F rederick , 30 N orthfield
Lam b Miss Mary, Nefctlebed, Henley- Probets M rs. K a te, Newland, W itney
end, H enley-on-Tham es
Rabett M rs. A. 284 C ow ley rd.O xford Thom as W.6g B rid g e st. O sn ey,O xfrd
Lam bert Miss A. H orsepath,W heatley R atty J. Stonor, H enley-on-Tham es
Thorpe W m. Richd. M oreton, Tham e
Lam m as W. 11 Nelson st.Jericho,O xfrd Reeves M iss Dorothy, 30 B rid p o rt st. T ibbie M rs. H. 71 G eorge st. O xford
Lane Mrs. M ary, 19 W est end, C h ip Â
T idm arsh R. Stonesfield, W oodstock
St. E bb eâs, Oxford
ping Norton
Rendall M rs. E llen, London road, T im m s M iss M . 17 C ausew ay, G rim s Â
Langford G eorge, M aidenâs grove,
C h ip p in g Norton
b u ry, B an bury
PishiU, H enley-on-Tham es
Renn Mrs. M .A .G t. C hesterton,B icestr T im s Josiah, Hook Norton, B an bury
L ee M rs. A nnie, W in d m ill road, R oberts A lan , 10 B lack friars road, T olley H .London rd.H igh field , O xford
Highfield, Oxford
Tom pkins M rs. Ann, G reat R o lln g h t,
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
Lee Mrs. L ydia C ordelia, 49 Reading Robins G eorge H enry, 25 H arpsden
Chipping Norton
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Tow ner M rs. Florence, 16 & 26 S t.
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Lem m ings Henry, 43 P ark st. Tham e Robinson W .51 S t.C le m en tâs st.O xfrd
E bb eâs street, Oxford
Letherbarrow Mrs. L u c y , 17 South Roby W illiam A lexander, 71 P ercy Townsend F ran k , Leafield, W itn ey
Bar street, Banbury
W m . E dw d. A rdley, B icester
street, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Jam m ings Thos. 88 P ark st. Tham e Rodgers Jam es, H em pton, Oxford
Tubb Mrs._ C harles. S h ipton-underLines C ecil, 28 C h erw ell st. Banbury Rose John Henry, Sw erford, Enstone
W ychw ood, Oxford
Lock A rthur, D ucklington, W itney
Rowles F. Long Handboroâ, W oodstck T u ck ey W illiam , Standlake, W itney
Lvford A rth u r, Low er Shiplake, H en Rowles Francis, 46 T h e Orofts, W itney Turn er G eorge, 153 H oward street,
ley-on-Tham es
Cow ley S t. John, Oxford
Russell Sam i. South Stoke, Reading
M ace H arry, Fulbrook, Burford
R ycroft M iss M artha, 1 C h u rc h st. T u rn e r H .K in gsto n B lo u n t,W alln gfrd
Mackrory Miss E th el Florence, 14
Vyles J. W indsor st. H igh field,O xfd
S t. Ebbeâs. Oxford
Randolph st. C owley S t.John,O xfrd Saunders A lb ert E dw ard, O ver N or W akefield John Thom as, 100 F riars
Marlow John, Piddington, Tham e
street, S t. E bb eâs, Oxford
ton, C h ip p in g Norton
Massey T hom as,104 N orth st.B icester Saver George, 25 Lake street, N ev W alde G eorge, H olton, W h eatley
M atthews Jam es, Horley, Banbury
W alden Mrs. E liza , H orn ton ,B an bury
Hinksey, Oxford
M ay F. J. 108 S t.C lem en t's st.O xford Scrivener M rs.M . 81 Sheep st.B icestr W alker C harles, 89 C ardigan street,
Mead Miss M ary, Bodicote, B anbury Sealy Miss E. 4 W est B ar st.Banbury
Jericho, Oxford
Mealin Miss F acto ry st.B anbury Sharp John, Stanton St. John, Oxford W all A . A cre E nd street, E ynsham
M ellers A rth u r, 54 C entre street, Shaw Mrs. E lizh. M ixbury, B rackley W alton E rn est F ran k , 36 H ertford st.
G rim sb u ry, B anbury
M agdalen road, Oxford
Shayler R ichard, A sthall, Burford
M essenger Geo. 127 Botley rd.O xford Shepherd M rs. Susannah, C h arlb u ry W alton H enry Jam es, 2 Speedw ell st.
M iles Mrs. A nnie, Standlake, W itn ey Sherlock A . W heatley
St. A ld a teâs, O xford
M itchell John, G atterid g e st.B an b u ry S h irley A rth . J. 299 Iffley rd. Oxford W ard R ich ard, Tid d in gton , W heatley
M itchell W illiam , 59 H igh st. Tham e S h ort F rederick John, 180 G reyâs W ard R obert, 30 London place. S t.
Mobbs Robert & M iss Florence, Duns
h ill, H enley-on-Tham es
C lem entâs, Oxford
Tew , Oxford
W ashbrook W illiam , Islip , O xford
Silm an B. K en cott, L ech lad e (G los)
Mobbs T. 13 C althorpe 3t. B anbury
Silm an M iss E . B rize N orton, Bam ptn W atson G . 4 & s South am rd .B an b ry
M old Miss, B loxham , B anbury
Sim m s M rs.E .S a lford ,C h ip p in g Nortn W atts G eorge, H anwell, Banbury