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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
pu b
Red Lion, W m . H. M orris, G reat M ilton, W allin gford
Sun, Percy Chavasse, Sydenham , Tham e
Red Lion, Charles Jakem an, 8 Albion st. Chipping Norton Sun, H enry Coxford, 44 Northfield end,H enley-on-Tham s
Red Lion. E rnest Jam es Newm an, M arket square. Ded- bun, A lfred H enry G unn, W heatley
dington, Oxford
Sun (Th e),Jsp h . G . Parker,H igh m oor,H en ley-on-T h am es
Red Lion, G eorge J. N orridge, K idlin gton , Oxford
bun inn, Jerem iah Roche, Benson, W allingford
Red Lion, G eorge O akey, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Sun inn, Charles Stafford, Hook Norton, B anbury
Red Lion, Thom as Palm er, Hanwell, B anbury
Sun R ising, F ran cis W illiam M iller, Claydon, B m b u ry
Bed Lion, Stephen P u tt, Cassington, Oxford*
Sw an, G eorge A sh ley, W h itch urch , R eading
Red Lion, W illiam P u tt, Y arnton , Oxford
Sw an, Jesse B a rre tt, A sco tt, Oxford
Red L ien , F rank R ichards, G loucester street, Oxford
Swan inn, Daniel Bunce, Bam pton
Red Lion, Ernest P. S h irley, Islip, Oxford
Swan, W illiam Bunce, Swinbrook, Burford
Red Lion, R obert S m ith , Stoke T alm age, T etsw orth
Swan inn, G eorge E . Davis, 3 South B ar street, Banbury
Red Lion, F redk. Jas. Soper, S tratto n A udley, B icester Swan, H arry H ew ett, Preston Crow m arsh, W allin gford
Red Lion, E rn est Sparrow hawk, Aston, Bam pton
Sw an inn, F ran k Jarrett, 32 M arston street, C ow ley St.
Red Lion, Stephen H enry Swell, M arket sq. Bicester
John, Oxford
Red Lion, Nelson T ra in , B ritw ell, W allin gford
Sw an, Richard Lom as, H igh street, Burford
Red L ion , W m . Tw ynham , A dderb ury E ast, B anbury
Sw an, M rs. E lizabeth M ansfield, 13 C h urch st. Bicester
Red Lion, G eorge W alker, N orthm oor, Oxford
Swan inn, E dw ard S h irley, G reat Bourton, B anbury
Red Lion. Mrs. Rosaline W eston, W olvercote, Oxford
Swan, Charles Taylor, Headington, Oxford
Red Lion, W illiam W iltshire, Chinnor, W allingford
Sw an, Benjam in W alb y, L o n g H andborough, W oodstock
Red L ion .P ercy W ise,C ouching st.W atlin gton /W allin gfrd Sw an, John W arner, Islip , Oxford
Red Lion, Thomas W oodward, W en dlebury, Bicester
Swan, Leonard W ra ig h t, Radcot b ridge, R sdcot,C lan field
Reindeer, H arry H arvey, 47 Parsons street, B anbury
Talbot, John Juggin s, O xford road, Eynsham
Robin Hood, Henry G eorge G ibbs, 1 R ew ley road, S t. Three Com passes,Lew is A . Parsons, Cuddesdon, W h eatley
Thom as', Oxford
T h ree Crowns, J. Copus, H igh st. W a tlin g to n ,W allin g frd
Rock of G ibraltar inn, A rth u r Sm ith . B letch in gton s ta  Th ree Horseshoes, H arry A lder, G arsington , W h eatley
tion, Oxford
Three Horseshoes, Charles W. Bishop, Lon g HandRoebuck, O liver B annister, Drayton, B anbury
borough, Woodstock
Roebuck v a u lts, M rs. K a te W ebber, 8 M arket st. Oxford Three Horseshoes, W illiam Brain, W ootton, W oodstock
Roebuck, Fred. W hitm ill, North Newington, Banbury
Three Horseshoes. Jas. Chas. Chard, Up.H eyford, Banbry
Rose & Crown, Mrs. E. Bishop, Stonesfield, Woodstock
Three Horse Shoes, W illiam J. Hayns, 12 B ead in g road,
Rose & Crown, M rs. L. Coleing, N ew bridge, Northm oor,
H enley-on-Tham es
Three Horse Shoes, Jsph.M oss H olland, 78 Corn St.W itney
Rose & Crown, M rs. G eorge Green, B lackthorn, Bicester
Three Horseshoes, Geo. F. Hope, M iddle Barton, Oxford
Rose & Crown, E dw ard Thom as N eal, Shilton, Burford
T h ree Horseshoes, M rs. A lice Meal, Benson, W allin gford
Rose & Crown inn, W alter N eal, M arket square, B icester T hree Pigeons, Mrs. M ary Ann B u rd ett, 3 S outham rd
Rose & Crown, Geo. Sm ith, Old W oodstock, W oodstock
Rose & Crown, H arry Stokes, 14 N orth Parade avenue, T h ree Pigeons, John H olland, 31 W ood green, W itn ey
St. G iles', Oxford
Three Pigeons, Thos. C has. M iles, G t. M ilton ,W allin gfrd
Row Barge, Jsph. H arding, 37 W est st. H enley-on-Tham es Three T u n s,W m .E d w ard s, 5 M arket p l.H enley-on-Tham s
Royal Blenheim , W m . Fow ler, 13 St. Ebbe's st. Oxford
T h ree T un s, M rs. A deline C h arlotte Stanley, 18 H orseRoyal Oak. Thos. Wm. C ollett,F ield Assart, Leafield,W itney
fair. C h ip p in g Norton
Royal Oak, Benjam in Dove, M oreton, Thame
T ravellersâ Rest, W illiam G rove, Low er Assenden. H enÂ
Royal Oak, John F red k. F ilkins, W h itch urch, Reading
ley-on-Tham es
Royal Oak. G eorge A rth u r G ardner, 42 W oodstock road, Tree hotel, A rth u r A . A yres, Iffley, O xford
St. G iles', Oxford
Trout, Thom as Thom pson, Godstow, W olvercote, Oxford
Royal Oak inn, F rederick H unt, Ram sden, C h arlburv
T u rf (T he), M rs. Alice K a te AIlsop, 10 St. H elenâs pasÂ
Royal Oak, Thom as Jacques, W itn ey street, B urford
sage, Oxford
Royal Oak, Tom Leslie Mason, 6 G reys road, Henley-on- T u rk âs Head, J. Spencer, 56 High st. S t. Thom asâ , Oxford
Tham es
T u rn ersâ A rm s, H arry E aves, A m brosden, B icester
Royal Oak, Jam es Phipps, Combe, Woodstock
Unicom, John Thom as H igham , Deddington, Oxford
Royal Oak inn. Jam es Proclcter, Chinnor, W allin gford
U nicorn, Charles W illiam M ontalvo, Rotherfield Peppard,
Royal Sun, W illiam Golder, B egbroke, Oxford
H enley-on-Tham es
Running Horse, Thom as H am bridge, 46 H vthe Brido-e Unicorn inn, F dk. H. M oore, M arket p i.C h ip p in g Norton
street, St. Thom asâ , Oxford
Unicom , A. Pearson. G reat B ollrigh t, Chipping Norton
Sandyâs A rm s, Joseph Johnson, C hadlington, C harlbury
TJnicorn inn, W m . John W oodcroft, M arket pi. B an bury
Saracenâs Head, G eorge James H ull, 121 G revs road, University A C ity Arm s. W m . K in g , 288 Cowlev rd Oxfrd
H enley-on-Tham es
Victoria (T he), A lex. Thos. F oster, go W alton "st. O xford
Saracenâ s Head, Thom as K entish, 118 H igh st. Tham e
V ictoria, Chas. Hobbs, 48 M arket p i. H enlev-on-Tliam es
Save & Sele A rm s, Jam es G reen, Broughton, B an bury
W agon Jt H orses,M rs.M .A .B ygrave.B utch ers row ,B an b ury
Seven Stars, Christopher F isher, M arsh Baldon, Oxford
Wagon ft Horses, Jam es G ibbs, 27 W oodstock road, St
Seven Stars, W m . Joseph G odfrey, Piddington, Tham e
G ilesâ, Oxford
Shelswell inn. Peopleâ s Refreshm ent House Association W agon ft Horses, M rs. Jane H all. 16 London road. Chip
Ltd. (Joseph P itts, m gr.). Newton Purcell.B uckin gh m
ping Norton
Shepherdsâ H all, H enry W illiam H erbert, Lon g Hand- Wagon ft Horses, Joseph W oodley, Cnlham . Abingdon
borough, W oodstock
W aterm an âs A rm s, M rs. E lizabeth Clanfleld, E a st street
Sherborne A rm s, W alter A llm ond, 26 Queen st. Oxford
Osney, Oxford
Ship & Anchor, C harles A lb ert M essenger, 6 S p rin g st. W elsh Ponv, B ert R ay, G eorge street, O xford
Chipping Norton
W heatsheaf, Sam uel Biddle. W ardington, B anbury
Shrew sbury A rm s, Lew is Souch, Lidstone, Enstone
W heatsheaf, John B u tler, Sheep street, B icester
S ix Bells, G eorge Cartland, 44 H igh street, T h am e
W heatsheaf, H enry John Deacon, W heatsheaf yard. H igh
Six Bells, W m. Kim ber, H eadington Q uarry, Oxford
street, Oxford
Six Bells, Thom as N eighbour, K id lin g to n , Oxford
W heatsheaf, G eorge Thom as F ru in . Bampton
Six B ells Inn, Chapm an A bb ott, C h urch street, Bicester
W h ertsheaf, Daniel G ilk es, 68 F ish street, Banlm rv
Sloane hotel, Woolfe K orbetov, G oring, R eading
W heat Sheaf inn. Tom Rixnn. Hook Nnrton. B an bury
Somerset House, M rs. Geo. E van s, N ew M arston, Oxford W heatsheaf inn. Jn. R ussell, Old W oodstock. W oodstock
Stag, Francis C harles Dandridge, N ew ington,W allingford
W heatsheaf, Sidney Sheppard. r6 R eadin g rd. HenlevStag's Head, Thomas A riss, Sw alcliffe, B anbury
Star inn, John C ollier, .Sheep street, B icester
W heatsheaf, Daniel W ilson. O aklev, W allin gford
Star, E dw ard G eorge Conway, 152 Corn st. W itney
W heatsheaf, Charles W ilton , A d d erb u ry E ast, B an bury
St3r, H enry H all, M arket street, W oodstock
W hentsheaf & Anchor, R ich ard H eaver, 15 St. A ldateâ s
S tar (The), A lb ert E dw ard Jarrett, 21 Pem broke street,
street, Oxford
St. C lem entâs, Oxford
W hite H art. H .T Ashfield-H arris. M arston. Oxford
S tar, Henry W a tts, Stanton St. John, Oxford
W h ite H art. Leonard J. Ford, 21 & 23 H art street,
S tar inn, H enry W oodbridge, W itn ey road, Eynsham
H enley-on-Tham es
Star & G arter, S. J. P ickering, 20 C orn m arket st.O xford W hite H art. F rank H arris. N ewland stroet. Fvnsbam
otonor A rm s, Frederick W. Greenwood, Stonor, HenleyW hite H art, ,T H ayw ard. Shirburn st.W a tlin g to n Wllno-fd
on-Tham es
W hffe H art. Miss K a te Hone, A dderh u rv W est. B an b urv
Strickland A rm s, A rth. D. Sm ith, Ducklington, W itn ey W h ite Hart., M rs. A m elia J. Kench . O harlhury
o tu rd y âs Castle, P eter Joseph C u rtis, Tackley, Oxford
onn v au lts (G eorge F rederick W illiam C arter, m anager), W hile H art. Edwin Lam b. N ettlebed. H enlev-on-Tbam es
White. H art. Thos. G eo.M arner, Shiplake.H enley-on-Thm *
63 C om m arket street, Oxford