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d ir e c to r y
Sherwood Henry, monumental mason, 286 K in gâs road &
confectioner, Fatherson road
Shorland George, auctioneer, see Thim bleby & Shorland
Short G. & Co. wholesale grocersâ sundriesmen, 3 Queenâs road
Short Annie M. (Mrs.), dress maker, 296 Kingâs road
Shorter Charles, tailor, 62 Kingâs road
Shorter George Daniel, insurance agent, 86 Liverpool road
Shorter John, jobbing gardener, 28 YVhitley street
Shurey Henry, cycle maker, 5 Great Knoilys street
Silver James & Son, art furniture makers, 15 Duke street
Silver Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Cholmeley road
Silver Clara (Mrs.), midwife, 119 Wykeham road
Silver Herbert Staines, hosier, 8 Arcade
Silvers, hosiers,17 & 18 King street & 16 & 18 Queen Victoria st
S iiv e r t o w n I n d i a . R u b b e r , G u tta . P e r c h a & T e le Â
g r a p h W o r k s C o . L t d . 106 Cannon street, London,
E o; works, Siivertown, London E
Simmonds Allan William, painter, 28 North street, Cavcrsham
Simmonds Arthur John, grocer, 51 YVokingham road
Simmonds Charles, dairy, 4- St. Edward road
Simmonds Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma. see Taylor & Simmonds
Simmonds James, beer retailer, 117 Southampton street
S i m m o n s & S o n s , auctioneers, surveyors, land & estate
agents & valuers, 39 Blagrave street (T N 316); A at
Basingstoke A Henley-on-Thames
Simmons Charles Franklin r.s.i. surveyor, see Simmons A Sons
Simmons Ernest Henry, auctioneer, see Cottrell, Simmons
A Butler
Simmons Frank YVortley p . a . s . i . auctioneer, see SimmonsASons
Simmons Joseph Brace, solicitor, 4 Bridge street, Caversham
Simmons Wm. Anker f . s . i . surveyor, see Simmons A Sons
Simms Frederick YYâalter, cycle agent, 62 Christ Church road
S i m o n d s H . & G. L i m i t e d , brewers A wine A spirit
merchants A bottlers, The Brewery, Bridge st. ; maltsters,
Fobney s tre e t; Telephone Nos. 75 A 78 ; Telegraphic
Address, â Simonds, Reading.â London stores, 32 York
road, Lambeth s e
Simpson A Son, tailors, 20 Cross street
Simpson, Wilson A Co. auctioneers, 27 A 28 Market pi. T N 194
Simpson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Audlev street
Sims YVilliam Jacob, fruiterer, 49 Basingstoke road
Singer (The) Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 19 A 20 King street
Singer William H. dairy farmer, W hitley Park lane
Sisam YVilliam m . d . , b . s c . , d . p . h . medical officer of health for
West Berks United districts, Bank chambers, 32 Cross
street. T N 647
Sizer David, confectioner, 600 Oxford road
Skeate John Henry YYrilliam, news agent, 130 Caversham road
Skinner Misses, girlsâ school, 143 Oxford road
Skinner S. A C. agricultural implement agents, Cattle market
Skurrayâs Garage, motor car A motor cycle agents, dealers,
makers A engineers, garage accessories, tyres, petrol, repairs
Ac. 140 A 141 Friar street A works, Vachel road. S ec
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 16
Sladden Fanny (Mrs.), confectioner, 83 A m ity road
Slade Charles, beer retailer, 49 Katesgrove lane
Slade Frederick YV. coal merchant, 2 Gosbrook st. Caversham
Slade James, smith, 260 Liverpool road
Slater YValter J. beer retailer, 26 Castle street
Slatter H. P. collector of borough rates, Municipal buildings,
Valpy street
Slaughter Charles A Son, â Reading Observer â office, 19 A 21
Blagrave street; printers A publishers
Sleep George A Son, confectioners, 5 Station road
Sloper Ernest, news agent, 531 Oxford road
Sluce John William, hair dresser, 31 Southampton street
Smallbone Henrietta (Miâs.), apartments, 114 W hitley street
Smallbone Percy Hatton, motor engineer, 39 Friar street (T N
1213) A 499 Oxford road
Smart, Moore A Saunders, coach builders, Yrachel road
Smart P. E. collector of borough rates, Municipal bldgs. Valpy st,
Smee Edward Charles, temperance hotel, 35 A 37 Grey friars rd
Smith Charles A Son f . r . i . b . a . architects, 164 Friar street
Smith G. R. A Co. shipping agents, 6 Kingâs road
Smith George R . A Co. stationers, 58 Kingâs road
Smith H. E. A Son, restaurant, 13 Broad street
Smith John A Son, hair dressers, 47 Market place
Smith Samuel A Son, grocers, 70 Y ork road
Smith W. C. Limited, furniture removers, coal merchants A
general hauliers, 16 Caversham road. T N 72
Smith W. H. A Son, news agents A stationers, 123 Broad st
Smith William A Son, booksellers, 37 A 39 London street
Smith A lbert Edgar, shopkeeper. 5 Blenheim road
Smith Alfred, boot maker, 9 Thorn street
Smith Arthur YVilliam. butcher, 177 Cavcrsham road A 38
Church street, Caversham
Smith Bertha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 91 Sherwood street
Smith Edward James, dining rooms, 23 YY7atlington street
Smith Edwin f . a . a . accountant, 1 7 2 a , Friar street
Sm ith Eliza (Mrs.), news agent, 8 Prospect street, Caversham
Sm ith Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 104 Castle street
Smith Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 127 Cumberland road
Smith Ernest, corn dealer, 350 Oxford road
Smith Frank, beer retailer, 59 Hosier street
Sm ith Frank, boot maker, 3 Gower street
r e a d in g
Smith Frank, milliner, 9 Arcade
Smith Fred YV. boot repairer, 32 Tilehurst road
Smith Frederick, hair dresser, 16 Arcade
Smith Frederick, news agent, 3 0 a , Queen Victoria street
Smith Frederick YVhite, boot maker, 19 Brunswick street
Smith George, boot repairer, 542 Oxford road
Smith George Charles, artificial teeth maker, 1 Eldon road
Smith George Henry, carter, 9 Hatherley road
Smith George Mence, oil A color man, 16 W hitley street
Smith George YV. manager to Barclay A Company Limited
Bank, 3, 4 A 5 King street
Smith H arry, shopkeeper, 65 Silver street
Smith Henry C. marine store dealer, 12 Bridge street
Smith Henry Reginald, butcher, 17 A 19 Southampton street
Smith James, dairyman, 25 Brunswick street
Smith John, assist, school attendance officer, Blagrave street
Smith John, carman, 83 Caversham road
Smith John, confectioner, 24 Friar street
Smith Lilly (Miss), dress maker, 95 Kingâs road, Caversham
Sm ith Margaret Jane (Mrs.), tobacconist, 56 Southampton st
Smith Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 91 Caversham road
Smith Phcebe (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 14 Mount Pleasant
Smith Rose Ellen (Mrs.), baker, 35 Mount Pleasant
Smith Thomas Henry, watch maker. 170 Oxford road
Smith YYTilliam, boot maker, 9 St. Maryâs butts
Smith YVilliam, wheelwright, 73 Wolseley street
Smith William John, optician, 30 Coldicutt street, Caversham
Snell A Co. clothiers, 12 A 14 London street
Snow Sarah Ann (Miss), confectioner, 373 Oxford road
Snowflake Laundry (Berkshire Laundry Co. Lim ited, proÂ
prietors), South View avenue, Caversham
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, depot, 30 A
31 Market place. T N 114Y
Solomons D avid, tailor, 2L Queenâs road
Solomoas Henry, tailor, 40 Queenâs road
Somerscales Henry, fried fish shop, 3, 4 A 5 Union street
Sommerton William, insurance agent, 34 Grange avenue *
Soper John, chimney sweeper, 6 Church street, Caversham
Sopp Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 63 Brunswick street
Sopp George, jobmaster, 5a, Russell st. A 2 Franklin street
Soundy S. M. A Son, millers (electric A water), A bbey square
A Mill road, Caversham
South Berks Brewery Co. Limited, brewer^ A wine A spirit
merchants, Castle brewery, 16 Bridge s treet; A maltsters,
L ittle Crown yard
South Berks (âN ewbury Division) Conservative A Unionist
Association (Reading district) (YValter Light, sub-agent),
21 Market place
South Eastern A Chatham Railway Goods Station (Jesse
Hood, goods supt.), Forbury ro a d ; receiving office, 63
Minster street
South Augusta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 50 Soho street
Southern Equitable Advance Co. Ltd. 16 Bragrave st. TN 680
Sparks Thomas C. grocer, 83 Kingâs road
Sparrow Frederick Harley, house furnisher, 46 Oxford road
Spencer Jacob James, agent for Fosterâs Parcels Express, 44
Crown street
Spencer James T. ironmonger, 27 London road
Spencer Sidney Harris, tobacconist, 121 A 123 Southampton st
Spirella, corset parlours, 29 Market place
Spyer Thomas A Co. grocers, 60 A 62 Manchester road
Spyer Harry, grocer, A post office, 1 Elgar road
Squire Ethelbert William m . b . surgeon, 223 K in g âs road
Squire Robert, carpenter, 80 Erleigh road
Stacey George, chimneysweeper, 28 Gosbrook street,Caversham
Stacey Thomas Joseph, florist, 1 Briantâs avenue, Caversham
Stacey Walter John, shopkeeper, 62 George street
Stain ton Thomas m . b .c . v . s . veterinary surgeon,18 Queen's road
A 122 Oxford road
Stallard F. (Mrs.), wâardrobe dealer, 44 London street A 60
Caversham road
Stallwood J. C. St. Laurence, solicitor, 6 Market pi. T N 542
Stallwood Spencer Slingsby, architect, 27 Market place
Staubrook Maurice, boot repairer, 18 Crown street
Standard Electric Theatre (Frank W. O. Smith, manager),
84 Kingâs road
Standen A Taylor Lim ited, Shorthand, Typewriting, Copying
A Translation Offices, Broadway buildings, Station road.
Tel. 907 A 325 Reading
Stanford J. L. (Mrs.), antique dealer, 4 Blagrave street
Staniford Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 103 Wolseley street
Stanley James A Co. tailors, 149 Friar street
Stanley YYâ illiam, horse dealer, Norris cottage, Basingstoke rd
Stansfield Frederick YY7ilson m . d . physician A surgeon,
public vaccinator A medical officer for No. 2 district,
120 Oxford road ; surgery, 30 Crown street
Stanton George Henry, shopkeeper, 30 Lctcombe street
Staples Joseph Lea, picture frame maker, 21 Cross street
Stapley YV. J. A Co. funeral directors, sculptors A artists in
masonry, memorial brasses, 4 Queen Victoria st. T N 1200
Stapley John, confectioner, 69 K in gâs road
Star Newspaper Co. Ltd. (The) (Chas.Honey.agt.), 14 Forhu;y
Star Tea Co. Limited, 36 Broad street
Starkey Frederick William, stationer, 52 Castle street
Starling James W. assistant school attendance officer,Blagrave st