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A co tt Sydney & Co. L td . 124 H igh
street, Oxford. S e e a d v e r t is e Â
m e n t p a g e 51
Blagrove Charles W illiam , 29 Church
street, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
C h este r G eorge B ertram , Sunnyside,
C hinnor road, Tham e
M eadley Thos. L.307 C ow ley rd.O xfrd
P ick ett John G eorge, 29 Bartlem a*
road, C owley road, Oxford
Russel] Jam es & Co. 120 H igh street,
A cott (S ydney) & Co. L im ited , 124
H igh street, O xford. S e e a d v e r Â
t i s e m e n t p a g e 51
Nelson Robt. & C0.60 C owley rd.O xfrd
R em bridge W illiam H enry & Co. 5 St.
C lem ent's street, Oxford
Russell J. & Co. 120 H igh st. Oxford
Taphouse C. & Son, 3 M xid
W ebb F red T. C. Town H all b u ild Â
ings, B anbury
W ells John S. 47 & 48 H igh street.
B anbury
P IC K M A N U F A C T U R E R S .
H ardy Patent Pick Co. Lim .
Heeley, Sheffield
P IC T U R E F R A M E M A K E R S .
A dam s Sam uel, Littlem ore, Oxford
B rice Jam es, 12 W est end, W itney
H ill Chas. 17a, G loucester .st. Oxford
H ills & Row ney (wholesale), 23
G eorge street, Oxford & 2 M arket
place, B anbury
N orridge Thos. 60 G eorge st. Oxford
Rainbow F rederick Richard, 15 N ew Â
ton road, G randpont, Oxford
S h u rvell A rth u r. 19 Reading road.
H enley-on-Tham es
T av lo r H arold B. London road, Headington, Oxford
P IC T U R E T H E A T R E S .
See C inem atograph H alls.
P IG D E A L E R S .
B eckinsale H. C urb ridge, Bam pton
Dunsdon G eorge, Standlake, W itney
Fenem ore Joseph,Steeple Aston,O xfrd
K ench W m . K in gh am ,C h ip p in g Nortn
Mills A lbert, L it. Clanfield, Clanfield
T h atch er W m . Brize Norton, Bam ptn
W alker Frank, Freeland, Woodstock
P IG K I L L E R .
Holifield N. Finstock, C harlbury
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
â¢H aw tin J. & Sons, 8 N orth Bar st.
& C astle street east, B an bury
â¢H aynes Charles & Son, M arket st.
W oodstock
H erbert Daniel W illiam , 51 Henley
street, C owley S t. John, Oxford
H iggs Thom as & Son,G oring,Reading
Holifield Bros. 264 & 266 W oodstock
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Horton John & Son,42 Park st.Tham e
â¢In n s Fredk. Sibford Gower, Banbury
K eeler John W . 28 St. Johnâs road
St. G ilesâ , Oxford
â¢L e e H. H. 26 T em ple street, Cowley
S t. John, Oxford
Longw orth Alfd. O xford st. Woodstck
M aidm ent & Sons, 17 R eading road,
H enley-on-Tham es
â¢M aisev W m .H . M arket st.W oodstock
M artin F rederick G eorge, 9 Hayfield
road, St. G ile sâ , Oxford
M artin W illiam , 104 B ridge street,
Osney, Oxford
â¢Parsons W illiam , sen. 35 & 37 PlanÂ
tation road & Leckford place, St.
81 H atton garden, London E C
G ilesâ . Oxford
Parsons W illiam John, ju n . 52 Juxon
P L U M B E R S & G L A Z IE R S .
street, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Peattie W. Dean, 35 & 36 H igh st.
See also Pain ters.
a d v e r t is e m e n t
M arked th us * are also Painters.
pagre 4 5
A xtell A lfred, 15 & 17 W oodstock rd. P ip erG .W .5 1a,B ell st.H enley-on-Thm s
S t. G ilesâ , Oxford
Prangnell J. W . 138 Cowlev rd.O xfrd
Banbury John W illiam , 94 B ell st. Price Brothers, Frin gford , B icester
H enley-on-Tham es
P ritchard Thom as Joseph, 20 Chester
Bannard J. 6 & 7 Bridge st. B an bury
street, Iffley road, Oxford
B arrett J. H. & Son, Chequers yard, R ichin gs W iliiam & Sons, 45 Hythe
131a, H igh street, Oxford
B ridge street, S t. Thom asâ , Oxford
Barton Leonard G. Nelson st. Tham e â¢R ow ell G eorge Joseph, 3 A lfred st.
Baskett W alter, C h arlbury
St. G ilesâ , Oxford. S e e a d v e r Â
B atty J.W . 46New st.H enley-on-Thm s
t is e m e n t pagre 5 6
Beavington W . Hook Norton, Banbury Salm on C. A. 1 Jam es street, Cowley
â¢B en n ett Charles F. 20 N orth Bar
St. John, Oxford
street, Banbury
Salm on Ph ilip Henry, 202 Banbury
Bolt & Pole, C hapel st. S t. C lem entâ s,
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sam m ons A rth u r, 27 Oakthorpe road,
Bossom E dw ard, 33 W ellin gton st.
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Jericho, Oxford
⢠S m ith Thom as & Son, 15 & 17 North
Bowyer John, 8 S tation road, Henleystreet, B icester
on-Tham es
S m ith Jam es Lee, N ew street, DedBrooke W m. Jn. 25 W est end, W itney
dington. Oxford
â¢Brow n & Sons, N ettlebed, Henley- S m ith W .O .H igh st.D eddington,O xfrd
on-Tham es
Sutton G . J. & Son, 1 Paradise sq.
Brown E. South Newington, Banbury
St. E bb eâs. Oxford
Bruce John H enry, 34 G rove street, T u ll A . H eadington q uarry, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
W alker G eorge & Son, 10 L ittleg a te
Bryan C yril F ran cis, 35 St. M aryâs
street, St. E bb eâs & 49 St. A ldateâs
road, Cowley S t. John, Oxford
street, Oxford. S e e a d v e r t is e Â
Burgoyne Richard Sydenham , W est
m e n t pag;e 4 8
law n , K id lin g to n , Oxford
W ay H arry John. 117 M agdalen rd.
Busby A lfd. Ivynook, G oring, Reading
C owley St. John, Oxford
B utler A rth u r, Rotherfield Peppard, W ells John, Th e H ill, Burford
H enley-on-Tham es
â¢W e st Fred W alt. B enson,W allingford
Chapm an John, 12 A delaide street, St. W heeler & C rum p , H igh street, W a tÂ
G iles', Oxford
lington, W allingford
Constable M rs. E liza, 25 C hurch st. â¢W h eeler A rth u r F. H igh street,W atÂ
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
lington, W allingford
Constable Thom as, C h arlbury
Wilkinson Joseph W illiam , Lower
Oouldrey Jas.Jn. i6G loucester st.O xfd
C herw ell street, Banbury
Cowley M rs. Jane, Bam pton
â¢W illiam s C am b ria, Bam pton
â¢C rane H enry Owen (tru stee of), W iltsh ire W alter W illiam , 100 Howard
M ansfield road, Oxford
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Dingle W illiam , 45 M arlborough rd.
Grandpont, Oxford
Edney W illiam , H eadington, Oxford
E ldridge John, 10 H ythe B rid ge st. Wrench W m & Co. Shutford,B anbury
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
â¢F ow ler R. &: Son, 19 & 20 Park st.
Tham e
French Percy Jn. 28 C astle st. Oxford Boote Thos. H. 8 C hurch la. Banbury
â¢G ard n er F. E. & 0 . W. Cropredy, Clark C. 99 & 120 T h e M arket,O xford
Clark W m .104 & 105 TheM ariiet,O xfrd
G rant W illiam Job, 37 St. M aryâs rd. Dew John H erbert, H igh st.W oodstck
Draper Mrs. H. D. 16 South B ar st.
Cowley S t. John, Oxford
G reen G . & Son,D orchester,W allingfd
Hall W illiam , Bloxham , Banbury
Fow lerâs, 45 B ridge street, W itney
â¢H ardin g W . J. F ish street. Banbury Freeborn G. A . 18 S t. C lem en tâs st.
â¢H arris F ran k, N ewland st. E ynsham
G am m age H y.T h os.60 Corn st.W itn ey
Harris Frederick, H ighfield, Oxford
Harris F rederick, 114 Kingston road, Hankinson Thos. 92 H igh st. B anbury
Lon g O has.Stanton H arcou rt,E yn sh m
St. G ile sâ , Oxford
H arris J. J. 11 Mill st. Osney, Oxford M artin H. 24 to 27 The M arket,O xfrd
Baker Brothers, Philcot street, Ded
dington, Oxford
Burbidge & Sons, 7 M arket st. C h ip Â
p in g Norton
Dore B rothers, Ram sden, C harlbury
Griffin E. & Sons,Stonesfield,W oodstck
H ieatt C . 12 Horsefair, Chipping N rtn
H odgkins Fredk. & Son, Ram sden,
C harlbury
M anning W. & Sons, B loxham ,B anbry
P H O T O G R A P H IC L E N S &
Manning George, Bloxham , Banbury
Preston G eorge, Leafield, W itney
Rass Lim ited (opticians by appoint Sansom H enry Jam es, 83 G reat C la rÂ
endon street, Jericho, Oxford
m ent to H .M . the K in g ), i n New
Sim m onds
Bond street, London W
T em p le C owley, Oxford
Townsend E dw ard, Stonesfield, WoodP H Y S IC IA N S , & P H Y S IC IA N S
See M edical L ist.
P IA N O F O R T E T U N E R S .
Johnson, M atthey & Co. L im ited, 74-
Druce & Co. 118 H igh street, Oxford.
Seo a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 8
O xford O ptical Co. (The) (form erly
H olliday & Son), 17 Broad street.
Rose W ill R. 134 H igh st. Oxford
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 5 4