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Selbv M ary (M rs.), ap artm en ts, 27 W alton crescent,
S t. T hom as’
S ellers F. & Co. grocers, 38 Queen street
Sellm an E. N . N ., M .A. prep aratory school for boys,
187 W oodstock road, St. G ile s’
Selwood John F red erick, cycle agt. 2 Union st. Jericho
Seppings E llen (M iss), aparts.2 W alton cres. St. Thom as'
Sep p ings M argt.(M iss),aparts.49W alton cres.S t.T h om as’
Serre A chille L im ited , dyers, 106a, H igh street
S eym our L ionel W illiam M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P & L .S .A .
physician & surgeon, & hon. clin ical assistan t to
Oxford E ye H ospital, 251 W oodstock road
Sharpe F red, hair dresser, ia , New Inn H all street
Shaw & Sons, ou tfitters, 24 & 25 Queen street
Sh ayler John, boot rep airer, 66 C hurch st.N ew H inksey
Sh ayler Thom as, china & glass w areh ouse,114 W alton st
Sheldon & Co. (W . H. M unsev L im ited ), w ater & steam
roller m ills, Osney m ills, M ill street
Sheldonian Theatre (Jam es Cook, keeper), Broad street
S helter & Rem and Home for Boys (R. G . G rey-S m art,
s u p t.), 22 Paradise street, S t. E bbe’s
S helton E lizabeth & A nnie (M isses), un iversity lodging
house, 17 M useum road
S helton W illiam & Son, house furnishers, 7 & 9 Woodstock road & carpet cleaners, Bainton road, St. G iles’
Shepherd A rth u r, tailor, 7 Corn m arket street
Shepherd Frances Caroline & E sth er (M isses), ap art­
m ents, 19 K ingston road, S t. G iles’
Sheppard G eorge, p rin ter, 12, 14 & 16 S t. M ichael’s st
S heppard W m . ap artm ents, 116 Southm oor rd .S t. G iles'
Shepperd Brothers, tailors & robe m akers, 21 H igh st
S h eriff’s Officer. F rederick John Buekell F .A .I. 8 C orn ­
m arket street & C oun ty hall, New road
S h erratt P ercy A rth u r, d ir. in antiques, 9 & 10 Oriel st
S h e rra tt T. S cott F .A .I . auctioneer, land, estate & house
agent, v alu er & surveyor, 133 H igh street & 9a, St
A ldate’s street. T N 224
Sh illin gford Joseph, u n iv ersity lo dgin g hou se,48 H ig h st
Shipley E th el (M iss), laundress, 1 Newton rd.G ran dpon t
Shipton H enry, u n iv . lodg. ho.52 Southm oor rd .S t.G ile s ’
S h irley A rth. Jsph. shopkpr. & post office, 299 Iffley Td
S h irley John, apartm ents, 31 K in gston road, St. G iles’
S h irley Joseph, gasfitter, W alton lane, S t. Thom as’ &
6 L ittle Clarendon street, S t. G iles’
S h irley Ralph D. arch itect, L loyds Bank chm brs.H igh st
S hirley W illiam , undertaker, 35 C ardigan st. Jericho
S hrubb E m ily (M rs.), apartm ents, 29 Iffley road
S huffrey Jam es A llen, artist, 99 W oodstock rd .S t.G ile s ’
S h u rm er F red erick, cabinet m aker, 64a, M agdalen rd.
C ow ley St. John
S h u rm er Ralph E dw ard, apartm ents, 47 B an bury road
Shurrock Alfred Edward, tailor, 199 Cowley road
S ides G erard H enry, m anager for B arclay & Company
L im ited , bankers, 92 & 93 H igh street
S ilv e r t o w n
In d ia
R u b b e r,
G u tta
P e rc h a
T e l e g r a p h W o r k s C o . L i m i t e d , 106 Cannon st.

London E C ; w orks, Silvertow n E
S ilvester W . & Co. boot m akers, 88 M agdalen road,
C owley St. John & 16 S t. M ary’ s rd. C ow ley S t. John
Sim m onds A. E . & C o. grocers, 153 W alton street
Sim m onds Sarah & M ary (M isses), university lodging
house, 14 Ship street
S im m onds W illiam & Son, coal & coke m erchants, 24
St. G iles’ s tr e e t; 1 London & N orth W estern coal
w harf, R ew ley road & 12 H ythe B ridge st. St. Thom as’
Sim m onds A lb ert Silvester, lu g g ag e carrier, 5 Percy st.
C owley S t. John
Sim m onds Annie A m elia (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodging
house, 11 W alton street
Sim m onds Jam es, jobm aster. Crescent m ews. Park town
Sim m onds Joseph H enry, fru iterer, 35 S outh parade,
& greengrocer, 204 B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
S im m ons A lbt. decorator, 24 W arneford rd. S t.C lem en t's
S im m ons Lizzie Lo uie (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g house,
25 Iffley road
S im m ons M ary (M rs.), fru iterer, 34 Bullingdon road,
C ow ley S t. John
S im m s John & C o. builders. 50 Leckford rd. S t. G iles’
S im m s John & Son, builders, 18 K ingston road, St.
G iles’ ; works, W alton W ell road
S im m s F rances E llen (M iss), costum ier, 135 W alton st
S im m s L y d ia K ate (M rs.), shirt m aker, 141 C owley road
S im m s W illiam H enry, boot m aker, 41 S t. A ld a te’s st
Sim onds H. & G . L im ited (J. M. Dorm or, m anager),
brewers, 30 Q ueen st. & 1 C owley rd. ; stores,Osney la
Sim s E llen (Miss), shopkeeper, 135 M arlborough road,
G randpont
S im s E m a (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g house,10 W alton st
Sim s Thos. shopkeeper, 120 Charles st. C ow ley S t. John
Sim s W illiam , u n iversity lo d g in g house, 160 W alton st
S in clair John G eorge, d istrict supt. Pearl Assurance Co.
L im ited , 99 S t. Aldate's street

[ k e l l y ’s

S in ger S ew in g M achine Co. Ltd . 1 New rd.&ro2Cowley rd
Sisterhood of the H oly Childhood (M other Superior), 9
& 10 M arston street, Cowley St. John
Skelcher & Sons, coal & coke m erchants, G reat Western
coal wharf, B otley road
Skelcher & Sons, dairym en, 43 B otley road
Skelcher M an- Annie (M iss), confectnr. 66 Holywell st
S kinner H arold, apartm en ts, 8 M useum road
Skinner P ercy A rth u r, un iversity lo d g in g house, 104
& 105 H igh street
S kinner Tom , draper, 1 W oodstock road, S t. Giles’
S kinner W m . university lodgin g ho. 2 & 3 Black Hall rd
S kipper A rth .E d w d .ta ilo r,39 S t.M a ry's rd.CowleySt.John
Skuce G ertru d e B. (M rs.), butcher, 105 W alton street
S later Annie M aria (M iss), un iversity lo dgin g house, 9
M useum road
S la ter H enry, verg er of the cathedral, 2 Brew ers street,
St. A ld a te’s
S la tte r & Rose, booksellers, stationers & news agents, 16
H igh street
Slau gh terW alter & Son,provision dlrs.37 St.Clem ent's st
S la u g h ter Edwin, grocer, 16 S t. A ldate’ s street
S laugh ter Elizh. (M rs.), laun dry, 89 Islip rd.Sum m rtwn
S la u g h ter Fanny (M iss), tobacconist, 69 St. Aldate's st
Slay & Eden, house furnishers, 92 C ow ley road
Slay Francis John, un iversity lodgin g house, 10 Wel­
lington square, S t. G ile s’
Slay Sidney A rth . tea gardens, Lucerne rd.Summertown
Slingo H erbt. Geo. Richd. m otor engnr.see Davis&Slingo
S m art, Faulkner & Co. grocers, 118 & 119 Magdalen road,
Cowley St. John
S m art B ert, wholesale fru iterer, 90 The M arket
S m art E li, undertaker, 20 Southfield road, Cowley St.
John & w heelw right, Cowley road
S m art E lsie (M iss), m illiner, 268 Cowley road
Sm art H enry, fru iterer &c. 32, 33, 34, 94 & 95 The
M a rk e t; 13 W oodstock ro a d ; 70 & 270 Cowley road
& 209 B an bury road, Sum m ertown
S m art Henry, potato salesm an, C ow ley road
S m art Philip Jam es, sign w riter, 222 Cowley road
S m ith B. & Co. stationers, & post office, 45b, Broad st
Sm ith E dw in & Co. ironm ongers, 179 K ingston road &
54 S t. John’s road, S t. G ile s’
Sm ith Jam es & Son, dyers & cleaners, 6 Cornm arket st
Sm ith W . H. & Son, booksellers, 65 S t. G iles’ street &
22 Cornm arket street
Sm ith & C o.(late O rpw ood)Ltd.saddlers,i9Cornm arket st
S m ith A lfred, decorator, 14 H ertford st. M agdalen st
S m ith A rth u r A lfred , insurance agent, 64 Botley Toad
S m ith A rth u r H enry, boot rep airer, 21 S t. A ldate’s st
Sm ith A rth u r John, beer retlr. 8 G rove st. Summertown
Sm ith A rth u r W illiam , F riars’ inn,28 F riars st.St.Ebbe’s
S m ith A sher, w orking cutler, 40 Catherine st. Cowley
S t. John
S m ith C harlotte (M rs.), shopkeeper, 23 G eorge street,
St. C lem en t’s
S m ith C la ra A nnie (M iss), dress m aker, 75 Divinity
road, C ow ley road
Sm ith C yril W ontner, arch itect, 38 Queen street
S m ith E dw ard Robert, un iversity lo dgin g house, 20
W orcester place, St. Thom as’
S m ith E m ily (M iss), aparts. 86 S t. John’s rd. St. Giles’
S m ith Frank, boot m a. 39 O bservatory st. St. Giles’
S m ith F ran k Scuse, refreshm ent room s, 23 Cornmarket
street & tobacconist, W alton street
S m ith F rank W m .g rocer,73 Sunningw ell rd.NewHinksey
Sm ith F rederick, boot m aker, 256 Cowley road
S m ith H arry,chim n ey s w e e p r.u C a rte r’s yd.St.A ldate’s st
S m ith H arry W illiam M .S .A . architect, Maiwonde,
V icto ria road, Sum m ertow n
S m ith H enry E dm und, b uilder, 19 Union st. Jericho
S m ith Jane (M iss), costum ier, 69 W arw ick street
Sm ith John Thom as, boot m aker, 125 & 8 Cow’ ev road
Sm ith M ary (M iss), dress m aker, 14 Parker street
S m ith M arv A . (Miss), artist, 19 Beaum ont buildings,
S t. G iles’
S m ith Sidn ey F. G. boot m aker, 227 Banbury road,
Sum m ertow n
S m ith Thom as, baker, 25 Princes street, St. Clement s
Sm ith Thom as G eorge, apartm ents, 20 Walton street
Sm ith Thom as G eorge, parish clerk to St. Mary
M agdalen, 37 St. John street
Sm ith W alter, boot m aker, 4 Wood street, St. Ebbes
S m ith W alter, fruiterer, 14 H u rst st. Cowley St. John
S m ith W illiam M. cab proprietor, 23a, St. Aldate s s
S m ithers Rose (M rs.), ap artm en ts, 27 W alton street
S m yth John G . surveyor of taxes, 4 Magdalen street
Snood A lice M ary (M iss), apartm ents, 18 Beaumont s
Snow & Son, refreshm ent rooms, 18 Park End stre ,
St. Thom as’
. .
Snow John W illiam , Ancient Briton P.H . 9 7 Blacktri
road, S t. E bb e’s