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brick consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and bell
cote containing one b e ll: there are 150 sittin gs. Th e
churchyard and com m uted tith e ren t of £ 150 , net value
£ 80, w ere vested in th e in cum b en t A p ril 2 5 , 1 8 5 1 .
H ere is a W esleyan chapel, erected in 1867 , and rebuilt
1905 a t a cost of £ 1 , 800 , w ith sittin gs for 2 5 0 ; and a
B ap tist chapel, erected in 1880 , and seatin g 130 . In the
parish are two h ills, called resp ectively A m barrow and
L d gb arrow. A m barrow , a large and w ell-b u ilt house, is
the residence of Mrs. H arvey. San d h u rst Lodge, a
large mansion stan ding in grounds of 205 acres, is the
p rop erty and residence of M rs. Yaughan -D avies. The
soil is sa n d y ; subsoil, sand and gravel. T h e ch ief crops
are barley and oats. The area~ is 2,484 acres of land
and 22 of w a te r; assessable value, £ 15 , 6 2 2 ; the popuÂ
lation in 1901 was 2,386 and in 1 9 1 1 , 3 , 265 , includin g
691 in the Royal M ilitary College.
C row thorne, form erly p art of S an dh u rst, has been
form ed into a civ il parish , and w ill be found under a
separate heading
V erger, A rth u r Payne.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.â John H arper, sub-postm aster.
L etters arrive from Cam berley at 5.35 & 10.50 a.m .
& 3.10 (for callers) & 6.20 p .m . ; dispatched at 9.20
a m . & i-35» 3-2° & 8 p .m .; sunday delivery7, 6 .15
a.m . ; dispatch, 7 .3 5 p .m
Post Office, L ittle S an dh u rst.â -V. W . N apper, sub-postÂ
m aster. L e tters delivered from S an dhurst & collected
from W all Box attached, 7.30 a.m . & 1 2 .15 & 7.35
p.m . ; sundays, 6 .35 p.m . Th e nearest m oney order
& telegrap h office is at Sandhurst
Post Office, Sandh u rst S treet.â B ertie G eorge N eal, subÂ
p ostm aster. L etters delivered from Sandhurst &
collected from W all Box attach ed, 9.25 a.m . & 1 . 40 ,
& 8.5 p .m . ; sundays, 7.4 0 p.m . Sandhurst
the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
Post Office, College Town.â M rs. M innie H am m ond, subpostm istress. L e tters delivered from Cam berley &
collected from W all Box attach ed, 7 .5 5 & 10.40 a.m .
& 1.45 & 7.3 5 p . m. ; sundays, 7.5 5 a.m . Sandhurst
is th e nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
Postal arrangem en ts for the R oyal M ilitary C ollege : â
L e tters through Cam berley. A rriv e at 7.30 & 9.40
a.m. & 6.10 p . m . ; sundays, 7.3 0 a.m . L e tte r Box
cleared 9.40 & 10 .50 a.m . & 3 -40 , 6 .10 & 7.5 5 p .m .;
sundays, 7.30 p.m
W all & P illa r L e tte r B o x e s :â C rowthorne road, cleared
at 7.3 5 a.m . & 12 .5 5 & 7-4° P-m - ; Sundays, 7 .5 p.m . ;
B u ll & B utcher P .H . 7 . 50 , 9.30 & 10.35 a.m . & 1 .4 5 ,
3-45> 7-3° & 8-10 P-to. ; sundays, 7.50 a.m . & 7.45
p .m . ; Th ib et road, 7.30 a.m . 12 noon & 3 & 7.3 5
p.m . ; sunday, 6.55 p .m . ; New College road, 7 . 5 5 ,
9.30 & 10.40 a.m
& 1 .4 5 , 3 . 45 , 7.35 & 8 .10 p .m . ;
sundays, 7 .5 5 a.m . & 7.4 5 p.m
C oun ty Police S tation was erected in 18 9 9 ; Frederick
Salter, sergeant in charge
E lem en tary School (m ixed & in fan ts), erected b y the
lord of the m anor in the year 1862 , & was purchased
b y Rev. R. Parsons in 1896 , & enlarged in 1882 , for
176 ch ild re n ; the in fan tsâ school, added in 18 97 , will
hold 77 ch ild ren ; G eorge C oulter Oldham , m a s te r;
Mrs. Potter,, in fan tsâ m istress
[ k e l l i âs
E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected in 1874 , for 140
children, & enlarged in 1900 , for 226 c h ild ren ; G eorge
W ilk in , m aster
Council School, College Town (m ixed & infants), b uilt
in 1907 , & enlarged in 19 10 , for 370 ch ild ren ; A rth ur
J. Pearce, m aster
C arrier to R eadin g.â H udson, tues. thurs. & sat
Postal & T elegrap hic address, C am beiiey.
San dh u rst M ilitary College, first established a t H igh
W ycom be in 1799 , transferred in 1802 to M arlow, &
finally settled here in 18 12 , is about 2 m iles from
the ch urch , in beautifu l park-like g ro u n d s; the bu ild Â
in gs com prise a central block, w ith a portico of the
Doric order & two w in g s; the chapel contains an
organ & some m em orial tablets to form er governors
& others & th ere is a w ell-furnished lib ra ry, w ith porÂ
traits of G eorge I II. & Queen C h arlotte & past
go v ern o rs; there are now ( 1 9 1 1 ) 360 gentlem en
cadets, who are adm itted by open com petition beÂ
tween th e ages of 17 & 19 .^ & receive in struction in
m ilita ry subjects exclusively, for one year prior to
undergoing a qualifyin g exam ination for com m issions
in the arm y
Com m andant, Col. (Tem p. B rig .-G en .) S. P. R o lt C .B
A ssistan t Com m andant, L ieu t.-C o l. A . F. Sillem
Adj utant,
Q uarterm aster, Hon. M ajor J. C. D uff (actin g ordnance
R id in g M aster, Hon. M ajor W . Sykes
Surgeon, L ieu t.-C o l. C. B. M artin M .B
Inspector of W orks, M ajor H. E . Boxsball
isChaplain, Rev. H. W . Blackburne M .A
Accountant (A rm y A ccoun tan tâs D ept.), F. Tanner
Mess M anager, E . C. T aylor
E n glish , T. M .A
French, Mons. E. R uf
G erm an,
H industani,
In F rench, Mons. F. Dam iens & Mons. A . Noblet
S T A F F C O L L E G E (locally at C am berley, S u rrey).
Postal & T elegrap h ic address, Cam berley.
The Staff College is a handsom e building of yellow brick
w ith stone facings, & was first occupied in 18 6 2 ; it is
designed to hold 40 officers, each of whom m ay reÂ
m ain for 2 years for in struction in the scientific
branches of m ilita ry education, w ith a view of q u alifyÂ
in g them selves for staff ap p oin tm en ts; candidates for
adm ission are required to pass a prelim in ary exam in aÂ
tion : the b uildin g contains a lib ra ry, m ess room,
besides h alls of stu d y; the establishm ent consists of
a com m andant & 16 directing staff, & th e course of
stu d y com prises S taff Duties & A dm in istration &
Law , M ilitary H istory, Fortification, M ilitary D raw Â
ing, S u rv eyin g & Reconnaissance
Residents at the Royal M ilitary Col. Stew art M ajor P .A . V. 2 Th e Terrace Lockh art Robert Bruce M .A. E ag le
Stubbs C ap t. G . C. Officersâ quarters
School house
B aillie-H am ilton C apt. N. A . B. Sykes M ajor W . 4 T h e Square
Lyon Capt. E . L. Cam pden cottage,
Officersâ quarters
Tonson-Rye Capt. H .B. 6 Th e Terrace
T hibet road
Blackburne Rev. H. W ., M .A . 5 The Truem an C apt. A . P. H. Officers* M ajendie T h e M isses,
T h e W arren
Marson Lionel Jam es, Th e B ungalow ,
C um berbatch Capt. H. C . 13 The W alsh C ap t. R. K. Officersâ quarters
College Town
W h eatley C apt. L . L ., D .S .0 .Officersâ M etcalfe G eorge
E dw ard
D u ff M ajor J. C. 3 Th e Square
L .R .C .P . & L .R .C .S .E d in . Pinewood
E den C apt. S. H. Officersâ quarters W hitehead M ajor J. 11 Th e Terrace Mills Thom as, Longdown lodge
Fiennes C ap t. J. T . T . W . Officersâ W reford-Brow n Capt. C. W ., D .S .O . Monk M iss, Monkshood, Longdown rd
Officersâ quarters
Orsborn Mrs. Sunny rest
F o llett C apt. R. 3 2 The Square
O ver John, C ollege farm ,C o lleg e Twn
K ettlew ell Capt. H .W . 4 Th e Terrace
Mrs. Longdown
L e -F lem in g Capt. L .J . Officersâ qrtrs
Over Thomas Richard, T he Red cot
M aclear C ap t. B. 8 Th e Square
Beaucham p M rs. Uplands
Pardoe Miss, Broadw ay house
M artin L ieu t.-C o l. C. B ., R .A .M .C . B etty Mrs. Laurach , Th ib et road
Parsons Rev. the Hon. Canon Randal
Surgeonsâ quarters
; Botting F red eric W m . Y ew grove
M .A . (rector), Rectory
M aycock Capt. F. W . 0 ., D.S. O. j B un tin g M aj. Thos. K in g.O rch ard cot Pearson Francis, Brookside
Officersâ quarters
Cham bers M rs. W illiam , Riverm ead
Roe Rev.
E verard
B .A.
N eedham M ajor H. 3 The Terrace
C hurch W illiam N apier, Snaprails
(curate), St. M ichaelâs cottage
Paterson C ap t.A .W . S. Officersâ qrtrs Dickinson C ol.W m . V . Longdown hill Russell Jam es M .D. The Cedars
Priestm an Capt. J. H. T . Officersâ Edgcum be Richard J.P. Edgbarrow Sherbrooke Capt. N. H. C. Slate
(postal address, Crowthorne, Berks)
house, Th ib et road
R am sey Capt. J. G . Officersâ quarters E llio tt M ajor-G en. Edw d. St. Helens Thryso Viscount De-Santa, K o tra
R iddell C apt. E. P. A. 10 The Terrace G rub b Capt. R. R. de C . Bushlands, Toye W m . Joseph M .A ., C .C. Ryefield
S illem Lieut.-C ol. A . F. Assistant
Th ib et road
T y rw h itt Mrs. Longdown cottage
Com m andantâ s house
H arvey Mrs. A m barrow
Soam es Capt. A. A. Officersâ quarters K en t W m .Fredk.M anse, Longdown rd