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[ k e l l y âs
Dean John & Sons, ironm ongers, 23 & 23a, Cowley road
& ironfounders, 13 & 14 Tem ple street
de B ergerac B ernice (M adem oiselle), teach er of elocuÂ
tion, 21a, Broad street
m ent page 5 2
Debron Henry Jam es, butch er, 144 C ow ley road
D egenkart F ran cis, ladiesâ tailor, 16 M arket street
C u rtis A lb ert, h air dresser, n C hester st. Iffley road
C u rtis B ertha M innie (Miss'), stationer, & post office, de la Mare E ugen e, toy dealer, 11 & 13 G eorge street
De la M are John C. un iversity lodging house, 40 Walton
31 G eorge street, St. G ilesâ
crescent, St. Thom asâ
O urtis D avid, florist. 271 Iffley road
C u rtis W m .chim ney cleanr.64M agdalen rd.C ow leySt.John Delegacy for the T rain in g of Secondary Teachers (Rev.
W illiam W arner M .A. sec.), Clarendon bldgs. Broad st
Cusson V . O'Hea M .B. house surgeon E ye H ospital,
de Leobardy M arg uerite (M adam e), S t. U rsulaâ s school,
W alton street
C ustom s & E xcise & Stam p Office (J. O 'R eilly, principal
38 St. G ilesâ street
c le rk ; W . T. Chandler, F. H. Skelton & G . A. Bilbv, Delnevo Antonio, fried fish dir. 7 L ittleg a te st. St.Ebbeâs
c le rk s; C lifford Coltm an C ox. su rveyor; F. W . Booth, Denton Jn. news agt. 106 M agdalen rd. C owley S t. John
W. H. Gooden & F. R. B risty, residen tial officers), 15 Derman Tom , insurance agent, 68 "Warwick street
D everell Annie (M iss), un iversity lodgin g house, 7 RichÂ
S t. G iles' street
mond road, St. Thom asâ
CutclitTe F rederick H. D. teach er of lan guages 45, &
de Vine Law rence John, tailor, 19 W oodstock rd.St.G ilesâ
typ ew riter 45a, Broad street
C u tle r B oulter Provident Dispensary (Miss M ary W assail Dickens E d ith (M rs.), confectioner, 71 St. A ldateâs st
M .P S. disp enser),W orcester st. & 4 M arston st.Cowley Dickeson F red erick , w atch m aker, 7a & 8 B lue Boar st
Dickins N ellie (M iss), m illin er, 251 C ow ley road
C u ttin g W a lter H orace, confectioner. 3 M arket street
Daft W illiam A ustin A .R .I.B .A . arch itect. 6 & 7 Corn- Dickinson Jn. H v. tennis cou rt propr. 6 M erton street
Dickson Francis H enry M .B ., B .C h .E din . physician k
m ark et street
surgeon, 37 H olywell street
D aim ler Co. L im ited . Osberton Toad, Sum m ertown
D allaw ay W illiam , com m on lo dgin g house (registered), D iddam s A lbert, apartm ents, 3 C hurch w alk, St. Gilesâ
Dillon Sarah (M rs.), m idw ife, 33 Speedw ell street, St.
65 & 66 H igh street, S t. Thom asâ
D allim ore John, b eer retailer. 49 St. G iles' street
A ldateâs
Dines E lizh. Jane (M rs.), apartm ents, 4 Beaum ont street
D anbury Rosa (M iss), fru iterer, 15 Cowley road
D in gle Robt. Stephen & Son, bellhangers, 98 Walton st
Dance Charles, greengrocer, 7 Cowley road
D andridge L illy & D rusilla (M isses),â baby linen w are Dingle C h as.A lbt. gasfitter, 39 Pem broke st.St.Clem entâs
Dingle Lily(M iss),dress m a. 39 Pem broke st.St.Clem ent's
house, 13 L ittle Clarendon street, St. G ilesâ
Daniell Florence (M rs.), shopkeeper, 21 Plantation rd. Dingle W illiam , plum ber & glazier, 45 M arlborough rd.
St. G ilesâ
Diocesan C lerical R eg istry (H. Donkin M .A .), Lloyds
Daniels Joseph, teacher of the banjo, 9 G rove street
Bank cham bers. H igh street
D arby G eorge H arry, solicitor, 58 C orn m arket street
Diocesan R eg istry Office (James Rose M .A. registrar;
D arby W illiam Charles, n atu ralist, 1 New Inn Hall st
E . A. Bacon, chief clerk), 10 New road
D avenport & Rose, solicitors. County hall. New road
D avenport H ugh N ares M .A . solicitor (firm , Davenport Diplom a Correspondence College L im ited (principal,
Joseph W illiam K n ipe F .R .S .L .), W olsey H all, George
& R ose), deputy clerk of the county council, under
street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 5 0
sheriff of the county, . retu rn in g officer for county
council elections. k clerk to the visitors of L ittlem ore D istrict R egistry of H igh C ourt of Justice K in g âs Bench
D ivision (A rth ur G erald H iggs, d istrict registrar),
A sylu m , C ounty hall. New road
B ath cou rt, New road ; probate division (John Thos.
D avey Henry W ashington, apartm ents, 26 R egen t street,
Lew is, re g is tra r ; Jas. F orty, chief cleric), 10a, New Td
C ow ley S t. John
Dix W illiam , b eer retlr. 28 Pensonâ s gardens, St. Ebbeâs
D avey Richard, to y dealer, 50 St. C lem entâs street
Dixon F. & Sons, carriers, 1 W ater Eaton rd. Summertwn
D avidson Daniel, general stores, 57a, S t. Clem entâ s st
Dixon A rth . Robt. draper, 1 N orth Parade av. St. Gilesâ
D avidson H arry M itchell, draper. 5 C owley Toad
D avies F. & Son, tob acconists,19 ParkE n d s t.S t.T h o m asâ Dixon Edwin, coal m er. 5 M arston st. Cowley St. John
Dixon Jam es, hair dresser, 23 St. C lem en tâs street
D avies & Co. b utchers, 25 S t. A ld ateâs street
D avies A m elie (M rs.), dress m aker, 1 N orreys avenue, D ixon Jam es, window blind m aker, 58 Cowley road
Dixon L ouisa M ary (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodgin g house, 11
N ew H inksey
D avies Annie H. (M iss), aparts.22 Woodstock rd .S t.G ile s â
Pem broke street, St. A ldateâs
Dodds-Parker A rth u r P ercy M .A ., M .B ., B .C h ., F.R C S.
D avies Jam es E dw in, baker, 3 Cowley road
E ng. surgeon, 2 H olyw ell street
Davis F rank & Son, dairym en , 109 W alton street
D avis k Slingo, m otor engineers, 11 H ythe B rid g e st. Dodson Thom as R . apartm ents, 13 Adelaide st. St. Giles
Dolbear k G oodall, chem ists, 108 H igh street & mineral
St. Thom as'
w ater m an u facturers. Bear lane
Davis & Co. tailors & w aterproof m a n u fa c tu rers; sole
M rs. baths proprietress, 10 M erton street
m akers of the â V id alis â rain coat, non-porous &
w aterproof
( r e g d .) ;
wholesale Dom estic Bazaar Co. L td . (The), 5 & 6 Magdalen street
H enry M .A. stock & share broker, k Diocesan
clothiers, 34, 36 k 75 G eorge street
C lerical R egistry, Lloyds Bank cham bers. High si
Davis A gnes (M rs.). costum ier, 29 St. John street
T A â Donkin ; râ T N 548.
a d v e r t is e m e n t
Davis A m elia (M rs.), p rivate school, 30 Bullingdon road,
Page 5 2
C ow ley S t. John
Davis A rth u r E . coal & coke m erchant. G re a t W estern Dorian Shoe Co. Ltd . boot & shoe dealers, 6 High street
coal w harf, B otley ro a d ; 77 C ow ley road k 1 Bath Doubleday Richd. Dixon, inspector of w eights & measures
for th e countv, Countv offices, New road
street, St. C lem entâs
Dougan Jam es L ., M .A .'lib ra ria n to the C ity Free Public
Davis Edward G . corn m erch an t. 45 St. A ldateâ s st
L ibrary. Town h all, St. A ld ateâs street
D avis E th el H elen (M iss), univ. lo dgin g ho. 65 H igh st
Davis F-pderick, baker. 87 & 88 Bullingdon road, Cowley Douglas O liver, shopkeeper, 67 B otley road
Down G eorge H enry, assistan t superintendent Prudentia
St. John
Assurance Co. L im ited , 34 Lonsdale rd. Summertown
Davis G eorge, p rint seller, 7 T u rl street
Davis G eorge W. sign w riter. 44 Speedw ell st.S t.A ld a te â s Dowse A lb ert, insur. agent, 18 Speedwell s t - S t A l d a e
Davis P ercy E dw in, wardrobe dealer. t6 L ittleg a te st. D rake W illiam , u n iversity lodging house, 15 Worces
place. St. Thom asâ
S t. E bb eâs
Davis Thom as W . postm aster, Post office, St. A ldateâs st Drayton Edwd. shopkeeper. 46 A rgvle street, C hester
D avis W illiam , stationer, Post office. 73 B anbury road
W ater hall, St. A ldateâs street
Dawson Charles, boot m aker, 238 C owley road
Dawson W alter, hair dresser, n o M agdalen rd. Cowley Drewe V icto r R. E. hair dresser, 34 H igh street
D rew ett Isaac G eorge, painter, Cold A rbour, St. Aldat;
St. John
Dawson W'illiam S latter, beer retlr. 1 Union st. Jericho Druce & Co. dispensing chem ists k photographic 2,PP'
atus dealers, 118 H igh street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Day & C o. rope, tarp aulin, rick & wagon cloth, basket
p a g e 3 8
. .
k m at m a k ers; established over ico years, n M arket
D ruce Minnie J. (M rs.), greengrocer, 152 The MarkP,TV
street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 5 2
D ay W m . k Sons, florists, 6 St. M aryâ s rd.C ow leySt.John Druids Ancient Order of (Isis Lodge, No. 580) \
M illin, sec.). 36 Cornm arket street
Day Jam es, apartm ents, 153 Iffley road
Drum m ond F ran ces(M iss),artist,R ich m ond r d J | t T0i.p
D ay O liver, veast m erchant. Rose lane. H igh street
DâA ye M atilda Osborne (M rs.), boarding house, 97 St.
Dubber Jam es, cycle repairer, 12 F r ia râs entry
Aldateâs street
Deacon H y.John.W heatsheaf P H. W heat«heaf yd.H igh st Dnce D avid, fishm onger, 64 St. A ldateâs street &
E bb eâs street
C u rtis John & Sons, steam haulage contractors, th resh Â
in g m achine p ro p rie to rs; portable & traction engines,
electrical & m echanical engineers & iron & brass
fo u n d e rs ; repairs &c. B otley road. S e e a d v e r t i s e Â