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B IC E S T E K .


[ k e l l y ’s

The Foor Law Institution, situated outside the town,
elected & educated at the expense of the feoffees of
between the Middleton & Bucknell roads, was opened
Walker’s charity, by whom a yearly sum of
in October, 1836, & is a large & commodious building paid to the School Committee; live boys are ni«S
of stone, available for 320 inmates; William Parks,
clothed from the funds of this charity; Edward Gef0
master; Rev. Walter O'Reilly M.A. chaplain; Herbert
Colby, master; Miss Golder, mistress
Birch Long M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical Elementary, Field street (infants), for 170 childrenofficer; Mrs. S. E. Parks, matron
this school is licensed for Divine service on sundav«Miss Harris, mistress
B ic e s t e r R e g is tr a tio n D is tr ic t.
St. Mary’s Elementary (R. C.), King’s End, built in
Superintendent Registrar, Frederick Dean Holiday, 9 1883, f°r 93 children; Miss E. Durham, mistress
Sheep street, Bicester; deputy, Edward Coggins, 9
Sheep street, Bicester
Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Bicester dis­ Bicester Advertiser & Mid-Oxon Chronicle, Market sa
trict, Isaac George Pople Durrant, 35 Priory road; Thomas William Pankhurst, publisher; published fri
deputy, William Henry Ward, 92 Sheep st. Bicester; Bicester Herald, 37 Market square, Newby & Son, pub­
lishers; published friday
Bletchington sub-district, George James Dew, Lower
Heyford; deputy, J. W. Dew, Lower Heyford
London & North Western, James Scott, station master
Assistant Medical Inspector of Schools to the County Great Western, John Charles Burtenshaw, station master
Education Committee, Cecil Morgan Hendriks M.B.
VILLAGE CARRIERS to Bicester, with the places thev
Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. London road
call at.
Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes & to Bicester SubCommittee of Oxfordshire Local Pension Committee, Ardley, Fewcott & Bucknell— Rhodes
Blackthorn— Amos Wilkins, tues. & fri
Alfred Tom Truman, Sheep street
Collectors of Assessed Taxes, Charles Ashmore, Sheep Fencott & Murcott— G. W. Cooper, to ‘Red Lion,’tues.
& fri
st. & William Henry Ward, 92 Sheep st. for Bicester
Fewcott & Fritwell— John Bennett, to £Red Lion,’fri
Town Crier, Edward Daglev, London road
Veterinary Inspector under the ••Diseases of Animals Fringford— Grantham, to ‘Red Lion,’tues. & fri.; Fred
Stockley, daily
Acts,” Alexander Chisholm M.R.C.V.S. 19 Sheep st
Grendon Underwood— Cannon, to ‘Rose & Crown,’fri
Hethe— Grantham, to ‘Red Lion,’ tues. & fri.; Fred
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
St. Edburg Church, Market end, Rev. Walter O’Reilly Stockley, daily
M.A. vicar; Rev. Thomas George Evans M.A. curate; Launton— Charles Castle, to ‘King’s Head,’ daily
holy days, 7.30 & 10 a.m. & 8 p.m. ; 8 & 11 a.m. & Launton & Marsh Gibbon— Burgess, tues. & fri
Lower Heyford, Middleton Stoney & Upper Heyford—
2.45 & 6.30 p.m. Sundays; 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. (sum­
Boddington, to ‘White Hart,’fri.; Bourton, to ‘Bose&
mer 7.30 p.m.) every week day
Catholic, St. Edith’s Priory, Rev. Joseph Permasse; Crown,’ fri
Ludgershall— Faulkner, to ‘King’s Head,’fri
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. sunday
Congregational, Chapel street, Rev. Thomas Smith; 11 Marsh Gibbon— Burgess, to ‘King’s Head,’tues. & fri
Merton— Cooper, to ‘Red Lion,’tues. & fri
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan, North street (Buckingham & Brackley Cir­ Middleton Stoney— Boddington, to ‘White Hart,’in.;
cuit), Rev. Richard A. Rees ; 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; Bert Bourton, daily
Murcott— George W. Cooper, to ‘Red Lion,’tues. & fri
tues. 7.45 p.m
Plymouth Brethren, North street; 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 Piddington— Marlow, wed. & fri
Stoke Lyne— Coggins, daily
p.m. ; mon. & thurs. 8 p.m
Salvation Army, Victoria road; 7.15 & 11 a.m. & 6.45 Stratton Audley— Norton, daily
Twyford— Hall, to ‘Wheatsheaf,’ fri
p.m.; mon. wed. & fri. 8 p.m
Wendlebury— Lapper, ‘Rose & Crown,’ tues. & fri
Weston-on-the-Green— Lapper, to ‘Rose & Crown,’tues.
Aie under a committee of six managers; Mrs. O'Reilly, & fri
Elementary, erected, with master's house, in 1858, at Henry Bourton, 82 Sheep st. to ‘Old George,’Banbury.
a cost of nearly £2,000 & will hold 400 children; thurs.; to ‘Anchor,’ Oxford, mon. wed. fri. & sat
with this school is incorporated the old Blue Coat Bert Bourton, 15 Causeway, to Chesterton & Middleton
school, on which foundation 20 boys are annually Stonev, dailv
Hoare Chas. Twysden D.L..J.P. Big- Page-Turner Hugh Gregory, Waverley
nell house
Beaumont Maj. Edwd. 16 King's end Hodge Roland H. H. Bicester hall
Palmer Mrs. 19 London road
Bonham-Carter Capt. Guy, King’s Holiday Frederick Dean, Tyssul house, Permasse Rev. Joseph (R. C.). 51
End house
Church street
King’s end
Buckle Thos. West view, Banbury rd Holiday Percy Cave, 17 Priory road Phillips Edward, 11 King’s end
Bunting Henry, London road
Prentice John Vincent, 20 Church st
Hunt Mrs. Old priory
Campin John, Pevensey ho. Sheep st Jagger Hugh C. 14 London road
Rees Rev. Richard A. (Wesleyan1.
Keith-Falconer Chas. Adrian,TheGarth Bath terrace
Deeley Miss, London road
Evans Rev. Thomas George M.A. Lawrence Lord, Slade farm
Shillingford Mrs. 88 Sheep street
Smith Rev. Thomas (Congregational!
(curate), The Rookery
Layton George J.P. Market square
Fane Capt. Hv. George, Bicester ho Long Herbert Birch, 49 Sheep street Tanner Edward Foster, 4 Market sq
Fetherstonhaugh Capt. Arthur St. L. Montgomery Gordon Nevil, 36 Lon­ Truman Alfred, 7 King’s end
Watts Robert, 4 King’s end
Red house
don Toad
Grimsley William, 12 Sheep street Mountain John T. 18 Sheep street
Weyland Capt. Mark Ulick J.P- Old
Harper Miss, 38 London road
Murphy Leonard V. 18 Church street Palace yard
Mrs. Woodfield house,
Harris William Thomas, 28 Sheep st O’Reilly Rev. Walter M.A. (vicar, &
Hendriks Cecil MorganM.B.London rd chaplain of union), The Vicarage, Caversfield road
Church street
Berridge Thomas E. Fox inn, King’s End
Bicester Advertiser & Mid-Oxon Chronicle(Thomas Wnn
Early closing day, Thursday.
Pankhurst, publisher; published iriday), Market sq
Abbott Chapman, Six Bells inn, Church street
Ashmore Charles, ironmonger, & collector of assessed icester Bowling Green Club (Frank Gordon, hon.sec).
7 Priory road
taxes, Sheep street
Bicester Cattle Market (Dyson A. Pearson, supt)
Auger George, farmer, Whitelands
Bicester Cricket Club (C. J. Coggins, hon. sec)
Austin Arthur R. insurance agent, 4 Hadland’s yard
Bicester Football Club (J. H. Hollis, hon. sec)
Baker Alfred, carpenter, 17 London road
Bicester Golf Club (H. A. Fane, hon. sec.), Market fiq
Baker Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 59 Priory road
Bicester Herald (Newby & Son, publishers; publis
Bard Arthur, tailor, see Walker & Bard
friday), 37 Market square
Baughan Frederick, baker, 90 Sheep street
Bicester Nursing Home (Mrs. Plater, matron), e
Baughan W. bill poster, 7 Manchester terrace
Beliam Mary (Miss), dress maker, London road
Bicester T o w n & District Rifle Club ( J . T . Mountain,
Bennett James, baker, Sheep street
hon. sec.), 18 Sheep street
Bennett Samuel, grocer & provision dealer, 19 Causeway