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D IR E C T O R Y .]
Hillsdon A rth u r, dairym an
K in g H enry Osborn, hay & straw m er
N orth O xford B rick Co. brick m nfrs
N orth O xford G olf Club (H enry S.
C ritch le v, sec)
Robinson Frederick W illiam , dairym an
Robinson H enry C harles, coal m er
Sampson Charles, decorator
Saxton Howell, blacksm ith
Stan ley Thom as, grocer
Stockford H erbert E . Plough inn
Stone A rth u r, shopkeeper
Taylor H enry, lau n d ry
Thom pson Thos. T ro u t P.H . Godstow
TralfoTd F red erick , grocer
W eston R osaline(M rs.),R ed Lion P.H
W hite Joseph, carm an
w orton
W ick s A lb e rt E. W h ite H art P.H
W irdnam K a te (M iss), laundress
W olvercote P aper M ills (Jsph. C astle)
W ren Hy. carp en ter & w h eelw righ t
W ren M artha S. (M iss), dress m ak er
â¢Y o u e n s Henry, teach er of m n sic,
291 W oodstock road
Y o u n g A lb ert, dairym an
W O O T T O S is a parish and village on the G lym e and
The liv in g is a rectory, net yea rly value ¿ 3 1 0 , in clu d in g
Dom e stream s, which flow into Blenheim lake, and is
585 acres of glebe, and residence, in th e g ift of N ew
n fm j
fâ¢m the B letehington station on the C ollege. O xford, and held since 1900 by th e R ev. F rank
Oxford and B irm ingham section of the G reat W estern
Ransom e M arriott M .A. of th at College. Th ere are
railw ay, a j north from W oodstock and 10 from Oxford
W esleyan and P rim itive M ethodist chapels here. Th e
in the hundred of W ootton, W oodstock union, county
church estate, of seven cottages and 51 acres of land,
court district of Oxford, W oodstock rural deanery and
^,r °4 uces about £35 yea rly for the rep airs of the ch urch .
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of
K ilh n g w o rth âs bequest of £ 6 a year, le ft in 1852,
St. M ary is a b uilding of stone, in the E a rly E nglish,
distrib uted in m oney, su b ject to certain fixed deducÂ
Decorated and P erpendicular styles, Consisting of chantions ; the poorâs land of 15 acres produces ab ou t / 1 4 ,
na⢠w ith clerestory, north aisle, south porch, and
which is distrib uted in coals. W oodleys is th e seat
niui 611m i f . w estern tow er containing a clock and s of the Hon. E dw in C harles W illiam Poneonby D .L ., J .P .
bells, the first dated 1749; three others, 1732, and the
Th e Duke of M arlborough K .G ., P .C . who is lord of
tenor bell 1739; there is also a sm all sanctus bell, dated
th e m anor, S ir G eorge John E gerton Dashwood b art.
1788: the chancel is Decorated, w ith an east window
and the Hon. E. C. W . Ponsonby are th e p rin cipal
t i o e . i â a m em orial window, erected in 1898, landow ners. The soil is o o lit e ; subsoil, stone brash
m0" ' M rs-.PoiIsonby, d. 1897, and a plain chancel I he land, p rin cip ally arable, is barley land. The area
of fnj, E â ye is divided from its aisle hy an arcade is 4,211 acres of land and 12 of w ater ; rateable valu e,
i k E a rly E n glish aTches, and some of the windows ¿>3)874 ; th e population in 1911 was 610.
and th e south doorway, w ith three shafts on each side,
P arish C lerk, A lfred Rym an.
are also o f this p erio d; the clerestory and Toof are Late
Perpendicular, and the tower is of the same d a te ; the Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.â H erbert Dawson, sub-po stÂ
m aster.
L e tters th rou gh W oodstock arrive a t 6.45
aisle is Decorated, the font is E a rly E n g lish , and has a
a.m . & 2.30 p.m . ; Sunday, 7.10 a.m . ; dispatched at
plain octagonal b asin ; there are m em orials in the
8.45 a.m . & 2.30 & 6.50 p .m . ; Sunday a t 10.15 a m
ohureh to Richard Rowlandson M .A. rector 1687-01, and
Hannah; his w ife ; Robert Bowsher B .C .L . canon of L e tte r B ox, New inn. cleared a t 2.10 & 7 .1c p m S u n d a y, 10.30 a.m
Llandaff, and rector, 1692-1720; Thomas Lee B C L
rector 1720-56; and John C ary M .A. rector, I756-64 j
E lem en tary Schools
Lancelot Charles Lee M .A. Tector, 1825-36, d1. 28 Nov.
1841 is buried in the churchyard, where is also a m on u Endowed (m ixed ), b u ilt in 1835, for 160 children ; av erÂ
ment to V llliam Blackstone Lee, rector. 1836 un til his
age attendance, 70 ; the school is endowed w ith an
death 7 A p ril 1874; to his daugh ter A lice, d. 1870; and
incom e of ¿ 6 1 yea rly from a ch arity, left b v Mr.
to A rth u r E dw ard Robinson, rector, 1878 u n til his
P a rro tt in 1788; & of £ 4 1 from a bequest b y the Rev.
death, 29 A p ril, 1884: over the south entrance is a sunÂ
Mr. Lee, a form er T ec to r; by the form er 12 boys &
dial, w ith a Latin inscription from Ovid, M etamorphoses,
b y the la tte r 6 g irls are clothed & educated fre e ;
Bk. iv . lines 224-6, sligh tly altered, and the date 1623 â¢
Parrott s ch arity also provides a fund for ap p ren ticÂ
the reredos was erected in 1887 as a m em orial to the
i n g ; the surp lus funds are applied to the m ain Â
R - H earn M .A . rector 1899-1900, and his w ife:
tenance of the school ; Aaron Howells, m aster ⢠Miss
an ancient lowside window, w hich had been filled in
E lsie C h aun d y & M iss M illicen t V a rn er, assistan t
â 1, â
-, : :
anu a, m
s ta in e d
W indow inserted
lTlSPrt.Prt in
In 1902,
Tnwo as a m em orial to
a s s window
D ouglas
I Infants,
in fan ts, b u ilt for 60 children ; average attendance. 3? A T rc T.ilxx TT/->ti7«xHo
⢠ar⢠U â m Pen a l Y e o m a n ry : th e ch u rch was restored
M rs- L d y Howells, m istress
â .Y e U
r ^
°*â W -
inn, O xford,
^ o T w h a n l - â ' Jolm ChaS- E asil J P iS,Ieaver y i ⢠" . e e r i e r & farm er
H iggins A m elia (M rs.), K illin g w o rth
Howells Aaron
!C lifford A r th u r John, farm er, n
rd--! C astle P.H
ley farm (letters received direct Holloway M ary (M rs ) shonkeener
H onour 'J o b , fa ik e r V ^ a n s o m ? T a « u
Pon.M ti!r )â TTEe0t<5 ; â¢
j C olein an3 VaIterc "farm er
Horne A lb ert, black sm ith
Ponsonby Horn Edwin Chas. W illiam j C ox Thom as Jam es, grocer
Henry, farm er
J.P ., D .L. Woodley,.
the D uke
Day John & Son, butchers
of M arlborough K .G ., P .C . Lo w er
Adam s A lb ert, coal dealer
j D ay John, sen. farm er
Barnes W illiam , m arket gardener
! Dolton R ichard, m iller (water)
a n e , Thom
i nom as,
as, tan
n er
j Linlev
er, M anor farm
BeTry Percival. New inn
Fow ler P h ilip , farm r W oodley's frm ! Stroud Charles, mason
Brain W m . Three Horseshoes P H
B uggins F rederick, carpenter
w ortn farm
' â
- Varn ey H arry Colem an, farm er
Butler E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper Haynes W illiam H. P. farm er
oysey E rn est,farm e r, W ootton dwns
Castle F ran cis, farm er
Hedges A rth ur l u
. â
v oysey
_____ a aSS1Stant 0verseer & ^ ils d o n Chas. H y. frm r.U p. Dornford
Cleaver Charles, blacksm ith
tax coUector
W ooding H arry, p oulterer
N E T H E R W O R T O N is a parish and village,
m iles
west from Deddington, 5 south-w est from A ynho Park a ⢠a r a g e n et yearly value ¿ 4 6 , in th e g ilt of A d ju v a n t
mâ¢??, b/ â 9 - and heki sinae 1913 by th e Rev.
station on the direct B irm ingham line of the G reat tt
estern railw ay, 9 south from B anbury and 11 north Harold A lfred W oodward Buss B .A . of E m m an uel C olÂ
rom W oodstock, in the N orthern division of the countv, lege, C am b ridge, who is also rector of O ver W orton
vvootton hundred. W ootton N orth p etty sessional d iv i where lie resides. A d ju v an t Cadence Th im b leb v esq.
sion, Woodstock union and cou nty cou rt district, rural is lo id of th e m anor and sole landowner. T h e soil is
deanery of D eddington and archdeaconry and diocese of strong loam ; subsoil, clay. T h e land (w ith th e excep Â
yxtord. The church of St. Jam es is a b u ild in g of stone tion of about 90 acres of arable) is pasture. T h e area
in the E a rly E n glish and D ecorated styles, consisting of is 734 a c r e s ; rateable value, / 9 0 9 ; the population in
1911 was 51.
cnancel, nave, aisles and a western tower at the end of
Sexton , Fred C ox.
a , SOuth aisle, covered w ith ivy, and containing a clock
ana 2 b ells: the nave has arcades of three arches on L e tters through Oxford via Steeple Aston arrive a t 8.45
octagonfii piers w ith m oulded cap s: the tow er bears
am i. & 4.45 p.m . The nearest m oney order & telegrap h
office is at Deddington, 3J m iles distant. W all L e tte r
»n ii t? 1630 â lts 1<mer stage iorm s a porch, and has a
-o°d E arly English doorw ay: in the church are several
Box cleared at 10.20 a.m . & 5.30 p.m
nandsome m onum ents to the W ilson fam ily : there are E lem en tary School, for N ether & Over W orton, erected
00 sittings. The reg ister of baptism s and m arriages
about 1820, for 45 children ; average attendance, 20 nates from the year 1562 ; burials. 1784. The livin g is
Jam es Vincent, m aster
W inter M iss, N ether W orton house
Dean Dedan, farm er, Manor farm
Bui well
Duncan R ob ert, farm er, New farm
H awk H ill cottage
W itton A rth u r Jn. frrnr. B lack P its
M arriott Rev. Frank Ransom e M.