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A C K H A M P S T E A D form erly a detached portion of
the parish of Lewknor in O xford sh ire: for poor law and
school purposes it was, 25th M arch, 1885, attached to
G reat Marlow, b ut ecclesiastically it is annexed to Ham-
bleden. I he soil is flint, gravel and loam ; subsoil,
various. The chief crops are wheat and barley and a
g rea t portion of wood. There are only three farm s and
a few cottages, for which see Marlow.
A D D I N G T O N is a parish 2 m iles north-w est from Cents, is applied to the relief of the poor and in
Winslow station on the Oxford and B letch ley section of teaching poor children to read and binding them to
the London and N orth W estern railway and 5 south from some trade. This place has, since 1887, given the title
B uckingham , in the N orthern division of the county, h un  of baron to the H ubbard fam ily. A ddington Manor,
dred, p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt d is now in the occupation of Mrs. Lawson-Johnston, is
trict of Buckingham , ru ra l deanery of Claydon, arch  p leasan tly situated in a well-wooded park of 300 acres ;
deaconry of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford.
The the house, erected in 1857, from designs by Mr. Philip
church of S t. M ary is an edifice of stone in the E arly H ardw ick, arch itect, is a m ansion of brick w ith Bath
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, v estry, stone quoins and dressings, in a modified form of the
south porch and an em battled w estern tower containing French ch âteau style, and has three lofty towers and
4 b e lls : the church was restored in 1858 by the first fine conservatory. The soil is clay and g ra v e l; the
Lord A ddington, and all the windows are filled w ith old g reater portion of the land is pasture. T h * area is
Flemish stained glass : there are several m onum ents to 1,295 acres of land and 8 of w a te r; rateable value,
the Busby fam ily, form erly lords of the m anor, and one ¿2 ,0 4 0 ; the population in 1911 was 149.
to the Poulett fa m ily : there
156 sittin gs. The
register dates from the yea r 1558. The livin g is a L etters arrive th rou gh W inslow at 7 a.m . & 4.45 p.m . ;
Sundays, 7.30 a.m . W all L e tte r Box cleared at 6.45
rectory, net yearly value ¿ 1 0 7 , including 101 acres of
a.m . & 4.45 p .m .; Sundays, 8.45 a.m . The nearest
glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of th e lord of the
m oney order & telegrap h office is at W inslow, 2 m iles
manor, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Mackwood
distan t
Stevens. The ancient stocks are still in position near
the church, b ut within the grounds of the m anor house. School (m ixed), erected by the 1st Lord Addington,
A charity, the interest
of ¿72 0 in
Reduced ¿ ain£ per
1876, for 60 ch ild ren ; M iss Fan n y Palm er, m istress
Addington Lord M .A .,
J .P ., V.D . Stevens Rev
Mackwood (rector), IB uckin gh am Jn. farm er, H anover fm
7 Cam pden H ill court, Kensington,
Hunt M atthias, estate forem an
London W & C arlton club, LonÂ
Lodge W alter, head gardener to Mrs.
don S W
W arr A rth u r, farm er, B ridge farm
Adam s H arry, farm er, H ill farm
A D S T O C K is a parish and small village,
miles the date 158 1: there are 170 sittin g s. The register
east from Padbury station on the B anbury and B letchley dates from the year 1538. Th e livin g is a rectory, net
branch of the London and N orth W estern railw ay, 3 yearly value ¿20 7, derived from 290 acres of glebe, w ith
north-west from Winslow and 4 south-east from B uck residence, in the g ift of Philip H art esq. and held since
ingham, in the N orthern division of the county, hundred, 1897 by the Rev. E dw in Paine, of S t. Bees. Land com Â
petty sessional division, union and county court district prising 4a. 2r. 4p. le ft for the repairs of the ch urch is
of Buckingham , rural deanery of Claydon, archdeaconry now (1915) let at ¿ 7 a year. H ere is a W esleyan
of Buckingham and diocese of Oxford. T he church of chapel, b uilt in 1889, and seatin g 100 persons. Charles
St. C ecilia is an ancient b u ild in g of stone in p art P er M atthew Prior esq. J.P . who is lord of th e m anor, Lord
pendicular, and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch A ddington and the rector are the p rin cipal landowners.
and an em battled w estern tower containing 2 b e lls : the T h e soil is chiefly c la y ; tw o-th irds of th e land is pasture
corbels supporting the chancel arch are finely carved and one-third arable. Th e area is 1,166 a c re s; ra teÂ
with oak and vine foliage and f r u i t : the stone font is able value, ¿ 1 ,8 9 7 ; population in 1911, 286.
Perpendicular, and has an octagonal panelled basin,
Sexton, Edward W hite.
with a rose in each p a n e l: the p u lp it incorporates porÂ
Post Office.â Thom as C. Phillips, sub-postm aster. L e tÂ
tions of the ancient rood s cre e n : on a beam above the
ters arrive th rou gh W inslow at 7.15 a.m . & 4.15
east window is carved the date 159 7; and in the nave
p .m . ; Sundays, 7 a . m . ; dispatched at 5.55 a.m . & 5
a m onum ent to three successive rectors nam ed Thom as
p.m . ; Sundays, 5.55 a.m . P adbu ry, 1^ m iles d istan t,
Egerton, and all of the sam e fam ily, who held the
is the nearest m oney order & telegraph office
living from .1587 to 1720, and another to the m em ory
en tary School, b u ilt in 1877, a t a cost of ¿720 , &
of the Rev. A lexander B urrell M .A. 50 years rector
enlarged in 1902 at a cost of ¿2 50 , for 95 c h ild re n ;
of this parish, who died 17 71: the ch urch was restored
Annie E lizabeth Brandon, m istress
in 1875, at a cost of ¿1,20 0, and in 1880 a clock was
placed in the tow er at a cost of ¿80 , raised by sub C arrier to B uckin gh am .â E dw ard W h ite, m on. thurs.
scription : on the front of the porch is a sun dial with
& sat
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
Tom pkins Miss
S irette A rth u r, assistant overseer
Comyns Mrs. The Priory
W eston W m . farm er, A dstock fields
Furber Stanley
W hite Edwd. Peacock P.H . & carrier
Lennox M rs. A dstock house
Bonham C harles H enry, farm er
W hite E dw ard, gardener to Stanley
Paine Rev. Edwin, R ectory
; G arrett Richard, farm er, Pilch farm
F u rb er esq
Prior Charles M atthew B .A ., J.P . Ad- j Saunders A rth u r, Chandos P.H
W hite Robert, b utch er
stock m anor
|Sear Geo. farm er, H oggâs Piece farm W hitear E m ily (M rs.), Folly P.H
A K E L E Y is a parish on the road from B uckin gh am to
Towcester, 3 m iles north from B uckingham station on
the Verney Junction and Banbury branch of the London
and N orth W estern railw ay, in th e N orthern division of
the county, hundred, p etty sessional division, county
court d istrict and union of B uckingham , and in the ru ra l
deanery and archdeaconry of B uckin gh am and diocese of
Oxford. The church of St. Jam es the Apostle, entirely
rebuilt in 1854 b y p rivate subscription, is an edifice of
stone, in the E arly Decorated style, consisting of chancel
and nave, and an em battled tow er on the south side,
the basem ent of which forms a p o rc h : the tow er has
an octagonal tu rre t or spire at one angle, risin g about
24 feet above the parapet, and contains a clock and 2
b ells: the N orm an south doorway is a relic of the
original c h u rc h : there is a m em orial window of M unich
glass, erected in 1884 to the Rev. John H olford Risley
B .C .L., M .A. 34 years rector (1841-74): the church was
renovated in 1901 and a new organ was provided in
January, 1902, at a cost of over ¿ 10 0 , in place of the
one introduced in 1854: there are 257 s ittin g s: in 1903
the churchyard was enlarged by the g ift of Mr. G eorge
Attwood. The register dates from the year 1682. The
living is a rectory, net yea rly value ¿ 10 5 , in cludin g 46
acres of glebe, w ith residence, in th e g ift of the C hurch
Association T ru s t, and held since 1915 by the Rev.
John M aurice Turn er. Th e W esleyan chapel, b u ilt in
1829, w ill seat 100 persons. There is a poorâs allotm ent
of 12$ acres. A k eley Wood, the seat of Capb. Robert
K enrick Price, is a half-tim bered Elizabethan cottage,
standing in about 200 acres of well-tim bered grass la n d ;
p art of A keley Wood, a celebrated old cover, was left
by W illiam of W ykeham to N ew C ollege, Oxford. The
W arden and Fellow s of N ew C ollege, Oxford, are lords
of the m an o r; A braham John R obarts esq. and M ajor
M usgrave Robert H all are the p rin cipal landowners.
T h e soil is c la y ; subsoil, clay. T h e land is about
equally divided between p asture and arable. The area
is 1.325 acre s; rateable value, ¿ 1 ,7 2 4 ; the population in
1911 was 297.
Sexton, John Key.
Office.â John
sub-postm aster.
L etter*
th rou gh B uckingham arrive at 6.45 a.m . & 1.5 p.m . ;
Sundays, 8.5 a.m . ; dispatched at 12.55 & 6.10 p.m .
week days &; 11.5 a.m . sundays. The nearest m onev
order office is at B uckingham ,
m iles distan t &
telegraph office at M aids Moreton, i£ m iles d istan t
E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected in 1854, & subseÂ
q uen tly enlarged for 80 ch ild ren ; W m . Leemino-,
m a s te r ; Miss C la ra L eem in g, m istress
C arrie r.â H enry H urst, to Buckingham , mon. wed. fri
& sat