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d ir e c t o r y .]
Hawes A rth u r, boot m aker, 8 Pem broke st. S t.C lem en t's
H iggs E rn est W. M ., L .B .C .P .L o n d ., M .B .C .S .E n g .
Hawkins Sarah (M rs.), university lodgin g ho. 6 Broad st
physician & surgeon, 88 Jam es street, Cowley
Hawtin A lice (M rs.), dress m aker, 104 Cowley road
H iggs R ich ard S m ith , apartm en ts, Belm ont, Lon gw orth
Haycock S eptim us, tailor, 43 G lo ucester green
road, St. G ilesâ
Hayes & Son, bookbinders, 5 Oriel street
H iggs Thom as Richard, dairym an, 269 Iffley road
Hayman Charles, fishmonger, 2 M arket street
H iles E rn est, boot rep airer, 11 E ast aven. S t. C lem en tâs
Hayman Joseph M. trav ellin g draper, 2 C hilsw ell road
tides Florence (M rs.), grocer, 208 M arlborough road,
G randpont
Haynes Chas. & Son. house decorators, 156 W alton st
H illB o b e r t & Sons, stationers, 21 & 23 W oodstock road,
Haynes Henry, apartm ents, 96 W arw ick street
St. Giles
Haynes Henry J. chim ney sweeper, 26 F loydâs row, St
Hill, Upton A Co. electric A m echanical engineers,
electric m otors, bells, telephones & lig h tn in g conÂ
Hayter Jas. Law rence, farrier,35 P ark E nd st.S t.T h om asâ
d u c to rs; com plete electric lig h t installations, 22
Hayward H enrietta (M iss), u n iversity lo d g in g house
eorge street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 4 0
45 W ellington square, S t. G ilesâ
H ill Blanche (M rs.), nurse, 103 W oodstock rd. S t. G ilesâ
Hazard Hy. shopkeeper, 28 H oward st. Cowley S t. John
C aroline (M rs.), apartm ents, 19 S t. John street
Hazel & Baines, solicitors, 58 C ornm arket street
C harles, p ictu re fram e m aker, i 7a, G lo u cester st
Headington H ill R eservoir, H eadington h ill
I h-â¢634 W illiam , news agent, 30 L ittle Clarendon
Health Food Stores, 11 S t. C lem en tâs street
street, S t. G ile s
Hearn Jam es W illiam , liv e ry stables, 39a, H olywell st.
Hill F ran k J un iversity lo dgin g house, 18 M erton street
& jobm aster, 18 M arlborough road, Grandpont
H. F rederick W â D .M .D .H arvard. den tist, 62 H igh st
Heath A rth ur Reginald L .D .S .E n g . dental surgeon 34
Beaumont street
â 0-1 Hill Jane (M rs.), certificated m idw ife, 24 Jericho cardens, Jericho
Heath Joseph, beer retlr. 40 London pi. S t. C lem en tâ s
(â iss) â ap artm en ts, 38 S t. John street
Heaver Hichd. W heatsheaf A A nchor P.H .15 S t,A ld a teâs =t ⢠!
m edi°al officer of
Hedderly Brothers, m erchants & m anufacturers of rope
health for South O xfordshire com bined d istricts, 6 &
line & twine, corn, flour & coal sacks, rick cloths tar7 C orn m arket street
paulins & waterproof covers, 9 M arket street ⢠factorv
H ills & Row ney, p ictu re fram e m akers, carvers &
11 Edith road, G randpont
g ilders, artistsâ colormen, p rin t sellers, mouldino- &
Hedderly WHliam, tobacconist, golf, crick etin g & lawn
l m erchants, 23 G eorge street (opposite theatre)
tennis outfitter, 14 & 1- T u rl street.
S e e a d v e r  R in
Mills & Saunders, photographers, 16 C orn m ark et s t . ;
tis e m e n t p a g e 3 9
stores, W heatsheaf yard, H ig h street
Hedges Charles A Son, m onum ental m asons, 37 London
Hine E dw ard, university lodging house, 11 L o n g W all st
place. St. Clem entâs
Mine W illiam P. tailor, 52 H igh street
Hedges Agnes (M rs.),ap arts.16 Richm ond rd. S t.T h o m asâ
Hedges Andrew (exors. of), butchers, 106 A ro7 T he M rkt
w el^ sfreet113â ^MrS ^ u n iv ersity E d g in g bouse, 9 H olyHedges Caroline (M rs.), poulterer. 121 The M arket
Hinton Thos. E decorator, 4 xMarston st. C ow levSt.John
Hedges E lizabeth (Mrs / b u t c h e r , â X03 & 117 The M arket
v f Brown, go v ern o r; Rev.' A rth u r
& 10 A lbert street, Jericho
Edwm Becket M .A. c h ap lain ; R ich ard H. Sankev
Hedges Francis Jam es, insurance agen t, 11 B artlem as
M .B . m edical officer), N ew road
road. Cowley road
H itching» Robert M .B .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon,
H ed f» !?rank --tr i , . I'e tlr- 23 Speedwell st. St. A ldateâ s
& m edical officer & p ublic vaccinator, Headington disHedv. r
1⢠â ®' apartm ents, i 9x Iffley road
tn c t, Headington union, 37 .Holywell street
H ? £ucilla (J*ra-)- shopkeeper. 27 S t. A ld a teâs street
an E rn est H. & Son, tailors, 58 S t. A ld a te âs st.
Hedges-Cooper Thom as,un iversity lo d g in g ho.51 H igh st
& 243 B an bury road, Sum m ertow n
Hee ey George, watch m aker, 46 S t. C lem en tâs sâ eet
CowTevn s W o yhn(MrEâ ) ' Uphol8te« r â 2 4 ^
s t e t j f r T c h ? 18^ â dreSS m a 't e r â 37 G r e a t c l a r ⢠d o n
Henâ f ' A
v0, bntchersâ 120 C owley road
Hellen A Co. b utchers, 36 St. E bbeâs street
Hemnnns F rederick, apartm ents, 61 St. John street
H idonSL iIv rfMUr' i PrinteTâ 40 3 t - C lem entâs street
oB ) i nurseâ 21 W atson 3treet
Mn U Tfâs4a4e a»ent 4o M rs. G. H erbert
Hei e. i â r Pper 1° d8'eâ H eadington H ill
H f f l S So R u 011 Llim- m d â clothiM Sâ * 9 Queen street
Paradise street! St S
âsâ 6' 0â â 48â â
^ H % h 's terreetHenr3r '* P
Herbert nha,,I<;Scom
satm j o h r
< » "⢠* â
« C..S.K,:g. dental surgeon,
76 W alton stl'eet
pi umber â
High^ streetâ 01 StepbenSâ
H eniey
lo d g in g house,
H erit^ e^ d w ^ 'd 0^ . , 1^^)1'0^ 11â1â, ^ 1'!?' roadâ j 6 ⢠b °
Heritage E lb a iM issl
35 G eor? e street
Heritage J a m .! t
university lo dgin g ho. 47 Ifflev rd
Herman Sarah fM a ra .
â 4 4 S t. A ld a teâs streetâ
Hertford r S . i
t , 1â bat e râ 36 C ow lc>â road
Catharinee street
7 B° 7d D 'D ' P ⢠^ )
g â nl0 b" : |â niTer3ity lodiFnH house, 60 H igh st
142 C<
e i , cycle
o agents,
Hicks Wmr8,enHerbertâ ⢠H n m aker, 1 2 ' M arket street
Hiek\s William ;
man & c- 4 r O bservatory st. S t.G ile s â
Hieatt Rmsn ' v1-' c a rn e r> bòa. W alton street
t»n dèaler 1 . R . a., a
248 £
° - !ley
eT ⢠ad * furniHiggins Brothers ? rtlen?as ( ° a d, C ow ley road
BiI,m Hall streetâ
5e fu rnlshersâ IOâ I2- : 4 & 16 New
H3nsâeSum r e b| th (M iss>- u n iversity lo d g in g house, 3
Hârt H o ly w t f j ^ e e f â (MrSâ ) â u n i" ⢠â y lodgin g house,
a .SLSm l° â.her' ' landscaPO gardeners, 84 H ayfield road.
countyâ eourt
lattice A I n u r e
TeHi! trar A high b ailiff of the
' r c Hls,trar ° f â he high cou rt of
H W e i lin ^ t n rdqusre,r| et!
H StbSG n esâa beth ^M r s 1 â aPar4men4s. i s Southm oor rd.
T^ ' Iia?aâ b aker' 8 Hames street, C ow ley S t. John
H obday Frank, grocer, io 7 F riars street, St. E bbeâs
Hodge W illiam E rn est, apartm ents, 73 Ifflev road
H odgkins C orn elius, un iversity lo d g in g â house,
W alton crescent, S t. Thom asâ
â shopkeeper, S7 C ardigan street, Jericho
Summerto°wâerSâ " ' â â h " 8â 264 & 266 W oodst° ck ⢠adâ
Holland Sydney, boot m a. 65 W oodstock rd . St. G ilesâ
Ho liday Charles Fredk. b ird specialist, 58 G eorge st
road: yS? T h gâe4 iaUsâ 1VerS,t7 '° d gin g h° U8e' 41 B ic h m ° nd
H ollis Alphonso Jn. aparts. 22 W orcester pi. St. Thom asâ
Ho ow
wâ r j 'â
26 H ichm ond rd. S t. Thom asâ
Holloway F rederick, hair dresser, 44 B otley road
Holmes-a C ourt L ieu t.-C o l. Hon. E . A. chief constable of
Oxfordshire county p o lice; office, New road
H olroyd M argaret (M iss) A S tran g A lice (M iss) univ ersity iodgm g house, 7 K in g E dw ard street
Holt F rederick, apartm ents, 11 Ship street
C o w le y â # " John18' â
Wriâ eTâ 9 B " ,lin Sdâ " ⢠ad.
HioadT l Sntit G i? ⢠T0I>t MâddIe 0388 Sch ° 0' â Wincbes4a'
H tor),
m J eâF.â. GrossTennj
J olywell
round (S am u e>
Ptoprieroad,S H
Holywell Press L im ited (T he), printers. 29 Broad street
4 ;>
H olywell street
Home A Colonial Stores L im ited , provision m erchants,
28 Queen street & 126 C owley Toad
Home for Invalid Ladies (T l^ Sisters of All Saints
m anagers). S t. M aryâs road, Cowley
Home of R efuge (M iss L, Procter, in ch arge), n F lo yd âs
row, St. A ld ateâs street
Homoeopathic Dispensary (A. Pearson M .A. hon sec 1
45 H vthe B ridge street, St. Thom a«'
H o o k b a m T r 6Y u Ir- 232 W °ods4ock r d - Sum m ertow n
h alt
. Co. tailors, robe m akers, woollen drapers,
hatters A m e n s m ercers, 3 C orn m arket st. T N ,30
⢠Jn. university lodging ho. 5 K in g Edw ard st ' Hookham Sarah V icto ria A m elia (M iss), p rivate school,
4 Uakthorpe road, Sum m ertow n
" rtha,
ceiâ trar d!strict of
Cha« t Bath C¡ O^nrtT, V
0 X0 \ .