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1 24
â well-built m ansion of stone in the Italian style, which
â stands am idst extensive gardens and pleasure grounds,
surrounded by a rich ly-tim b ered park of 300 acres.
T he soil is stone b ra sh ; subsoil, brash rock. Th e chief
â crops are wheat, barley and roots. Th e area is 1,754
ncres of land and 9 of w a te r; rateable value, ,¿2 ,153;
the population in 1911 w as 247.
D l N TH RO P is a ham let adjoining H eythrop, on the
[ k e l l y âs
Parish Clerk, W ilfred W est.
Letters received from Chipping Norton, arrive at 7
a.m . & 4 p.m . Th e nearest m oney order & telegraph
office is at Enstone, about 2 m iles distant. Wall Letu
Box cleared at 8.35 a.m . & 4 p .m .; Sundays, 8 a m f
E lem en tary School, erected in 1873 by Albert Brass#*
e s q .; it w ill hold 100 c h ild re n ; Mrs. Hannah
V ig g ars, m istress
Louch W m. ju n . farm er, Castle fan
B rassey A lb ert M .A ., J.P . & Hon.
Rogers G eorge, clerk of the works 0
M rs. H eythrop park
the Heythrop estate
â Gulley Rev. H enry Jam es M .A . (rec G ingell W m . F ry, farm er, W alk farm
G regory Fred H y. farm er, Dunthrop
tor), Rectory
H I G H F I E L D is an ecclesiastical parish form ed from
th e c iv il parish of H eadington on June 9, 1910, part
of which it contains, and em bracin g the whole of what
was form erly known as N E W H E A D IN G T O N ; it is
a b o u t 1 m ile east from O xford, and is bounded on the
north by the London road, and on the south by the
-old Roman road which passes over Shotover H ill; it
is in the Mid division of the county, Bullingdon
âh undred and p etty sessional division, Headington union,
â Oxford county court d istric t, ru ra l deanery of Islip and
archdeaconry and diocese of O xford. The church of All
S ain ts, erected in 1910, is a b u ild in g of red brick with
-stone dressings, in the E a rly E n glish style, and consists
a t present of a nave w ith five bays, north and south
aisles and a western p o r c h : there are 400 sittin gs. The
liv in g is a vicarage, net yea rly value ¿18 0 , in the gift
of the Bishop of O xford, and held since 1910 by the
Rev. F rancis Tovey Colson M .A . of C orpus C h risti
C o llege, C am b ridge, and hon. canon of C hrist Church,
O xford. There is a W esleyan chapel in High street
erected in 1888.
The W ingfield Convalescent Home'
opened in 1872. is a red b rick b u ild in g available for
seven m ale and six fem ale persons, and is free to
convalescents sent from the R adcliffe Infirm ary, Oxforda few others are adm itted on p a y m e n t; it is partly
endowed, but is m ain ly supported by voluntary contribuÂ
tions ; a new w ing was added in 1903. The population
in 1911 was 1.636.
Post & M. 0 - Office, H ighfield.â Joseph Draper, subÂ
postm aster. L e tters through Oxford arrive at 8a.m.
& 1.35 & 8.15 p .m .; dispatched at 8.20 & 10.55a.m.
& 5.45 & 9.5 p . m . ; S u n d a y s , arrive at 11.5 a.m.
Headington is the nearest telegraph office
P illar L e tte r Box, W in dm ill Toad, cleared at 8.15 fc
a.m . & 6 & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays, 10.30 a.m
C arriers.â A lfred D rin g & R egin ald E . Griffin, to Oxford
& back, daily
B arrett A rth . fishmgr. W indm ill road
Barson W illiam Henry, apartm ents,
B ix, London road
(M rs.),
W indm ill road
Batem an Hy. & Son. slaters, E ast rd
Batem an H arriet (M rs.), laundress,
Cross street
Batem an Jas. carpentr. W indm ill rd
C leaverley F rederick , w heelw right
Coleman Joseph, h iggler
C ottie W illiam , boot m aker
Douglas E dw ard Jam es, m arket g arÂ
dener. H igh street
Draper Joseph, baker, & Post office
D ring A lfred , carrier
Durham Philip , fishmonger
E dgington A rth u r, boot m aker
E dney Joseph, outfitter, W in d m ill rd
F itch ett W m . m arine store dealer
G ardner A rth . coal dealer, South rd
G odfrey H arry, jobm aster
G oodgam e Daniel, carman
G rain Thom as, beer retailer
Green C harles, beer retailer
Griffin Reginald, carrier,W in dm ill rd
G riffinSidney.w atch rep r.W in dm ill rd
H arris F rederick , plum ber
H athaw ay W illiam , dairv, Lim e walk
H eeley Geo. laun dry, 68 L im e walk
H itchings
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & su rÂ
geon, m edical officer & p ub lic v acÂ
cinator H eadington d istrict, H eadÂ
ington union & assistant m edical
inspector of schools to the C ounty
E ducation C om m ittee, Th e Cottage,
London road
A dam Bros, grocers, W indm ill road Hudson E dw in , fishmonger
Adam s Andrew, b utcher, London rd Hunt E llen (M iss), m arket gardener,
W indm ill road
Adam s M ary (M iss), dress m aker, 45
Jacobs Chas. coal m er. Lim e walk
Lim e w alk
Adam s W illiam A. tailor,W in dm ill rd Jeffreys John, chim ney sweep
B eaufort Mrs. Bourneville
B eckit Hy. 0 ., M .A. Cheney cottage
B ellam y Edward H. N etherbury
B lackw ell F rederick J. M erton lea
B razell H erbert, Glion
Brown F rederick R. W anderklip
B ucknall M iss, The Rowans
B u tler A lfred . M ildm ay
C arter
H enry
G eorge,
H ilsboroâ
house. W estern road
C haund y M rs. Richard, C raig Y a r
C hurch G eorge F oxbu ry, London rd
Colson Rev.Canon F rancesTovey M .A.
(vicar), A ll Saintsâ vicarage
Davenport-H ill
M iss,
H ill
H eadington hill
D avies Rev. A rth u r L lyw elyn M .A.
(curate), Celfan
F airfa x -T a y lo r Mrs. Conegar
G unstone R ichard, Trelaw ney
Harrison N athaniel W m . H igh Lands
H awes Thos. B lairgarry, Bickerton rd
H itchings R t.T h e Cottage.London rd
K now les Thomas E ast, T he Bram bles
R ickards Mrs. H olm lea, B ickerton rd
R oberts Miss, Y a rg lin house
Shaw Jam es, Y oungwoods
S hirley Joseph
'Sm ith A lgernon H. Longw orth
Sturgess M iss, Upcott
T ucker Robert K . Brookside
Underhill M rs. E rnest A .T h e L ittle ho
W est Sam uel, G lengarry
W ilkins M isses, The Old Parsonage
H I G H M O O R is an ecclesiastical parish formed August
3, i860, out of the civil parishes of Rotherfield G reys and
B ix ; it is 2 m iles north-west from G reys church and 4$
n orth-w est from H enley-on-Tham es term in al station on
a branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, in the Southern
division of the county, p etty sessional division of Henley.
Henley county court d istrict and in the rural deanery of
H enlev and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The
tffiurch of S t. P aul is a sm all buildin g of stone and flint in
th e E arly English style, from designs b y Mr. Joseph
M orris, architect, of R eading, and consists of chancel and
n ave, and a w estern tu rre t containing one b e ll: it was
erected , together w ith the parsonage house, a t the sole
ex p en se of the R ev. Joseph S m ith B.D. rector of Rother-
Jeffreys John (M rs.), shopkeeper,
W indm ill road
Jones M aria Annie (M rs.), shopkeepr
Jones Thom as, cycle maker, High st
K in g Mrs. farm er
Lee Mrs. A nnie, shopkeeper. WindÂ
m ill road
Lewendon Charles, tailor,Windmill rd
M attock John Robert, jun. florist
M iles H arry, coal merchant, High st
Mobbs Clara (M iss), nurse, Rogate
M organ P. M. grocers, Windmill rd
M orley-Frederick W .teacher of music,
"Windmill road
M orris F rederick , hoot maker
N icholl G . & Co. boot makers, 50
Lim e walk
N u tt Bros, coal cllrs. Windmill hill
Organ Llewellyn W . bldr.Windmill rd
Oxford C o-operative & Industrial SoÂ
ciety L im ited, London road
Poole G eorge, m arket gardener
R icketts C harles & Sons, stone t
m arble m asons, 61 Lime walk
Rym an Robert, florist. Lime walk
Sim m ons G eorge, builder, Lime walk
Sm ith Frances (Miss), draper
Snow Charles J. tailor, Lime walk
Steers Henry, grocer
Stephens G eorge, nurseryman
Tavlor David, carpenter
Tavlor & Sons, painters
T hurland Thos. chem ist. Windmill to
Tollev H enry, shopkeeper, London rfl
V allis Thos. coal merchant, High st
Vvles John, shopkeeper, Windsor st
W atts H arrv, Britannia P-H
W est Sam i. & Sons, market gardens
W hitchelo
W illiam ,
news agem,
W indm ill road
... 1
W hitehead Chas.boot- ma.WindmiU n»
W ingfield Convalescent Home 0* â¢
Canon F. T. Colson, sec)
field Greys, 1851-61, and was opened in 1859:
170 sittings. The register dates from the year 1 â¢
The liv in g is a vicarage, n et yearly value about
w ith residence, in the g ift of th e rector of
G reys, and held since 1913 by the Rev. John Hur
B .A. of Jesus College, Oxford.
The chief local m n
is ten t peg m aking.
H ighm oor H all, the seat 0
M acIntyre esq. J.P . is a noble m ansion, surroun ^
b eau tifu lly la id -o u t grounds. Robert Fleming eS(r ^
H ugh M acIntyre esq. are the principal landoxvnepsoil is chalk and g ra v e l; subsoil, chalk. The cm® a,
are wheat, barley and oats. Th e population in 1,