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G u y W a lter G eorge, refresh m en t New port Jas. shopkpr. Old W oodstck
rooms & forw arding agent, G reat Osborne Geo. Crow n P.H . H igh st
E arly closing day, Thursday.
W estern R ailw ay, H igh street
P aisley Chas. A lb t. travellin g draper,
A lb u ry H arriett (M rs.), shopkeeper, H all Henry, S tar P .H . M arket street
W ishaw house, Brown’s lane
O xford street
H all Jam es, A n gel inn, M arket st
Paisley W illiam W allace, trav ellin g
A lb u ry M ary (M rs.), shopkpr.H igh st Hancock E lizabeth (M rs.), confec­
draper, Park street
Ballard A dolphus M .A .,L L .B .so licito r
tioner, M arket street
P arker D. & K . (M isses), m illin ers,
& commissioner of oaths, town clerk H awkins & H iggs, solicitors, P ark st
M arket street
& clerk to the cem etery com ­ H awkins H enry, Bear hotel, P ark st P arker John, carpenter, O xford st
m ittee, clerk to the Oxford In ­ Haynes C harles & Son, p lu m b ers & P arker’s O xford C ycle & M otor C ar
corporation & to the assessm ent
pain ters, M arket street
Co. cycle dealers, O xford street
com m ittee & superintendent reg is­ Haynes A m y (M iss), dress m aker, Pentycross A lice M ary (M rs.), grocer,
trar of Oxford d istrict & registrar
M arket street
O ld Woodstock
W oodstock County C ourt, 2 O x­ H aynes W illiam H. P. farm er, Manor P itts Fred, fishm onger, Oxford street
ford street
farm , Old W oodstock
P ratley E dw in, tailor, H ensington la
Banbury & Sons, drapers, Oxford st Henman S tan ley, dep uty reg istrar of P ra tt W illiam Row les, com m ission
B anbury Chas. H. news agt. H igh st
birth s & deaths & re g is tra r of
agent, Oxford street
B arrett E rn est W m . baker, Oxford st
m arriages for W’ oodstock d istrict, Preparatory School for Boys & G irls
Bedford E rnest, hair dresser, H igh st
sec. Woodstock C h arity T rustees &
(Mrs. F. Overton, m istress)
Brotherton W. C. & Son, house fu r­
chief clerk to C oun ty C ourt, 2 O x­ P rice V icto r Hy. boot m a. O xford st
nishers, H igh street
ford street
P ullm an R. & J. L im ited , glove
B roughton W illiam , certified bailiff Heynes Charles B artholom ew ,builder,
m an u facturers, H ensington lane
Brown A rth u r Percival, w atch m aker,
Old Woodstock
R a g g e tt Sarah (M iss), dress m aker,
O xford street
Higigs A rth u r Gerald (firm , Hawkins
Oxford street
Brown Thom as, draper, O xford street
& H iggs), solicitor, clerk to county R a g g ett W m . boot repr. Oxford st
B runyate Thom as Tom bleson M .A .,
m agistrates for S ou th W ootton d iv i­ Roberts Chas. builder,O ld W oodstock
M .D., B .Ch.O xon. surgeon, C h au ­
sion, to the guardians & assessm ent Robinson T h o s.A lb t.b u tch r.O x fo rd st
cer’s house, P ark street
com m ittee of W oodstock union & to Rose H erbert, carpenter, O xford st
Bryan F ran k,glo ve m fr.O ldW oodstck
the W oodstock R ural D istrict C ou n ­ Russell John, W heatsheaf inn, Old
Bryden A lexander, draper, M arket st | cil, registrar & high b ailiff of Oxford
W oodstock
Bryden M ary Roden (M iss), draper,
cou n ty court, superintendent reg is­ Sanders M isses, dress m as. H igh st
H igh street
trar of W oodstock d istrict, stew ard Savernake (The) G love Co. B ack lane
B uckingham C harles, w atch & clock I to lord of th e m anor, His G race Scarsbrook G eorge & Son, saddlers,
m aker, M arket street
th e Duke of M arlborough K .G .
Oxford street
Budd Jam es G ibbons & Son, bakers,
clerk to com m issioners of taxes & Sm ith G eorge, Rose & Crow n P.H .
H igh street
to W oodstock S ub -C o m m ittee of
Old W oodstock
C audw ell H enry M .D .D u rh .,L .R .C .P ..
O xfordshire L ocal Pension C om ­ S m ith Geo. W m . grocer, O xford st
L .R .C .S . & L.M .E d in . physician &;
m ittee & deputy coroner for the S m ith H enry, grocer, O xford street
surgeon, m edical officer, factory
C en tral d istrict, Park street
S n elgrove E dw ard J. inspector of
p ublic
vaccinator, Holley Charles 'Frederick, insurance
police & billet m aster, Police statn
Nos. i &
d istricts, W oodstock ! agent, Back lane
S teele E rn est A u g . butcher, H igh st
union, m edical officer to the work- Hughes Thom as David M .R .C .V .S . S teele Joshua,, butcher, H igh street
house & assistant m edical inspector
Lond. & Edin. v eterin a ry surgeon, ISton e E llen (M rs.), tob accn st.H igh st
~ xford
* ' st•
of schools, M arket street
f' veterin ary inspector under ■
’ 1 --------------------------&
S tron g C h as.A lfd. ’boot1 m a.O
C hurch House C lub & Reading Rooms
“ Diseases of Anim als A c ts,” Ox-1 T aylor G eorge Jn. b uilder, O xford st
(W m .C ox Brotherton, sec.), Park st
ford street
| T aylor W m .H y.b uilder,H en sin gton la
C larke W m . P oore,ironm gr.M arket st Jefferies Frederick G eorge, beer re- Thornton H erbert L .D .S .E n g .d en tist.
Clifford Jam es C. tailor, Oxford st
frailer, Oxford street
M arket street
Clifton Jn .P lu m m er,b lcksm th .P ark la K e ell A n nie (M rs.), station er,P ark st Thorpe Thom as F red erick , ch em ist,
_ ens­ 1 M arket street
Collett H. & Son, drapers, M arket st Kerwood H enry Thom as, farm
ington farm
Cowell SI. Edwin, news agt.M arket st
T u rrill & Dew, grocers, H igh street
C rutch W illiam Hy. leather dresser, K nibbs W m . J. carrier,O ld W oodstck TTV"okin g ~
G eorge, ~*
K in g*’s Head
’ P.H .
Old W oodstock
L a y A rth . Robt. glove m anfr. H igh st
P ark lane
Currell P. R. M arlborough A rm s Liberal
(M id-O xon) W ard G eorge N. registrar of births,
P.H. O xford street
(A dolphus Ballard M .A. hon. sec. ; deaths & m arriages
& vaccination
Day W m. shopkpr. Old Woodstock
F. A. H uckle, 10 A bbey road, Ox& relievin g officer for Woodstock
de G ru ch v W allace, confr. M arket st
ford, registration agen t)
d istric t, H igh street
Dew John H erbt.pork butchr. H igh st Lon gw orth A lfred, plu m b er,O xford st W arm ington Joh n ,carta g e contractor,
Dudding E rnest, K in g ’s A rm s P.H. Longw orth E m ily (M rs.), dress ma.
Park lane
M arket street
Brown’s lane ’
W ebley A lb ert, m illin er, H igh street
Eldridge G eo.W m .ironm ongr.H igh st M aisey W m . H. plum ber, M arket st
W ebley A lfd .G eo.glo ve m fr.O xford st
Fardon D ruscilla (M rs.), w atch ma. M argetts W illiam , w heelw right, Old W’hitlock H arry, insurance agent,
High street
W oodstock
M ount Pleasant
Farley Geo. & Son, builders, H igh st Miles Edward, W oodstock A rm s P.H . j W h itlock Thos. butcher, O xford st
Farrow P ercy W illiam , dep uty supt.
M arket street
Whitl-ock W illiam John, restauran t.
registrar of b irths, deaths & m ar- M itchell Jam es J. & Sons, builders,
Park st. & g love m aker, M arket st
riages, Oxford street
H igh street
W illiam sT hos.glove box m a.O xford st
Franklin & Jones, auctioneers,Park st M itchell E rnest Jam es, fancy bazaar, W illis F rederick Hy. grocer, H igh st
Freeman W illiam H enry,Adam & Eve
H igh street
W illoughb y W illiam G eorge, borough
P.H. Oxford street
M oney H. K . & Sons, glove m an u­
surveyor & b ailiff Woodstock cou n ty
Gane Sidney, shopkpr.O ld W oodstock . facturers, O xford 0»iC0U
court, H igh street
Gas.son Edward, baker, Oxford street M organ Lem uel, chim ney sweeper. W oodstock Cem etery (Adolphus Bal^ ^ Go.
J 'o T(Banbury
VI Bank),
J' bankers 11 u
i u iu ovxocu
lard M .A ., L L .B . clerk)
®ot“ a;m t Day enPort> “ an‘ ! M orley F rederick , general sm ith , Woodstock Gas Co (Jn. Wood, m gr)
ager), P ark s t r e e t ; draw on G lyn ,
H ensington lane
Y ou n g John, m otor engr. O xford st
Mills, C u rrie & Co. London E C
M orris A lfred, cartage contractor,
Green Abel, boot & shoe m a. H igh st
O xford street
W O O L V E R C O T (or W olvercote), in Dom esday called canal pass through the parish. The church of St. Peter,
Ulfgarcote,” is a p arish and village, 2§ m iles north-by- form erly a chapel attached to the church of St. Peteryest from Oxford and 2^ south-east from the Yarnton in -th e-E ast, Oxford, is a sm all and p lain ly-bu ilt edifice
junction station on the O xford and Cheltenham section of stone, chiefly in the E arly D ecorated style, consisting
of the G reat W estern railw ay, in the Mid division of the of chancel, nave, north aisle w ith chapel, south porch
county, hundred of W ootton, p etty sessional division of and a western battlem ented tower of P erpendicular
»ulnngdon, county cou rt d istrict of Oxford, union of date containing 6 bells : the chancel is of tw o bays, w ith
Woodstock and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and a Decorated east window, the chancel arch is Transition
diocese of Oxford.
The village takes its name, from Norm an, and affixed to the im post was once an ancient,
uifgar or W olfgar, a Saxon who dw elt here, and was hour-glass stand ; the old pulpit of oak, w ith good Tudor
l i ^ d t o the abbey of G odstow in 1171 by Bernardus de panelling and tracery, has been replaced by a modern
at. W alerico, of Beckley, who had m arried the daughter p u lp it of s to n e ; the nave arcade has five arches on
of John de St. John, of Stanton, the previous owner, and circular p ie r s ; the roof is open-tim bered, of R ectilin ear
subsequently in 1272 was bestowed by Henry I I I . on date, as also is the south d o o r: at th e ea st end of the
Merton College, Oxford. The riv er Isis and the Oxford aisle, entered from th e nave by a wide Decorated arch,
