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O X F O R D S H I R E .]
Shelton Misses Elizabeth & Annie, 17 Townsend Miss Elizabeth, 101 South Wilkins James, 43 Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Museum road, Oxford
moor road, St. Giles', Oxford
Shepherd Misses Frances Caroline & Trafford Mrs. Maria, 10 Park rd. St. Wilkinson James Richard Harry, 148
Esther, 19 Kingston mad, St.Gdes\ Giles'. Oxford
Walton street, Oxford
Tranter Joseph, 16 St. Markâs road, Willcox Mrs. Amy E. 63 Holywell st.
Sheppard William, 116 Southmoor Henley-on-Thames
Treimer Anton, 50 Walton crescent, Williams Alfred, 100 Southmoor rd.
road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Shillingford Jsph. 48 High st.Oxford
Shipton Henry, 52 Southmoor road, Tubb F. H. 18 Manor place, Holy- Williams Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, 15
Walton Well rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
well, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Shirley John, 31 Kingston road, St. Tuck Arthur George, 78 Southmoor Williams Mrs. Sarah, 15 North st.
Grimsbury, Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Shrubb Mrs. E. 29 Iffley rd. Oxford Tucker Thomas, 94 Southmoor road, Williams Wm.John, 3 Grove st.Oxfrd
Williamson Leonard Ernest, 27 KingÂ
Shurmer R. E. 47 Banbury rd.Oxford St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Simmonds Misses S. & M. 14 Ship Tuckett Mrs. Louisa, 46 Marston st ston road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
street, Oxford
Wilson Airs. Grace, 7 Norman aven.
Cowley St. John. Oxford
Simmonds Mrs.A.A.nWalton st.Oxfrd Turner Misses Ada Janet & Alice Henley-on-Thames
Simmons Mrs.L.L. 25 Iffley rd.Oxfrd Lilian, 17 Walton Well road, St. Wimbush Wm.30 Sth.Bar st.Banbury
Wirdnam Mrs. Clara, 5 Rose place,
Sims Mrs. Ema, 10 Walton st. Oxfrd Giles', Oxford
Sims William, 169 Walton st. Oxford Turner Misses E. K. & M. I. 22 St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Wise A.J. 70 Bell st.Henley-on-Thms
Skinner Harold, 8 Museum rd.Oxford Beaumont street, Oxford
Skinner P.A.104 & 105 High st.Oxfrd Turner Mrs. Ada, 34 High st. Oxford Woodbridge Miss Hannah. 66 St.
Skinner Win.2& 3BlackHall rd.Oxfrd Turner Miss Annie Louisa, 15 King Johnâs road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Woodruff Mrs. Ella, Elm cottage,
Slater Miss A. M. 9 Museum rd.Oxfrd ston road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Slay Francis John. 10 Wellington sq. Turner Edwin Fletcher, 20 Banbury Goring, Reading
Wooldridge William, 37 Southmoor
St. Giles', Oxford
road, Oxford
Smith Edward Robert, 20 Worcester Turvey Mrs. Julia, 34 St. Michaelâs road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Woolford Percival George, 33 Walton
place, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
street, Oxford
Smith Mis< Emily, 86 St. John's rd. Tnstin James Walter, 5 Regent st crescent, St. Thomasâ. Oxford
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Wren C. 4 Manor rd.Holywell,Oxford
Cowley St. John. Oxford
Smith Mrs. M. A.21 Priory rd.Bicestr Tvsoe Miss Mary Elizabeth, 28 Wel Wyatt Mrs. S. 31 Cowley rd. Oxford
Young William Henry, 135 Kingston
Smith Thos. G. 20 Walton st.Oxford lington square, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Smithers Mrs. R.27 Walton st.Oxford Venuss Miss Kathleen, 15 Richmond road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Snoad Miss Alice Mary, 18 Beaumont road, St. Thomasâ.Oxford
street, Oxford
Vernon Mrs.R.46 Bell st.Henley-on-T
Soanes Mrs. Naomi, 107 Southmoor Vigars Mrs. E. n Grove st. Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Walker A. T. 8 Banbury rd. Oxford
See Bee Keepers.
Spencer Jn. Hy. 117 Iffley rd. Oxford Walker David, 22 Southmoor road,
Spicer Mrs. Rachael, 55 St. John st. St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Walker Frederick, 17 & 18 Pembroke APPRAISERS & VALUERS.
Spiller Mrs. Sarah, 3 Parks-rd. St. street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
See also Auctioneers.
Walker Miss Gertrude, 20 & 21 HolyBrooks Edmund John & Son, 14 k
Stacey Miss J. 10 Museum rd. Oxford well street, Oxford
street, Oxford. See
Stafford Mrs. A. M. 59 St. John st. Walking Mrs. Lucy, 3 St. Markâs rd
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 6
rd , 8 Cornmarket
Starr Mrs. Mary, 143 Kingston rd. Walklett John George, 5 Bath place.
street, Oxfcrd. S e e a d v e r t is e Â
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Holywell street, Oxford
Steele Walter Sidney, 39 Jeune st. Walklett Thomas William, 20 WoodChambers J. & Co. 17 Hart street,
stock road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Stephens Henry,29 Museum rd.Oxfrd Walton William, 14 Merton st. Oxford Henley-on-Thames
Sydney. 5 Broad st. Oxford
Stewart Miss E. 23 Abbey rd. Oxford Ward Joseph, 42 Richmond road, St.
Habgood & Innocent, 27 Market sq.
Stone. Albert, 19 Walton crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Ward Richard, 115 Cowley rd. Oxford
Stone John Hy. 87 Iffley rd. Oxford Ward Thomas, ix Park End street, Hamlet & Dulake, 11 Cornmarket st.
Oxford : & at Reading
Stranks Mrs. A. 50 & 51 North Bai St. Thomasâ,Oxford
street. Banbury
Wark Frank Thomas, 391 Southmoir Mallam & Son, 18 Cornmarket street,
Stringer Mrs. E. 51 St. John st.Oxfd road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Styles G. 14 Manor pi.Holywell,Oxfrd Warren Miss Harriet, 110 Southmoor !Messenger Ernest Pocock, 105 St.
Aldateâs street, Oxford
Swadling Stephen William, 32 Queen road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
street, Henley-on-Thames
Watmore Misses Kate & Rose, 26 St. IReeve William, Sonning Eye.Reading
Sherratt T. Scott F.A.I. 133 High st.
Swift Thomas, 5 & 6 Brewers street, Michaelâs street, Oxford
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Watson Airs. Lizzie, q Richmond rd. & 9a, St. Aldateâs street, Oxford
Simmons & Sons; office, Crandem
Tagg Misses Elizabeth & Maria, 5 St. Thomas', Oxford
Longworth road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford Webb Edward. 21 Wellington square, gate, Bell street,Henley-on-Thames
& at Reading & Basingstoke
Tallett Mrs. Emma Elizabeth, 70 St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Abingdon road, Oxford
Webb Miss M.A.53 St.John st.Oxford Thimblebv & Shorland, 22J Bridge
Taphouse Mrs. Silance, 46 Western Webber Miss Fanny, 16 Long Wall street, Banbury
Walford & Spokes, 86 & 87 High st.
street, Oxford
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Tayler Mrs. Hannah, 33 Wellington VVeedon Miss M.A.16 Merton st. Oxfrd & 14 Magdalen street, Oxford. S e e
square, St. Giles', Oxford
Wellbelove Frederick, Lee cottage, a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 4 7
Watson John & Sons, Estates office,
Taylor Francis Pryor, 76 Southmoor Ducklington, Witney
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Weller Joseph Maynard. 10 Manor Britwell rd. Watlington,Wallingfrd
Taylor George William, 44 Walton road. Holvwell, Oxford
crescent, St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Wells Mrs. Louisa, 74 Park st.Thame
Taylor Mrs. Mary Ann, 27 Wellington West Mrs. Ellen, 25 Kingston road,
square, St. Giles', Oxford
St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Marked thus * are also Surveyors.
Tester Mrs. E. 41 St. John st.Oxford West Mrs. L. 57 St. John st. Oxford
Thain Mrs. Eva Martha, 33, Beau Westell Harry. 90 St. Aldateâs street,j Allfrey E. W . . AI.A. 57 High st.Oxfrd
â¦Clements Charles, 34 Market place,
mont street, Oxford
Thicke Miss Jane, 12 Merton st.Oxfrd Weston Airs. Julia, 20 Vicarage road, Henley-on-Thames
j*Cooke Fredk. J. 11 Horsefair.Banbry
Thomas Miss Elizabeth, 38 Walton Henley-on-Thames
street, Oxford
Wh°al Charles W. 61 Southmoor rd. â¦Daft William Austin A.R.I.B.A. 6 k
7 Cornmarket street, Oxford
Thomas Frank Alfred,19 St.Michaelâs St. Giles', Oxford
street, Oxford
Wheeler Mrs. Harriett, t i WellingÂIEngland Reuben,68 Abingdon rd.Oxfd
â¦Farley George H., Q.S.A. 69 Broad
Thomas George. 10 Walton Well rd ton square. St. Giles', Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
Whetton Airs. Laura, 10 Richmond street, Banbury. T N 48
â¦Gardiner George, 55 High st.Oxford
Thomas Thomas David, 23 Pembroke road. St. Thomas'. Oxford
street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
White W. 10 St. Michaelâs st. Oxford ¡â¦Gardiner James, Lloyds Bank chamÂ
Thompson Miss Mary, 21 Vicarage Whiting Miss, 20 Richmond road, St. bers, High street, Oxford
road, Henley-on-Thames
¡Gardner Gilbert Thomas L.R.I.B.A.
Thomasâ, Oxford
Tombs Mrs. L. 132 Walton st. Oxford Wilkins Hy. 62 St. John st. Oxford ' 152 Divinity road, Cowley rd.Oxfrd
Iâ¦Gray J. C. 5 Black Hall rd. Oxford