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194 Newman Edward
y a tt John & Son, ten t proprs
17 Plaister Reginald C ow ley.ap artm ts
i q 6 Walker H arry Jam es
280 W estb u ry A lb t. ch im n ey sweepei 17 Newm an E dm und H
Woodstock Road Baptist Chapel
290 Clinkard W illiam H. green grocer 18 W atts A rth ur
Pillar L etter Box
292 Janaw ay Wm. Geo. job b in g grdnr 19 Badcock A lb t.C h as. univ. lodg. ho
Here is Beechcroft road ......
Here is Osberton road ........... 20 S m ith Edwd. Robt. univ. lodg. ho
200 Moore & Moore, patentees of non- 298 Tiddem an R. Hill M .A ., F .G .S . 21 G ould Miss
contact closets
consulting geologist & water 22 Hollis Alphonso John, apartm ents
200 Moore Rev. John H. (B aptist)
exp ert (Osberton house)
................ Here is W alton la n e.................
202 Phillips John Rouse
300 P itta r Charles W illiam Erskine
H ere is W alton street ............
204 Walters W illiam Richard
302 Radbone Mrs. Th e A venue
206 Blake Mrs. John Hopwood
304 H ilton-Sim pson Rev. W m . M.A
210 Deane Miss
W alker M rs. (H enley house)
212 Edwards Mrs
Cooper W m .F rank(TheA nchorage) (S t. T hom as’), 24 Beaum ont street
to G eorge street.
214 Appleby Malcolm Percival M .A .,
Dickins G u v M .A. (lecturer at
B.Sc. tu to r at St. John's col­
St. John's college) (A psley croft)
E ast side.
lege & dem onstrator at Jesus
Here is boundary stone ...........
Here is G loucester lane ............
Here is D aventry road ...........
216 Gadney H erbert George
R. C. Chapel of S t. G regory & St. 2 & 3 Jew E .T yler,d ir. in an tiquities
8 Wood John M .A ., M .D. surgeon
A ugustin e
Here is Thorncliffe road .....
Here is new entrance to Apsley Paddox
222 Stephens Miss
I 3 a, C ou lin g W m . & Son, paperhngrs
Robertson Charles (A psley Paddox)
224 Webb A rth u r Ernest
110 G reyhound P.H. Mrs. M ary E liza ­
226 Munro Mrs
beth WTillis
230 Phillips Miss
C u tler B oulter Provident D ispen­
(St. Thom as’ ), 3 Walton street,
232 Alden Robert R
Mar}- W assallM .P .S.disp n sr)
234 Turrill W alter
r, 2,^3 & 4 Ruskin C ollege (G ilbert
...H ere are Dispensary rd. G loucester
S later M .A .. D .S c.(E co n .).p rin c) I
Here is Oakthorpe road ......
green & The C attle m arket ...
10 Howes Ernest
236 Hulbert Miss
Here is G eorge street ............
i r4 Edw ards M iss E
235 Ballard Frederick H
Cheshire C harles, general smith
230 St. Edward’ s School (Rev. W m. 15 Drake W m . un iversity lodgin g h o 1
W est side.
Harold Ferguson M .A . warden) ! 16 B ath Chas. univer. lo dgin g ho
Johnson Richard James & Co. j W orcester College :
Here is S outh parade ...........
Charles Henry Olive.
tim b er m erchants.
See a d ­
D D. provost
2&4 £ 266 Holifield B rothers,plum bers
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 5 3
268 Red Lion P.H. Thomas Hy. C lay
P arker's O xford C ycle & M otor Carj
272 Honey W illiam , beer retailer
Co. (works) (proprietors Oxford Cooper H arry, corn m erchant
274 Andrews Thom as Richd. shopkpr
M otors L im ited)
Here is H ythe B ridge s t r e e t ........
270 Baughan M iss L in d a, beer retlr
Here is W orcester terrace
O xford Portland Cem ent Co. L im ited

:; OXF OR'D 1 P E I Y A T E


Abbey Jn.^yThorncliffe rd.Sum m rtw n I Alexander F rederick, 3 W hite House Angel Andrea M .A ., B .Sc. (lecturer
Abbott G ilbert Stanley, 15 D ivin ity i road, Grandpont
in ch em istry, Brasenose college),
road. C owley road
Alington Rev. Edward Hugh M .A.
15 B an b ury road
Abbott Mrs. 18 F renchay rd .S t.G ile s ’
M ayfield, M ayfield rd.Sum m ertow n
Annetts A lbert. 74 St. John’s road,
A’Bear Alfred, 145 Iffley road
A llchin Basil Charles M .A. 15 BeauS t. G iles’
A’Bear John Daniel, G lencairn, V ic-!
m ont street
Ansell F rederick W illiam , 99 Bantoria road, Sum m ertow n
Allchin M rs. W illiam Howell, 47 ; b u ry road
Abraham B ertram , 230Abingdon rd
Broad street
j Appleby Malcolm Percival M .A ..B .S c.
Abrams Edward A rthur, 82 Southm oor Allen Rev. G erald Burton M .A. (dean,
(tuto r at St. John’s college &
road, St. G iles’
tu to r & chap lain ). Pem broke coldem onstrator at Jesus college),
Aeland Miss, 7 Park town
lege. St. A ld ate’sstreet
214 W oodstock road, Sum m ertow n
Acott Mrs. 14 C h arlbu ry road
Allen A lfred E dw in, 6 P arker street
! Appleton Hy. W m . 243 C ow ley road
Adair Major H enry A. 2 Linton road Allen A rth u r J. 23 Merton street
A rcher A lfred G eorge, 7 T a c k lev pi
Adams John C harles, 27 H ill Top Allen G eorge Boyce, 145 Woodstock
St. G ile s’
road, St. Clem ent’s
road, St. G iles’
Archer Chas.45 Leckford rd. S t.G ile s ’
A'^ rUs^^.h iliP E dw ard H om er M .A ., Allen H ugh Jam es, 42 B anbury road Archer Jam es, 320 Banbury road,
F.R.C.S. 53 Broad street
Allen H ugh Percy M.A , M us.Doc.
Sum m ertown
Adams W illiam George S tew art, 13
(fellow & organist of New college),
Archer W m. 64 Kingston rd. S t.G ile s ’
Bardwell road
3 Keble road, St. G iles’
oublon Ven. Thom as H en ry
Adamson Horace W illiam , Donning- Allen John C. 155 B an b ury road.
A , D.D (archdeacon of Oxford fe
ton lodge, Ifflev road
Sum m ertow n
canon). C h rist C h u rch ,S t A ldate’s sfc
Adamson W illiam , 1 6 5 Banbnry road, Allen Miss, 3x9 Cowley road
Arm stead
Clipsham ,
Allen M iss, 11 St. M argaret's road.
Thorncliffe road, Sum m ertow n
Ady Miss (tutor), S t. H ugh’s college,
St. G ile s’
28 Norham gardens
^ u M rs. ^
iu am road
25 ^
Cow ley road
Ainger Mrs. 87 D ivin ity Td.Cowley rd Alien Thom as W illiam M .A. (tutor
itchison Lady, 104 B anbury road
Queen’s college), 6 C an terburv rd. A rm strong E dw ard M .A . (pro-provost*
& senior bursar. Q ueen’s,
v- Patrick Henderson M .A ,
S t. G iles’
college). Red house, Tfflev road
B.Sc., B.D., D .L itt. (U niversity Allibone Geo. xo^Kingston rd .S t.G iles'
G eorge, 103 Southm oorecturer on B ib lio g ra p h v ),n W arn- Allin M rs.8Stanlev rd.Cowlev St.John
road, S t. G iles’
ahf U^h.,,T.oad' S t' G iles’
A lln utt M iss, x Black H all road
A rteaga y P ereira Fernando de M .A.
\lb 671 «
-3airi ^air,es- 4 P arker st
A llnu tt Mrs. 69 C ow ley road
(Taylorian lecturer in Spanish), 3
^anuff Sidney, 39 Portland road. Allsop M rs.460aktborpe rd.Sum m rtw n
La th b u rv road
A m ery G eorge,2 C harles st.S t.E b b e's Ashdown H orace, 165 Iffley road
-■&-; n I’’ 11 K ingston
rd..S t.G
Ksron ra
iess ’ Anderson John G eorge C lark M .A.
A shw orth Philip A rth u r M .A ., L L .D
, , , en Edwd.83Lonsdale rd.Sum m rtw n
(tutor C h rist C h u rc h ),S t.A ld a te’s st
23 W in ch ester road. St. G iles’
iWen Isaac. 16 W alton street
Anderson M iss, 4 Broad street
ax!, ° nard H. Eastw vke farm . Anderson O ctavius A .Stone ho.New rd A squith C y ril B .A. f fellow ), M ag­
dalen college
Abingdon road
Andrews E dw ard, 6 Chalfont rd. St.
A «till M iss, 97 Kingston rd. St. G iles’
G iles’
Sum ^*SS’ 3 4 O akthorpe road.
Athorpe Miss. 95 Tffley road
• .
Andrews Francis Joseph, x L ath bn rv Atkin Ernest Henry. 240 Abingdon rd
' v \ p Xnm^ r
Atkins Edward Janson, i i W am bo ro’
mS ^ - E W
B anbury
anbury rd
re Andrews M iss, 337 C ow ley road
^ eenham
n h a n ^ .yg
9 B
road. S t. G iles'
er^ E. 232 W oodstock road. Andrews Misses. 9 St. M argaret’s rd.
Atkinson C h risto p h er Thom as M.A
St. G iles’
'fellow & lectu rer in modern h is­
tI 4 Abingdon road
Andrews Mrs. 2 W inch ester rd. St.
to ry at E xe ter college). 32 N or­
G iles’
ham road
A ld rid g e* Arthur
A rih
’ 77 A W 222
n K<i' m
Andrews M rs.John, 10 Chalfont road.
Attfield G eorge C harles. 23. Chalfont
S t. G iles’
road, St. G iles’
5 ®Eercival L. 37 Bainton road, Andrews Thom as, 92 W alton street
Attwooll H arry. 50 Thorncliffe road*
Sum m ertow n
