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who have been holders of the municipal scholarships.
assistants; new main school rooms & classrooms were
Localprizes& scholarships areawarded in competitions
built in 1900, at a cost of nearly £3,000, exclusive of
in the various stages; free studentships, tenable for
the site, which was part of the Presbytery garden
one year, are awarded to students,being draughtsmen,
designers, modellers or handicraftsmen, who have
attended the School of Art regularly for not less than
two years & have produced satisfactory work in the Banbury Advertiser, 72 High street, F. G. Walford,
hed thurs
advanced course; National scholarships, at South
Kensington, with an allowance of from 20s. to 40s. a Banbury Guardian; office, 51 Parson’s street, William
published thursday. S e e a d v e r ­
week, are open to competition among advanced
students desiring to qualify themselves as designers t i s e m e n t p a g e 2 7
Railway Stations.
or industrial artists; lady students are eligible to
compete for the Gilchrist scholarships; Government Great Western, James Short, station master
scholarships are annually awarded by the Board of London & North Western, Edmond John Haslop, station
Education to deserving & successful students, for the master
purpose of enabling them to study art in the Con­
tinental Ateliers, at South Kensington Museum or at
the National Art Training School, London; the Foster’s Parcels A Goods Express Limited, 41 North
Princess of Wales’ scholarships, of the value of £25
Bar street, John E. Griffin, agent
& £11 respectively, are open to competition among Great Western Goods Receiving Office, Bridge street,
female students ;artizan students attending the school William Cave, agent
are eligible to compete for Sir Joseph Whitworth’s London A North Western Parcels Office, James Clow,agt
scholarships for mechanical science, viz.: 1 of £200, Sutton A Co. 34 Market place, William Morrey, agent
8 of £150 & 16 of £100; art teachers’ & masters’
Motor ’Bus Service,
certificates are also awarded to students prepared in
the school for various classes of drawing & for From Banbury to Deddington, via Bodicote A Adder­
admission to the schools of the Royal Academy ; full bury, four times daily
technological certificates are granted by the City and From Banbury to Bloxham, four times daily
Guilds of London Institute to handicraftsmen who are
students attending the classes & who pass in two CARRIERS, with inns they call at A days of departure.
specified science & art subjects & one technological Abthorpe— Carpenter, ‘Catherine Wheel,’mon. thurs. A
subject: there are now (1915) 74 boys & 88 girls.
The school is under the management of the Com­ Adderbury— Wade, ‘Leathern Bottle,’ daily; Plackett,
mittee for Higher Education of the County Council,
‘Coach A Horses,’daily
with the assistance of other local gentlemen elected Alkerton— Butcher, ‘Plough,’ mon. thurs. A sat.; Per­
kins, ‘Reindeer,’ thurs
Sir H. B. Samuelson bart. president
Appletree— Wright, ‘Old George,’ mon. thurs. A sat.;
W. Lampet Whitehorn, hon. secretary & principal
Gubbins, ‘Leathern Bottle,’mon thurs. A sat
Joseph Parrish, assistant secretary
Ardley— Bennett, ‘Wagon A Horses,’ mon. thurs. A
R. Luscombe B.A. head master secondary division;
sat.; Lett, ‘Angel,’mon. thurs. A sat
H. Webb B.Sc., C. W. Gribble B.A. & W. J. T.Ascot— Morgan, ‘Coach A Horses,’mon. thurs. A sat
Mardon, assistant masters
Aston-le-Walls— Cherry, ‘Unicorn,’ mon. A thurs.
Norman Ward, manual instructor; Miss M. Lodge Astrop— Barber, ‘Catherine Wheel,’ daily. See King's
B.A. Miss M. B. L. Patterson & Miss Denchfield,
Sutton A Charlton
Avon Dassett— Checkley, ‘Plough,’mon. A thurs
Science & Art division, Seymour H. Beale, head Aynho— Borton, ‘Plough,’ mon. thurs. A sat.-; Bates,
master; T. E. Orchard, visiting master for building
‘White Hart,’mon. thurs. A sat
Aynho Wharf— See Deddington
W. J. Harding, visiting master for plumbers’work & Badby— See Daventry— See Woodford
sanitation; C. Frost, assistant master; J. W. Balscote— Hawtin, ‘Unicorn,’ mon. thurs. A sat
Mander, custodian
Barford (Great A Little)— James Gardener, ‘Bear,’mon.
thurs. A sat
Heath— See Whichford
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the “Education
Act, 1902,” a committee of 20 members was formed, Barton (Middle)— Humphris, ‘Buck A Bell,’ mon. A
thurs.; Jones, see Sanford
May 1, 1903, consisting of the Mayor for the time
being, & 13 other members of the Council, four Baynard’s Green— Bennett, ‘Wagon A Horses,’ mon. A
thurs. Borton, ‘Old George,’thurs
members representing the following bodies: The
Diocesan School Sub-Association for Oxfordshire, The Biddlesdon— See Syresham
Birmingham Diocesan Catholic Schools Association, Bicester— Bennett, ‘Wagon A Horses,’ mon. A thurs.;
Borton, ‘Old George,’ thurs. ; Bucks railway
the London & South-East Wesleyan Association &
the British & Foreign School Society, also two Birmingham— Great Western railway
Bishop’s Itchington— Lloyd, ‘Wagon & Horses,’ thurs. ;
Edwards, ‘Fox,’ thurs.; Leamington, tues. A fri
The committee meets at the Town Hall, on the 3id Bletchington— Wilkins, ‘Wagon A Horses,’ mon. A
friday in the month, at 7 p.m.
thurs. ; Boddington, ‘Catherine Wheel,’ thurs
Clerk & Secretary, Arthur Stockton, Town Hall
Blisworth— See L. A N. W. R
School Medical Officer, Archibald Tisdall Johns B.A , Bloxham— Barrett, ‘Angel,’ daily; Henry Coleman,
M.D B.Ch.. B.A.O.Dub. i9 Horsefair
‘Wagon A Horses,’twice daily
Attendance Officer, F. G. Cobbett, Town hall
Boddington— Cherry, ‘Unicorn,’ mon. thurs. A sat.;
bherwell (infants), built in 1861 & enlarged in 1892, at Linnell, ‘Crown,’ thurs
e sole cost of the late Sir Bernhard Samuelson bart. Bodicote— Castle, daily; Higham, ‘Catherine Wheel,’
-d Vr’ F-R-S- adapted in 1904 for 188 children;
fh • o
Bowkett, head mistress
Bourton— Pratt, ‘Reindeer,’ mon. thurs. A sat. ;
[f,.,11Urcl1, Middleton road, Grimsbury (mixed),
Tasker, ‘Flying Horse,’mon. wed. thurs. A sat
a isihed 1861 & enlarged in 1883, again enlarged in Bracklev— Wilkinson, ‘W’hite Hart,’ mon. thurs. A
9°2,for 492 children; Lewis Oakley A.C.P. master;
sat. A Buckingham, fri
D„7ss Fnidy Riley, infants’mistress '
Brailes— Godson, ‘Old George,’ mon. A thurs. ; to
_iwood road, built in 1902, for 618 children ; Arthur
Shipston, tues. A sat. ; to Stratford, fri.; Frank
on, master; Miss E. Mander, mistress; Miss C.
Clarke, ‘Angel,’thurs.; Spicer, ‘Crown,’mon. thurs.
•Marshall, infants’mistress
A sat
(mixed)> built in 1910, for 600 children; Broughton— See Tadmarton, Sibford A Swalcliffe
mSress meU’ master; Miss Eliza Wells> Giants’ Buckingham— See Wilkinson, Brackley; A see Charlton
Bucknell— Bennett, ‘Wagon A Horses,’mon. A thurs
buib^- ^ ur°h
England, established in 1817, re- Bugbrook— See Northampton
/9o°, for 730 children; the school has an Burdrop— See Sibford
scW <° ai*oufc ¿75 a year from the old Blue Coat Burford— See Chipping Norton
W Sr f.
nded in I7°5*& Metcalfe’s charity; George Burton Dassett— Lloyd, -Wagon A Horses,’thurs
Mi«« rvn
masteT; Miss E. Luing, mistress; Butler’s Marston— See Kineton
St jL > u e11’ Hants’mistress
Bvfield— James Yorston, ‘Angel,’mon. thurs. A sat
Jmixed & infants), for 346 children, Camden— See Shipston
conducted by Sisters of St. Paul & two certificated Canon’s Ashby— See Moreton Pinkney