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S t a t i oxk b s â R e t a i l â continued.
S m ith W. H. k Son, Bridge house.
Northbrook street. N e w b u ry; 123
Broad street, R e a d in g ; 3 Peascod
street, W in d so r; H igh street, H unÂ
gerford & W argrave
S m ith Edwd. 102 Peascod st, Windsor
S ta rk er F. W . 52 C astle st. Reading
S tro n g M rs.E .M .53E rleigh rd.Reading
T aylor E dw in T . E ast H aler, Newbury
T id b u ry B ros. Pangbourne. R eadin g
T o lle r Miss E .R .59V icto ria st.W in dsr
T ro tte r Ernest S. N orcot road, T ileÂ
h urst, R eading
W ard A rchibald Mason, 6 B ridge st.
C aversham , R eading
W atkin s k Co. 23 C hurch road
C arersh am , Reading
Marked thus + are Ladies' Tailors.
A lb um Jack, 175 Oxford rd. Reading
Andrews C . 7 Marlow rd. M aidenhead
ire11 T . k Son, Sandhurst, C am Â
Sim m onds Col. C aversh am , Stud
iarm . Three M ile Cross, R eading
An g ell Francis, Sonning, Reading
A n te il Jas. 3 C h urch rd. Caversham ,
A ngell Thom as, D uke's ride, CrowSee M edical List.
thorne, W ellington College Station
Ash G eorge W m . Cookham Rise
Bacon Fras-Jas.3oiLondon rd.R eadn g
Bannister H rbt. 20 Craven st. New bry
Cross J. k Co. 83 O xford road,
P hillip, M ortim er, Reading
See adv ertisem en t Barefoot
Barnard Jacob, 98 Oxford rd.R eadin g
p a g e 11
B arrett W . E 56 K in g st.M aidenhead
Hill's R ubber Co. L td . g ru b b er),
iw h ^street,
treet^ B ibby
JosePh BJohnâ
M arket place k
H igh
eadin g3 3 P rosp ect st.
¿ Blazey Henry, 161 F ria r st. Reading
Moore M iss J. M arket ph W allingford H ubner A . M. k Co. i n Kinr0 â Blum field J. M. 36 Queen st.M aidnhd
R ozelle M adame, 20 Q ueen V ictoria
Bolton W illiam Henry, Tw yford
street. Reading
Borlase Jam es, Bridge st. H un gerfrd
S p irella. 29 M arket place, R eadin g
Browne F red, 49 R ussell st. Reading
Stew art Miss L illy M ary, 31 De B eau See also A rch itects. Lan d Surveyors Brunton A lb t. H. 145 F ria r st.Readng
v o ir road, R eadin^g
k Road Surveyors. .â ------------Budd A. J. 46 Bolton road, W indsor
iiV o J
Brin= roa(L A dkin. B elcher k Bowen F .S .I . 10 Burgess John. 30 S t. Bartholomew':
road k Broadw ay b uildin gs, S tation
H igh street, A bingdon k M arket
Wood Miss M ary M. 104 London st.
road, Reading
place, W antage
Bowen John (b orough '. Town hall, fB u ro s C. E . 128 k 129 Bartholom ew
street, N ew bury
B lagrave street, Reading
STEAM FITTINGS ASBESTOS Buckland k Sons. 8 H igh st. W indsor B utler W m .T . 355 O xford rd.Reading
PACKED MANUFACTRS. : C hadw ick C . T . London st.Faringdon Buxenstein O .S .34 B rid g e rd.M aidnhd
Chancellor k Sons, Railway station, fC a le y s L td . 19 k 25 H igh st.W indsor
Dewrance k Co. 165 G reat Dover st.
f C a te r A rth u r D . 77 N orthbrook st.
London S E
New burv
Colem an W illiam Jch n (R u ral D istrict
C ouncil), 10 Queen st. Maidenhead C larke W m .A lb t. 31 Jesse ter.R eadn g
STEAM LAUNCH BUILDERS. C ooper H. & S on s,i6 F ria r st .B eading C lifford F rank C h arles, 131 Gosbrook
M arsh E . G . L . k Co. 178 C aversham C ox A rth u r Stan ley M .S .A ., F .S .I.
road, Caversham . R eading
ro a d ; works. Tham es side. B eading
36 Queen V icto ria street, Reading C oak John H y. 33 R ussell st. Reading
Darlington Leonard A ustin , H ill side, C-oale B rothers, 14 F ria r st. R eading
tC obden Chas. 2 Tham es st. W indsor
A sh b urv, Shrivenham
M aynard C . 1 k 2 Tham es side.W indsr Davies E rn est (C oun ty C ouncil), B ath C ourtney E . 26 N orfolk rd . M aidenhd
Cox Richard. 1 S alisbury rd. Reading
road, T h a tch a m , N ew bury
STEEL GIRDER & JO IST D rew eatt k W atson, M arket place. Daines Charles, N ew road, A sco t
N ew bu ry
Davis C. H. 19 B righ am rd. R eading
Y o u n g H. k C o. L im ited . N ine Elm s E dgington k Spink,52 H ig h st.W in dsr De-la-H ay H . 89 Queen st. Maidenhd
Franklin & G ale, M arket p i.W allin gfd Dentry F. C hurch street. Tw yford
iron w orks, London S W
Greenaw ay Joseph R egin ald F .S .I . Di vail T. Station rd. Sunningdale, Ascot
D u n ster k
H odgson, Herborough
(q uan tity), 11 F ria r st. Reading
H ardy Patent Pick C o. L im ited (The), H am let k D u lake, 121 C astle h ill,
house, Bartholom ew st. N ew bury
H eeley, Sheffield
D yer W m . W aldegrave p i. N ew bury
R ea d in g ; k at Oxford
H arris John W illiam , Rock cottage. E d g ar David, 52 Queen's rd. Reading
STONE & MARBLE MASONS. E ast Challow , W antage
tK d gin gton W illiam , 38 S te rt street,
S ee also M onum ental MasonHaslam k Son, 158 F ria r st. R eading
Edmonds &: Son, 12 H igh Town rd.
B aker G eorge (estate), Buckland,
Sh ire hall, F orb ury, R eading
M aidenhead
B annister Sam uel, H igh street. Ascot H om frey J. H. k Co. 108 Queen st. Edw ards R ow land.yoK ing st.M aidnhd
M aidenhead
E lliott Thom as, 2 B ody road. B eading
C bow ings Sam i, k Sons, D ukeâs ride,
C row thorne, W ellington College Stn Johns Percy A .M .I.C .E . (borough), F a g g G .London rd.S un n in gdale,A scot
Town hall, H igh st. Maidenhead
Fisher M iss A nnie,5 S tert st. Abingdn
Cooper H. B . M ilton, Steventon
Davis A lb in Geo. Russell rd.N ew bury L a y Richard B. Sotw ell. W allingford Fitzsim ons J.i74CaveTsham rd.B eadng
F letch er k Sons.24 H igh st. W indsor
Edm onds J-(estate),ColeshiH , Swindon
M atthew s H enry, T ileh u rst, R eadin g F ow ler & G rim ble,3ioO xford rd.R dn g
H erne Thom as. Shrivenham
Sons,53 M inster st.B d n g
âraser G
- . -k â
H olliday T . A shb ury, Shriven ham
Freem an W alt. 105 Oxford rd.Reading
St. M ary's h ill, N ew bury
Honeybone k Son, S t. M artin's street,
, 59 M ill la. B eading
W allingford
in g k S tation approach, N e w b u ry; G alt Geo. S. 174 F ria r st. Reading
H orne F rederick G . C h u rch street,
G eorge â
D. J. 38 B rid g e st. H
& a t 4 A lban y Court ya rd , Picca- B
H h
C aversham . Reading
G errin g W alter, 12 Bath st. Abingdon
d illy, London S W
Howson R. L ittle Coxwell.FaringdoD
Knapp F rank (estate), S h riv enham k Salm on N. T . The T errace.W okinghm Goswell A lb t.13 M arket pl.W okinghm
Sim m ons k Sons, 39 B lagrave street. Goswell Charles H enry, G reat ShefBourton, Shrivenham
ford. Lam bourn
R eadin g ; k at H enley-on-Tham es
K napp Fredk. W atchfield, Shxivenhm
G ould H enry, 4 M arket st. Newbury
k B asingstoke
Lam b Geo. S. Brock lane. Maidenhead
L o ck A lb ert Edward. 35 E ast S t (Stickland E rn est A lbt-.C -E .(borou gh). Green L . P 80 E rleigh rd. Reading
H elen street. Abingdon k S n tto r
16 A lm a road, W indsor
G reen W m . i+ Bedford rd. B eading
Vincent Sam u el Jsph. Lee A .M .I.C -E . G riffiths H enry, 8 E astham pstead rd.
C ourten ay. Abingdon
W okingham
Pocock D avid, W atchfield, S hrivenhm , (boroâ ), Mansion House st.N ew bury
Pound J. k Co. London rd. N ew bury i W alton k Townsend, 22 Queen st. fH a m b lin & Son, 56 Northbrook st.
N ew bury
P rio r Jsph. B uscot.L ech lade (G loucs) j M aidenhead
B ich in gs Jesse k A lbert, Longw orth. W ebber H y.Stanton F . 3 .I.,M .B .S an .I. Ha m ill J.77 St. Leonard's rd. Windsor
H arris H. k Son, 3, 4 A 5 M inster
J 2 3 Qneen street, Maidenhead
s treet,. Reading
Skinner D. W atchfield. Shrivenham | W in g W illiam (rural d istrict counT av lor Joseph, M archam , A bingdon
c il \ 124 W estfield road, Caversham H awkins G .H .yQ ueenV ictoria st.Rdng
W iltsh ire
G eorge,
StanfoTd-in-the- Winship G eorge, Borough buildings, Henwood W . Southend,Bradfield.Rdng
- ~
Hewitt rrJâ
Edw in
~ k*- Aâ lfred
,râ J rM
J"~ 54
" k
V ale, Faringdon
56 H igh street, Maidenhead
Hiscocks Sidney, 111 Southam pton
H all W . W . Broadw ay b uildin gs,
street, Reading
Station road. Reading. S ee a d - Johnson, M atth ey k Co. L td . 74Holliss H arry T . H igh st. B racknell
H atton garden, London E C
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 19
See Hay k
S traw M ers, k