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k e l l y âs
Bevan E liza b e th Fanny (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g house, Bowerbank E dw ard John, m anager Lloyds Bank Ltd.
2 A 3 H igh street
10 G rove street
B evers E dm und A ugustin e M R C .S .E n g ., L .S .A .L o n d . Bowerman M artha H. (M iss), dress m ak er,30 Cowley rd
W m .H enry, aparts. 52 W estern rd.Grandpont.
surgeon & dental surgeon. 46 Broad street
B evers E dm und C ecil M .A ., M .B ., B .C h ., F .R .C .b .E d in . Bowler C atherine (M rs.), univ. lodging ho. 66 High st
Co. L im ited , G reat W estern Railway
A E n g. surgeon. 28 Beaum ont street
w harf, Osney lane, Osney
Bickerton Richard T . baker, 25a, S t. A ldate's street
of m usic, 44 Wâ alton street
B ig G am e M useum (C harles V . A. Peel, owner), WoodBoyles W alter, boot repairer, 68 B ridge street, Osney
stock road, S t. G ilesâ
P.H . 17 St. Clementâs st
B iggs W a lter L yle, teacher of m usic, 30 A rgvle street,
Bradford Annie (M iss), univ. lodgin g ho. 28 Walton st
C h ester street
B rad ley Hannah (M rs.), firewood dealer, 4 Trinity st.
B igg s W illiam H arry, hair dresser. 103 Cow lev road
S t. E bb eâs
B ird J. A . (M rs.), apartm ents. 18 S t. John street
Bishop E rn est E dw ard, M arlborough House P.H . 60 Brain G eorge, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 4 St. John st
H arry,cab proprietor, 33 H enley st.Cow ley St.John
W estern road, Grandpont
Bishop M ary (M iss), u n iv ersity lodgin g ho. 11 M useum rd Brasenose College (C harles Buller Heberden M .A., hon.
. p rin cip al). H igh street
Bishop Richard, house agent, 72 K ingston rd. S t. Giles'
Bishop Sarah (M rs.), aparts. 75 St. John's rd. St. G iles' Brasenose C rick et G round (University) (Edm und King,
an), A bingdon road
Blackler Fdk. G eo.clothr. Ac. see M arychurch A Blackler
B lackw ell Benjam in H enry, new A secondhand book Brayne W illiam Thom as, p rinter, 37 A 38 Park End
street, S t. Thom asâ
seller. 50 A 51 Broad street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Brazier A lb ert W illiam , house furn isher, 57 High street
page 3 5
B lackw ell H ester Sophia (M iss), dress m aker, 34 Duke B reakspear A rth u r, shopkeeper,1 B edford st.Warwick st
B reakspear Thom as, baker, 12 C ranham street, Jericho
street, B otley road
Breese John, fishm onger, 83 W alton street
Blagrove F . A Co. opticians. 40 C ornm arket street
Brennan M ary (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodging house, 15
B lagrove Charles, cab proprietor. 11 G loucester street
M useum road
Blagrove C harles W illiam , pianoforte tun er. 29 C hurch
B rett Francis, univ. lodgin g house, 1 A 3 Banbury road
street, Sum m ertown
W m . A Son, who. fruiterers,34,55 A 56 The Market
Blake G eorge A Co. house furn ish ers, cabinet m akers
A up holsterers, 33 S t. G ilesâ s t r e e t ; 37 A 38 L ittle Brewer Jane (M rs.), jobm aster, Norharn mews
Abel, coal dealer, 41 Union street, Jericho
Clarendon s tr e e t; 1 W alton crescent A 7 WTellington
B ricknell A lfred, coal dealer, 90 Percy st.Cowley St.John
square, S t. G ilesâ
coal dir. 45 C atherine st. Cowley St. John
B lake G eorge A . d airym an , 50 C ardigan street, Jericho
B ridge A Co. prin ters, 28 A 30 G eorge street
B lake Geo. A ub rey, beer retlr. 51 C ardigan st. Jericho
(M rs.),gro cer, 16 C hurch st.St.Ebbe's
Bland George, um brella m anufactr. 39 Cornm arket street
Blay Ann (M rs.), fishmonger, 4 B lackfriars rd. St. E bbeâ ° B rig g s A rchbld. insur. agt. 10 C ricket rd.CowleySt.John
Brim field Anna (M rs.), un iversity lodging house, 102
B lav H ugh. Jericho House P.H . 56 A 57 W alton street
Southm oor road, S t. G ilesâ
B lav Jsph.W alt. shopkpr.82 M agdalen rd.C ow ley St.John
Brim field F ran k (M rs.),ap arts. 71 Southm oor rd.St.Gilesâ
Blencowe A lfred, beer retailer, 46 New st. S t. Ebbe s
field M arv Ann (M rs.), apartm en ts, 9 Walton st
Blencowe Eliza (M rs.), greengrocer, 42 M agdalen road
B rind, G illin gh am A Co. L im ited , ironmongers, 5
C owley S t. John
road, St. G ilesâ
Blencowe John G eorge, grocer, A post office. 20 Kingston
Briscoe A Co. stationers, 43 H igh street
road, S t. G ilesâ
, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 19 Pembroke
Blunsdon C harles, shopkeeper, 16 Randolph st. Cowley
street, St. A ld ateâs
Boards of F acu lties (Edwin Stew art C raig M .A . sec.),
R ob ert, custom s A excise officer, 15 St.
Clarendon b uilding, Broad street
G ilesâ street
Boddington Thom as, laun dry, 121 Cnarles street,
B ritish A A rgen tine Meat Co. L td . 73 St. Aldate s st.;
C ow ley S t. John
Bodleian L ib ra ry A R adcliffe C am era (Falconer Madan
B ritish Banana Co. L im ited . 6 A 7 C ornm arket street
M .A. lib ra ria n ), R adcliffe square
B o f f i n M e s s r s . bakers. A refreshm ent room s, cooks A B ritish A Foreign B ible Society (R ev. E . W . G . Hudgell
M A d istrict sec. ; R ev. J. Vernon B artlet D.D. bon.
confectioners, C a r f a x ; 71 St. G ilesâ street A 4 Blue
s e c .; R. Jowitt W hitw ell B. L itt. treasurer), 3$
Boar street
M useum road, St. G ilesâ
Boffin M. A. E . (M iss), dress m aker, 6 C astle terrace.
B ritish Petroleum Co. L im ited , oil merchants, Ureat
P aradise street, S t. Ebbeâ s
W estern R ailw av w h arf. Osney lane, Osnev_
Bolt A Pole, plum bers, C hapel street, S t. C lem en tâ s
B ritish Red C ross'So ciety (Col. S. W aller C.V.O. county
Bolton Chas. house decorator, 1 O bservato ry s t.S t.G iles
d irector); office, 20 M agdalen street
Bolton E dw ard, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 37 Iffley road
Brocklesbv W m .C h as.b eer ret, 26 Tham es st. S t A date»
Bom fort E . (M iss), boarding house, 41 B an b ury road
Bond A Co. L td . tea m erchts.26 St. Aldate._s
Bond F rederick, shopkeeper, 9 Cranham ter. Jericho
Bond F redk. W m . shopkpr. 53 O bservatory st. St. G ilesâ Brooker Richard, station m aster, G . W . Ely- statlOT*
G r;1<l5r
Bond Thom as, baker A confectnr. 12 St. C lem en tâ s st 1 B otley road
B rooker T hem istocles, aparts. 6 Southm oor rd. St.
Bond Thom as, N ew inn, 119 Cowley Toad
B r o o k s E d m u n d J o h n & S o n , auctioneers, valuers,
Bone E llen ( M rs.), u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 46 Southhouse A estate agents A surveyors, 14 A 15 Magda
m oor road, S t. G iles'
street. T N 329. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e
Bonner John, grocer, 40 Abingdon road
Bonner Thom as E dw ard, B erkshire House P.H . 200 Brooks Charles, un iversity lodging house, 2 65 4
place, H olyw ell street
Abingdon road
Bonnor G erard L e igh D em pster, solicitor, 6 Park cres. Brooks Florence (M iss), costum ier, 8 Woodstock
P ark town
Brooks G eorge W m . beer retlr. 12 Cross st. S t . Clement
Boon W m . Jas. grocer, 24 A 25 W alton cres. St.T h o m asâ
Brooks H enry, apartm en ts, 40 S t. John street
Booth F. W. custom s A excise officer, 15 St. G ilesâ st
Brooks Henryr G eorge, dairy, 24a, A lb ert s k J e r ^
Boots Cash C hem ists (Southern) L im ited , 1 Queen st.
Brooks Sam uel, dairy, 35 London place, St. Ueme
A 120 St. A ldateâ s street
Brooks W alter T yrrell M .A ., M .B. physician, & corn
B oreham G eorge R ichard, N orthgate P.H . 36 C orn Â
to th e U n iversity, 32 H olywell street
â ,
m ark et street
Brooks W illiam , farm b ailiff to M rs. Davenpor â
Borm an John C hristop her, beer ret. 14 E ast st. Osney
ington h ill, St. C lem en tâs
â Ebbeâs
Bossom E dw ard, plum ber, 33 W ellington st. Jericho
Broom Richard, beer reta iler, 65 B lackfriars r ⢠â
Bossom E llen (M rs.), m idw ife. 22 G loucester street
Bossom Louisa (Miss), confectioner, 3 Park End street. Broome A lbert Thornes, p rin ter see Rogers * w ^
Brown W . T. k Son, bookbinders, Wheatsbea .
S t. Thom asâ
H igh street
., ,
B ;« c m Thom as, contractor.2 M arlborough rd.G randpont
Boswell A Co. portm anteau m akers, 49 A 50 Com m arket st Brown A Co. greengrocers, 25 St. Ebbe s stre
Laboratory A L ibrary
(Sydney Brown A. (M iss), bookseller, 10 Banbury road
Howard Vines M .A ., D .S c., F .R .S . professor of botany Brown A lfd. Richd. beer ret. 15 Speedwell s i b Brown A rth urPercival,un iversity lodging no.9°
A director), H igh street
Brown Beryl (M rs.), dress ma. 4a I f * b n i l d i n g « .
B o tt Thom as Sidnev, shopfitter, 19 Paradise street
Brown Charles H enry, saddler. M arket Hou.
Bough Annie (M iss), dyer, 4a, S t. C lem en tâs street
M arket street A 13 St. A ld ateâs street
Boulton R ob ert, G rapes P.H . 7 G eorge street
Bowell Sam i. Jn. shoe m aker, 31 W ellington st. Jericho Brown E rn est E dw ard, cabinet m aker, 3 °
street, St. G ilesâ
Bowell W alter Thom as, painter, ^2 Nelson st. Jericho
Bowen L y d ia (M rs.), aparts. 35 W alton cres. St. Thom asâ i Brown Jam es, ale A porter agent, 8 Ship .