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Post, M. o. & T . Office, Lone: H andborough.— George
Ward, sub-postm aster.
L etters through Woodstock
arrive at 6.40 a.m . & 2.5 p .m .; dispatched at 10.15
am . & 4 -5° & 7 P-rn- W all B ox> near Swan P.H.
cleared 9-45 a m - & 4 -4° & 6.50 p.m
The telegraph office is at the railw ay station, which is
open from 8 to 12 noon; 1 to 5.15 p.m . & 5.45 to
8 p.m. on week days, & on Sundays at train tim es only
Letter Box, near T hree Horseshoes, cleared 9.50 a.m . &
4.40 & 6.50 p.m . ; no sunday collection
Post Office. Church Handborough.— Miss E thel W astie,
sub-postmistress. L etters through W oodstock, Oxon,
arrive at 7.10 a.m . & 2.45 p .m . ; dispatched at 9 35
Bailey Rev. Robert C u th b ert Steele
M.A. Rectory
Binns Miss, Rheola
Mansell Mark
Smith John Alexander M .A ., LL .D
College house
Wastie W illiam A lbert, W7ood view
Wortham Frederick, Belsize

H A R D W IC K .

E lem en tary (m ixed), for 145 ch ild ren ; Thom as G eorge
W illiam s, m a s te r; M iss A m y W . Moore, assistant
m istress
Elem entary (infants), Long Handborough, erected in
1879, for 120 ch ild ren ; M rs. C. J. M artin, m istress
Railway Station, Lu ke W alcroft, station m aster
C arrier.— John P u tt,to Oxford, wed. & sat. & to Witney,

Anderson E llery, Redwood
H eathfield
B utler
D .S .O .,J .P .(la teR .G .A .),T h e C ottage
Duncan Miss Hannah
D unkley John A. L
C O M M E R C IA L .

Bishop Charles W illiam , Three Horse
Shoes P.H
B radley Jam es Thom as, baker
Clanfield Thomas, farm er. Freeland
Cox Thom as, farm er
Clements David, farm er, Goose Eye
Dennis Sophia (M rs.), beer retailer
Giles Walter, Hand & Shears P.H
D unkley John A. L . clerk of the
Hiorns Charles, baker & farm er
works to the Duke of M arlborough
Lay Frederick, haulier
Haynes Percival Robert, m iller, see
Lav Leonard, farm er
P ra tt & Haynes
Mansell John, carpenter
H erbert H y.W 'm .Shepherd's Hall P.H
Putt John, carrier & haulier
Hopkins Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper
Sargant Stanley Montague, farmer, Hopkins Thos. farm er, Cook’s corner
Rectory farm
Jennings H arry, farm er & hay dealer
Wastie Misses Alice & E th el, farm ers L a itt W illiam , farm er
H A N W E L L is a village and parish on the borders
of Warwickshire, 3 m iles north-by-west from Banbury
station on the direct Birm ingham line of the G reat
Western railway, and 25 north-w est from Oxford, in
the Northern division of the county, hundred of Bloxham. Banbury and Bloxham p etty sessional division,
union and county cou rt d is tr ic t’ of Banbury, rural
deanery of Deddington and archdeaconry and diocese
of Oxford. The church of St. Peter, a building of
stone, is a fine exam ple of the Decorated period, w ith
some portions of E arly E nglish, and consists of chan­
cel, nave, aisles, south porch, and a . low em battled
western tower containing 5 b e lls : the chancel has
sedilia and piscina of good Decorated w ork, and
the capitals of the columns in the nave arcades are
ornamented w ith heads elegantly s cu lp tu re d ; these
arcades each consist of three Decorated arches but the
clerestory and roof are of the 15th cen tu ry : at the
east end of the north aisle are the rem ains of an ancient
reredos with six m utilated figures under canopies and
a piscina : the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia and
Has a priest's doorway, and two low side windows ; here
also is a monument w ith recum bent m arble effigies and
inscription in Latin verse to Sir Anthony Cope, k n i-h t
and baronet, who died in 1614, and Frances (Lytton-)
’ ,this
w ith m any other
IZ '
church. including the capitals' in the
§reatly at the hands of the Puritan
L it A
i ar' , said *° haT8 staWed a tnoop of horse
bv Arab iiUr(i ' ’
m onum ent was repaired about 1813,
v L l ari n
{I790) of John F rede™=I< (Sackbeir-ss of Sir nb ,D ors8t K G - and daughter and co­
in the' south .Gdarles Cope, 2nd bart. of Brewerne :
and two
" i * are rem ains of a piscina w ith shelf,
and the oth
» 1
0ne bearinS a cr°ss fleurie
tomb witi, f a “
Rure- and a larKP modern altar
!Ial> °f Mimk m arble : the font is
Early Enolishm *nn'
tha north and south d°»rttays
» ish . there are 300 sittings. The register dates
R.ri 1

paiV A TE k e s i d e n t s .


a.m . & 4.25 p.m . ; no delivery on sunday. L o n g H and­
borough is the nearest m oney order office & F ree­
land, 1 m ile distant, is the nearest telegraph office
Police Station, E rn est Trin der, constable in charge

L a y W illiam , q u arry owner
Long W illiam , coal dealer
M aisey Jam es, B ell inn
M arriott Jam es L td . coal & salt mers
M artin F rederick, insurance agent,
rate & tax collector, assistant over­
seer & clerk to th e Parish Council
O xford Co-operative & Industrial
Society Lim ited
Parker W illiam , farm er, Manor farm
P ratt & H aynes, m illers (steam &
w ater)
P ra tt Rt. Rowles, farm er
P rice Frederick T. saddler
Rogers Robert, G eorge & Dragon P.H
Rowles Frederick, shopkeeper
S tyles E li, boot repairer
W alby B en jam in , Swan P.H
W alker & Son, blacksm iths
W ard G eorge, baker, & post office
W astie Brothers, builders
W ebb John, w heelw right

from the year 1586. The livin g is a rectory, net yearly
value ^150. with residence (rebuilt in 1862) and 27
acres of glebe, in the g ift of E arl De L a W arr, and held
since 1913 by the Rev. John P ercy M organ M .A. of
Iveble College, Oxford. Am ong the rectors, two of the
m ost notable were John Dod, Fellow of Jesus College,
C am bridge, rector 1580-1604; and R obert H arris, rector
1614-42, and afterw ards President of T rin ity College, Oxon.
There are no charities except th e interest on ^ 13 , a
charge upon E arl De L a W arr’s estate, which is distri­
buted at Christm as. There are still some remains of
Hanwell C astle, b uilt by W illiam Cope, an official in
the household of Henry V II. who died in 1513, and
form erly the residence of Sir Anthony Cope, kn ight and
baronet, Vice-Chancellor to Queen E lizabeth, high
sheriff of the county, and some tim e M .P. for B anbury ;
the existin g portions include a good brick tower of P er­
pendicular work, w ith two flanking octangular turrets
rising above the parapet on the w estern f a c e ; this
tower was originally one of four which Tose at each
angle of the mansion ; and is three storeys in height,
with mullioned windows on each floor. The castle was
partially restored in 1903 and is now in the occupation
of G. F. B erkeley esq. J.P. E arl De La W arr is lord of
the manor and sole landowner. The soil is principally
ligh t loam. The crops are general. Th e area is 1,270
ac re s; rateable value, £ 1 , 7 7 1 ; population in 1911, ,94.
Sexton, W illiam Baker.
Post Office.— Oliver T allett, sub-postm aster.
through Banbury arrive at 7 a.m . & 2.10 p.m . ; dis­
patched at 7.40 & 11.15 a.m . & 6.10 p .m . ; no delivery
on sunday. G reat Bourton is the nearest telegraph
office & W roxton, 2 m iles distant, the nearest m oney
order office
E lem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 18
for 65 children : Mrs. M. A. Rand, m istress
Carrier to & from B an b u ry: —
John W atts, to ‘ R eindeer,’ m on. wed. thurs. & sat


B al i, castle
ree F itz H ardinge J,P,
Adkins Leonard, farm er
S ™ d ge Mrs. Park house
Borton W illiam, gardener
M.A. G inger Charles Percy, farm er
J °ha
p it
Gunn A lbert, carpenter
B t e The Misses
Haynes Reuben, carpenter

Palm er Thom as, Red Lion P.H
Spokes F red, farm er
Tustian A rth u r, farm er, Hanwell park
W atts George, shopkeeper
W atts John, carrier
W atts Owen W m .frm r.H an w ell fields
W yatt Alban Ernest, farm er

H A R D W I C K , see Ducklington.
Past from a
1S 3
parish, about 3 m iles southPark section r
st^ on on the Ashendon and Avnhn
main line f™™ t
, ea^ W estern Railway Com pany’s
Bon(lon to Birm ingham , 4^ north from
tlle London anH at”
^ letchley and Oxford branch of
ea*t from BonR
rtl1 W estern railw ay, abnnt 10 southm BanW
and 5 south from Bracklev, in the

Mid division of the county, hundred and p etty sessional
division of Ploughley, union and county cou rt district of
Bicester, rural deanery of B icester and archdeaconry and
diocese of Oxford. The church of S t. M ary is a small
but ancient edifice of stone, in the Decorated and Per­
pendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave and south
a is l', western turret with one bell, and was restored