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D IR E C T O R Y .]



W H IT C H L 'R C H .

C layton John, baker
Alden F rederick H eward J.P
Cooper John H ussey, lim e burner
Barns John G ay, The Elm s
Cooper Joseph H ussey (exors. of),
Bott Mrs
brick m akers
Brow n Jam es A. The W indm ills
C ripps E llen (M rs.), m iller (wind)
C asem ore Miss
C u llu m
B rothers,
w heelw rights,
Cooper John
builders, un dertakers, contractors
Cooper M rs. The Lodge
& tim b er m erchants
C u rry Rev. W m . Dixon Blachford C urrill W m. m rkt. gardnr. L ittlew rth
M .A. (vicar), V icarage
Davis W alter, b uilder
G ale Miss, C h u rch road
Dennis W illiam , farm er
G ale M isses, Iv y lodge
Dungey B rothers, grocers
Hmlisman M iss, The Y ew s
E n glish G eorge Lincoln, tailor
K im ble W illoughby
F ow ler F rederick , farm er
Newton Rev. Wm. (C ongregational) G unn A lfred H enry, Sun P.H
Rolfe Mrs. H olyw ell cottage
Hancock M ary (M iss), dress m aker
S tan ley Joseph
H arris Joshua, grocer & draper
Tom linson Rev. C harles H enry M .A. Hawes E dw in C. shopkeeper
The Gables
Heath Charles, K in g & Queen P.H
W elch A rth u r, The G ables
H ughes Jam es N. butcher
Isles M aud (M rs.), statnr. & post off
A lden E rn est & Son, butchers
Jam es A lfred, beer retailer
A very W m . & Sons,tim b er m erchants L ife A . E. (M rs.), draper
& saw m ills, W heatley station
M ellett Sam i, saddler & harness ma
Bates Percy, Railw ay hotel
M erry B ells Coffee H ouse (Jonathan
Bathard A rthur, butcher
Baldwin, m anager)
B razil W alter, blacksm ith
M unt Jam es, wood dealer
Chapman John, painter
Phelps A lfred, beeT retailer


P u tt Ih om as, boot repairer
Prem ier M eat Co. L im ited
Rose Brothers, farm ers
Sheldon A rth u r, assistan t overseer
Sheldon Edwd. Chas. coal m erch an t
Sheldon Ernest, cycle agent
Sheldon F rederick (M rs.), blacksm ith
S hepherd C harles, farm er
Shepherd Edw ard, grocer
Sherlock A. shopkeeper
S hrim p ton G eorge R ich d . carpenter
S tam p
F rederick, china & glass
dealer. H igh street
S tan ley Joseph C harles, surveyor to
the Urban D istric t Council
S tayton G eorge, W h ite H art P.H . &
S tu rg ess Joseph Richd. K in g ’s A rm s
Thornton B enjam in, m arket gardener
Tom bs W illiam , Crown P .H
Townsend Daisy (M iss),d istric t nurse
W alde G eorge, Plough P.H
W alker E dw ard, farm er, R ectory farm
Weedon B rothers, coal m erchants &
chem ical m an ure m an u facturers
W hite Jam es, collector & san itary in ­
spector of the U rban D istrictC oun cil

- " p
r f i l ì T
j t l a
a t f “ , V Ipenr
the J ™ * ™
°f bread’
purposes, and is on the river Tham es, over which is an Chti-leé TT*"!' 1 BozedownT H "use, th e residence of
iron bridge, b uilt in 1003, in succession to thp p a r i w
‘ ^a?“ ler esq. J-P. is a handsom e m odern
bridges of 1793 and 1853 and connecting this nlaep w ith 1 a/1.sion ? f brick, and stands on an em inence overPangbourne, which has a slation l l the main R nl I f th 1 °^ln^
Tham es.
Coom be Park is the p rop erty
G reat W estern railw ay ^he v illag e is
m ile north w r 1 *
J<*n K enneth F oster esq. T P . ? the
from Reading, 22 south-east from O x fo r c T m l
' m an s,o n , J.S a la r8 e b u ild in g in a m odern Italian style,


So ut h é m n divi :s ion
“ V I
awomuai ujvisiun ana county
court d istrict of H enley, rural deanery of Henley and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of St.
Mary, placed close to the river, is an edifice of flint and
stone, originally Norm an, but was entirely reb uilt in
1858, with the exception of the south doorway, w hich is
Norman, with a porch of the 15th century : i t now con­
sists of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch, and a
tower with spire containing a clock and 6 b e lls: the w in­
dows, all of which are stained, are chiefly m em orials:
there are several tablets to the Lybbe, Powys, G ardiner
and F oster fa m ilie s ; including one to Richard Lybbe,
of H ardw ick, 1658, and Anne (B lagrave), his w ife, 1651,
with E nglish verse s: there is a brass, w ith effigy in
arm our, to Thom as W alysch, trayer (i.e. wine tryer) to
John of G aunt, Duke of L ancaster, and to H enry IV .,
V. and V I., 1420, and to his w ife, b ut the inscription is
incomplete : another brass com m em orates Roo-er G ery
in decretis b accalau reus,” vicar, w ith his effiAr bearing
the chahce and Host, c. 14 5 -; there is a th ird to Peter
Winder, curate, 1610, with effigy, robed and kneelino-;
and an inscription to Thom as P ercyvalle, rector, 1511 •
in the chancel is a m u ra l m onum ent to R ich ard Lybbe.
AT H CtT'Hm. nlJ V

nead-dress, and above is »
a auujiu
shield Witn
w ith c re s t: in 1003
Mrs. F an n y E lizabeth F oster and th e late John Foster
esq. D .L ., J.P. gave the east stained window as a
m em orial to their d au gh ter E d ith M aud, and in 1910
Mrs. r E. Foster presented a carved oak p u lp it w ith
stone base in m em ory of her h u s b a n d : there are 230
sittings. The register of baptism s dates from the year
■S9 8 : m arriages and burials, 1397.
Th e liv in g is a



t t H

old m ansion, erected at the begin n in g of the 16th
cen tury, and restored about 1690, and again in 1899
H ardw ick H ouse, w hich overlooks the T h am es on the
south, is the p roperty and residence of L a d v Rose ; it
belonged in the reign of R ich ard II. to the' fa m ily of
from w hich it took its nam e ; then to the
Lybbes. in w hich fa m ily it continued for 200 years,
“ n td . ?" ' 730, by the m arriage of Isabella, heiress
of Richard L ybb e esq. to P h ilip Pow ys esq. you n gest
son of S ir Thom as Pow ys, of L ilford , it cam e into
the fam ily of the late Ph ilip L y b b e Pow ys-L ybbe esq. :
d u rin g the C ivil W ars th e house fell into a state of
dilapidation, but was restored in 1660, and again in
1839. Swanston is th e residence of F ran k L Pearson
esq. John K enneth F oster esq. J .P . who is lord of
th e m anor, L ad y Rose and C harles H. P alm er esq. J.P .
are the principal landowners. T h e . soil is chalk and
g ravel ; subsoil, chalky. Th e chief crops are wheat,
barley and oats. The area is 2,049 a <tres of land and
t>4 of w a te r; 301 acres on the B erksh ire side of the
Tham es have since (1895), for rateab le purposes only,
been added to P u rley p a rish ; rateab le valu e, / V . W thA nnnnln I.i/vn in . a , .
• n . •


is a h am let of th is parish,

2A miles

V erg er and C lerk, C harles Jam es Pocock.
Post, M. O. & T . O ffice.— M iss Sarah Cross, sub-post­
m istress. Letters arrive from R eadin g at 6.35 & q 30
a.m . & 6 p.m . ; Sundays, 6.35 a.m . ; dispatched at
8.30 & 9.45 a.m . 12 noon & 6.30 & 8 p .m .; S un days
10.35 a-m
Post Office, W h itch urch H ill.— Thom as W heeler, subpostm aster. L e tters arrive from R eading at 7.10 a.m .
rj 3° P-m - > dispatched at 8.45 a.m . & 7.20 p.m . •
Sundays, 10 .10 a.m . W hitch urch , 2 m iles distant, is
the n earest m oney order & telegrap h office
P illar Box, W h itch u rch G ate, cleared at 8.55 & 11.4 5
a.m . & 7.3 0 p .m . ; Sundays, 10.20 a.m


J % 0ry' , 1 et ye? I ly

m clu d in g 9 acres of
glebe w ith residence, in the g ift of the Bishop of
W o r d and held since 1914 by the R ev. E dw ard P erry
Baverstcck A .K .C . S t. John the B ap tist’s, W h itch urch
HH ,
erected m 1883 as a chapel of
ease, a t a
cost of ¿ 2 ,2 0 0 , is a stru ctu re of flint, consisting of
cancel and n a v e : there are 120 sittin gs : the chapel
reseated in 1910, and new ch oir
stalls were E lem en tary School (m ix ed ), incorporated w ith w hich is
presented by C harles H. P alm er esq. J .P . in m em ory
the Free school, founded in 18 17 b y Sam uel G ardin er
M i. 613 p are n ts: m 19 11 an organ was provided b y .
e s q .; the school w ill hold 160 c h ild r e n ; H erbert
S latter. The "e
1 W a lter W in ch ester, m aster
D uiit in
Will SAilt. (.Knnf too
co n n ected

Argles G u y, W hite cottage
Baverst-ock Rev.Edw ard P erry A .K .C
(rector), The Rectory
irch Charles, Manor cottage
Blackall-Sim m onds Geo. H olly copse


f t S


f c


Cardew Col. S ir F rederic K .C .M .G
Flow er Ivan, Th e Croft
lu d o r cottage
~ Forbes M ajor P a tric k W illiam
Douglas Mrs. W h itew ays
o s ie r jo
n n «.enneth
K enneth .1
J.P . Coom be pk
Edwards Rev. W illiam Lionel G od-1 F oster M rs
W allisoote
frey M .A. (cu rate), St. John’s ! G rey Mrs. Eastfield house
Inm an Geo. T alfourd J.P. L ittle c o u rt