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& T e a D e a l e r s — con.
Alden E. S. io S t. E bb e’s st. Oxford
fA ld e n F .H .3 W oodstock rd. S t.G ile s'
& 11 N orth Parade avenue, Oxford
Anderson J.73 S t. Clem ent’s st.Oxford
Appleby Sam uel, H igh street,W atlin g­
ton, Wallingford
Aston R. F ilk in s, L ecklad e (Glos)
A tkins T. & Sons, 21 C hilsw ell road.
G randpont, Oxford
A u ger M iss A da, H orton, Oxford
Austen & Payne, 9 H igh street & Fish
street, Banbury
fA u stin A lfred & Co. 60 Bell street.
H enley-on-Tham es
A very D avid, Shipton-under-W ychwood, Oxford
Bacon Jam es E . 3 B otley rd. Oxford
B ailey’s Stores, C halgrove, W allin gfrd
t* B a ile y M rs. E . 107 H igh st. Tham e
fB a ile v Mrs. E lizabeth B. M iltonunder- W ychw ood, Oxford
Baker Mrs. K a te E . Post office, W arborough, W allingford
B anting A Co. 36 M agdalen road.
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
B arnes
k Son, Brize Norton.
Barnes Hy. Jas. 24 C astle st. Oxford
Bateman Fredk. Kidlington, Oxford
Beak R upert S. H igh st. Bampton
Beaucham p & Sons, A cre End street,
Belcher A rth u r C harles, Islip, Oxford
Belgrove Lew is, Kidlington, Oxford
fB e n n e tt Sm l. iq Causew ay, B icester
B ennett Thos. E w elm e, W allingford
B ensted E. A. D orchester,W allingford
B ird k Sons, 53 & 54 N orth street k
1 Q ueen’s road, Tham e
Blencowe John G eorge, 20 K ingston
road, S t. G iles’ , Oxford
Bonner John, 40 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Boon W illiam Jam es, 24 k 25 W alton
crescent, St. Thom as’, Oxford
Bowl J. A. & A. C harlbury
Boydpn G eorge H y. F ew cott, Bicestr
B rackley M rs.J.G . K irtlin gto n .O xfo rd
B razell Am brose R. K ingston Blount,
W allingford
B razell W m . J. Chinnor, W allingford
•B rid g w a ter Mrs. M arion, 16 C hurch
strpet. St. E bbe’s, Oxford
Brooks Sam i. E. H orsepath, W heatley
Brypr Chas. W. iun. 2 E ast st.Tham e
B urgis Daniel, 29, 31 k 33 Market pi.
k 14 Duke st. H enley-on-Tham es
B urnside R. N ethercot, T ackley,O xfrd
B u rro v s M rs. E llen, Post office,
C ulham . A bingdon
+Butler E rnest, 4 H igh st. Banbury
B u tle r R ussell, t S t. E bbe’s st.Oxford
B utterfield W alter, 86 Abingdon road.
Grandpont, Oxford
Bvard Tbos. 173 Cowley road, Oxford
fC a lc u tt A lbert H. Post office. K id ­
lington, Oxford
C arey-E rnest Geo. 69 B otley rd.O xfrd
C arter Francis, 0 Com m ercial road.
St. E bbe's. Oxford
tC a r te r Stephen, M arket place, W atlington, W allingford
C arter W illiam . New M arston. Oxford
C attell W. A. S tratto n A ud ley.B icestr
Chedzey Miss Florence C. Post office.
G reat Tew, Enstone
Clare W alter. Clanfield
Clark k Co. Clanfield
C lark Alfred Chas. T ackley, Oxford
Clark J. 81 St. A ld a te’s st. Oxford
C leaver Henry, 81 W alton st. Oxford
Clifton C. G. 86 N orth st. B icester
Coates Jam es Hy. C harlton, Oxford
Cocks Alfred W m . Gorins'. Reading
Cole A rth u r G eorge, 186 M arlborough
road, Grandpont. Oxford
t*Co]em an T. W . Lim ited (J. T urn ey,
receiver k m anager), 56 Parsons
street ; 2 C altborpe street k 44
B ridge street, B an b ury k Hook
N orton, Banbury
G ro cers

Coles Brothers, Post office, Shenington, Oxford
Coles Miss Jessie Helen, 128 K in g ­
ston road, S t. G iles’, Oxford
Colston H .T. 19 New st.ChippingN ortn
Constable Thos. A. M arket pl.B am ptn
t*C ook Mrs. A. 56 S t. G iles’ st.O xfrd
Cooper B ertie, 45 B ullingdon road,
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
Cooper E rnest Charles, 31 Park End
street, S t. Thom as’, Oxford
Cooper G. J.H eadington q uarry,O xfrd
Cooper G . S.H eadington quarry,O xfro
Cotterell J. 246 C owley rd. Oxford
Cotton W illiam F rederick , F ilkins,
Lechlade (G lo’stersh)
Cox Thom as, Y arnton, Oxford
Cox Thos. Jas. W ootton, Woodstock
Cross A rth u r Y. Shutford, Banbury
Cross G eorge, 21 W est end, Chipping
Croxford A. R. Chinnor, W allingford
Croxford O. Chinnor, W allingford
Croxford S. S. Chalgrove, W allingfrd
Dearlove G eorge John, Crowmarsh
Gifford, W allingford
tD ee Thom as (exors of) (wine only),
Shipton-under-W vchw ood, Oxford
Derrington A. 24 K in g ’s end, B icester
Dew & Sons, F ritw ell, Banbury
Dew John W. Low . H eyford, Banbury
+*Dossett W . G . 33 & 34 Parsons st.
k 53 N orth B ar street, Banbury
D ungey B rothers, W heatley
tD u tton G eorge W illiam , Bam pton
Dykes Jas. T . Middle Cowley, Oxford
•■Eaton M rs. Sarah, P ost office, K ingham , C h ipping Norton
Edginton H enry, Iffley, Oxford
Eeles Jam es, Bam pton
Eeles W m . 67 Mill st. Osnev, Oxford
Enser Jam es, K irtlin g to n , Oxford
E ustace W illiam Henry, 5 New street,
St. E bbe’s, Oxford
Evans John W. 40 Sheep st. B icester
Exon C . H. Dorchester W allingford
F ebrey Charles E dw ard, 66 Southm oor road, S t. G iles’, Oxforo
Fenem ore M iss L . W ardington,B anbry
tF in ch k Sons, 1 M arket sq. Bicester
F ish er W illiam J. 3 Speedwell street,
S t. A ldate’ s, Oxford
Fletch er W m .K .W arbo rough .W alln gfd
Florey F. L ittle Tew, Enstone
Florey W alter Florey,
W itn ey
Shipton-underW vchwood, Oxford
Franklin H. C. 9 M iddle row, C h ip ­
ping Norton
Franks Charles, 8 & 10 H arpes road.
Sum m ertow n. Oxford
F ry E rn est A lfred, Rotherfield Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
G ardner F. W . Dorchester, Wallingfrd
G ardner S. Chapel square, Deddington, Banbury
fG ibbon s Edward Jam es, Lom bard
street, Eynsham
Gibbons Jam es, Tetsw orth
G iles M rs. M ary, 35 G reys rd.H enleyon-Tham es
Giles W illiam , B rightw ell Baldwin,
Gooch Robert H enry, Low er Shiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
Goodwin, Foster & Brown L im ited , 34
H igh street, W itney
Griffin Henry, 18 F riar’s entry, Oxfrd
iG r im b ly , H u g h e s & C o . L td .
(Francis Joseph Andrews, sec.), 55
& 56 C ornm arket street. Oxford
H all F ran cis John, 1 6 C hester street,
Iffley road, Oxford
tH am b idge G eorge P. & Son, High
street, B urford
H arbud Henry, 24 H ollybush row,
St. Thom as’ , Oxford
H arper & Hearn, Post office, Goring
Heath, Reading
Harris J. k Co. G reat Milton, W al­

[Ox f o r d s h i r e .
H arris J11. W . Steeple Aston, Oxford
H arris Joshua, W heatley
Harvey Brothers & Co. 28 Cornmarket,
street, Oxford
H arvey W. E. C hadlington,Ch arlbury
Harwood C harles, C harlbury
H awtin Fredk. C.75 Sheep st.B icester
Haynes Mrs. M ary A . Clifton, Oxford
tH errin g Thom as, M arket square &
52 & 54 Sheep street, B icester
H ewett Thom as, Leafield, W itney
H ewett Thom as S. G orin g, Reading
H iggins Frank, H igh street, Burford
•H iggs M iss M .N orth S toke,W allingfd
Hiles Mrs. Florence, 208 Marlborough
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Hill Alfred Sam uel, 3 M arket place,
H illier F ran cis, Shiplake hill, R oth er­
field Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
Hobday Frank, 107 F riars street, St.
E bb e’s, Oxford
Holland Mrs. E. 4 H igh st. Tham e
Home & Colonial Stores L im ited , 26
Bell street, H enley-on-Tham es
Honour Mrs. E. Tem ple Cowley,Oxfd
Hooper G eorge B. 222 Abingdon rd.
New H inksey, Oxford
Hopkins W . B. Chinnor, W allingford
Horne Leonard J. Newland, W itney
Howell W illiam R obert, Post office,
Ewelm e, W allingford
Hudson J. 6 Bath st.St.C lem n t's.O xfd
Innes F rederick B. 90 Islip road ,Su m ­
m ertow n, Oxford
International T ea C o .’s Stores Ltd
26 H igh street, W itney
tJenkin H erbt. 67 & 68 H igh st.O xfrd
Jennings John Thom as. L ittle Milton,
W allingford
Johnston W . & Son, 1 B ridge street,
St. E bbe’s, Oxford
Johnston Leonard,C hinnor,W allingfrd
Jones W. Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford
Jones W illiam E. Aston, Bam pton
W illiam
H igh
H eadington Q uarry, Oxford
Joyce H enry, 9 B arnet street, Cowley
S t. John, Oxford
Jordan Hy. 4 St. E bbe’ s st. Oxford
Jordan J. E . L ittle M ilton .W allingfrd
Jordan Thom as W . Drayton
Leonard, W allingford
Kew L. Post office, Kingw ood.Rotherfield Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
Kibble Thos. Jn. Bletchington.Oxford
liv in g Chas. A . 7 M arket sq. Bicester
K in g H erbert, Souldern, Banbury
King W illiam . S outh Stoke, Reading
K irb y & Co. M iddle Barton, Oxford
Lander A. W .grP ercy st.Cow ley,Oxfrd
Lee A lbert Robert, 117 Reading road,
Henley-on-Tham es
Lee Onesipherous, C ray’s pond, G or­
ing H eath. Reading
Lewis M rs. Em m a, H igh street, Deddington, Oxford
Lindsay Miss J. Ipsdon, W allingford
Lovegrove Mrs. Frances, R ussell’s
W ater, H enley-on-Tham es
Lowe M rs. 'Mary Ann, 48 St. John’s
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Lyford A rth ur, Post office, Lower
Shiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
Marks W illiam , Littlem ore, Oxford
M atthew s A lbert, Launton, Bicester
M atthews Mrs. E liza, New street,
Deddington, Oxford
Maycock A lfred, 106 W alton st.O xfrd
M aycock Jam es, 46 Broad st. Banbury
Maypole D airy Co. L im ited , n High
street, Banbury
Meadows Bertram G eorge, M arket
House buildings, M arket st. Oxford
Miller A lbert, Littlem ore, Oxford
M itchell W illiam , M arket pi.Bam pton
Mobbs Geo. ia ,G a tte rid g e st.B anbury
Morgan P. & M. W indm ill road.
H ighfield, Oxford
M undv W illiam , Roke, W allingford