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DIKE T O R Y . ]
M ^ T ucy M
S e f ^ r
' ? h tc h â
are brasses to the Rev. Thom as A sh ley d i Ssi and
the Rev. Thom as Townson C hurton M .1 d ' 186 ? â both
form er r e c to r s ; also tablets to various m em bers of the
Browne fam ily, including one to Sir f\-m-rrr n
, .
O b . 1 673 ; there is a p fsd n a £ t i e t u t l ^ l l T the
the lectern
presented in
------- Iesq.
! ⢠â iis. Pâ¢
â m>»7?.
Stew art Jones
oaked and
arble *w. ithE <brass
m o u n ts: the church was effectively b ut carefu lly re Â
stored in 1870 at a cost of upwards of / i.s o o , under
the direction of the late Mr. J. W est Hum,11, of O xfordan organ cham ber was erected, and the font, which
had been resting, w ithout a base, in a pew on the
north side of the church, was repaired and set upon a
new b ase; the space beneath the tower is now utilised
as a bap .istery and v e stry : durin g the restoration the
p laster on the exterior of the east wall was removed
and the outlines of a series of Transition Norman
windows disclosed; in the church are two ancient
m etal flagons and a paten w ith foot, g iv e n -3 1 M arch,
16 2 1 , by Thom as H arvye, and ornam ented with shields
or arm s and various devices, and on the m argin the
le gen d : â
! the east wind
necessaiT "Iterations to the church :
1 E lizabeth Marc r â d erect,e d â â m em ory of C arolin e
1 hriithpr a .
n C arden, died May, 1907 , and her
1 . ut,^e i * H enry P. Garden, died Decem ber, i gi o- there
' A rn d d * â !eâ ^ â
* 'M a ry , wife of M afor-General
! â¢?â k u im e s te r G .B. in whose m em ory the church
»<« b u ilt: th
ere are ^
80 ,sittin
----1 ,
- 0. There
m e r e is a W
M ethodist chapel in the village, and a P rim itive M ethoÂ
dist chapel. T he charities a r e : â M rs. M ary Lin ton âs,
in terest to be given to the poor at E asterMr. G abriel Fu¡brook's and M r. Thom as F ulbrookâs of
¿ 5 each, the in terest to be g iv en to the poor at E aster â
and Mrs. M ary F oster's, of ¿ 20 , th e in terest to be
given aw ay at C h ris tm a s ; Mr. Thom as F ulbrook also
L 1 0 t he in terest to be given y e a r ly ; and
Mr. A n th on y B arrett bequeathed ¿ 100 , the in tere st to
be given yearly. Th e whole of these have been in Â
vested in Consols; the interest, am ounting to / 6 3 s.
yearly, is distributed by trustees appointed bv the
! f arlf h Council.
Th e prin cip al landowners are the
trustees of the late H enry W ilson esq. who are lords of
th e m anor, C ap t. A . C. B u rm ester J .P . Moses Butcher
esq and Q ueenâs C ollege, Oxford. Th e soil is clay and
The chief crops are w heat
W H A T H A V E W E T H A T W E H AV E NO T R E C E IV E D c h a lk ; subsoil, chalk.
barley, oats and turnips. The area is 2,238 acres o f
OF T H E LO RD â 16 16 .
land and 5 of w a ter; rateable value, /' 2 , 13 d ; the popuThere are 200 sittin gs. An ancient cross, fonnd in lation in 1 9 1 1 was 39 8 .
the churchyard in 1870 , now stands near the church
Parish C lerk, John Heater.
on the south s id e ; it consists of a plain stone sh aft on
an octagonal pedestal, w ith rude sculptured heads at I Post, M. 0. & T. Office, G reat Shefford.â M iss C atherine
L. l u l l , sub-postm istress. L etters arrive from Lamthe angles. The register of baptism s dates from the
bourn, B erks, at 7 .3 0 a.m . & 2.25 p .m .; dispatched
year 1 5 7 1 ; m arriages and burials from 1 5 9 9 : the
registers also record th at th e font was rem oved out of 1 at 11 a.m . & 6.25 p . m. ; sundays, 9 .15 a.m
the church and the clergym an dispossessed of his livin g j Post Office, W oodlands.â Mrs. A lm a Shuff, sub-postÂ
m istress. L etters arrive from H ungerford a t 7 .1 0
during the G reat Rebellion. Th e livin g is a rectoryâ
<fc 11 a.m . ; dispatched at 12.20 & 7 .10 p.m . ; sundays»
net yearly value ¿ 440 , w ith residence, and 100 acres
- r i v e at 7.45 a.m . ; dispatched 11.45 a.m . G reat
01 glebe (¿(75 ), in the g ift of the Principal and Fellows
is the n earest m oney order office & Woodland
of Brasenose College, Oxford, and held since 1004 by
St. M ary the nearest telegrap h office
the Rev. Thom as W illiam Hudson M .A. of th at Colleo-e
The church o f St. Stephen, Woodlands, formerlyâ a Elem entary School (m ixed), erected in 18 72 , for 111
children ; M iss Agnes S p ick ett, m istress
W esleyan chapel, was reb u ilt in 1910 at the cost of
Capt. A. C. B urm ester J.P. of Newtown L o d g e ; it conÂ
C arriers.
sists of chancel, aisle and a nave of two bays : the altar
N ew bury.â A lb ert Jam es Perris, mon. thurs. & sat *
which dates from the reign of Queen E lizabeth, was
F rederick E m blin, tues. th urs. & sat
o rigin ally in the chnrch of St. M ary : a Norm an holy
The carriers between N ew bury & Lam bourn pass
water stoup, form erly a t A vington , and an old altar
through daily
Hudson Rev. Thom as W illiam M .A.
The Rectory
K elsey F rederick, Northfield house
Simpson Frank
C O M M E R C IA L .
Brittain John, grocer
Brittain M ary Ann (M rs.), baker
Brown Jam es, farm er, Manor farm
Cripps Frederick, blacksm ith
E m blin F rederick, coal m erchant
Goswell Charles Henry, tailor
Hadlow P ercy, Swan inn
Ham blin W m . & Sons, m illers (water)
Ham blin W alter, builder
H eater John, land surveyor & assistÂ
ant overseer
Poffley John, carpenter & wheelw right
Taylor F rederick, beer retailer
T u ll Catherine L . (M iss), shopkeeper,
Post office
Woods Henry, farm er, H enley farm
L I T T L E o r E A S T S H E P F O B D is a parish on the
north-eastern bank of the riv er Lam bourn, 7 ^ m iles
north-w est from N ew bury and 5 $ north-east from
H ungerford station on the G reat W estern railw ay, in
the Southern division of the county, hundred of K in tbury-E agle, N ew bury p etty sessional division, union
and county cou rt d istrict of H ungerford, rural -deanery
of N ewbury, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of
Oxford. The Lam bourn V alley railw ay from N ewbury
to Lam bourn passes through this parish and has a
station a t G reat or W est Shefford. Th e church of the
Holy Innocents, b u ilt in 1868 -70 , at a cost of £ 1 .700 ,
chiefly at the cost of a form er rector, is a stru ctu re of
flint w ith B ath stone dressings, in the E a rly E nglish
style, and consists of la rge chancel, nave, w est porch
and a w estern turret containing one b ell: there are five
stained windows: the pulpit, lectern and other fittino-s
â¢were presented by various donors: there are 100 sitÂ
The old church, situated on the n orth-east side of
the river Lam bourn and now only used as a m ortu ary
chapel, is a perfect specim en of the L a te Perpendicular
style, having been reb uilt in the reign of H enry V III.
and was originally the p rivate chapel of the Manor
House of the .Fettiplace fa m ily : it consists of chancel,
nave and south porch and, in 1887 , was repaired and
reseated and the m onum ents clean ed: durin g the conÂ
struction of a drain round the church an in terestin g
stone coffin lid was found, and is supposed to have
Hellard W alter, P ark farm
Langford Mrs
Plunket-G reen H arry, T h e W oodlands
Davis A rth u r W illiam , farm er
H iggins Norm an, blacksm ith
Hughes F ran k, farm er
Langford R egin ald .frm r.T em p lars fm
Parsley E d v a rd , beer retailer
Shuff E d v a rd , grocer
covered th e rem ains of Prior L a v re n c e , of the m onasÂ
tery of B arnw ell, C am bridge, v h o , in 1223 , bouvh t the
advowson of L ittle Sh efford; it now lies in the nave;
the stone staircase leading to the rood loft, ligh ted
by a Norm an window, was discovered at the âsame
t i m e : within the building is an alabaster m onum ent,
w ith the figures of a m an in arm our and a lady, beÂ
lieved to represent Sir Thom as F ettip lace, of Childi-ey
and Beatrice, his w ife, widow of S ir G ilb ert Talbot,"
3 th Baron Talbot of Blakem ere E .G . : on the. north
side of the chancel is a v ery fine Purbeck m arble tomb
with brass effigies to John F ettip lace esq. ob. Oct. 1 1 .
1324 , and D orathye his wi f e; in the chancel, and
secured by a locked chain, is a helm et, or â bascinet á
baviere,â supposed to have belonged to one of the
F e ttip la c e s: the stone font is Norm an and has a round
stem , perforated to a ct as a d ra in ; the rem ains of
hinges and a staple for fasten in g the cover as required
by the constitutions of E dm und, A rchbishop of C an terÂ
b ury 1A.D. 1236 ), still re m a in ; a consecration cross is
m cised in the stone w ork of th e north pier of the
chancel arch.
The register of baptism s and m arriages dates from
the year 1 S0 3 ; burials, from 16 14 . Th e livin g is a
rectory, net yearly valuó / 210 , w ith residence and 17
acres of glebe, in the g ift of the Rev. W illo ugh b y BryanBrown M .A. of E astbourne, and held since 1907 byâ the
Rev. Richard Hovenden M urphy M .A. of C h ristâs' ColÂ
lege, C am bridge. The m anor at an early period beB^RKS.