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d ir e c t o r y .]
Ox f o r d s h i r e ;
Surveyor of H ighways, Jam es M acpherson, 45 St. M arkâs
Toad, Henley-on-Thames
Sanitary Inspector, H enry K . Baker, 31 St. M arkâs road,
H e n le y - o n - T h a m e s
at W hitelands, Pishill, H enley-on-Tham es.
M e e ts usually at the Assize Courts, Reading, no
fixed day.
H o s p ita l
â¢Chairman, T. N eighbour J.P
Clerk, Arthur Richard L loyds, Bank cham bers, 12 H art
street, H enley-on-Thames
Treasurer, John Simonds, banker, Reading
Medical Officer, John M ilnes Pooley M .R .C .^ .E n g .,
L.R.C.P.Lond. N ettlebed
H E N L E Y -U PO N -T H A M E S .
Vaccination Officers, the same as the Relieving Officers
& R egistrars of B irths & Deaths
M edical Officers & Public V accinators, G reys d istrict,
H arry L . Brownlow F .R .C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .L o n d .
S h irley,
S t.
Andrew's road,
H enley-on-Tham es;
H am bleden d istrict, Andrew Stew art W ilson M .B .,
B .S. H am bleden; Henley d istrict, Thom as Burns
Dakin M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . 66 Northfield
end, H enley-on-Tham es; N ettlebed d istrict, John
M ilnes Pooley L .R .C .P .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g . N ettleÂ
bed ; W atlington district, Thom as A yscough Hawkesworth M B ., M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . W atlington
Th e Poor L aw In stitu tion , on the W est h ill, is a quadÂ
ran g ular brick b uildin g, erected in 1790, & will hold
263 in m a te s ; there are xo acres of land adjoining
appropriated as garden g ro u n d ; F ran k W . Cave,
m aster; Rev. John G ow er W illiam s B .A . chap lain ;
Thom as Burns Dakin M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P . m edical
officer; Mrs. N. F. C ave, m atron
C hildren's Hom es, Radnor house & Belm ont house, New
street, for 15 & 12 children resp ec tiv ely; superin ten Â
dent, Mrs. N . F. C a v e ; children attend the E lem enÂ
tary schools
Cemetery, F air M ile, Badgem ore, A rth u r Richard
Lloyds, clerk to th e B urial Board, Bank cham bers, 12
Hart street; W illiam G ray, curator
County Court, held at the Town H all once in every two
months, tu e s d a v ; His Honor Jam es S cully, ju d g e ;
John Frederick Cooper, reg istrar & h igh b a iliff;
H e n le y R e g is te a tio n D is tb ic t.
office, W est street (open for business from 10 till 4, Superintendent R egistrar, A rth u r Richard Lloyds, Bank
except Saturdays, when it closes at 1 oâclock).
cham bers, 12 H art street, H en ley-on -T h am es; deputy,
The following is a lis t of places within its ju ris Â
Jas. M acpherson, 45 St. M arkâs rd. Henley-on-Tham es
diction:â Assenden Low er, Assenden M iddle, AssenRegistrars of B irth s & Deaths, H enley su b-d istrict,
den Upper, Aston, B a ttâs Green, Binfield Heath,
H erbert Foster, 1 S t. M arkâs rd. H en ley-on -T ham es;
Bix, Bowsey H ill, B urchettâs G reen, C at (T h e), Cockdeputy, J. Bowver, H enley-on-T ham es; W atlington
pole, Crocker End, Crazies Hill, Crowsley, Culham ,
A rth u r
Stone, W a tlin g to n ;
Fawley, Fawley Court, F rieth , G reyâs G reen, G reyâs
deputy, A rth u r L e tt, W atlington
Hill, Hambleden, H are H atch, Harpsden, Henley-onRegistrars of M arriages, Frederick G eorge Lee, 55 R eadÂ
Thames, Highm oor, H urley, H urley Bottom , Kiln
ing road, H enley-on-Tham es; deputy,
Green, Kingwood, Knowl H ill, Lashbrook, L ittlew ick
, H enley-on-T ham es; A rth u r Sidney
(part of), M aidensgrove, M arsh (The), M arsh Mills,
Stone, W a tlin g to n ; deputy, A rth u r L e tt, W atlington
Mayâs Green, M edm enham , M ill E nd, Moorâs End,
Nettlebed, New M ills, P ageâs Bottom , Park Corner,
Pishill, Pheasantsâ H ill, Rem enham , Rem enham Hill,
Rockall End, Rotherfield G reys, Rotherfield Peppard, A ssistan t M edical Officer to the County Education C om Â
Jam es Sussm an M .A ., M .B ., B .C .
Russellâs W ater, Shepherdâs G reen, Shiplake, Shiplake
C am b .,
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d .
Bottom, Skirm ett, Swyncom be, W argrave, W arren
Row, W itheridge H ill, Wood End
For Bankruptcy Jurisdiction this C ourt is included in Clerk to the Com m issioners of P roperty, Incom e & Land
Taxes, John F rederick Cooper, W est s t . ; assistant,
that of R ea d in g ; E. J. Saville, official r e c e iv e r;
T. Garton, assistant official receiver, Bankruptcy E rnest Jam es Macqueen, 2 W est street
Clerk to the Henley S ub-Com m ittee of Oxfordshire
buildings, Carey street, London W C
Local Pension C om m ittee, John Fredk. C ooper,W est st
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the â L aw of D istress
Amendment A c t,-â E dw ard H arry Dee, Crandem gate, C ollector of Poor & D istric t Rates & A ssistant O verseer,
C harles E . Fox. Town hall
^ Bell street & W illiam G eorge W eym an, 17 H art street
^County Police Sattion, K in g âs road, Charles L a m b o u rn ; Coroner for the Southern d istrict of th e C oun ty, John
F rederick Cooper, W est street
1 sergeant & 5 constables
Fire Brigade, M arket p lace; the brigade comprises a C ustom s & E xcise Officer, Joseph Charles Auton, Post
Office b uildin gs, 1 Reading road
captain, engineer, 2 foremen & 12 firemen, w ith one
steam engine & m otor fire escape & hose r e e l; Thom as Stew ard of the Manor of B ensington, John Frederick
Seymour, captain & hon. sec
IFree Reading Room, 8 & 10 Duke street, John Frederick V eterin ary Inspector, under the â Diseases of Anim als
A c ts ,â John Wat-kin Hopkin M .R .C .V .S . 82 Bell street
Cooper, sec
Henley R eg a tta ; offices, W est s t r e e t; John Frederick
P L A C E S O F W O RSH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
Cooper, sec. to the stewards
Henley & Hambleden R ural D istricts Isolation Hospital, St. M aryâs C h urch , H art street, Rev. Canon John F.
Fair Mile, W . Longworth W ain w righ t M .B ., B.S.
M aul M .A. rector; Rev. Arnold H andel O tw ay B .A.
Lond., M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R .C .P .L o n d . m edical officer;
& Rev. John G odfrey Cowper B .A . c u ra te s; 8 & 11
Arthur R. Lloyds, sec. ; H. Skinner, caretaker
а.m . & 3 & 6.30 p .m . ; d a ily, 8 a.m . & 6 p.m
echnical Institute, 8 & 10 Duke s t r e e t ; Frederick Iron C hurch, G ravel hill (the clerg y of S t. M aryâs
agle, technical m a s te r ; T . W . Cole, art m aster
officiating) ; service by notice
own Hall, Market place, Ernest H enry Fox, keeper
1 Holy T rin ity Church, G re y âs h ill, Rev. Rawdon Marrinify Parish H all, S ergt.-M ajo r W m . K e lly, caretaker
wood W iliis M .A. v ic a r ; Rev. John Gower W illiam s
B .A . c u ra te ; 8 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p .m .; daily,
10 a.m . to 6 p .m .; sain tsâ days, H. C . 8 a.m
Board day, tues. fortn igh tly, at n a.m . at the W orkCem etery Chapel, F air m ile (the c le rg y of St. M aryâs
house, H enley-on-Tham es.
officiating); 3.15 p .m .; Holy Communion 2nd sun.
comprises the following p la ces:â Badgemore,
in month at 8.30 a.m
Hnghtwell Baldwin, B ritw ell, C heckendon, C ux- Catholic C hurch of the Sacred H eart of Jesus, Station
? yerr& Duns den, F aw ley (B ucks), Hambleden
road, Rev. John Francis H ughes, p rie s t; 8, 9.30
Jducks), Harpsden, H enley-on-Tham es, Ipsden, K id10.45
a.m . & 6.30 p.m . ; week days, 8 a . m . ; holidays
d Medmenham (Bucks), N ettlebed, Nuffield,
of obligation, m ass 9 a.m . & benediction at 7 p.m
Penn 'rl Q?Tt(?nâ
G reys,
Rotherfield Friendsâ Meeting House, Northfield en d; 11 a.m . 2.45
kbiplake, Stonor, Swyncom be, W atlington.
б.30 p.m . ; th u rs. 7.30 p.m . in w in ter & 8 p .m . in
population of the union in 1911 was 19,587; area,
sum m er
/ ill
aCTes> rateab le value in Septem ber, 1914, B ap tist, Hope chapel. G ravel h ill; 11 a.m . & 3 p.m
B ap tist, M arket place, Rev. G eorge S. W oodeson ; 11
Chairman^' , ,T hlch ¿ r5 â757
the B ucks parishes
Board of G uardian s, T . N eighbour,
a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; th u rs. 7.30 p.m
C ongregational, R eading road, Rev. Sydney Thom as
â Clerk
l i e a r H eIlI<'>'
T u c k er; 11 a.m . & 6.30 p.m . ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Arthu.0 utb! G uardians & A ssessm ent Com m ittee,
W esleyan, Duke street (Reading C irc u it), Rev. Joseph
.Henley-onâ-Tharmeâ 0ydSâ B aâ k cham berS' 12 H art s tEnstone C row th er; 11 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; th urs.
â nJâhn Simonds, Reading
7.30 p.m
St Martâ
erf» Henley d istrict, H erbert Foster, i Salvation A rm y, V icto ria hall, 53 G reys road, C apt. S.
Irict X fk road> H enley-on-Tham es ; W atlington disFishetr; 7.30 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p .m .; tues. toÂ
â¢* - thur Sidney Stone, W atlington
wed. 8 p.m