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[ k e l l y âì
S m ythe Robert D avid, D rayton lodge IB annister O liver, Roebuck P.H
jHobley A lfred Jam es, farm er
Spendlove Rev. W illiam , R ectory
! B ird Daniel, farm er, S p rin g farm
W alker Josiah Law rence, farmer
(Bird Sam uel, farm er, Park farm
D R A Y T O N ST . L E O N A R D (near W allin gford), so
called to distinguish it from D rayton, near Banbury, is a the Dean and Chapter of C h rist Church, Oxford- n,
parish sand village, on the western bank of the Tham e, 2 roof of the nave was also cleared to the timbers th
m iles from its confluence w ith the Isis, 4^ m iles east gallery taken away and th e high pews replaced hvâ
from Culham station on the Reading and Oxford section sittin
s i M a ng
ttlA church
r»hnw)< was
U-a C re-opened 13
~ Feb.
- * °Pin
i860of the G reat W estern railw ay, 6 m iles north from W a l account of the m onum ents and arm s in this churT
lingford and 7 m iles east from Abingdon, in the chiefly of the Draytons, is found in Woodâs MS D
Southern division of the county, hundred of Dorchester, there are n o sittings besides those in the chancel- *
p etty sessional division of Bullingdon, Abingdon union are appropriated. Th e register dates from the v
and county court district, rural deanery of Cuddesdon 1568. Th e livin g is a rectory, net yearly value / « ?
and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. T he church of with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter r
S t. Leonard, a small and plain building of stone in C h rist C h urch, Oxford, and held since 1914 by the He
m ixed styles, consists of chancel, nave, a chapel on the Jam es Edward B ouverie Brine M .A. of Christ Churcl
north side, south porch and a wooden belfry over the O xford.
H ere is a W esleyan chapel.
C h aritieswestern gable, containing a fine peal of 6 bells, com Â
M ary Spyer. by w ill in 1697, le ft a rent-charge of /prising the 3 old bells, of which the tenor was sim ply yearly for apprenticing a boy or g irl of this parish
inscribed â Sancta K aterin a ora pro nobis,â and two but the parishioners do not appear to have applied for
others dated resp ectively 1603 and 1625, all of which
this ch arity since 1790; there is also a small estate'
were recast in 1884 and 3 new bells added, the inscripÂ
of the yearly value of ¿ 7 , w hich is devoted to the
tions and m edallions on the old bells being carefu lly r e Â
repairs of the church, church fence and gates of the
produced on the n e w ; the treble bell was presented by
churchyard. The righ ts of fishing in the Thame stream
S ir J. C . W illoughby hart, of Baldon, the second bell by in this parish are held by M aj. Sir John C. Willoughby
A braham Deane esq. and the third bell as a m em orial by bart. G eorge P ullen esq. and T rin ity College, Oxford
the relatives of the late H enry B etteridge esq. : the M aj. S ir J. C. W illo ugh b y b art. who is lord of the
tower was also at the same tim e strengthened, the walls m anor, the P resident and Fellows of Trinity College
covered with oak shingles and a clock in tro d u ced : the Oxford, G eorge P ullen esq. and the trustees of the
chancel is Decorated and has an east window of thjee H azeley charities are the principal landowners. The
lig h ts : in one of the north windows is a fragm ent of soil is generally fr ia b le ; subsoil, gravel. The chief
15th century glass, representing a bishop and said to be crops are w heat, barley, oats, beans and roots. The
intended for St. L e o n a rd : the E arly E n glish north area is 1,287 acres of land and 14 of w ater; rateable
chapel opens to the nave b y two unequal arch es: in 1894 value, ¿ 1 ,5 3 1 ; the population in 1911 was 184â.
two stained windows were added, one of w hich is a
Parish C lerk, W illiam Cobb.
m em orial to A braham Deane e s q .: on the south side
is a piscina, and opposite to it traces of a Decorated Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Thom as W elladvise Jordan,
sub-postm aster.
Letters th rou gh Wallingford arrive
au m bry, near which are two m utilated corbel h ea d s:
at 7 a.m . & 1.15 p .m .; dispatched at 10 a.m. & 6.35
the chancel arch is quite p la in : the nave and north and
a -m
south doorways are Norm an, and there is one window
of this date, b ut the others are eith er E a rly English E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1855, for 60 children ; Miss
M ary Andrews Steptoe, m istress
or Perpendicular, and the font is of the latter p erio d :
the church was restored in 1859, under the superin C arrie r.â Green, to O xford, wed. & sat. & Wallingford,
tendence of the late G . E . S treet esq. R .A . when the
Dixon H enry, chim ney cleaner
1Aldw orth
Ph ilip
N eville, farm er, G u y John H enrv, farm er
Brine Rev. Jam es Edw ard Bouverie| Manor house
Honey Phcebe(Miss),shpkpr.& beer ret
M .A. (rector), Rectory
A llnutt E rnest A ugustus, farmer, Hooper Jam es, Catherine Wheel P.H
Cham bers Mrs
D rayton house
Jordan Thos. Welladvise,grcr.Post off
E llis Geoffrey
i Buswell Richard Davenport, farm er,
Nicholson Mrs
T h e G range
D T T C K L I N G - T O N , w ith the chapelry of Hardwick, is is inscribed to M atthew Prior, 1718: the church has
a parish, on the river W indrush,
m iles south from been reseated w ith open benches, and affords 220 sittings.
W itney station on the Oxford and Fairford branch of the The register of baptism s dates im perfectly from the year
G reat W estern railw ay, and 12 w est from Oxford, in the 1550; m arriages, 158 1; burials, 1580; it contains one
Mid division of the county, hundred of Bam pton, p etty entry of a supra-centenarian, â old widow Knapp,â bur.
sessional division of Bam pton E ast, union and county 10th March, 1727, aged 105. A n index to the registers,
cou rt d istrict of W itney, rural deanery of W itney and from the beginning to the end of 1880, has been compiled
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of St. by the rector, and printed in the Transactions of the
Bartholom ew is an ancient and fine building of stone, in Oxfordshire Archaeological Society, 1881. The living is a
m ixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north rectory, w ith th e parochial chapelry of Hardwick
and south porches and an em battled western tower, of annexed, net yearly value ¿340 , w ith 38 acres of glebe
Transition Norman and Perpendicular work, containing and residence, in the g ift of th e President and Fellows of
a clock and 7 bells : the chancel is E arly E n glish , lighted M agdalen College, O xford, and held since 1912 by the
by five lancets w ith wide splay and one th ree-ligh t east Rev. C hristopher T ristram M .A. of Magdalen College,
window of P erpendicular date, and has good E arly Oxford.
A quarter of an acre of land was given in
English sedile, piscina and lo c k e r; the nave is divided 1877 by the late M rs. S trickland for an additional burial
from the aisles by an arcade of three bays on either ground.
H ere is a small B aptist chapel. Mrs. Ann
s id e ; the south arcade is Transition Norm an, w ith cylin  Sam m onâs ch arity for Ducklington consists of the
drical piers, and that on the north side v ery fine De interest on ¿ 10 5 u s . qd. and is distributed in bread
corated ; the north aisle has two sepulchral recesses and c o a l: L y d allsâ ch arity for Hardwick amounts to
with v ery rich Decorated can op ies; above, under the about ¿ 1 5 yea rly, derived from rents of a cottage,
cornice of the aisle, is a series of sculptured panels, with garden and allotm ents, w hich is distributed in bread
m utilated figures, representing â the S alutation ,â â the on Christm as D ay, E aster Day and W hit Sunday. Here
N ativity â and â the Annunciation,â and the tracery of are the corn m ills of M essrs. Holtom and Sons. Cap>â¢
the east window in this aisle displays â the Coronation of G u y Feilden J .P . is lord of the m a n o r a n d principal landÂ
the V irgin ; â there is also a Norm an fo n t; the reredos. owner. Th e soil and subsoil are clay and gravel- l
given by the Rev. Thom as Farley, rector from 1836 until chief crops are wheat, b arley, beans, turnips kc.
his death, 24 Feb. 1870, is of oak, carved in three panels, population in 1911 wasâ D ucklington, 422; H a J
and represents in th e centre â The L ast Supper,â on the 96 ; th e area isâ Ducklington, 1,923 acres of land an
left â C hrist before Pilate,â and on the rig h t â Th«5 of w a te r; rateable value, ¿ 2 ,5 6 6 ; Hardwick, 444 8CJ â
Scourging at th e P illa r :â in 1872 the church was reno rateable value, ¿ 5 7 3 . A detached p art of Eardwic\^
vated and restored at a cost of ¿600, and again in 1882. which there is a farm house and 2 cottages, a J
the work in the chancel being carried out at th e cost of T elford
the present re c to r: in the chancel is a m em orial to
The population of the ecclesiastical parish w
M ainwaring Hammond D.D. canon and prebendary of was 518.
1 rock
W inchester, and rector here from 1695 until h is death, Post Office, D ucklington.â M rs. E m ily Elizabeth ^
13 June, 173-1; and to Phillis his wife d. 17 16 : he was
sub-postm istress. L e tters from W itney arrive ^
one of the ejected fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford,
a.m . & 2.10 p .m .; dispatched 12.40 & 6.10 p
in the reign of James II. and the first incum bent preÂ
days only. W itn ey is the nearest money order
sented to this livin g b y that s o c ie ty ; a slab in the nave
graph office for both places