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W ycom be Union Home for Poor Law c h ild re n ; G eorge
H arold Q uint, supt. ; Mrs. E d ith Sarah Q uint, m atron ;
Miss L ilian M aud Spink, g irls’ in du strial trainer
R ailw ay Station, C harles W righton, station m aster
Bledlow B ridge H alt, G .W .R

[ k e l l y ’s

1909 by the Rev. Henry Sidn ey Brown M .A. of St.
John's C ollege, O xford. Th ere is a W esleyan Methodist
chapel, b u ilt in 1887. Th e area of the ecclesiastical
parish is 1,738 a c re s; the population in 19x1 was 385.
Sexton, Jam es B attin g.

B L E D L O W R ID G E is an ecclesiastical parish formed Post Office.— Charles W esley Rogers, sub-postm aster.
L etters throu gh W allingford,vi£ Stokenchurch, delivered
in 1868 and is 3^ m iles south from Bledlow v illag e, in
a t 7.55 a.m . & 3.25 p .m . ; Sundays 8 a .m .; dispatched
the ru ra l deanery of W ycom be. T h e ch urch of S t. Paul,
at 8.25 a.m . & 5.15 p .m . week days ; 10.15 a-m - sunconsecrated by a form er Bishop of O xford, July 13th,
days. Chinnor, 3 m iles d istan t, is the nearest money
1868, is a buildin g of flint w ith B ath stone facings, in
order & telegrap h office
the E a rly E n g lish style, and consists of chancel and
nave w ith south porch, and a w estern tu rre t contain­ W all L e tter Box, C hapel, cleared at 8 a.m . & 5.5 p .m .;
Sundays, 10.5 a.m
ing one bell, and the church contains a stained east
window erected by th e first v icar, th e Rev. John H illm er P illar L e tte r B o x e s :— Loxboro’, cleared at 8.45 a.m . &
p .m . ; sunday, 9.15 a.m . & C ity , cleared at 7.45
B .A . to th e m em ory of his w ife: th e cost of building,
a.m . & 5 p .m . ; S u n d a ys, 10 a.m
w ith purchase of site, in cludin g b urial ground and
endowm ent, am ounted to over £4,000, and was chiefly Elem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1874, & enlarged in
1898, for 100 ch ild ren ; John W illiam T urn er, m a s te r ;
defrayed b y M rs. G race, of E astbourne : there are 230
Miss Florence Keen, in fan ts’ m istress
sittin g s. Th e reg ister dates from the year 1868. The
liv in g is a vicarage, net yea rly value £ 14 5 . w ith resi­ Police- Station . A aron George
dence, in th e g ift of the Peache trustees, and held since C arrier.— C. W . Rogers, to W ycom be, fri
K n igh t W illiam , poultry farm er,W ood­ B utler M rs
tC am p b ell Morton, The W hite house
bine cottage
Boutwood A rth u r, Icknield cottage
Lester F rederick, poultry farm er, f jo s lin M rs. Loxborough house
C rnikshank E ev. John W illiam M .A.
Malpas H erbert M. R idgew ay
The V icarage
M itchell Geo. dairy frm r. Cross lanes Patton Miss M. A
R oberts G eorge. H olm lodge
N ew ell W m . blacksm ith, P erry lane Thew eneti Charles Law rence, The
S kilb eck John H enry, The L y d e cot
Old mansion
¡Pell Thos. farm er, G rove W ay farm
W righ t M rs. Rosedene
IP iggott Richard, cowkeeper
Plum ridge Jam es, woodman to the
Provost & Fellow s of Eton college,
Chinnor h ill (postal address, Chin- Avery G eorge, farm er, Beech Grove
A u stin H erbert Jam es, paper m aker
farm (letters should be addressed
(Joseph A u stin , m anager), Bledlow
nor, W allingford)
Chinnor, W allingford)
Stopps Jacob (exoTS. of), farm ers &
& N orth m ills (409)
landowners. H olly G rn .& P itch Grn Bowler A rth u r K ilb u rn , farm er,Lodge
A u stin Joseph & Son, farm ers, BrewH ill farm
Strathdee Charles, cottage farm er,
house farm
B ritnell Jonah Jam es ■
& Frederick
A ve ry Jam es W illiam (exors. of),
Pitch Green
W illiam , farm ers
coal m erchants, P itch Green
S u tterb y John, Seven S tars P.H
P .H
B razell H erbert Stratford, grocer, & Thom pson Sim eon, farm er,H olly Grn
Brooks John, m iscellaneous dealer
W ard H arry, Queen P.H
P ost office. C h urch End
B ritn ell H enry, farm er (postal ad­ W atts W illiam Edw in, poultry far­
T ree cottage
dress, Bledlow R id ge, W allingford)
m er. H olm bury
E ggleton Robert, farm er, Radnage
C um m in gs G eorge, beer retailer & W ebster Laurence G eorge, shopkpr
Bottom farm
W ebster Thom as, baker, Station road
coal m erchant. P itch Green
C um m ings W illiam , poultry farm er, W h ite M ary (M rs.), shopkpr. W est la F arrer Percy, p oultry farm er
oh isley c o tta g e s
W hite Owen, poultry farm er & egg Feasey R up ert, farm er
Feasey W illiam , farm er
D arvill E dw in Francis Corner, Old
m erchant, W est lane
T h ree Crowns P.H
W hite W alter H enry, farm er, Sand­ fK e e n A lbert, b utcher & higgler
Keen Jane (M rs.), farm er
Denton John G eorge, Red Lion P.H
p it Lane farm
F olley F rederick Jam es, farm er & Wooster Edward L e e (exors. of), Keen W illiam Robert,corn i& flour dir
farm ers
Manor L u ttm an W illiam , frm r. W igans frm
assistant o v ersee T , W est field
Morris A lfred Charles, L ig h t Dragoon
F olley John (exors. of), farm ers,
House farm
Manor farm
Rogers Charles W esley, Post office,
Gomme Charles, carpenter
& shopkeeper
Goodchild Roland, p oultry farm er, Letters should be addressed Bledlow
Ridge, W allingford, except where Seym our Abel, blacksm ith
S k ittle Green
T aylor Thom as, farm er,Pan kridge fm
otherwise indicated.
G ran g e John, farm er & landowner,
M arked t le tters through W est W y ­ W heeler Ernest, farm er
F orty G reen
G rosert Jas. Henderson, beer retailer
H eybourn F d k .W m . shopkpr. W est la Brown Rev. Henry Sidney M .A.
(vicar), T h e V icarage
K ingham W illiam , farm er, Station rd
BLETCHLEY is a parish, v illag e and railw ay station rium consists of a “ T etragram m aton ” in a triangle
1 m ile w est from Fenny Stratford, 12^ m iles east from surrounded by ch e ru b s : th e chiirch was restored by
Buckingham , 6£ south from N ew port Pagn ell and 46^ Dr. Browne W illis, in 1704, at a cost of £ 1,345, *n
from London, in th e N orthern division of th e county, accordance w ith the p revailin g taste, b ut quite out of
hundred, p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt character w ith th e style of the b u ild in g : in the chancel
district of N ew port P a rn ell, ru ra l deanery of Bletch ley, are four early sedilia, all of which, hidden b y th e restora­
archdeaconry of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. A bout tion of 1704, have since been un co vered : th e reredos is
half a m ile from th e village, b u t in th e parish of Fenny of Painsw ick and Mansfield s to n e : th e east window of
five lig h ts was filled with stained glass in 1886: the stalls
Stratford, is B letch ley station on th e London and North
W estern railw ay, bein g th e junction of the Bedford and are of carved o a k : between the chancel and the north
C am bridge and the B anbury and Oxford branches w ith the chapel is an ancient table tom b, w ith an effigy, in white
m ain line.
T h e parish com prises the township of marble, to Richard de G rey, sixth Baron G rey de W ilton,
B letch ley w ith the h am let of W ater E aton, and is who died a t W ater Hall in 1442, and was buried here, and
governed b y an Urban D istric t Council, form erly known also his son and gran dson ; the effigy was repaired and reas Fenny Stratford. The parish is supplied w ith w ater cut b y W eston the sta tu a ry,a t Dr.Browne W illis’s exp en se;
from works at Sandhouse, W oburn, Beds, belonging to suspended over th e figure is a helm et, said to have be­
th e Urban D istrict Council. Th e church of S t. Mary, longed to Lord de G r e y ; in the chapel, which is also
approached th rou gh a fine avenue of v ery ancient yews, the m ortu ary of th e fam ily of W illis, is a raised table
is an edifice of stone, m ostly in the Perpendicular style, tom b to the w ife of D r. Browne W illis, who died at
the oldest portions, however, b ein g of th e late Norman W haddon H all in 1724, and in th e chancel are tw o large
p e r io d ; it consists of a la rg e chancel w ith north aisle, m arble m em orial tab lets to the parents of D r. W illis ;
form in g a chantiw of the G rey de W ilton fam ily, and in th e north w all of the chancel is a v ery curious
clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, south porch, and brass w ith effigy to Thom as Sparke D .D. a form er
a fine em battled w estern tower containing a clock and rector, who died in 1616; there is also an incised slab
8 bells, one of w hich was recast in 1868, and in 1893 to the Rev. E . Taylor, 1693 : th e church was restored in
the entire p eal underw ent renovation at a tota l cost 1867-8 under the direction of W . W hite esq. F .S .A . of
of £ 12 5 , th e tenor bell, w eighing 18 cwt. being r e c a s t : London, th e windows and doorway of the chancel, which
a p a rt of th e ceding of th e chancel, w hich is in tw elve had been m odernized and m isplaced, being reset, some
com partm ents, is painted and ornam ented w ith por­ few rem ains of ancient glass preserved, th e body of the
traits of the A postles ; th e rem ainder over the sacra- church fitted w ith oak seats, and th e tower pinnacles,