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[ k e l l v âs
M artin F red Thom as, frm r. Ryne hill Powell E ben r.C h u rch ill grads Stevens Richard Tom es, postmast
grocer & draper
Rose Urban & Son ,farm ers,H eath fm
Peachey W illiam H. h au lier
Pearce Alfred H y. m arine store dealer Sherborne A lb ert, carpenter
Trew eeke W m .A lfd. frmr.Mount frm
& carrier
Widdows Chas. beer ret. & shopkeepr
C L A N F I E L D is a parish and village bounded on the <d e a t h : the church was thoroughly restored in 1870, a .
south by the riv er Isis, w hich divides B ucks from affords 221 sittin gs. The reg ister dates from about th
Berkshire, 2 m iles south-east from A lvescot station on year 1633; th e early portion, however, is onlv
the Oxford and Fairford branch of th e G reat W estern im perfect fragm en t. The livin g is a vicarage' J!
railw ay, 2 w est-by-south from Bam pton, 8 south-w est yearly value ^150, w ith 23 acres of glebe and residence
from W itn ey and 4 north from Faringdon, in the Mid in the g ift of C h rist Church, Oxon, and held since l0J
division of the county, hundred of B am pton, p etty Rv
«» Rev.
R»'» W iiiin
w Tirvont.
\ f .A.
A nf
by *R
B ryan t M
of nsro*»,.
Exeter n.,,
sessional division of B am pton W est, union of W itney, Oxford. Th e P rim itive M ethodist chapel was built
county cou rt d is tric t of Faringdon, rural deanery of 1844, and there is also a W esleyan chapel. There are
W itney and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The two charities, W ilm o ttâs and C larkeâs, which are now
church of S t. Stephen is an ancient edifice of stone, am algam ated, and am ount in all to £ 5 15s. 6d. yearly
chiefly in the T ran sition al and E a rly E n glish styles, Under th e w ill of M rs. A m elia C arter, an Institute
consisting of chancel w ith north aisle, nave of three has been provided and is m aintained, and a sum of
bays, north aisle, south porch and an em battled western ,£15 per annum from th e same source is expended by
tower of the Decorated period, surm ounted by p in the vicar and churchwardens in providing coal for the
nacles and containing 8 bells, five of w hich date from poor. T h e m anorial rig h ts are extin ct. The Dean and
the 16th cent, the other three having been added in 1905, C h ap ter of C h rist C h urch , Oxford, are the chief landÂ
when the tow er was restored, and of these the treble owners. The soil is p rin cip ally red gravel; subsoil
bell was the g ift of M r. and Mrs. L. R. K napp : a new gravel. T h e ch ief crops are th e u sual cereals. The
organ was provided in 1910 at a cost of .£272: the area is 1,788 acres of land and 10 of w ater; rateable
chancel and chancel arch are E a rly E nglish ; the former value, ,£2,589; the population in 1911 was 535.
retains a piscina of that date, and three graduated
P a rish C le rk and Sexton, W illiam Farm er.
sedilia form ed in the sill of a w in d o w : in 1906 an oak
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office (L etters should have Oxon added).
reredos and choir stalls were erected to the m em ory of
â W illiam T. C lare, sub-postm aster. Deliveries comÂ
Mrs. A m elia C a r t e r : in 1909 a stained glass east window
m ence a t 6 a.m . & 1 p .m .; Sundays, 6 a.m.; disÂ
was g iv en b y the R ev. W . H. T . N . Rainey, vicar 1905patched at 10.35 a,m - & 8.10 p .m . ; Sundays, 8.10 p.m
8: the arcade between the n orth aisle and th e nave is
N orm an, and the south doorway is of sim ilar c h a ra c te r: E lem en tary School (m ixed), reb uilt in 1873 & enlarged
1910, for 105 ch ild ren ; Robert Clears Lucas, master
the font is octagonal and p a n e lle d : on the tow er is a
figure of St. Stephen w ith a book in one hand and C arriers.â W ilkin s, from Bam pton, passes through to
Faringdon, on tues
stones in the other, sym bolic of his testim ony and
Brunsdon F rederick, job b in g gardener
Clack W alter, horse collar m aker
Clanfield C ricket C lu b (R ich ard H ill,
hon. sec)
Clare Cornelius, farm er, L it. Clanfield
Clare Troilus, farm er
C la r e
W a lt e r , grocer,
draper & hardware dealer & offal
m erchant
C la re W illiam T uckw ell, traction &
th resh in g m achine owner, Post off
C lark & Co. grocers & drapers
Farm er F rederick W illiam , builder
A ustin Thom as, farm er, Y ew T ree ho Hicks W alter L u er, blacksm ith
In stitute (E .Thorne, clerk to trustees)
Barnet C harles. P lou gh P.H
Beckinsale Ann (M rs.), baker
A rkell Thom as, S ou th lawn
B rya n t Rev. W illiam M .A . (vicar),
V icarage
F au lks Henry, Prospect house
G ille tt E dw ard, Th e Firs
G ould A . P. The Grange
Knapp H ubert L . Th e Manor
K napp LeonardRandolph,W estfield ho
Knapp Thom as E dw ard, Foundry ho
C L A T T E R C O T T , or C lattercote, form erly extraparochial, is now a parish, 2 m iles north from Cropredy
station, on th e direct m ain line of th e G reat W estern
railw a y from London to B irm in gham , and about 6 m iles
north from B anbury, in th e N orthern division of the
county, hundred, union and county cou rt d is tric t of
B anbury and B anbury and B loxham p etty sessional
division, on the borders of N ortham ptonshire and
W a rw ick sh ire; it contains b ut one ancient and extensive
dw elling-house, now a farm house and incorporating
portions of a G ilb ertine priory, founded in th e reign
of K in g John, and dedicated to S t. L e o n a rd : in
the eastern w in g is a passage w ith a stairw ay
leading to a vaulted and groined cham ber, and
west of this a series of c e lla r s : eastw ard is a room
with blocked pointed arches incorporated in the w a lls :
& Co. patentees
(sp eciality, â M on arch â corn & seed
drill) & m anufacturers of agriculÂ
tu ra l im plem ents & agents, Thames
V alley iron works
Lucas Robert Clears, schoolmaster i
assistant overseer
M ajor H arry, boot repairer
M ills A lb t. p ig dealer, Little Clanfield
Neville Frederick, farm er
Poole Jam es, shopkeeper
(M rs.), Masons'
A rm s P.H
W alker H arry, farmr. High House frm
W allis A lb ert V. farmer,Chestlion im
W hite Ernest, farm er, Northcourt
Widdowson A lbert, farmer, Bushy ins
there are also several doorways, and a dove cote.
W illiam C orn w allis C artw rig h t esq. is lord of the
m anor and sole landowner. Th e soil is partly heary
and p artly li g h t ; subsoil, red stone and clay. The
chief crops are th e u sual cereals, w ith some amount of
p asture. The area is 325 acres of land and 13 of water;
rateable value, £^1,235; th e population in 1911 was 5.
T h is parish is reputed to be extra-parochial for
ecclesiastical purposes.
L etters from B an bury arrive at 9 a.m . The nearest
m oney order & telegraph office is at Famborougo
(W arw .), about 2 m iles distant
N earest post office is a t C la y d o n ; cleared at 4.45 P-®
on week days only
Th e children of this parish attend the school at Claydon
Taylor W illiam , farm er
C L A Y D O N is a parish constituted o u t of th e parish
of C ropredy in 1851, and is situated on the borders of
W arw ickshire and N o rth am p to n sh ire; it is 3 m iles
n orth from C ropredy station, on th e direct Birm ingham
line of the G re a t W estern railw ay, 6£ north from
B anbury and 29 north from O xford, in the Northern
division of the county, B anbury and B loxham petty
sessional division, hundred, union and cou n ty court
d istrict of B anbury, rural deanery of D eddington and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e Oxford and
B irm ingham canal (1769-90) passes through.
church of S t. Jam es the G reat is an ancient and
curiously b u ilt edifice of stone, in the Norm an and
E aH y E nglish styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north
aisle, w idening into an eastern chapel, south porch and
a w estern tow er w ith saddle-back roof, containing 3
b e lls : an arcade of three Norm an arches divides the
nave and aisle, and the capitals of two of the piers
show th a t the m ouldings were cut before the figuring
was c a rv e d : the reredos is of coloured alabaster and
the eedilia of Caen sto n e ; and there is a piscina on the
north s id e: three of the chancel windows are stained
in 1904 an ancient clock of the 17th century was disÂ
covered in th e b elfry, and after having been rePairej|
has been set up, and now strikes the h ou rs: the charm
was thoroughly restored in i860, and affords 100 S1,
t in g s : th e churchyard has been considerably emarg
b y the addition of land given by the Rev. Ge°rf
W illiam Palm er, vicar 1864-91. Th e register dates fw
the yea r 1569. Th e liv in g is a vicarage, net yea*,
value £ 170, in cludin g 58 acres of glebe and reside
erected in 1867, in th e g ift of the Bishop of
and held since 1911 b y the Rev. A lbany Charles H°giF:
B .A. of T rin ity College, Cam bridge. Here is a j
P rim itive M ethodist chapel. The poorâs land r rn
about ^ io yearly, w hich is distributed to the p°® .
fuel. Freckletonâs ch arity of about £ 1 2 I2®
- ? '
and C alcottâs, of £ 2 6s. are given to the school c"? 3|j
for â good conduct, regu larity, and proficiency.
H erbert Holbech esq. Mr. W illiam James La®
Messrs. Fox and Fow ler and Mr. Josiah Nicn°
th e principal landowners. The soil is principally