Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915. Preface
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Image Details
Title | Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915. Preface |
Date | 1915 |
Page number | Preface |
Publisher | High Holborn, London : Kelly & Co. Ltd. |
Description | Directory |
Horizon Number: | 585294 |
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Proprietors trust that thisâthe ninthâEdition of Kellys Directory
of the Counties of B e r k s h i r e , B u c k i n g h a m s h i r e a n d O x f o r d s h i r e may
be found equal in accuracy to the previous issues.
The Book still continues in some measure to be a gazetteer, as a
topographical account of every Town, Parish, Village and Township, and
descriptions of the principal buildings and objects of interest, will be found
in its pages.
Full information is given as to the County Councils ; the Hundreds,
Unions andCounty Court Districts ; the Cathedral and
Churches, with
the value of the Livings and the names of the Patrons and Incumbents ; the
chief Landowners, with details as to the Principal Seats in the Counties ;
the Hospitals and Charities, whether general or local; the Acreage, Soils
and Crops ;
the Markets and Fairs ; the means ofConveyance by
Railway, etc., etc.
For obvious and patriotic reasons all military information has been
omitted from this edition of the Directory.
The Maps* of the Counties are included,
The Proprietors have again to return their thanks to those Clergymen,
Magistratesâ Clerks, Registrars and other Gentlemen who have assisted their
Agents while collecting the information for the present Edition.
E82, 1 8 3 &
184, H ig h H o lb o r n , L o n d o n
W .C .
A p r ily 1915.
* The County Maps are sold separately at One Shilling.
B E R K S .. B U C K S . &