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[ k e l l y âs
Bryant Charles, insurance agent & Plackett Bichard Augustus, carrier & Norris The Misses
assistant overseer for Adderburv & coal merchant
Pratt Miss
Russell Thomas, farmer, Fleet farm
Wells Miss
Butler James Henry, beer retailer Slade Joseph, house decorator & slater Wise Mrs
Castle Edward, hardware dealer
Stanton George, coal dealer
Churn Charles, Plough P.H
|Sumner George, Coach & Horses P.H Badby Alfred, Dog & Partridge P.fl
Cochrane & Co. (Woodside) Limited, ;fTaylor William Henry A.R.C.O., Bason William, carrier
ironstone quarry owners
A.L.C.M. St. Clare, Twyford grdns Bennett William, farmer
Dale William, house decorator
Townsend William, stone mason
Bray Harold, shopkeeper
Fletcher Laura (Mrs.). shopkeeper Twynham William H. Bed Lion P.H Coleman Joseph, blacksmith
Fletcher Colman William, farmer, j United District Gas Co. (The) (Wm. Gander Henry A.R.S.I. surveyor &
Nell Bridge farm
H. Parkes, manager)
sanitary inspector to the Banbury
Gardner Richard Spencer, farmer
Walford Thomas Henry, farmer
Rural District Council, North
Hone Jason, farmer
Wallin John Henry, miller (steam)
Bank house
tJohnson Harold A. florist, i Twy fWalton Wilfred, boot repairer, Twy Gardner George, shoe maker
ford gardens
ford gardens
Gibbs George Henry, farmer
Jones Tom, farmer, Sydenham
Ward Frederick, grocer
Hone Kate (Mrs.), White Hart P.H
Keyte Charles, blacksmith, Post office Wilton Charles, Wheatsheaf P.H
Humphris Geo. carpenter & undertkr
Kearsey Robert, Red Lion hotel
Stilgoe Hugh William, farmer, The
Lander John Henry, boot repairer
â¢fLane Sarah Ellen ( M t s . ) , refreshÂ
Walton John, jun. builder
ment rooms, Twyford gardens
Aggis Thomas
Wyatt George, beer Tetailer
Luckett Ambrose, boot maker
Blunt Miss, Adderbury manox
Meikle Robert William L.R.C.P. & S. Boscott Alfred
Page John E
Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. surgeon & Bradford Misses, St. Amands
medical officer & public vaccinator, Butler William Thomas
Risley Misses, Manor house
Bloxham district, Banbury union, Gander Henry A.R.S.I.NorthBank ho Butler Henry, farmer
medical officer to Adderbury dis Gibney Patrick Augustus, Hill head Mawle William, Black Boy P.H
pensary, Hill house
Hacon Miss
Turner Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmeT
Mobley & Co. bakers
Hone John
Tustian Justin Hy. fa r m T . M a n o r iui
Pike Sidnev T. farmer
Lovell Mrs
Wilcock William, farmeT
Norris George H. Cross hill
A D W E L L is a village and parish, 3 miles north-west joint net yearly value ^230, with residence, in the gift
from Aston Rowant station, on the Princes Risborough of William John Birch-Reynardson esq. J.P. and held
and Watlington branch of the Great Western railway, since 1900 by theRev. Richard Talbot Espinasse M.A.
4 north-east from Watlington and 4$ south from Thame, of Brasenose College, Oxford, who resides at South
in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Weston. Adwell House, the seat of William John
Lewknor, petty sessional division of Watlington, union Birch-Reynardson esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor
and county court district of Thame, rural deanery of and sole landowner, stands close to the church and is
Aston and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The surrounded by handsome pleasure grounds. The soilis
church of St. Mary is a building of flint, with stone clay; subsoil, rag. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
dressings, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel and beans and barley. The area is 434 acres; assessable
nave, south porch and a western turret with spire con value, ^483; the population in 1911 was 45 in the
taining 2 bells: the doorway is Transition Norman, and civil parish and 126 in the ecclesiastical parish.
the windows in the Transitional style from Early English Sexton, Richard Brown.
to Decorated : in the nave wall is the effigy of a knight
in chain mail carrying a heart in his hand : there are Letters through Tetsworth, Oxon, which is the nearest
three stained windows, and several marble tablets to money order & telegraph office, arrive at 6.45 a.m. k
the Webb and Newell families, as well as a brass to 12.30 p.m
the late Henry Birch-Beynardson esq. d. 5 Feb. 1884: Nearest Wall Letter Box at Postcombe, c le a re d at 3.10
the church was completely restored in 1865, and affords a.m. & 7 p.m.; S u n d a ys, 7 p.m
no sittings. The register dates from the year 1539- The c h ild re n of t h is village attend the Bfthooli at
The living is a rectory, with South Weston annexed, Lewknor & Tetsworth
Birch-Beynardson William Jn. B.A., Cooley George, head gamekeeper to Railton William W. farmer, Advrell
W. J. Birch-Reynardson esq. B.A., farm (postal address, Postcombe,
J.P. Adwell house
Broadbent Harry, head gardener to J.P
W. J. Birch-Revnardson esq. B.A., Godwin Albert, farm bailiff to W. J.
Birch-Reynardson esq. B.A., J.P
s 668 acres of land and 6
A L B T J R Y is a parish, separated from Bucks by the farming; the area of Albury i
river Thame and on the main road from Thame to of water, and Tiddington 422 acres ; rateable value, AlÂ
Oxford, a quarter of a mile east from Tiddington sta bury, ^1,089; Tiddington, _£8oo; the population in
tion in this parish, on the Oxford and High Wycombe 1911 wasâ Albury, 27; Tiddington, 1 5 6 ; these two
section of the Great Western railway, 4 mileswest from populations comprise the ecclesiastical parish.
Thame and 9 east from Oxford, in the Southern division
of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of TIDDINGTON is a hamlet of this parish with a
Bullingdon, union and county court district of Thame, station on the Maidenhead, Wycombe and Oxford secrural deanery of Cuddesdon and diocese and arch tion of the Great Western railway. Tiddington House
deaconry of Oxford. The church of St. Helen is a is the seat of George William Bennett esq.
Sexton, Henry Goodson.
building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, erected
from designs by the late Mr. Thomas Rickman, archi Post Office, Tiddington.â Richard Ward, sub-postmaster.
tect, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a Letters through Wheatley, Oxon, arrive at 8.10 a.mbell-cote containing 2 bells: the ancient font, a Nor & 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.;
man work of irregular cylindrical form, is curiously S u n d a y s , arrive at 8.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 9.45 a-ID'
carved: a vestry was added in 1892, and the interior of Great Milton, 2J miles distant, is the nearest money
the church has been restored at a cost of £ 500: there
order & telegraph office
are 164 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653 Wall Letter Box, at the Four Cross roads, cleared at
and relates to Holton and Waterperry as well as Albury.
8.10 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; Sundays, 7.30 a.m
The living is a rectory, net yearly value ^160, with resi Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873 by thevolunÂ
dence and 25 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Hon.
tary contributions of the ratepayers, for 40 children,
0 . W. Craven, and held since 1911 by the Rev. Robert average
attendance, 31; Miss Eva Eyre, mistress.
Walter Carew Hunt M.A. of Merton College, Oxford.
C. J. Loseby, assistant mistress
The Earl of Abingdon is lord of the manor. The soilis
clay; subsoil, gravel. The crops are wheat, oats, barley Railway Station, Tiddington, John Owen L a w r e n c e ,
and beans; the great portion is in pasture for dairy station master
tBull Arthur, farmer & aisi»«»'
(Marked thus t should be addressed Bennett Geo. William, Tiddington ho overseer, Brimpton farm
Bull Robert, farmer, Walters farm
Great Milton, Wallingford.)
Paine Thomas S. Jessamine cottage Clark
William, market gardener
Bryer Thomas, farmer
Way Miss, Rose cottage
Ilberv George, carpenter to Sir rr
Hunt Rev. Robert Walter Carew
e P.C., G.C.B
M.A. (vicar)
Brownsill David, farmer, Manor farm
Regnart Horace G