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Sing Percival E rnest, 6 M anor place, Leach M iss, 22 K in gston rd. S t.G iles Lisem ore E rn est, 101 South field road, <
L earm an Gowland, 133 D ivin ity rd.
Cow ley S t. John
Lisem ore M iss, 15 M in ster road, S t.
C ow ley road
Singerlee Charles, 118 Banbury road
Kingerlee H enry Stephen, 102 Wood- Lediard M iss, 67 Iffley road
C lem ent’s
Lee A rthur, 14 T hom cliffe road, S u m ­ L ittleh ales Rev. A lfred M organ M .A.
stock road, St. G iles’
(curate of S t. M ichael & A ll
m ertown
Kingman G eorge, 68 A rg y le street,
A n gels), Beech lawn, Hernes road,
Lee M iss, 77 B anbury road
Chester street
S um m ertow n
Kingston H enry, 16 Stanley road, Lee M iss, 3 C halfon t road, St. G iles’
Lee Thom as W illiam , 151 D ivin ity L ittleton A u gu stu s W. 38 S t. Mar- .
Cowley S t. John
g a re t’s road, S t. G iles’
road, C ow ley road
K irby-Sm ith H erbert, 11 H ernes rd.
Leech Joseph, 200 Cowley road
Summ ertown
L ivesey M rs. 9 N orthm oor road •
Kirk Rev. K enneth E scott M .A. Leeds E. T h urlow (assistant keeper Livin gston e Richard W inn M .A .(v iceof the A shm olean A n tiq u ariu m ),
president, assistan t tu to r, lectu rer
(tutor), Keble college
& librarian ,C orp u s C h risti college),
Kirkaldy M iss, 35 H olywell st. Oxford
Beaum ont street
2 G rove place, H ig h street
Kirkby D ouglas, 38 W arw ick street
Leete H enry Baird M .A .6B ardw ell rd
Xirkby E dw ard, 96 K ingston road, L e g g J. W ickh am M .D., F .S .A . 4 Llew ellyn-D avies M rs. 29 Polstead
T oad, S t. G iles'
S t. M arg aret’s road
St. G iles’
Kirtland Henry, 33 Aston street, L e g g Leopold G eorge W ickham B.A. Lloyd Rev. W illiam W ellesley Gordon
(fellow , tu to r & dean), N ew college
M .A. (vicar of S t. John the E va n ­
Cowley St. John
gelist, New H in ksey), T h e V ica r­
Knapp Rev. C harles D.D. (junior L egge M iss, 2 G rove street
age, C h urch street. New H inksey
chaplain M erton college ),229 Wood- L eigh M rs H. D. 12 Moreton road.
Loader Thom as M. 255 Iffley road
stock road, S um m ertow n
Sum m ertow n
Knibbs E rnest H arry, 23 Thorncliffe Le M esurier Col. Frederick A ugustus Lock R ev. W alter D .D. (warden of
R .E ., C .B ., L L .B . 31 S t. M argaret’s
Keble college & Ireland prof. of
road, Sum m ertown
exegesis), Parks road, S t. G iles’
road, S t. G iles’
Knibbs M rs.93 K ingston rd. S t.G iles'
H erbert M on tague,124 D ivin ity
Knibbs W alter Geo. 79 Abingdon rd L en ton -P ullin g Mrs. 21 S t.M a rg are t’s
Knight Mrs. 81 A bingdon rd.G randpnt
road, C ow ley road
road, S t. GHes’
H erbert,
H eim at, L e ster-S m ith W illiam , 68 Lonsdale Lodge M iss (vice-p rincip al & tu to r),
L ad y M arg aret h all, 21 N orham
Hamilton road, Sum m ertow n
road, Sum m ertow n
Leudesdorf C harles M .A. (reg istra r of
Knott Mrs. 28 Walton W ell road
the U niversity & v ice-geren t of L o ftin g A rth u r A u g u stin , 26 H ill Top
Knowles V ice-A dm iral S ir Charles
road, S t. C lem en t’s
George F. bart. 3 Moreton road,
Pem broke college), 8 B ard w ell road
L ever M iss, 146 W alton street
Lom as John. 52 Aston street, C o w ­
ley St. John
Knowles Edward J. E. 338 Banbury L e vet Miss A. E lizabeth (tu to r in
road, Sum m ertown
h istory), St. H ild a’s hall, C ow ley pi L o m ax Mrs. 50 C orn m arket street
Knowles Miss, 60 H ill Top road, St. Lewendon C harles, 118 Southfield rd. London Mrs. 15 Iffley road
Long Rev. F rederick Percy M .A. r2
C ow ley S t. John
L a th b u ry road
Knowles Mrs. 73 B anbury road
Lowendon R ich ard, 120 Southfield rd.
Long Richard Charles A .M .I.C .E , 21
Knox Capt. Howard V icente M .A. 3
Cow ley St. John
Crick road
Fairacres road, Iffley road
Lew is Edm ond B. 228 Iffley road
Knox Ronald A rbuthnott M .A.(fellow Lewis Henry, 125 W oodstock rd. St. Longm an M rs. 55 Fairacres road,
& lecturer), T rin ity college
Iffley road
G iles’
Krebs Heinrich M .A ., Ph.D . (libra­ Lew is John Thom as, 94 Woodstock Looker M iss, 19 M inster road, S t.
rian. Taylorian Institution), St.
C lem en t’s
road, S t. G iles’
Giles’ street
Loosley Thom as, 295 Iffley road
Lew is Mrs. 351 C ow ley road
Kvd David, 41 C halfont rd. St. G iles’ Lewis Mrs. Manor house,North street. Lorenz M iss, 1 W alton crescent, St
Thom as'
Laithwaite John G ilbert, 8 Chalfont
Toad, St. G iles’
Lewis Mrs. 13 Rawlinson rd. S t.G iles Lo rim er M iss (tu to r), Som erville co l­
Laitt W alter, 44 F airacres road, Lew is Mrs. S. 2 C an terb u ry road,
lege, WoodstQck road, S t. G iles’
Iffley road
Love A ugustus E . H ., M .A ., D .Sc.
St. G iles’
Lakin Thomas, 26 Stanley rd. Cowley Lew is Russell, 7 L a th b u ry road
(Sedleian professor of natural p h il­
St. John
osophy), 34 S t. M argaret’s road, St.
Lewis Th os.H y.p Staverton rd .S t.G ile s ’
Lamb Miss G. 3 Bevington road. St. Lewis W ilfrid Jam es, 52 Oakthorpe
G iles’
road, Sum m ertown
L ovell Rev. G eorge F ran cis B.D 22
Lamb Mrs. 8 Bevington rd. St.G iles’ Lew is W illiam Henry, 9 Frenchav rd.
■Staverton road. S t. G ile s’
Lamberd Thom as, 81 W oodstock rd.
Lowe A lfred, 76 A rg yle st. C h ester st
St. G iles’
St. Giles’
Lewis W illiam Jam es M .A . (fellow ), Lowe Ph ilip Jam es, 83 Southfield rd
Lambert A rchibald G eorge Henry, 16
O riel college, O riel street
C ow ley St. John
Farndon Toad, St. G iles’
L e y Henry G eorge M .A ., B.M us Lu cas A rth u r C harles, 29 W estern
Lambourn Mrs. 25 Beaum ont street
road, G randpont
(organist C h rist C h urch C ath e­
Lambourn Mrs. 291 C ow ley road
d ral), C h rist C h urch , S t.A ld a te's st Lu cas John B u tler, 66 B otley road
Lambourne H erbert A rthur, 50a, Bui- L eys K erreth K in g M unsie M .A Lu cas Mrs. 37 Leckford rd. St. G iles’
lingdon road, C owley S t. John
(praelect-or in m odern history & Lucas Thom as, i i 3 W oodstock road.
W illiam
H owell,
ju n io r dean). U n iversity college
Sum m ertow n
Southmoor road, S t. G iles’
Liddell Francis John, 65 Bullingdon Lucas T hom as W ells, 9 B otley road
Landsdowne C ecil, 51 B ullingdon rd
road, C ow ley S t. John
L u c k ett M iss, 78 Harpes road, S u m ­
Cowley St. John
Liddell H enry Andrew M .A. Bedwyn,
m ertow n
Lane John Robert, 189 Iffley road
V icto ria Toad, Sum m ertow n
L u cy Mrs. 107 W oodstock rd .S t.G ile s ’
Lane Seymour, 16 H am ilton road. Lieberm ann W illiam Jam es, 8 O ak­ Lu dlow A lb ert, 17 C orn m arket street
thorpe road, Sum m ertow n
Lu dlow F rederick, 5 W alton street
W h a m Maurice, 20 Hill Top road, L ig h tfo o t H enry le Blanc M .A. (b u r­ Ludlow W illiam , 282 Iffley road
St. Clement’s
sar of Corpus C h risti college), 4 L u k er John, 7 Iffley road
Langham Maurice, 27 Leckford road,
Rawlinson road, St. G iles’
Lu n g ley Jam es B .A . 11 N orham road
bt. Giles’
Lightfoot M iss, 17 S t. G iles’ street
L u n g ley M rs. ir N orham road
t« h a m Laurence. 22 Portland road. L illey G eorge H erbert M .D. 29 C h a l­ Lunn Bishope. 84 S t. John’s road,
font road, St. G iles’
St. G iles’
Latham Rev. Philip Gordon M.A. L illin gston W illiam , 171 Woodstock Lunn Colin, 167 B an b ury rd .S u m m e r­
'assistant curate of Littlem ore),
road, St. G iles’
2ti Iffley road
L in der W illiam , 9 P arker street
L u sk Rev. D avid C olville M .A. (ch a p ­
^ey Robert Tabor M .A ., B .Sc. 243 L indsay
A lexander
M .A.
lain to P resbyterian m em bers of
r n1 0(? , ock road, Sum m ertow n
(classical tuto r & Jow ett lecturer
th e u n iv ersity), 15 T u rl street
Uunchbury Frank, 54 W estern m ad,
in philosophy, Balliol college), 2 Lydiard M iss, iq Chalfonfc rd .S t.G iles'
Fyfield road
Lynam A lfred E dm un d M .A .r C harl^aurie Arthur Henry, 54 W arw ick st Lindsay J n . n South par.Sum m ertw n
bury road
^w.rance Rev- W illiam
M .A. 180 L in d sey W illiam D ouglas, W hite ho. Lynam Charles C otterell M .A . B a rd ­
r lrini^F road, C ow ley road
V ictoria road, Surnm ertown
well road
J dftrenCe •^ 'ward G w vnne, 48 A bing­ L in n ell W illiam Howes, 31 Portland Lynam Robert G arn er M .A ., M .B. 32
don road
road, Sum m ertown
H olyw ell street
3^re^ e^ om as R.2 Polstead road, Linton Mrs. 37 St. M argaret’» road, L y s Rev. Francis John M .A . (bursar,
St. G iles’
tu to r & chaplain of W orcester co l­
U vV p
-^ston st. C ow ley St.John Lisem ore A rth u r, 19 Southm oor rd.
lege), W orcester cottage, W alton st
nest Francis, 228 Abingdon rd
S t. G iles’