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D IR E 'T O R Y .]
bart. of Sonning, his son, ob. Oct. 15, 1667: in the
wall by the vestry door are two curious tablets, dated
resp ectively 1533 and 1605 :
the vestry, north of the
chancel, is a m ural inscription to Robert W righ t
S .T .P .O xon and oth ers; and below to Robert (1533)
and Agnes (1579), probably children, w ith a shield of
arm s : on the floor of the nave are brasses to Laurence
F yton esq. bailiff of Sonning, 1434; W illiam Barker,
steward of the lordship of Sonning, 1549, and Anne his
wife ; W illiam Barker esq. 1575, and Anne (Stoughton)
liis wife ; Anne (B arker), wife of "William Staverton , of
O akingham , gent. 1589; and E lizabeth, dau gh ter of
S ir G eorge and Dame Ann C hute, 1627: in the north
aisle is a fine tomb to Anna, w ife of S ir John C larke
bart. of Salford, W arwick, 1654: and there are also
m em orials to W illiam (S cott), first and only Baron
Stow ell, who died Jan. 28, 1836; to Viscount Sidm outh
and to E. G olding esq. : there are m em orial windows to
H ugh Henry and Caroline Pearson, and one, inserted in
1893, to W illiam G regory, a form er o rgan ist: the font is
of Caen stone w ith a lo fty canopy of o a k : in a niche
over the door of the north porch is a figure of St.
A ndrew , the patron s a in t : the church was com pletely
restored in 1853, and further restorations were effected
during the period 1879-90, at a cost of ¿ 9 0 0 : there are
800 sittings. The register dates from the year 1592. The
liv in g is a rectory, net incom e ¿ 5 6 1 , includin g 3 acres
of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of the Bishop of
O xford, and held since 1907 by the Rev. G ibbs Payne j
C raw furd M .A. of Corpus C h risti College, Oxford. Here !
is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1807, w ith sittings
for 170 persons. There are charities fo r apprenticing,
cloth in g and church purposes. D u rin g the sum m er
m onths the place is m uch frequented by tou rists and
anglers. Near the village of Sonning is H olm e P ark,
the residence of Frank C ory Y eo esq. ; the house is
well situated on an em inence com m anding a fine view
of the valley of the T h am es : the park and grounds are
extensive. The area of Sonning town only is 1,205 acres
of land and 42 of w a ter; rateable value, ¿6 ,9 0 8 ; the
population in 1911 was 418 in the civil parish and 650
in the ecclesiastical parish, of which 147 were in Oxon.
E arley and Woodley are ecclesiastical parishes and will
be found under separate headings.
p arish C lerk, E lijah South.
Post, M. 0 . & T. & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.
â Miss M ary Anne Henwood, sub-postm istress. Letters
arrive from Reading at 7.10 a.m . & 12.15 & 4.15 p.m . ;
dispatched at 10.20 a.m . & 2.20 & 7 p .m . Sundays,
arrive at 7.10 a.m . ; dispatched at 12.30 & 7.30
Wall L etter Box, near .the ch urch , cleared at 10.20 a.m .
& 2.20 & 7.5 p .m ; sundays, 12.35 & 7 -3 ° P-rn
E lem en tary Schools.
Endowed, erected, w ith m asterâs residence, in 1859, for
80 boys, by the late Robert Palm er esq. of Holme
Park & his fam ily, by subscriptions & an endowm ent
left b y Sir Thom as R ic h ; Fredk. W m . H arries,m aster
G irlsâ A In fan tsâ, b u ilt in 1835, for 80 children ; Miss
K . C onnelly, m istress
County Constabulary, A lb ert John W eal, constable
(M arked thus * receive letters through Robinson G eorge, Park view
Romer Mark Lem on K .C . T h e W hite
Tw yford .)
A rbu thnot W. Rierson, The C ottage Rose G. Ste. C roix, Red house
T aylor W illiam E. Th e Old cottage
Browning Mrs. Hillside
Calnan F rank, Iv y cottage
W illiam s C lem en t H ilton, ShelvingCapon Edward 0 . Charfield
C hristie-M iller C has.W m .T he Deanery W illiam s M rs. Sydney, New Holme
W illiam s Mrs. Vaughan, Manor house
C ox A rth u r Stanley, G rove side
Cox Marion, Dower house
Yeo Frank Cory, Holme park â¢
C raw fu rd Rev. G ibbs Payne M .A.
(rector), The Rectory
A lln att W illiam , grocer & baker
Angell Francis, tailor
Dashwood M isses, The E lm s
Deane W. E . Sonning Dean
A ttw ell Jam es G eorge, boot m aker
Deare M iss, G rove cottage
Beadil, Wood & Co. Holme Park
D ru ry-L avin Mrs. The Old house
estate office
E iger Ronald Hayden, Sonningmead Beynon John, head gardener to F. C.
Y eo esq. N orth lodge
H olm an-H unt Mrs. Sonning Acre
Ingleby Mrs. A pple T ree cottage
Cox E dw ard & Sons, carriage builders
K e lly Edward F estus. Holme cottage
& jobm asters
Mathews E dm und Ffarrington, The Elm ore H arry, butcher
*F arra n t Sam uel John, farm er, Charville farm
May W illiam Norm an M .D ., B .S.
W hite house
G ard W illiam H .farm er, Sonning frm
H ull Thom as Halse, W hite H art hotel
Jeskins A lb ert, gardener to G. Ste.
Croix Rose esq
M ay W illiam Norm an M .D., B .S .
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .
Lond. (firm , M ay & Y o u n g ), p h yÂ
sician & surgeon, & m edical officer
& p ublic vaccinator Son n in g &
E arley districts, W okingham union,
W h ite house
Morris Bros, frm rs. H olm e Park farm
Osm an A rth u r Rowland, grocer
Prior A lb ert Jam es, news agent
Reeve W illiam , estate agent
Righton Fredk. farm er,E ast Park frm
Robinson G eorge, b uilder
Russell Thom as, builder
Sonning G olf Club (E .W . Brooks,sec)
Sum ner John, gardener to C. W.
C h ristie-M iller esq
W adham s John, blacksm ith
W ebb H arry, B u ll hotel
W orking Menâs C lub (W m .,
hon. sec)
S O T W E L L is a village and parish
m iles north-w est Leonardâs, W allingford, b ut now consolidated w ith
from W allingford term inal station on a branch of the B righ tw ell, jo in t net yearly value ¿ 4 7 2 , w ith 40 acres
G re a t W estern railw ay, in the Northern division of the of glebe and residence, in the g ift of the Bishop of
county, Moreton hundred, W allingford p etty sessional Oxford, and held since 1908 by th e Rev. H enry A rth u r
division, union and county court d istrict, ru ra l deanery Sealy M .A. of Keble College, O xford, who resides at
of W allingford, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Brightw ell. Th e principal landowners are Mrs. M. E.
O xford. The church of St. Jam es, erected in the year L a y, who is lady of the m anor, A lfred Dodd W ells esq.
1884, on the site of the old church, is a b uilding of J.P . and Charles Frank B yrch Saunders esq. Th e soil is
stone, in th e Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, a strong loam , restin g on ru b b le ; subsoil, chiefly clay.
nave, south porch and a western belfry, w ith shingled Th e crops are wheat, b arley and beans. Th e land is
spire, containing one b e ll: several fragm ents of an very good arable, w ith a sm all portion of meadow. Th e
earlier structure were found am ong the rub b le of which area is 702 acres of land and 6 of w ater ; rateable value,
the late church was built, including the greater portion ¿ 1 ,5 3 2 ; th e population in 1911 was 225.
of an E a rly window and the stones of a doorway, now
b u ilt into the north w a ll: there is a m em orial window Letters arrive at 6.50 a.m . through W allingford, the
nearest money order & telegraph office
to Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, erected in 1884, and one to
the Rev. John L a n gley M .A. rector of St. M aryâs and W all L e tter Box (v illag e), cleared at 10.55 a.m . & 7.25
p.m . ; sundays, 10.55 a.m
St. Leonardâs, W allingford, from 1829: the east window
is a mem orial to the Rev. Jam es Haldane S tew art: P illa r L e tte r Box, S tyle-A cre, cleared at 11 a.m . & 7.30
theTe are about 100 sittin gs, about h alf of which are
p.m . ; sundays, 11 a.m
appropriated. The register dates from the year 1684. Th e children of this place attend the school at B righ twell
The livin g is a chapelry, form erly belonging to St.
Cozens Miss H arriet, Rose v illa
Lay Mrs. M artha E m ily , M anor ho
Morphew A llan L. Style-acre
Powell Rev. Rowland H ill (Free
C hurch), Sunnyside
Saunders Charles Frank Byrch, Sotwell Manor farm
Saunders Mrs. Swyncom be cottage
Townsend Mrs. C roft v illa
W ells A lfred Dodd J.P. Sinodun
IW ells H enry W atkin , Sotwell hill
IL a y G eorge H erbert, Bell inn, &
W ells W illiam John H ow ard,E lm leigh
w heelw right
L a v Richard Bradfield, surveyor &
Batten John, dairym an
! sanitary inspector
Beesley Charles, b lacksm ith, Slade M orphew A llan L. farm er, Style-acre
End field
O rchard Geo. gardnr. to Mrs. Gordon
Beesley Hv. grdnr. to H .W .W ells esq Saunders
B rooker H enry E. gardener to A. D.
farm er. Manor farm
Turner F rederick, gardener to A . L.
W ells esq. J.P
Morphew esq
H olloway A rth u r, organist, assistant
overseer & rate collector,The Priory W ells A lfred Dodd, farm er, Sinodun
S T R E E T , see W alth am St. Lawrence.